============================================================ wrecked. not empty, but sore. so sore. rugby good. friends good. time out good, but so unprepared. no focus, hard to focus. so much to do, so much to do. list is full, most of it is important. need to make a task list, to make me good. i've been good for months now. i have the urge to escape and fixate on the new intrigues. everything else is just to tide me over til my next fix. pubnix, gopher, text-focused transmissions, stripping away the crud from the day to day. knowing there is an alternate world away from my world is beyond enticing and i wish to be there as long as i can. until then i fill the void of its absence with whatever pleasures i can find. i have so much shame in my dereliction of duty, trying to excuse my behavior by focusing on the little bits of time away. but who am i fooling? all those bits add up, pieced together to form the real picture. shrouded imposter, hiding my chaos, biding my time; so much left to learn, so much more to earn, bones tired and muscles burn. more worlds for which to yearn, challenging philosophies twist and turn. unreasonable expectations, unfit partner. i love my kids. my kids love me. they are great. i love that i can share a laught with them. i love that we can play together. they look up to me, they copy my behavior. i must make sure they don't make the same mistakes i made. and, i will guide them through the mistakes they make, with an open and honest heart. you made a mistake, so fix it, and don't judge others for making theirs. stay in a state of love for your fellow person. you fellow person loves you more than you think they do, and they yearn for the same love you yearn for. let others know you are willing to show them love. ============================================================