i've managed to climb out of a bunch of deep depressions since i last wrote anything here. i've been feeling better overall. somehow my perspective regarding a few key things that i won't get into currently has changed and there are days where i find myself enjoying the moment that i'm in. the weather has been particularly beautiful the last couple of weeks and my new fixation is on the Ukrainian language. i've noticed that my reading comprehension, while still very limited, is increasing and reading text and parsing grammatical structure has become easier. that's not to say that i understand everything i read, but i can now identify after a bit of analysis parts of speech and get a general gist of what is being said. the rugby season is almost over, but there are still a lot of team events happening inbetween seasons. my brother is moving up very shortly, and i could not be more ecstatic. i've been away across the country from him and his beautiful family for over a decade and so for him to be "right down the street" fills me with so much happiness. i can't wait to see what the future holds for us. so many great things happening, so little time and bytes to convey them all. i'll stick to enjoying what i'm enjoying.