### Date: 15/5/2019
### Time: 4:45am
### Device: Inugami.mobile
### Location: xxx

I’ve spent my day looking at alternative networks and researching "obsolete" technologies like Gopher. I’m really not sure why all these things appeal so much to me but they do. I decided to keep a diary, well when at least I feel like it, in a simple text format. It would be interesting to go back and read. I like this gopher idea: it’s so simple, it cuts distractions nearly completely and leaves you with content only. Even reading the news is a simpler exercise. As I’ve read in a phlog I’ve started following: “offering text-based asylum to those fleeing the commercialization, bloat and surveillance of the wider net", how could you possibly not associate with that? 

It’s 4:51 and I haven’t slept at all, tomorrow morning I have a loaded day. I like how quite everything is outside and how I feel right now. I’m pretty sure tomorrow I’m gonna be terribly exhausted, oh well. It’s 5:00am and there is plenty of light outside. 
