Sleep and Camp Coffee ===================== 15 Apr 22 Need to start sleeping earlier, getting into a habit of staying up too late. Sleepy daytimes. But maybe there's something romantic about the idea of stumbling through gopherholes in the early hours? It's been a few days since I first chanced upon the existence of Gopher. Been fun browsing the user pages and phlogs here (and setting this one up too!). Also got my SDF account validated today. Look forward to exploring more. Tried "Camp Coffee" today -- a coffee substitute once popular in the UK first produced 100+ years ago. It's a syrupy liquid made with chicory and a small amount (4%) of coffee. Seems it was popular in the past when coffee/the tools to prepare were expensive, and the method of making instant coffee hadn't yet been invented. It's advertised nowadays mainly as an ingredient for coffee-flavouring in baking. As a drink (3 tsps + hot water), it tasted a bit weird, unsurprisingly not much like coffee. Not unpleasant though. It's sweet from the sugar, but also a bit bitter like coffee. It's a different drink -- I think I could grow to like it (or at least enough to finish the bottle). hk