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Cream liqueur (like Amarula or Bailey's Irish Cream) 

How to make Cream Liqueur like 'Baileys'

What you will need :

1 bottle – This is a clear wine bottle with a screw top.
1 can of evaporated milk
1 tub of cream (double cream makes it thicker, single cream )
1 cup of whiskey or any other alcohol – Brandy is good.. 
1 tea spoon of instant coffee
1 tea spoon of vanilla extract 
A Blender

The volume of cream, milk and alcohol is about the same.

Put 1 tea spoon of instant coffee in a blender and add rest in order.
The alcohol, cream & evaporated milk, followed by the vanilla extract.

Blend for a minute.

Pour into the bottle and store in the fridge.
It should last about 6 months.
The alcohol will stop the cream/milk from going off 
- but it's usually all been drunk with in a day.