We're back in theatre. 

A quick meeting last week to check
in about fundraising, we jumped right
back into act 1. 

I've created a voice contraption for
Gregor, with the PiSound, and added a 
PiSugar, board with battery. It makes
the setup portable and rechargeable. 

I need to come up with the back pack
setup now, battery, amp, and speakers
all in one, I could also buy a portable
speaker and mount it in the bag. 

I am more involved with stopping and replaying
and directing this season. In the spring, I 
just wanted to make it happen, so the actors
know the whole play. Now we're moving
into more fine tuning. 

Costume still a huge burden... I need
to get drawing. My artistic director is
stepping back a bit and this is a big
piece... as well as music. We won't have
the budget to hire a composer, so I have
to come up with a base melody... Lets
get back on the fiddle, time to learn
Klesmer tunes!