First night as a single man. Weird day. Persona 4 track kept playing in my head, the one in the purple room, some churchy minor vocals. Packing up for my ex-wife. My daughter woke up late: "You're helping mom to move? That's weird" I was really glad she, of all the people, understood the weirdness of it all. The move went fast, 3 cars full of stuff and 2 pick up. She had so much stuff in the house, I realize now. Now it's only my stuff, and I have everything I need. My dishes set that my dad made, my cutlery, tea sets, crystal glasses from my grand-ma. First thing I did when I came back home, apart from crying, was to clean up. Broom the place, setup the small studio space by the bedroom. I find that people project a lot, my wife created a world, a world where it was only my stuff in the house, and she didn't felt it was her place. A world where I don't clean, where I don't make enough money, where I'm the reason she's unhappy. I like my space to be clean, and I tend to clean as I go, instead of always leaving a mess that needs to be cleaned later on... Now that her stuff is out of the house, it's completely different in here, I was living in her stuff after all. The evening was quiet, between cleaning, cooking, I watch a movie, tried to re-watch Boogie Pop Phantom, but I went to bed early. In my hammock, she left with the bed. I made a small bed for the cat, and she actually slept in it. I woke up early, as I went to bed early without too much food. The less I eat, the less sleep I need. No late night, no porn, no alcohol, but a few smokes. I hope to stop smoking soon. It's comforting when I am sad. I feel healthier already though. The emotional pressure from the last few months was awful. I'm worried about my daughter, mostly about her cell phone usage. The radiation of the wifi (I made her a cable here at home) but also the social addiction to these small machine, now that I am not around anymore. I hope to be able to add a few network cable in their new home. We'll see how that goes. I keep her, and her mom in the light. I want the best for them. I've become overly aware of my power consumption. By myself, and the house, I use 12 kilowatt in a day. When the pump was working all the time and with the ex in the house, we'd use well over 60 kw per day at 15 cents a kilowatt. I want to see how little I can use, not only to save money, but to be aware what uses what. I am even thinking to have the hot water heater turned off, at least during the 'non-freezing' month. Only using cold water most of the time, turning it on once in a while for a hot bath. 12 kilowatt still seems like a lot of power for a day. The pump from the lake and the pump to the septic being the 2 big draw of power, then the hot water heater, and the fridge. Cooling, warming, moving water. A composting toilet would take care of some of the septic system. But then I keep the house warm in the winter, while I keep the fridge cool. I'm planing to move the fridge in the storage this winter, just to get it out of my face (fridges are an ugly piece of western consumerism) but it might also use less power in a cooler room? I have a feeling that it might not even benefit to be in a cold storage, fighting to keep the cool inside somehow. I want to get back into intermittent fasting too. I used to do it for a couple years at least, and it felt pretty good. My body stores fat really easily, I don't even know how it does it sometime, when I look at my calories intake and how overweight I am. Eating by oneself is also quite boring. I love cooking for others, I feel I might get real simple with my own survival. I told myself to take it easy now, just do a little bit every day. Chop some wood everyday, clean up a bit here and there, since I live by myself, the effect compound quickly. I am going to a festival next weekend, leading a Yoga Nidra session, the last festival of the summer. After that we're back into theatre, karate, yoga, violin, and meditation routine. It seems like a lot! All of that seems to revolve around cultivating my energy. Using less power, therefor paying less money, therefor having to work less for the power I use. Having less distraction, less to eat, so then less to digest. Simplifying even more my life, I want to continue to get rid of stuff, brining a truck load every week to the dump for a few weeks at least. I'm getting more wood this year, and will try to use mostly firewood heating, again saving power. I wish the fire stove was more efficient here, connecting to a water boiler, having more 'stove space' to boil my tea water and broth. It's quite the waste of heat here. It's a new adventure, and I'm looking forward to see how it will unfold and at this point I really hope to stay single for a while.