Today I tested for 
the first kyu 
in karate

I sweat like a pig
I didn't bring water
I felt not really good
I felt sad

But I did pass
my basics weren't 
to 1st kyu level
but my kata 
and my kumite 
were very good

I landed a direct 
hit to my teacher
We're at that point
where I've learn
most that he have 
to teach me

I might be leaving 
the east shore
I might be leaving 
the lake

That might 
have been
the last time
I work with 
this school 

I will stay
until the 
end of the play
But after that
I don't know

I will have become 
a theatre director
a 1st kyu Karate student
a father
a yoga teacher
while living
on the east shore
of kootenay lake

Maybe a writer?