
Title: Shifting Interests
Date: July 09, 2024


  As of late, I've found my interests shifting quite a bit. I've lost a lot of
my love for most gaming genres, and find myself really only enjoying text
adventures and gamebook games (Twine, Inform, Quest, Ink, etc...), as well as
a few strategy games that I can play at a slow pace, like Mindustry and FTL.
I also seem to have a small love for farm sims like Harvest Moon, but not so
much for the romance part of them that always seems to get shoehorned into the
whole thing. But things like shooters, RPGs, and such just don't hold me now.

  Likewise, my interests in a lot of tech has been fading, and I've found
myself drawn to green living, low tech solutions, and even things like off-grid
living and vanlife channels on YouTube. I've started passing up streams and YT
videos that would have grabbed me only a year ago, in favor of seeing how a new
home was built with Earthship ideals in mind[0], or how someone is using solar
to power their minimal computing setup, or a vlog from a writer or someone
living off-grid.

  Even with books, I've been moving more toward non-ficiton and educational
pieces, with my fiction coming mostly from random books I find on Smashwords[1]
and various other indie eBook sites. Also from various Solarpunk tomes as I
find them. I've been trying to keep the number of physical books I have to a
minimum, because I'd like to be able to eventually move with less than half of
the mess I own now, tech and furniture included.

  It's kinda sad in a way. Things I used to love feel like they weight me down
now. Yet, it also feels like I'm starting to get into the things I wanted to
explore years ago, but never let myself really look into for the longest time.
Even if it winds up being a good thing, it's still something that'll hurt for
a bit.

  As they say, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Let's see where this road
takes me.


[0]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r31XymzJ7aA
[1]: https://www.smashwords.com/