Hello World

Inspired by the post `How I use SDF in daily life' published by agk at
gopher://sdf.org/0/users/agk/phlog/2022-06-07-sdf.txt, I decided to
invest myself more in SDF.  So some days ago I've subscribed for the
ARPA Membership after 4 years of being a free user.  And little by
little I'm settling a new digital home in here and found the desire to
share some thoughts in english via gopher.

It's not my first time with this protocol.  If I remember correctly I'm
surfing it more or less consistently since 2008, and I have my own
self-hosted server at huld.re since may 2021 (currently offline until
my new flat is connected to the Network).  It hosts various textfiles
and a diary in french (my mother tongue), the latter mirrored on
tilde.town where I have an account too.

In the physical world, I currently live with my wife and my newborn son
in Toulouse, the third (or fourth?) largest city in France, located in
the southwest.  I have a day job very poorly paid that I hate but, at
least, it pays our bills.  That said, having a university background, I
hope to be able to find better in the coming months.

I guess this will be all for this first post.  Until next time, I will
look for a way to update the main gophermap in an easier way while
listening to the aNONradio Headlines.