12/11/10 (11:57:52) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle logs into the Chat. (12:07:05) Prof. Oak: Trogdor logs into the Chat. (12:15:19) Prof. Oak: Rosario logs into the Chat. (12:17:29) Prof. Oak: PokeLord has been logged out (Timeout). (12:21:02) Prof. Oak: PokeLord logs into the Chat. (12:21:11) PokeLord: TROGDOR. (12:33:49) Prof. Oak: PokeLord logs out of the Chat. (12:35:13) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami has been logged out (Timeout). (12:37:53) Prof. Oak: Trogdor has been logged out (Timeout). (12:41:16) Prof. Oak: maizesmagikarp logs into the Chat. (12:45:24) Prof. Oak: Rosario has been logged out (Timeout). (12:52:47) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami logs into the Chat. (12:56:31) Prof. Oak: DEZTROYA has been logged out (Timeout). (13:07:11) Prof. Oak: Nick logs into the Chat. (13:07:21) Nick: Hello. (13:08:07) Prof. Oak: DEZTROYA logs into the Chat. (13:09:43) Nick: These "Flamin' Hot Cheetos" are good. (13:12:56) NightmareNick: Takis > Cheetos (13:18:21) DEZTROYA: .... (13:20:00) Prof. Oak: Brock logs into the Chat. (13:20:05) Prof. Oak: Shiny has been logged out (Timeout). (13:20:23) Brock: Dark! (13:20:42) Nick: What? (13:21:15) Brock: I want to buy some stuff from your shop :3 (13:23:33) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle has been logged out (Timeout). (13:26:51) DEZTROYA: Im going to go do something I will return later (13:26:58) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (13:27:17) ManaPhione: okeay (13:30:37) Nick: Uh, hold on. I'm watching todays pokemon episode. :3 (13:30:41) NightmareNick: Mana, do you have a Lanturn (: (13:30:58) ManaPhione: no... (13:31:19) NightmareNick: Ok. (13:31:24) ManaPhione: i don't like lanturn (13:31:45) Prof. Oak: PokeLord logs into the Chat. (13:31:49) Prof. Oak: GlaceonStation has been logged out (Timeout). (13:31:50) ManaPhione: real anglerfish are scary (13:32:05) PokeLord: Much scarier than Lanturn. (13:32:15) PokeLord: *Much more scary? (13:32:55) ManaPhione: of course (13:34:49) Brock: I ordered three things dark :3 (13:35:38) Brock: And I do believe one is free ;D (13:36:37) NightmareNick: Why is one free? (13:38:53) ManaPhione: buy one get one free sale! (13:39:19) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (13:40:59) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (13:42:36) Prof. Oak: PokeLord logs out of the Chat. (13:42:56) Nick: Yes Brock. They are. (13:43:21) Nick: Now, what pokemon did you order, Brock? (13:43:47) ManaPhione: you guys order so much (13:43:57) Nick: o.O Brock? (13:44:33) Brock: Check your thread. For the NN's too. (13:44:40) Nick: :0 (13:45:37) Brock: I'm on my iPod so I don't feel like typing all of it. (13:46:32) Nick: Oh, you lie Brock, NightmareNick did not post anything. =| (13:48:59) Nick: :3 (13:48:59) NightmareNick: Brock why buy 3 when you buy 4 and since your buying 2 you get 2 free :x (13:49:17) Nick: Too late. :X (13:49:28) Nick: I guess. (13:49:32) Nick: lol jk (13:50:16) Nick: I don't know what I'm talking about =/ (13:51:00) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami has been logged out (Timeout). (13:51:09) NightmareNick: Your shop needs a chinchou (13:51:20) Nick: ikr (13:51:36) Nick: I am actually thinking of putting one of those in there. (13:51:55) ManaPhione: is lanturn good? (13:52:04) NightmareNick: R u srs (13:52:37) Prof. Oak: Brock has been logged out (Timeout). (13:52:40) Nick: LANTURN IS AWESOME! (13:52:41) NightmareNick: Can you get it 31/x/20+?/31/31/x (13:52:44) Prof. Oak: Brock logs into the Chat. (13:53:14) Brock: I payed dark. (13:53:31) NightmareNick: 8D (13:53:35) Nick: Okay, let me nickname them... (13:53:58) NightmareNick: I'll pay 100 pallets for dah chinchou DPoD. (13:54:10) Brock: I'll sign on wifi. (13:54:27) Nick: When I breed and add it. What nature do you want it? (13:55:28) NightmareNick: Calm (13:56:00) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (13:56:07) NightmareNick: I need the HP, spec.A, and Spec.D to be 31 if you can get it. (13:57:05) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (13:57:10) Prof. Oak: DEZTROYA has been logged out (Timeout). (13:57:19) Nick: I dont think I can make it like that. But I will try... (13:58:59) ManaPhione: you can do it (13:59:07) ManaPhione: believe in yourself (13:59:30) Nick: >:C (14:00:09) Prof. Oak: obito14 logs into the Chat. (14:00:17) Nick: Brock, where is your ugly character? (14:00:37) Nick: I don't see a karate guy... (14:00:41) Prof. Oak: 2008_pie logs into the Chat. (14:00:46) Brock: What are you talking about? (14:00:57) Brock: Oh (14:01:03) Nick: You are not in teh wifi room... (14:01:04) 2008_pie: Are the forums not working for anyone else? (14:01:23) Nick: They're working for me. (14:01:24) Brock: Be there soon. (14:01:30) Nick: kk (14:02:40) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami logs into the Chat. (14:02:41) 2008_pie: wow they are working on internet explorer but not modzilla.... (14:03:53) Brock: Lower case plz (14:04:14) Nick: Are you freaking serious? >:C (14:04:40) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle logs into the Chat. (14:04:54) klaywaffle: Battle anyone? (14:05:03) Nick: I will. (14:05:13) Nick: When I'm done trading w/ Brock. (14:05:18) Brock: Thank you :3 (14:05:21) ManaPhione: klay (14:05:28) ManaPhione: no! too late! (14:06:34) ManaPhione: (14:06:56) Nick: (14:07:42) Brock: Nick you should battle mana to make him happy :3 (14:08:12) Nick: I'm going to battle klay. Why don't you battle mana? (14:08:34) Brock: Other nick. (14:08:46) Nick: Oh.... (14:08:52) Nick: XP (14:09:08) ManaPhione: you're confusing me (14:09:11) klaywaffle: That's why I still call him Dark (14:09:22) Nick: ;-; (14:09:33) Prof. Oak: GlaceonStation logs into the Chat. (14:09:41) Nick: Bye-bye Kitsune. (14:09:44) klaywaffle: O-wait (14:09:45) GlaceonStation: 0_0 (14:09:50) klaywaffle: I'll call Dark Nick2 (14:10:04) GlaceonStation: Nickpitofdoom2 (14:10:09) Nick: I was here before NightmareNick... (14:10:15) klaywaffle: Since there is already NightmareNick (14:10:19) Nick: D:< (14:10:30) ManaPhione: > (14:10:36) klaywaffle: But you got the Nick username after he joined (14:10:46) Nick: 0_0 (14:10:50) Nick: -___- (14:10:54) ManaPhione: Hey you! BE QUIET> (14:10:58) GlaceonStation: I thought you were a new member at first, er, Nick (14:11:00) klaywaffle: Exit Trade (14:11:06) Nick: I want to choke you right now, klay... (14:11:06) klaywaffle: And Battle now (14:11:15) Nick: XD (14:11:30) Nick: Hold on. I need to grab some pokermanz... (14:11:50) klaywaffle: Based on what I see (14:11:56) klaywaffle: You're trading with brock? (14:12:01) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (14:12:11) Nick: I just left the trade. :3 (14:12:25) Brock: Have fun with your drowzeez! (14:12:35) Nick: o.O (14:12:46) Nick: I saw that! (14:12:49) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (14:12:50) NightmareNick: To be honest, I hate this name. (14:12:51) GlaceonStation: LOL (14:13:05) ManaPhione: so who am i going against? (14:13:17) klaywaffle: Then get a new one (14:13:26) klaywaffle: Based on what I know (14:13:26) NightmareNick: DPoD, how did you get a name change? (14:13:39) klaywaffle: Justin,Jowy, and annie have the power (14:13:47) Nick: I asked annie. (14:13:47) GlaceonStation: ^annie. Juuuust sayin (14:13:57) klaywaffle: I tried asking JOwy a few months ago and then Justin (14:14:00) Brock: Time to EV train... (14:14:13) ManaPhione: where'd the 2 in your name go? (14:14:13) klaywaffle: They never really replied (14:14:23) klaywaffle: So I asked Joec (14:14:34) klaywaffle: And well he doesn't have the ability (14:14:34) GlaceonStation: You got the 2 off your name! I only just noticed! (14:14:46) klaywaffle: So NN just ask annie (14:15:16) klaywaffle: Of course Dark only got a name change because He saw that I got one (14:15:29) klaywaffle: Dark get on wifi (14:15:47) NightmareNick: Do you just send them a PM asking? (14:15:48) GlaceonStation: Most of the Mods are unactive *cough Arcanator *cough (14:15:52) Nick: IM GOING IN! (14:16:09) klaywaffle: I just posted via VM (14:16:15) The_Shinigami: LOLANNIE (14:16:36) klaywaffle: Who's Arcanator? (14:16:43) Nick: Actually Klay, I've been wanting the name change for months... (14:16:43) klaywaffle: Name sounds familiar (14:16:52) ManaPhione: i thought i was going to battle someone... (14:17:00) ManaPhione: fine then (14:17:07) The_Shinigami: baww? (14:17:08) GlaceonStation: Hes a mod of some sort, but he hasnt been on for ages (14:18:01) Nick: Why are you letting me set up on spikes? (14:18:02) klaywaffle: You really actually let me set up 3 swords dance?\ (14:18:21) klaywaffle: Mislick on avalanche (14:18:23) The_Shinigami: (20:18:01) Nick: Why are you letting me set up on spikes? deja vu... (14:18:35) Nick: THAT DID NOTHING! XD (14:18:39) klaywaffle: Why are you letting me set up 3 SD? (14:18:54) Nick: Cuz, I needed to get some stuff up. (14:19:27) Nick: Wow, explosion did more than I thought... (14:19:31) ManaPhione: are spikes that important? (14:19:38) GlaceonStation: KC hasnt been on for over a month (14:19:56) Nick: o.O (14:20:11) klaywaffle: Wow (14:20:18) Nick: ... (14:20:18) klaywaffle: Raikou lived on 1HP (14:20:26) Nick: 3 (14:20:32) Nick: Now I die (14:20:56) klaywaffle: Signature poke (14:21:07) ManaPhione: dun dun dun (14:21:12) Nick: Sig vs Sig (14:21:23) ManaPhione: there should be a spectator mode (14:21:33) GlaceonStation: Agreed, Mana (14:21:36) Nick: Of cource Gliscor wins... :3 (14:21:38) GlaceonStation: gtg (14:21:49) klaywaffle: This is why I barely use zard (14:22:05) Nick: You need a spinner! (14:22:05) klaywaffle: It always gets raped by rocks (14:23:00) Nick: You're being raped by my gliscor! (14:23:22) klaywaffle: Wait (14:23:24) klaywaffle: SD? (14:23:34) Nick: (14:23:42) klaywaffle: I forgot (14:23:54) Nick: This thing has a whole new moveset. (14:24:04) Nick: o.O (14:24:07) Nick: >_> (14:24:26) Nick: That was really wimpy of you, Klay. (14:24:41) klaywaffle: ... (14:24:53) klaywaffle: How is that wimpy? (14:24:55) Nick: Now, I'm asleep... (14:25:20) Nick: You realize I'm kidding right? (14:26:10) Nick: That isn't going to do anything... (14:26:28) Nick: Why did I do that? (14:26:41) Nick: Sorry about the crit... (14:27:28) Nick: -___- (14:27:49) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (14:28:09) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (14:28:35) ManaPhione: looks like things have taken a turn for the worse (14:28:47) klaywaffle: Mana you next (14:28:48) ManaPhione: what will happen to our young challenger? (14:29:12) ManaPhione: i'm still waiting in the room (14:29:35) klaywaffle: brb (14:29:54) Nick: brb (14:31:12) Nick: back. (14:32:02) Prof. Oak: obito14 has been logged out (Timeout). (14:32:14) Nick: That was a worthless crit... (14:32:20) Nick: gg (14:32:31) klaywaffle: Mana (14:32:35) Nick: (14:32:36) klaywaffle: Let me get a new team (14:32:42) ManaPhione: eh? (14:32:46) Nick: I am battling mana! (14:32:56) klaywaffle: I knew you would that (14:32:56) ManaPhione: nick just went and challenged me out of nowhere (14:33:00) Prof. Oak: Sceptilejack logs into the Chat. (14:33:10) Nick: You want me to run? (14:33:10) klaywaffle: It was only obvious (14:33:23) Nick: I thought you needed to battle someone... (14:33:36) klaywaffle: ME! (14:33:55) klaywaffle: We WERE supposed to battle (14:33:55) Nick: :0 Let us battle first. (14:34:00) Nick: XP (14:34:02) ManaPhione: looks like i'm actually going to do this one (14:34:06) Nick: I didn't klnow... (14:38:19) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle logs out of the Chat. (14:38:38) ManaPhione: don't i x4 resist that? (14:38:49) Nick: Yeah... (14:38:56) Nick: But it was fun to use... (14:39:05) ManaPhione: that still did i crap load (14:39:58) Nick: I was scared you would wake up... (14:41:12) The_Shinigami: lolwat (14:42:59) Prof. Oak: 2008_pie has been logged out (Timeout). (14:43:09) Nick: Why did that NOT KILL?! (14:43:15) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (14:44:34) Prof. Oak: ToasterRampage logs into the Chat. (14:45:36) NightmareNick: Hey Toast. (14:46:39) ToasterRampage: Hi (14:47:24) Nick: I never thought that I would beat Mana this easily. (14:48:15) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (14:48:22) The_Shinigami: Aha... (14:48:38) Nick: I won 3-0?! What?! (14:48:49) ManaPhione: that 4 turns of sleep messed me up (14:48:52) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle logs into the Chat. (14:49:00) klaywaffle: Back (14:49:10) Nick: gg (14:49:42) Nick: I kinda was happy with Breloom. (14:49:52) ManaPhione: breloom cheats (14:50:20) Nick: No it dosen't (14:50:35) Nick: I protected so that I woudn't fall asleep. (14:50:50) Nick: Then the toxic orb activates. (14:51:10) Nick: Meaning, I cannot get another status condition. (14:51:18) Nick: Then, I spore you. (14:51:30) ManaPhione: i saw what happened (14:51:30) Nick: Then I focus Punch a few times. (14:51:32) NightmareNick: You can still get secondary status conditions. (14:51:57) Nick: I can't go to sleep if I'm poisoned... (14:52:08) ManaPhione: i know that (14:52:18) Prof. Oak: GlaceonStation has been logged out (Timeout). (14:52:20) Nick: That was the whole plan... (14:52:24) ManaPhione: you got max sleep turns (14:52:34) Nick: To cripple your Venomoth. (14:52:38) ManaPhione: it only had a 1/4 chance of working anyways. (14:52:59) ManaPhione: if i woke up any earlier than i did... (14:53:00) Nick: I didn't get max sleep turns. (14:53:17) Nick: It is 5 turns, I got 4... =/ (14:53:39) NightmareNick: I know the solution. (14:53:52) ManaPhione: it was still a lucky break (14:53:54) NightmareNick: Use Lum Berry, there all better. (14:55:01) Nick: Are you and klay going to battle now? (14:55:16) ManaPhione: maybe (14:55:27) ManaPhione: he's not online now (14:56:12) NightmareNick: Lanturn is so unloved (14:56:24) Nick: I love lanturn... (14:56:39) NightmareNick loved lanturn b4 you (14:56:58) Nick: I loved lanturn since I first began wifi battling! (14:57:29) ManaPhione: lanturn is evil (14:57:30) Nick: Back in April.. (14:58:12) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle has been logged out (Timeout). (14:58:12) ToasterRampage: I loved Lanturn since G/S came out. (14:58:13) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle logs into the Chat. (14:58:21) ToasterRampage: Because it's a competition. (14:58:52) NightmareNick: Mana thinks the cute little fishy is scary. (14:59:33) klaywaffle: Parafusion Lanturn... (15:00:14) Nick: It is adorable. (15:00:14) NightmareNick: Cuuute <3 (15:00:37) ManaPhione: ocarina of time? (15:00:49) NightmareNick: lolno (15:00:57) ManaPhione: huntail is where it's at (15:01:03) NightmareNick: I think Banjo Kazooei or along the lines of that. (15:01:15) ToasterRampage: Banjo Tooie, fool. (15:01:15) Nick: Lanturn kills Huntail faster... (15:01:35) klaywaffle: Lanturn looks nothing like an anglerfish (15:01:40) NightmareNick: I was close, I've never played any of the banjo series. (15:01:55) ToasterRampage: DO IT. (15:02:07) ToasterRampage: They're fun, as well as entertaining. (15:02:21) ToasterRampage: But not the one for Xbox 360/ (15:02:35) ToasterRampage: I've heard it's terrible. (15:03:05) Nick: Awww, it is soooo cute! (15:03:20) Prof. Oak: Sceptilejack has been logged out (Timeout). (15:03:22) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (15:03:24) NightmareNick: These Lanturn wannabes need to GTFO. (15:03:39) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (15:03:49) Nick: ^ agrees (15:03:56) ManaPhione: lanturn is a huntail wannabe (15:04:12) ToasterRampage: Lanturn is Gen II (15:04:13) Nick: NO! Huntail is a lanturn wannabe! (15:04:21) ToasterRampage: Huntail is Gen III (15:04:25) Nick: huntail is gen 3... (15:04:45) ToasterRampage: Lanturn is based on an angler fish/football fish. (15:04:46) ManaPhione: no RSE is 3 years before GSC (15:04:56) klaywaffle: Anglerfish existed over a thousand years ago (15:05:17) klaywaffle: Lanturn existed 8 >=( (15:05:21) NightmareNick: Huntail = The WTF fish. (15:05:36) ToasterRampage: Huntail is based on an eel. (15:14:55) klaywaffle: Russel Viper (15:14:59) klaywaffle: Etc (15:15:39) Nick: Klay (Lady Gaga) GET OFF MY LAWN! (15:15:43) Nick: :3 (15:16:25) Nick is just trying to be funny. Aparently it has failed... (15:16:57) klaywaffle: My knowledge of animals and Dinosaurs is unbetable (15:17:09) klaywaffle: Unbeatable* (15:17:31) Nick lost THE GAME (15:18:39) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (15:20:15) Nick: I'm going to upload the battle I had with mana! (15:27:08) Prof. Oak: jimj logs into the Chat. (15:27:26) NightmareNick: DPoD, how about uploading a battle that ISN'T mana..... (15:27:40) klaywaffle: Ask permission (15:28:01) klaywaffle: You need mana's approval (15:28:48) Nick: Nick, you wanna battle? (15:30:13) NightmareNick: No, not right now. (15:30:26) Nick: Klay? (15:30:42) Nick: I haven't uploaded a battle between you and I. (15:30:58) klaywaffle: nah (15:36:56) NightmareNick: I came up with the best clause evar. (15:37:21) Nick: I'm going to do some of my Black Walkthrough, than. (15:37:48) Prof. Oak: Brock logs into the Chat. (15:38:11) klaywaffle: Santa Clause means no Delibird (15:38:29) NightmareNick: Pokemon Clause - No pokemon allowed 3: 12/13/10 (20:01:16) Shiny: Puerto Rico is part of the United States of America (20:01:31) PokeLord: But not a state. (20:01:43) Shiny: again (20:01:48) Shiny: >if you border one of the 13 colonies, or a state bordering one, then you're east. (20:01:53) Shiny: it says nowhere that you have to be a state (20:02:02) Shiny: just so long as you border a state (20:02:18) PokeLord: I give up. (20:02:24) Shiny: woo (20:02:52) Prof. Oak: maizesmagikarp has been logged out (Timeout). (20:02:53) Prof. Oak: maizesmagikarp logs into the Chat. (20:03:11) Heho: That argument got lame 4 minutes ago (20:03:30) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (20:03:54) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (20:12:14) PokeLord: Shiny, we killed the chat. (20:14:27) Shiny brofists (20:15:16) PokeLord returns (20:16:21) maizesmagikarp: opinions on new starter names? (20:16:50) Shiny: beautiful (20:17:05) maizesmagikarp: snivy is pro (20:17:24) Shiny: oshawott and tepig are the best (20:17:40) Heho: SMUGLEAF (20:17:44) Heho: HIS NAME IS SMUGLEAF (20:18:01) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon has been logged out (Timeout). (20:18:34) maizesmagikarp: agreed (20:18:45) Heho: >:l (20:18:48) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (20:18:59) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (20:25:24) klaywaffle: Where did the name smugleaf come from? (20:25:35) Heho: Google (20:25:41) Trogdor: you have 3 guesses (20:25:50) Trogdor: if it doesn't become obvious then I've got bad news for you (20:31:28) Heho: :l (20:32:34) klaywaffle: I'm thinking okay. patience, Heho, patience (20:32:50) NightmareNick: Klay, do you want to UU? (20:33:17) klaywaffle: Nah (20:33:26) klaywaffle: Not in the mood to battle atm (20:33:43) PokeLord: Heho, was it you who made the chat rules? (20:33:49) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (20:34:13) klaywaffle: Speaking of chat rules (20:34:15) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle rolls 1d6 and gets 5. (20:34:16) Shiny: yeah (20:34:16) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle rolls 1d6 and gets 1. (20:34:21) Shiny: but I made the rules (20:34:33) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (20:34:39) PokeLord: Isn't no asking for battles included in there? (20:35:52) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon logs into the Chat. (20:36:03) Pwnemon: hi (20:36:54) Heho: Shiny you link me to these rules. (20:37:14) Heho: I want to read them. (20:37:58) Shiny: http://pallettribune.com/forums/?showthread.php?t=7090 (20:38:21) Pwnemon: i remember these (20:38:28) Heho: Oh yeah (20:38:31) Pwnemon: these are the ones with such rules as, "fish shower" (20:38:35) Heho: The Rules (20:39:01) Heho: Of the spamboard. (20:39:34) Heho: As of this month you we're never in this chat. (20:39:49) Heho: Or at least you barely said anything (20:40:24) Prof. Oak: Heho rolls 1d6 and gets 6. (20:40:34) Heho: F*ck yeah. (20:40:58) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle rolls 1d6 and gets 4. (20:41:04) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle rolls 1d6 and gets 4. (20:41:05) Prof. Oak: Trogdor rolls 1d50 and gets 9. (20:41:14) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick rolls 1d6 and gets 3. (20:41:18) klaywaffle: F yeah. (20:42:32) Prof. Oak: Shiny rolls 1d97 and gets 10. (20:42:36) Shiny: aww (20:42:39) Shiny: I did 97.5 (20:42:43) Shiny: and it rounded down (20:42:47) Shiny: that's a jerk move, chat (20:43:05) Pwnemon: l2round moron chat (20:43:06) Heho: ROLL AGAIN FAGGOT (20:43:24) Prof. Oak: Shiny rolls 1d6 and gets 2. (20:43:24) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon rolls 1d12 and gets 10. (20:43:30) Shiny: I dd 3598235893. (20:43:38) Pwnemon: I hit 1d12.9999999 and it rolled a 1d12 (20:44:37) Prof. Oak: Trogdor rolls 1d6 and gets 6. (20:44:49) Trogdor: THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A p SIDED DIE (20:45:06) Prof. Oak: Shiny rolls 1d6 and gets 5. (20:45:14) Shiny: that was an i sided di (20:45:15) Shiny: e (20:46:01) Prof. Oak: I'm_as_bad_as_my rolls 1d97 and gets 40. (20:46:23) Prof. Oak: I'm_as_bad_as_my rolls 1d6 and gets 4. (20:47:02) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick rolls 1d6 and gets 5. (20:47:12) Prof. Oak: PokeLord logs out of the Chat. (20:47:16) Prof. Oak: maizesmagikarp rolls 1d6 and gets 6. (20:47:16) I'm_as_bad_as_my: I guess d6 is the default if the input after "_d" is nonnumeric. (20:47:24) Pwnemon: yes (20:47:28) Pwnemon: or if it's above 100 (20:47:30) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick rolls 1d99 and gets 87. (20:47:37) Pwnemon: you took a while to figure that out (20:47:38) I'm_as_bad_as_my: I know how to do that in Visual Basic. (20:47:43) maizesmagikarp: how2roll? (20:48:06) I'm_as_bad_as_my: Type "/roll" then "_d_" (20:48:14) I'm_as_bad_as_my: _ = a number. (20:48:33) Prof. Oak: maizesmagikarp rolls 99d99 and gets 38,88,54,76,6,27,64,33,31,82,94,?83,84,64,34,75,70,85,96,58,37,9,9?0,1,29,64,38,26,21,96,24,32,85,27?,31,88,55,72,37,15,32,87,20,86,93?,53,28,50,2,1,70,13,80,85,68,42,7?1,49,56,17,96,43,31,15,98,72,48,7?0,22,62,92,99,75,84,75,48,71,81,2?5,25,27,25,4,96,38,29,35,96,71,83?,22,44,94,42,95,89,58,49,95. (20:48:37) maizesmagikarp: i see (20:49:00) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon rolls 100d100 and gets 64,13,70,51,14,43,7,95,50,96,97,?18,87,78,42,12,40,95,15,18,80,91,?6,60,87,83,73,39,100,81,30,57,100?,41,93,83,6,75,22,22,8,47,7,28,33?,82,25,81,7,32,81,60,78,67,63,38,?36,58,43,24,12,9,60,71,38,67,91,9?1,54,85,20,50,72,36,85,93,52,41,6?5,79,66,8,60,27,61,17,66,93,79,39?,56,5,48,48,73,90,87,29,34,15. (20:49:01) NightmareNick: 0 of those are 99's. (20:49:03) Pwnemon: get owned bro (20:49:19) Prof. Oak: I'm_as_bad_as_my rolls 100d100 and gets 5,34,26,85,81,9,92,77,35,83,32,8?8,93,54,30,28,84,38,36,20,83,14,8?9,6,78,17,10,96,65,24,4,34,68,78,?40,17,76,45,40,72,81,100,85,48,43?,3,17,78,19,73,48,51,77,37,2,58,7?,41,92,44,96,54,13,91,8,12,84,21,?20,48,17,34,20,72,24,24,10,74,47,?96,51,44,2,38,36,6,19,98,21,12,32?,42,66,67,64,19,51,11,23,33. (20:49:28) Prof. Oak: maizesmagikarp rolls 1d6 and gets 2. (20:49:40) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick rolls 6d6 and gets 4,2,5,3,5,2. (20:49:48) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle rolls 5d5 and gets 1,1,2,1,1. (20:49:49) Prof. Oak: I'm_as_bad_as_my rolls 1d6 and gets 5. (20:49:55) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick rolls 100d6 and gets 3,3,5,1,3,3,5,2,6,3,4,1,4,6,2,5,?4,1,5,5,2,2,2,3,2,2,2,6,5,4,5,6,3?,5,5,1,4,5,6,2,6,2,2,2,5,6,6,4,5,?6,3,3,6,2,2,6,1,6,2,1,6,6,3,1,5,3?,6,4,3,4,2,6,3,3,1,3,2,6,2,2,6,1,?2,3,5,5,3,5,6,3,5,2,4,2,6,6,5,5,6?,6. (20:49:57) Nick: HOLY SHI-!!!!!! (20:49:58) maizesmagikarp: i wanted >9000 dice (20:50:03) I'm_as_bad_as_my: I put "/roll ndn" (20:50:26) I'm_as_bad_as_my: It said "/roll 1d6" (20:50:30) Nick: I unlocked the transfer machine in my English White. ^_^ (20:51:06) Nick: Now I have to get a Japanese SoulSilver or Heart Gold. -____- (20:51:26) maizesmagikarp: fun with dice (20:51:57) maizesmagikarp: they should remake r/s/e with the b/w engine (20:52:04) Heho: Oh F*ck (20:52:17) Heho: Trog get in hur (20:52:21) Nick: They should. (20:54:00) Nick: Klay, Why the f*ck is your avatar on YT a cookie? (20:54:47) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (20:54:57) Prof. Oak: maizesmagikarp rolls 1d6 and gets 3. (20:55:01) Prof. Oak: Rich_Richie logs into the Chat. (20:55:21) Trogdor: hmm? (20:55:22) Rich_Richie: Yeahhhh (20:55:28) Trogdor: OHMYGODIT'SDICK (20:55:30) klaywaffle: Because, you see dark (20:55:30) Rich_Richie: Trog <3333 (20:55:40) Rich_Richie: <33333333333333333333333 love (20:55:43) Trogdor: You need skype (20:55:46) klaywaffle: Cookies are an essential part of the human diet (20:55:56) klaywaffle: Without it we would perish (20:55:57) Trogdor: that is and forever will be the first thing I say to you from now on (20:55:59) Nick: True dat! (20:56:14) Trogdor: also <333333333333 (20:56:33) Rich_Richie: I know dude, I should have enough money for my new lappy after christmas (20:57:55) maizesmagikarp: less than three hundred and thirty three billion, three hundred thirty three million, three hundred and thirty three thousand, three hundred thirty three? (20:58:10) Nick: Well the silense dosen't sound to safe :o (20:58:30) Trogdor: Dick that's the best news I've heard all day (20:59:54) I'm_as_bad_as_my: bye (21:00:20) Rich_Richie: I thought you would love that <3 (21:00:51) maizesmagikarp: bye all (21:01:14) Nick: I guess I should start my new intro!\ (21:01:24) Nick: CamStudio, AWAY! (21:02:31) Prof. Oak: Dabomb logs into the Chat. (21:05:03) Trogdor: inb4 chat reaches absolute minimum (21:07:01) Prof. Oak: jrGEM logs into the Chat. (21:07:19) jrGEM: rich are you able to trade? (21:07:49) Rich_Richie: Trog, I can't wait to vote for you in every category for the TPT awards <3 (21:07:52) Rich_Richie: Nope (21:07:53) jrGEM: and nick can you help me evolve my new slowpoke my trick one (21:09:30) Trogdor: Rich I'll vote for you in everything you get nominated (21:09:49) Trogdor: which will be everything since I'll nominoot you for everything because we have a special relationship (21:10:01) Nick: Ask someone else please. I'm making an intro right now. XP (21:10:15) Rich_Richie: Samsies, we are like brothers that have never met <3 (21:10:20) Rich_Richie: Cept for in my dreams... (21:10:26) Trogdor: <3 (21:10:40) Trogdor: Why haven't you shown up in any of my dreams? (21:11:11) Trogdor: I drag my ass all the way over to Wisconsin to show up and [censored] in your dreams and this is how you repay me? ;~; (21:11:54) Rich_Richie: Hmmm, I'll fix this (21:12:06) Rich_Richie: But I wont do show up in your dreams for a few weeks (21:12:14) Rich_Richie: So it can be a surprise (21:13:35) Trogdor: haha (21:13:39) Trogdor: I can't wait (21:16:14) jrGEM: yeah (21:16:32) Rich_Richie: Good (21:30:15) Prof. Oak: I'm_as_bad_as_my has been logged out (Timeout). (21:31:32) Prof. Oak: Shiny has been logged out (Timeout). (21:33:48) Prof. Oak: Dabomb has been logged out (Timeout). (21:43:47) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle has been logged out (Timeout). (22:14:10) Prof. Oak: Rich_Richie has been logged out (Timeout). (22:17:58) Nick: YES! I FINISHED MY INTRO! (22:24:15) Nick: I am so proud of myself :3 (22:24:31) Nick: Well, good night everyone. ^___^ (22:45:14) Prof. Oak: PokeLord logs into the Chat. (22:45:35) PokeLord: What up? (22:47:25) Prof. Oak: PokeLord logs out of the Chat. (22:52:44) Prof. Oak: DEZTROYA logs into the Chat. (22:53:03) DEZTROYA: what i missed Richie D: (22:53:31) DEZTROYA: what kind of horrible friend am I (22:53:40) DEZTROYA: ;^; (22:54:09) Trogdor: It's OK Dez (22:54:15) Trogdor: he sent his regards to everybody (22:54:42) Prof. Oak: jrGEM has been logged out (Timeout). (22:54:42) Prof. Oak: Nick has been logged out (Timeout). (22:58:06) DEZTROYA: ah (22:58:15) DEZTROYA: i still missed it (23:18:38) DEZTROYA: jeez my back hurts (23:18:49) Trogdor: :< (23:18:55) Trogdor: My brain hurts (23:19:06) DEZTROYA: haha studying? (23:19:27) DEZTROYA: Moving boxes and furniture is always a drag (23:47:44) DEZTROYA: i guess the chat is pretty much finished for the night later (23:50:14) Trogdor: yeah.. =/ (23:58:51) Prof. Oak: Trogdor has been logged out (Timeout). (23:58:54) Prof. Oak: Trogdor logs into the Chat. (23:59:25) Trogdor: CTRL+SHIFT+T is the most useful thing ever (23:59:46) Trogdor: like when I accidentally my entire browser, I'm just one key stroke away from restoring it all 12/14/10 (00:18:15) Prof. Oak: DEZTROYA has been logged out (Timeout). (00:32:03) Prof. Oak: DEZTROYA logs into the Chat. (00:32:37) DEZTROYA: (00:32:41) Prof. Oak: DEZTROYA logs out of the Chat. (00:32:44) Prof. Oak: DEZTROYA logs into the Chat. (00:32:55) Trogdor: DEZTROYA (00:41:49) Prof. Oak: Straw logs into the Chat. (01:03:29) Prof. Oak: DEZTROYA has been logged out (Timeout). (01:13:33) Prof. Oak: Straw has been logged out (Timeout). (01:18:38) Prof. Oak: Trogdor has been logged out (Timeout). (03:51:44) Prof. Oak: GlaceonStation logs into the Chat. (04:22:28) Prof. Oak: GlaceonStation has been logged out (Timeout). (05:22:59) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick has been logged out (Timeout). (05:28:07) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon has been logged out (Timeout). (08:03:18) Prof. Oak: KLB logs into the Chat. (08:07:14) Prof. Oak: Nick logs into the Chat. (08:07:25) Nick: Hello. (08:08:10) Nick: Well, this is unactive an all, so bye. ;D (08:34:57) Prof. Oak: KLB has been logged out (Timeout). (08:39:59) Prof. Oak: Nick has been logged out (Timeout). (09:24:12) Prof. Oak: Straw logs into the Chat. (09:55:43) Prof. Oak: Straw has been logged out (Timeout). (10:42:09) Prof. Oak: Pokemon-X logs into the Chat. (11:06:01) Prof. Oak: Jimmy31428 logs into the Chat. (11:06:11) Jimmy31428: YES (11:16:11) Prof. Oak: Pokemon-X has been logged out (Timeout). (12:24:02) Prof. Oak: Rolitika logs into the Chat. (12:41:01) Prof. Oak: GlaceonStation logs into the Chat. (12:41:17) GlaceonStation: 0_0 (12:49:02) Prof. Oak: KLB logs into the Chat. (12:57:18) Prof. Oak: Rolitika has been logged out (Timeout). (13:12:32) Prof. Oak: GlaceonStation has been logged out (Timeout). (13:22:37) Prof. Oak: KLB has been logged out (Timeout). (14:14:57) Prof. Oak: Rolitika logs into the Chat. (14:30:50) Prof. Oak: KLB logs into the Chat. (14:45:59) Prof. Oak: Denvari logs into the Chat. (14:48:18) Prof. Oak: DEZTROYA logs into the Chat. (14:48:43) DEZTROYA: yo (14:48:53) Denvari: Hi^^ (14:49:03) Jimmy31428: Hello (14:49:07) DEZTROYA: i'll brb (14:58:18) Prof. Oak: Rolitika has been logged out (Timeout). (15:00:56) Prof. Oak: Nick logs into the Chat. (15:00:59) Prof. Oak: KLB has been logged out (Timeout). (15:01:17) Nick: NOW! WHICH ONE OF YOU WANTS TO F*CKING DIE?! (15:01:36) Nick: Oh... theyre not here. (15:01:36) Denvari: -_- (15:01:46) Nick: Sorry ;-; (15:02:02) Jimmy31428: I am (15:02:19) Nick: Hey hey Jimmy. (15:03:12) Nick: What do you guys think of my cheap intro? XD (15:03:32) Denvari: -_- (15:03:41) Jimmy31428: Haven't even seen it. (15:03:45) Denvari: Thats what I think (15:03:55) Nick: And your problem is? Denvari? (15:04:06) Prof. Oak: Shiny logs into the Chat. (15:04:09) Nick: I love Gliscor <3 (15:04:24) Nick: Especially the awesome one I bred last night. (15:05:17) DEZTROYA: your intro needs more Rise against (15:05:46) Nick: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k?-vsH9cbimU <BAHAHAHAHAHA! It is so cheap. (15:05:54) Nick: What do you mean, DEZ? (15:06:17) DEZTROYA: your song of choice SUX!!!! (15:06:31) Nick: I couldn't find something to fit it. (15:06:50) Nick: CamStudio dosen't edit songs and crap. -______- (15:08:16) Nick: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A?pmKHzFLR1g <I was going to use this. (15:08:24) Prof. Oak: Rolitika logs into the Chat. (15:10:47) DEZTROYA: not a bad intro song (15:12:23) Nick: I have nothing to make it shorter though... (15:13:18) Nick: Does anyone know of a software, where I can edit stuff? (15:13:49) Nick: I can't use WMM, my computer dosen't "like it". (15:14:15) DEZTROYA: anything thats real good you either have to pirate or purchase (15:14:33) Nick: ;-; (15:14:36) DEZTROYA: i dont know any free good software (15:14:53) Nick: Goddammit! (15:15:09) Prof. Oak: jrGEM logs into the Chat. (15:15:25) jrGEM: anyone nu battle? (15:15:28) Nick: OH! My mom said I can keep my skype account! (15:15:54) Nick: So, Christmas break I'll be buying a mic so I can talk to whoever. ^O^ (15:16:01) jrGEM: Congrats (15:16:32) DEZTROYA: i havent chatted with anyone for a while now Last person i think was heho (15:16:45) jrGEM: Nick how did the lanturn breeding go? (15:16:57) Nick: It went good. (15:17:10) DEZTROYA: I miss the days when the whole club with mauer was on chat almost everyday (15:17:36) DEZTROYA: Trog, Dave, Shini, Mauer, Richie, me for hours talking about shit (15:18:14) Nick: The only ones I ever see are Shini and Trog. (15:18:25) Nick: And you. (15:19:06) DEZTROYA: this is skype they are on that 25-8 (15:19:42) Nick: Oh, lol. Sorry. (15:19:46) DEZTROYA: not as much as then (15:20:00) Nick: I'm kinda scared to talk to Brock, Shreyas, and others. (15:20:29) DEZTROYA: man just jump in there and start talking its not that big of a deal (15:20:52) DEZTROYA: seems kinda wierd at first but it grows on you (15:21:03) Nick: Well, tbh. I AM UGLY!!!! (15:21:18) DEZTROYA: your not video chatting >..> (15:21:28) DEZTROYA: or are you? (15:21:36) DEZTROYA: ive only done that once with trog (15:21:56) Nick: Well, I've only video chatted with my gf. (15:22:27) Nick: WAIT! I shouldn't care what people think of me! (15:23:17) DEZTROYA: Chatting with a group is better than alone with someone else (15:23:30) jrGEM: that is easier said then done (15:23:37) Nick: I guess you're right. (15:23:59) Nick: True, GEM. I have veeeery low self esteem. =/ (15:25:29) jrGEM: I think it's impossible to anyone to not care what other think (15:25:37) jrGEM: no matter how hard you try you will always care (15:25:50) DEZTROYA: thats true (15:26:10) DEZTROYA: but with me its generally with the people i meet and friends i have in person (15:27:27) Nick: I would like to talk to Brock. :3 But I have a facebook and shiz. :3 (15:27:30) jrGEM: same (15:28:18) Shiny: ohhh yeah new sig (15:31:49) DEZTROYA: so is every letter linked to something different shiny? (15:33:21) Prof. Oak: MawileMachina logs into the Chat. (15:33:28) MawileMachina: Hello (15:33:29) Prof. Oak: TheLostimos logs into the Chat. (15:33:35) Shiny: yes (15:33:36) DEZTROYA: Hi MM (15:33:54) DEZTROYA: Hi Lost (15:34:31) Nick: IT'S YOUR F*CKIN NIGHTMAARRRRRRE! (15:34:45) MawileMachina: 0_0 (15:34:47) jrGEM: does jimmy still look at his store? (15:35:01) DEZTROYA: ask him he is here isnt he (15:35:13) Shiny: you should totally click on all of the links in my sig (15:35:16) Shiny: and read all the threads (15:35:22) jrGEM: i think he is afk (15:35:47) Nick: What does afk mean? (15:35:55) DEZTROYA: seriously ? (15:36:04) jrGEM: away from keyboard (15:36:06) Nick: lolyeah. (15:36:25) Nick: I thought it meant SOMETHING WAY DIFFERENT. (15:36:47) Nick: WTF?! I posted that after DEZ said seriously.... (15:37:10) jrGEM: no (15:37:18) Nick: DIE, DIE AGAIN! (15:37:48) Nick: NOW FEEL THE FIRE, FEEL THE HATE! YOUR PAIN IS WHAT WE DESIRE! (15:38:30) Prof. Oak: Denvari has been logged out (Timeout). (15:38:43) Nick: YOU SHOULD HAVE KNOWWN THE PRICE OF EVIL! (15:38:44) DEZTROYA: well im going to take my time today to Clean up my Games (15:47:42) Shiny: you guys should click the links in my sig (15:47:49) Shiny: mostly because I like advertising shamelessly (15:48:34) Prof. Oak: Jimmy31428 has been logged out (Timeout). (15:52:53) Prof. Oak: Rolitika logs out of the Chat. (15:53:03) Prof. Oak: Rolitika logs into the Chat. (15:57:49) Prof. Oak: Jimmy31428 logs into the Chat. (15:58:04) Jimmy31428: Hello! (15:58:16) Nick: Oh hey. (15:58:18) MawileMachina: Hi (15:58:22) DEZTROYA: Hi jimbo JrGem was looking for ya (15:58:26) Nick: Jimmy, are you up for an NU battle? (15:58:38) Jimmy31428: No (15:58:45) Nick: Okay. (15:59:05) jrGEM: jimmy are you able to trade ? (15:59:20) Jimmy31428: I suppose (15:59:24) Jimmy31428: Trade for what? (15:59:44) jrGEM: i want some pokes from your hs/ss thread (15:59:58) Nick: Yeah, I ordered something from your B/W shop. :3 (16:00:09) Nick: When do you think we can trade? (16:00:13) Jimmy31428: Um, what? I closed that a long time ago (16:01:03) jrGEM: oh (16:01:13) MawileMachina: Oh yeah, the B/W shop. I made a ludicrously large order there, luckily trading on B/W is faster (16:01:25) Jimmy31428: I could trade white now I suppose (16:01:36) Nick: Oh cool. (16:01:51) Jimmy31428: I can't remember what I'm trading though (16:03:47) Nick: I'll check. ;D (16:04:52) jrGEM: anyone up for nu battle? (16:05:09) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (16:05:16) ManaPhione: hello guys (16:05:21) ManaPhione: waaaaaazzzzzzzuuuuuuuppppppp (16:05:35) jrGEM: hi you want to nu battle? (16:05:44) ManaPhione: Sure. (16:05:59) Nick: Okay, I asked for the Vulpix. (16:06:11) Nick: Can I also have the tsutarja? (16:06:13) Jimmy31428: Oh, just a vulpix? (16:06:16) jrGEM: yes finally a nu battle (16:06:30) jrGEM: 4255 0163 6676 (16:06:34) Jimmy31428: Ok, I'll do that after I'm done on White (16:07:12) jrGEM: Mana, FC? (16:07:29) ManaPhione: 0904 5203 4422 (16:08:02) Nick: Well, my White fc is, 3911 3880 4319. (16:12:13) ManaPhione: waitin' (16:12:21) MawileMachina: I have college tomorrow, so I'm off now. Bye, people =) (16:12:31) jrGEM: wait (16:12:35) jrGEM: your dabomb (16:12:40) Prof. Oak: MawileMachina logs out of the Chat. (16:12:41) ManaPhione: no... (16:12:50) ManaPhione: This is manaphione (16:12:55) jrGEM: let me check fc (16:12:59) ManaPhione: he must have used my game against you (16:13:06) ManaPhione: we share games sometime. (16:13:30) jrGEM: oh (16:13:44) Nick: Hmm, Mana! Is that really you? (16:14:00) Nick: You're not acting like usuall. (16:14:07) ManaPhione: of course! (16:14:19) ManaPhione: what do you mean (16:14:45) ManaPhione: this is an outrage! (16:15:11) ManaPhione: blaaarrrrrgggggh (16:16:48) Nick: Well then, MANA, I MADE A NEW INTRO FOR WIFI BATTLING! (16:17:03) ManaPhione: yeah, i saw it. (16:17:16) Nick: How was it? (16:17:20) Nick: Crappy huh? (16:17:25) ManaPhione: what's with you and gliscor? (16:17:38) Nick: Gliscor is cute. <3 (16:18:09) ManaPhione: it's so... (16:18:14) ManaPhione: Purple (16:18:46) Nick: Phione is so... GIRLY! (16:18:48) jrGEM: ah (16:20:05) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (16:20:15) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (16:20:20) ManaPhione: hmph! (16:20:29) Nick: ;D (16:21:04) Nick is getting rid of music in intro, for something new. (16:21:24) jrGEM: aw (16:21:47) Nick: Why, that music is terrible. (16:22:01) Nick: It's about friendship, and helping eachother! (16:22:08) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami logs into the Chat. (16:22:13) ManaPhione: it's about hope! (16:22:23) ManaPhione: it's about dreams! (16:22:26) Nick: ,____,