;sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter=1 
;dedicated to: Merikenin
;thanks to all my bro and friends
section .data
c0d3r db "sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter=1 , c0ded by ev1lut10n",13,10
pjg_c0d3r equ $-c0d3r	

section .text
global _start:
	jmp _merikenin_start
	  push ebp      
  	  mov ebp,esp
	  mov ebx,0x1
	  mov eax,0x4
	  int 80h
	;mov ah,09h
	;mov dx,offset str1ng
	;int 21h
 	  mov esp,ebp  
   	  pop ebp
	push ebp
        mov ebp, esp
	mov ecx,c0d3r
	mov edx,pjg_c0d3r
	call _merikenin_writeln

	xor eax,eax 
	xor ebx,ebx 
	xor ecx,ecx 
	xor edx,edx	
	push   0xb
	pop    eax
	push   edx
	push 0x2031		;1
	push 0x3d726574		;=ret
	push 0x6c69665f		;lif_
	push 0x70722e6c		;pr.l
	push 0x6c612e66		;la.f
	push 0x6e6f632e		;noc.
	push 0x34767069		;4vpi
	push 0x2e74656e 	; .ten
	mov    esi,esp
	push   edx
	push   0x772d ;w-
	mov    ecx,esp

	push   edx
	push  0x6c746373
	push  0x79732f6e 
	push  0x6962732f
	mov    ebx,esp

	push   edx
	push   esi
	push   ecx
	push   ebx
	mov    ecx,esp
	int    80h

	mov esp,ebp
	pop ebp
	mov eax,0x1
	int 80h