ITS 1.5 Reference Manual

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
July 1969
 Artificial Intelligence
Memo No. 161A
(Revised 161, June 1968)

D. EastlakeAuthor of this memo, R. Greenblatt, J. Holloway, T. Knight, S. Nelson

This reference manual consists of two parts. The first (sections 1 
through 6) is intended for those who are either interested in the 
ITS 1.5 time sharing monitor for its own sake or who wish to write 
machine language programs to run under it. Some knowledge of PDP-6 
(or PDP-10) machine language is useful in reading this part. The 
second part (sections 7, 8 and 9) describes three programs that 
run under ITS. The first program (DDT) is a modified machine 
language debugging program that also replaces the "monitor command" 
level (where the user is typing directly at the monitor) present 
in most time-sharing systems. The remaining two (PEEK and LOCK) 
are a status display and a miscellaneous utility program. It 
should be remembered that the McCulloch Laboratory PDP-6 and 
PDP-10 installation is undergoing continuous software and hardware 
development which may rapidly outdate this manual.

* * *

Work reported herein was supported by the Warren McCulloch 
Laboratory, an M.I.T. research program sponsored by the Advanced 
Research Projects Agency of the Department of Defense under Office 
of Naval Research contract number N00014-70-A-0362-0002. 
Reproduction of this document, in whole or in part, is permitted 
for any purpose of the United States Government.

This manual was transcribed by David Carter from a scanned, 
typewritten original between February 27, 2004 and March 10, 2004. 
Effort has been put into being as accurate as possible in the 
transcription process, but due to the condition of the original, 
some errors have no doubt been made. Where there is uncertainty 
about a particular character or word, a best guess has been made. 
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Table of Contents

    0.1 Introduction
    0.2 Notation Used in this Manual
        0.2.1 Numbers
        0.2.2 Character Objects and Strings
        0.2.3 Bit Positions and Intervals
        0.2.4 Internal References
        0.2.5 Other Conventions
    0.3 Introduction to ITS
        0.3.1 Preview of Section 1
        0.3.2 Preview of Sections 2 and 3
        0.3.3 Preview of Section 4
        0.3.4 Preview of Section 5
        0.3.5 Preview of Section 6
    0.4 Introduction to DDT, PEEK, and LOCK
        0.4.1 Preview of DDT
        0.4.2 Preview of PEEK and LOCK
        0.4.3 Preview of Appendices
Chapter 1 Transmitting Commands to ITS
    1.1 Control Z
        1.1.1 Control Z on an Idle Teletype
        1.1.2 Control Z on an Active Console
    1.2 Trapping Instructions
        1.2.1 UUO's
        1.2.2 Non-UUO Trapping Instructions
Chapter 2 The General Transaction of Input-Output
    2.1 Philosophy and Organization
    2.2 The .OPEN UUO
        2.2.1 File Directories
        2.2.2 The Translation Table
        2.2.3 System Names
    2.3 The .IOT UUO
        2.3.1 The End of File Condition
        2.3.2 The Device Full Condition
        2.3.3 Non-Recoverable Data Errors
    2.4 The .FDELE UUO
    2.5 The .STATUS UUO
    2.6 The Input-Output Channel Push Down Facility
        2.6.1 The .IOPUSH and .IOPOP UUO's
        2.6.2 The .IOPDL UUO
    2.7 Miscellaneous Input-Output Related System Calls
        2.7.1 The .CLOSE UUO
        2.7.2 The .RESET UUO
        2.7.3 The .ITYIC UUO
        2.7.4 The .ACCESS UUO
Chapter 3 Properties of Particular Devices
    3.1 File Structured Devices
        3.1.1 The DSK, DKn, and Pnm Devices
        3.1.2 The UTn Devices
   The .ASSIGN and .DESIGN UUO's
        3.1.3 The COM and SYS Devices
    3.2 Unit Character Oriented Devices
        3.2.1 The Tnm and TTY Devices
   The .ATTY and .DTTY UUO's
   The Dial Feature
        3.2.2 The LPT Device
        3.2.3 The PLT Device
        3.2.4 The PTP and PTR Device
   The .FEED UUO
        3.2.5 The COD Device
    3.3 Robotic Oriented Devices
        3.3.1 The NVD, TVC, and VID Devices
   The .VSCAN and .VSTST UUO's
        3.3.2 The OMX Device
   The .ARMOVE and .ARMOFF UUO's
        3.3.3 The IMX Device
    3.4 Miscellaneous Devices
        3.4.1 The DIS and IDS Devices
   The .DSTART and .DSTRTL UUO's
   The .NDIS UUO
        3.4.2 The USR Device
   The PDP-10
        3.4.3 The CLA, CLI, CLO and CLU Devices
        3.4.4 The ERR Device
        3.4.5 The TPL Device
        3.4.6 The NUL Device
Chapter 4 The Procedure
    4.1 Philosophy and Organization
    4.2 User Interrupts
        4.2.1 The .SETM2 UUO
        4.2.2 The .DISMISS UUO
    4.3 The Core Allocator
        4.3.1 The .CORE UUO
    4.4 The Scheduler
    4.5 The .SUSET UUO
Chapter 5 Procedure Interaction
    5.1 The Hierarchical Organization of Procedures
        5.1.1 Procedure Creation
        5.1.2 Attaching Disowned Procedure Trees
        5.1.3 The .UTRAN UUO
    5.2 Controls over an Immediately Inferior Procedure
        5.2.1 The .UCLOSE UUO
        5.2.2 The .DISOWN UUO
        5.2.3 The .USET UUO
    5.3 Communication to an Immediately Superior Procedure
        5.3.1 The .VALUE UUO
        5.3.2 The .BREAK UUO
    5.4 The .GUN UUO
Chapter 6 Miscellaneous System Calls and Features
    6.1 The .LOGIN and .LOGOUT UUO's
    6.2 Nonstandard Devices
        6.2.1 The .RDSW UUO
        6.2.2 The .RD760 and .WR760 UUO's
        6.2.3 The .RD710 UUO
        6.2.4 The .RD500 UUO
    6.3 Various Times and the Date
        6.3.1 The .RDTIME UUO
        6.3.2 The .RTIME UUO
        6.3.3 The .RDATE UUO
    6.4 The MAR Feature
    6.5 The System Job
        6.5.1 The .SUPSET UUO
        6.5.2 The System Going Down Feature
    6.6 Examining ITS
        6.6.1 The .GETSYS UUO
        6.6.2 The .GETLOC UUO
        6.6.3 The .RSYSI UUO
        6.6.4 The .EVAL UUO
    6.7 The One Proceed Feature
    6.8 Miscellaneous
        6.8.1 The .SLEEP UUO
        6.8.2 The .GENSYM UUO
        6.8.3 The .IOTLSR UUO
        6.8.4 The .SETLOC and .IFSET UUO's
        6.8.5 The .MASTER UUO
        6.8.6 The .REDEF UUO
Chapter 7 DDT
    7.1 Introduction
        7.1.1 When DDT Starts
    7.2 Monitor Mode Commands
        7.2.1 Logging In and Out
        7.2.2 Inter User Communication
        7.2.3 Inferior Procedures
        7.2.4 Files and Input-Output
        7.2.5 The Control-P Feature
        7.2.6 Miscellaneous
    7.3 Interrupt Level and Context Tree Commands
    7.4 Error Comments
    7.5 DDT Mode Commands
Chapter 8 PEEK
    8.1 Introduction
    8.2 Modes Available
    8.3 IO Control
    8.4 Miscellaneous
Chapter 9 LOCK
    9.1 Introduction
    9.2 Commands
Chapter 10 References
Appendix A System Calls in Numeric Order
Appendix B System Calls in Alphabetic Order
Appendix C Available Symbolic Devices in Alphabetic Order
Appendix D System Variables per User
Appendix E Relics of ITS's Past
Appendix F Further Sources of Information on ITS
Appendix G Illustrative Console Output

0.1 Introduction

The reader will find below in section 0.2 a few notes on the 
notation used in this manual. This is followed in section 0.3 by 
fairly extensive introductory and overview material on the 
Incompatible Time Sharing system monitor (ITS), the body of the 
information which appears in sections 1 through 6. Then in section 
0.4 will be found a brief preview of the information appearing in 
sections 7, 8, and 9 about the three programs DDT, PEEK, and LOCK 
respectively. The first of these is a modified machine language 
debugging program that replaces the "monitor command" level (where 
the user is typing directly at the monitor) present in most time 
sharing systems. The remaining two are of a status display and 
miscellaneous utility nature. These three sections are each fairly 
self-contained as opposed to any particular section of the six on 
ITS which may be highly interdependent with other ITS sections. 
Finally, in section 0.5, appears a summary of the appendices to 
this manual.

It should be remembered that Project MAC, AI Group, PDP-6 and 
PDP-10 installation is undergoing continuous software and hardware 
development that may rapidly outdate this manual. Please direct 
all corrections, additions or comments to the author at:

Donald E. Eastlake III,
Room 915,
545 Technology Square,
Cambridge, Mass. 02139

0.2 Notation Used in this Manual

0.2.1 Numbers

All numbers written in arabic numerals are octal except as follows:

1. those part of a name, such as a type "35" teletype

2. those part of the meta-structure of this manual (a page or 
  section number for example)

3. or those that are floating point, which will always have more 
  than one digit to the right of the decimal point such as 3.14159

For the meaning of numbers which appear to be floating point with 
one digit to the right of the decimal point and which are not 
section numbers, see section 0.2.3 below. Numbers that are written 
alphabetically are decimal.

0.2.2 Character Objects and Strings

Character objects and strings are usually surrounded by quotation 
marks ("") and are relatively clear from context. Non-graphic 
characters typed by holding down the control key of a teletype and 
striking a graphic are represented by the graphic preceeded by a "^" 
as in ^A for "control-A". The special character alt.-mode (or escape 
or prefix) is represented by "$".

0.2.3 Bit Positions and Intervals

Bit positions in thirty-six bit words (word length on the PDP-6 
and PDP-10) are represented by the concatenation of a digit from 1 
through 4, a ".", and a digit from 1 through 9. The first digit is a 
quadrant number starting from the right or least arithmetically 
significant part of the word. The second digit is a bit number in 
the quadrant, also starting from the right or least significant 
bit. Thus 1.1 is the lowest bit and 4.9 the sign bit.

Bit intervals are represented by the concatenation of an included 
starting bit position, a "--", and an included terminating position. 
Thus 3.3--3.1 is the lowest octal digit in the left half of a word.

0.2.4 Internal References

Most internal references in the text of this manual are of the 
following form: [App x], [Ref x], and [Sec x]. These refer, 
respectively, to the x'th appendix, the x'th item in the section 
of this manual entitled "References", and the x'th numbered section 
of this manual. Some internal references are written out in less 
formality and combined forms are allowed, such as the following, 
whose meaning should be evident: [Sec x, y], [App x; Ref x, y], etc.

0.2.5 Other Conventions

UUO's ("UnUsed Operations[Ref 1]) that trap to the system [Sec 
1.2.1] to request action by it are frequently referred to as "
system calls". (This should not be confused with the .CALL subclass 
of systems calls.) Individually they are written in all capital 
letters with a preceding period. The reasons for this is that the 
MIDAS [Ref 3] assembler has just these character strings (actually 
the first six characters including the period) pre-defined as 
symbols. In pronouncing them, the period should be ignored.

The use of the system calls described in this manual is frequently 
illustrated by a short excerpt of pseudo-assembly-language. In 
such examples, the tag CALL will appear on the line of the system 
call in question. Frequently set-up instructions precede the call 
to emphasize certain of its properties. They should not be taken 
too literally.

0.3 Introduction to ITS

The Incompatible Time Sharing system (ITS) is a control program 
tailored to the Project MAC Artificial Intelligence (AI) Group 
PDP-6 and PDP-10 installation. It was designed in an attempt to 
provide the following potential advantages of a time sharing system:

1. More than one person can perform tasks not requiring all 
  available computer resources with seeming simultaneity; one 
  person can similarly perform several tasks.

2. Simple device independent input-output facilities should 
  relieve the user of having to worry about hardware interface routines.

3. Jobs which would otherwise require excessive continuous blocks 
  of time can be performed automatically in small parts over long 
  periods of time at reduced priority.

4. Various debugging and other facilities can be designed-in using 
  the mechanisms necessary to protect user programs from each other.

To achieve these advantages and the particular goals of Project 
MAC's AI Group, which require a high level of sophisticated 
service to a limited number of users, ITS is designed with the 
following properties:

1. ITS sits in control of the PDP-6 performing most input-output 
  for and allocating machine resources among various user programs.

2. All user programs reside in core storage so it is possible to 
  switch between programs with great rapidity and have 
  sufficiently short quanta to allow character response without 
  undue inefficiency. (Swapping of programs may soon be added but 
  it is expected that only dormant programs will be swapped out.) 
  A user may have many programs running for him "simultaneously".

3. ITS has a minimal direct user command facility to assure users 
  that they can maintain control over their programs. For the 
  utmost in flexibility almost all system actions are the result 
  of systems calls executed by the user's programs.

4. ITS attempts to provide not only simple standardized 
  input-output and other system calls but also much more complex 
  and specialized calls which reduce overhead or enable the use of 
  special devices and features.

MIDAS, a machine language assembler with macro facilities [Ref 3, 
10], was chosen for writing ITS because of the resultant 
efficiency, flexibility, ease in writing, and ease in debugging. 
For information more detailed or more recent than this manual 
consult the sources listed in Appendix F.

0.3.1 Preview of Section 1

The user of ITS normally commands a hierarchy of programs in 
machine storage organized in an inverted tree. The top procedure 
[Sec 7] is initially loaded for him by the system when he informs 
it of his presence by typing a ^Z on an idle console [Sec 1.1.1]. 
All programs may have inferior procedures which they can control. 
Almost all commands to the system are machine instructions [App A, 
B; Ref 1], which trap to the monitor, executed for the user by his 
programs [Sec 1.2]. The only exception is that he may interrupt 
the superior procedure of the program with which he is conversing 
by typing ^Z [Sec 1.2.1]. By this method the user can return to 
his top procedure at which point ^Z's typed on his console are 
ignored by the system.

0.3.2 Preview of Sections 2 and 3

The majority of the code in the ITS monitor is devoted to 
input-output. It has been organized with such goals in mind as 
flexibility, speed, and generality. Simple device-independent 
system calls applicable to all devices where they are meaningful, 
more complex but efficient calls applicable to most devices, and 
specialized system calls enabling nearly full use of some special 
devices are all available. Most devices are referenced 
symbolically [App C] and procedures may cause symbolic 
translations such that an inferior procedure referencing a 
particular device will in fact get a different device. 
Input-output may be done a character or word per system call or, 
for less overhead per character or word, an arbitrary size block 
of words may be transferred into or out of the user program's core 
with one system call. The user program is not required to have any 
buffers in its core image. Many special features relate to 
consoles or special devices on the PDP-6 such as eyes, arms and 
the DEC 340 display.

0.3.3 Preview of Section 4

A feature of the ITS monitor not frequently found in time sharing 
systems and contributing greatly to its flexibility and generally 
is that user programs may receive software implemented interrupts 
in much the same way that ITS receives hardware interrupts. The 
system is so designed that the user is rarely involuntarily 
uninterruptable for more than a few hundred microseconds. If the 
interrupt is dismissed in a normal manner the non-interrupt 
portion of the program can proceed even from the "middle" of a 
system call taking an arbitrary amount of time.

The ITS core allocator keeps a record of the status of each 2000 
word block of memory and the 200 word sub-blocks into which some 
of these are divided. It allocates and de-allocates memory for and 
at the request of procedures and system input-output routines. 
Most of its complexity is due to the lack of paging on the PDP-6 
which makes it sometimes necessary to "shuffle" memory to provide 
sufficient contiguous space for a procedure.

A scheduling algorithm is used which tries primarily to equalize 
machine time used by each active procedure tree (console) and 
secondarily to equalize machine time among those procedures in 
each tree. The system variables related to a particular procedure 
[App D] used by the scheduler and other parts of ITS are kept in 
system memory and do not impinge on the user's core image.

0.3.4 Preview of Section 5

User programs operating within the environment provided by ITS are 
organized (as mentioned in section 0.3.2) as inverted tree 
hierachies. Superior procedures can retrieve and store words in 
their inferior procedures as if they were input-output devices. 
There also exists a large set of special system calls for 
controlling procedures immediately beneath them and several 
special ways that procedures may communicate with their superior 
procedure. Buffered communication between arbitrary pairs of 
procedures treating each other as input-output devices is also 
provided [Sec 3.4.3].

0.3.5 Preview of Section 6

A large number of miscellaneous system calls and features exist 
for a variety of purposes. Some provide easy input-output to 
devices which do not fit the forms of standard ITS devices. Others 
provide the use of certain hardware modifications to the PDP-6 
which enable the simulation of certain features of manual control 
of the PDP-6 such as address stop [Ref 1]. The remainder are such 
minor but necessary functions as login and logout.

A special procedure, known as the system job, exists under ITS. it 
performs various low priority functions for the system and can 
check constant portions of ITS against a copy in an attempt to 
detect some forms of system or hardware failure.

0.4 Introduction to DDT, PEEK, and LOCK

These three programs all run under ITS but are more closely 
related to it than most other systems programs. The editor (TECO), 
assembler (MIDAS [Ref 3]), list processing language (LISP), etc. 
used by the Project MAC AI Group have also been modified to run 
under ITS but have very similar non-time-sharing versions. PEEK 
and LOCK would generally be meaningless outside ITS and while 
there is a non-time-sharing DDT, the version for ITS has been very 
extensively modified.

0.4.1 Preview of DDT

DDT originated as a general machine language debugging program on 
the Digital Equipment Corporation PDP-1 computer. When the 
hierarchical organization of procedures [Sec 5] and logical 
simplicity of procedure origination of almost all system actions 
[Sec 1.2] had been decided upon, the need for a conversational "
monitor command" program was recognized. An extensively modified 
DDT, with commands relating to various ITS features and 
modifications so as to be able to control multiple procedures was 
the obvious answer. For historic reasons a top level modified DDT 
under ITS is known as a "HACTRN".

0.4.2 Preview of PEEK and LOCK

The first of these utility programs, PEEK, is described in section 
8 of this manual. It provides periodically updated displays or 
printouts of various aspects of the time sharing system's status.

The second and smaller program, LOCK, is described in section 9 of 
this manual. It performs a variety of miscellaneous functions, 
some related to testing or debugging ITS.

DDT, described in section 7, is the normal means by which the user 
may load and transfer control to these programs. Note that the 
commands P, Q, and ? have the same meaning for both programs. The 
? command causes each of them to print a list of their commands 
with short explanations.

0.4.3 Preview of Appendices

The first three appendices to this manual are for cross-reference 
and index usage (although important cross-references are 
frequently included in the text [Sec 0.2.4]). Appendices A and B 
list system calls [Sec 0.2.5, 1.2.1] in numeric and alphabetic 
order, respectively, with the number of the manual section most 
relevant to the call. Appendix C lists symbolicly referenceable 
input-output devices in alphabetic order with the section or 
sections most relevant to them.

Appendix D is nearly a direct extract from the source listing of 
ITS. It is the initial "dummy" image of the user variable area, one 
of which exists for each procedure [Sec 4, 5] in a system.

Appendix E, included for completeness, lists certain system calls 
that are being phased out along with their replacements and short 
descriptions of their functions.

Appendix F lists persons to consult for further information on ITS.

The last appendix, denominated G, gives a single console session 
with ITS as an illustration in which the self documenting features 
of DDT, PEEK, and LOCK are exercised.

Transmitting Commands to ITS

See also section 0.3.1.

1.1 Control Z

The only item of input-output data recognized by ITS directly as a 
command is the character ^Z when received from an idle teletype or 
from an active console, that is a teletype in control of a 
procedure tree [Sec 5]. A teletype is a member of the class of 
devices that may be consoles, currently either a GE Datanet 760 
terminal or a KSR 35/37. Teletypes may also be in use as ordinary 
devices (as Tnm instead of TTY [Sec 3.2.1]) in which case ITS 
ignores ^Z's typed on them.

1.1.1 Control Z on an Idle Teletype

If the teletype is idle, ^Z normally causes the teletype to become 
a console and loads and starts as its top level procedure [Sec 
5.1, 7] the dump file named "@ HACTRN" on device SYS, or if not 
found there from device UT2 (see section 2.1 for a discussion of 
file and device names). The JNAME of a thus initiated procedure is 
HACTRN and its UNAME and SNAME are set to the value minus 1 [Sec 
2.2.3, 5.1; App D]. This will not happen if there is insufficient 
memory available or if too many people type ^Z simultaneously. ITS 
will echo a ^Z typed on an idle teletype if and only if it 
succeeded in starting a top procedure. If a failure to start a top 
procedure is due to a lack of memory, a console free message will 
be typed out [Sec 6.5].

1.1.2 Control Z on an Active Console

The effect of ^Z in the second case, that of an active console, is 
intended to be such that the user at the console may cause control 
of his console to revert to higher level procedures and ultimately 
to his top level procedure even in the face of hostile inferiors.

A ^Z typed on an active console is ignored by ITS if the console 
is being controlled by its top level procedure. Otherwise it sets 
a flag associated with the console so that it may not be assigned 
downward in the procedure tree [Sec]. This flag is cleared 
only by typing any character other than ^Z on the console. ITS 
also sets the ^Z interrupt bit, a class on interrupt [Sec 4.2], 
for the procedure controlling the console and possible for an 
arbitrary number of procedures, each the immediate superior of the 
last, extending upward in the tree from the procedure controlling 
the console. The condition for each step upward in the procedure 
tree is that either the superior to the procedure having its ^Z 
interrupts bit set is stopped or the current procedure was found 
to already have its ^Z bit on.

Action on ^Z interrupt bits set will be taken in less than one 
quantum time when the scheduler [Sec 4.4] next runs.

1.2 Trapping Instructions

With the exception of ^Z all commands to ITS are given by 
instructions which trap to the monitor. All valid commands are 
from a class of instructions called UUO's which are characterized 
by an initial octal digit of 0. These are discussed in section 
1.2.1 and listed in Appendices A and B. Section 1.2.2 concerns all 
other trapping instructions. It is a useful characteristic of the 
PDP-6 and PDP-10 that an identical effective address calculation 
is performed on all words fetched as instructions regardless of 
their operation code or legality [Ref 1]. Thus indexing and 
indirect addressing are available on all trapping instructions. 
Interrupts to the monitor as a result of conditions encountered in 
the execution of an instruction (such as memory protection 
violation, AR overflow, PDF overflow, etc) rather than the type of 
instruction are discussed in section 4.2.

1.2.1 UUO's

The instruction as instructions or words with an operation code 
[Ref 1] of from 000 to 077 normally results in the instruction 
word being stored in absolute location 40 modified by having had 
its effective address computed and stored in its address field and 
its indirect and index fields cleared. The instruction in absolute 
location 41 is then executed. Since all ITS system calls utilize 
only UUO's 040 through 047 the Project MAC AI Group's PDP-6 has 
been modified so that UUO's 001 through 037 and 050 through 077 
will trap, as described above, but directly to the user program's 
relocated core image with no extra overhead. UUO 000 will also 
appear to trap to the user but this occurs via monitor simulation 
that checks to see if relocated location 41 directly addresses 
(indexing or indirect addressing ignored) a location between 20 
and the location 6 less than the top of the user's core image 
inclusive. If so, a JSR to that location is simulated. If not, the 
user's illegal instruction interrupt bit, a class two interrupt 
[Sec 4.2], is turned on and a schedule [Sec 4.4] immediately performed.

Complete lists of system calls appear in numeric order in Appendix 
A and in alphabetic order in Appendix B. However, a list 
classified by operation code is listed here:

  UUO    Symbol     Description                                                        
  040    .IOT       Executed for each item or block of data transmitted between        
                    a user program and a symbolic input-output device [Sec 2.3].       
  041    .OPEN      Used to initialize input-output between a device and a             
                    program [Sec 2.2].                                                 
  042    .OPER      A class of system calls further decoded by the value of their      
                    effective address.                                                 
  043    .CALL      A class of system calls further decoded by the value of their      
                    accumulator field.                                                 
  044    .USET      Executed by procedures to examine and set some of the system       
                    variables associated with their inferior procedures [Sec 5.2.3].   
  045    .BREAK     Executed by a procedure to signal its superior [Sec 4.3.2].        
  046    .STATUS    Used to ascertain the status of an input-output device, channel,   
                    or transfer [Sec 2.5].                                             
  047    .ACCESS    Used in input-output to randomly addressable devices [Sec 2.7.4].  

ITS system calls were designed to be numerically rather than 
symbolically decoded to decrease their cumbersomeness and increase 
monitor efficiency.

1.2.2 Non-UUO Trapping Instructions

The only other trapping instructions are those whose first octal 
digit is 7 and the instruction JRST with the 10 or 4 bit on in its 
accumulator field [Ref 1]. The first of these two includes all 
instructions which effect hardware input-output and most of those 
affecting the state of the PDP-6 instruction processor (including 
user/executive mode). In the second the 10 and 4 bits respectively 
dismiss a hardware interrupt and stop the PDP-6. The execution of 
any of these trapping instructions causes an illegal instruction 
interrupt to the user (a class two interrupt [Sec 4.2]) unless the 
user's procedure is in iot-user mode [Sec 5.8.3]. The remaining 
way to affect the state of the processor is a JRST instruction 
with the 2 bit on in the accumulator field; however, in user mode 
this will not effect the state of the user, special or iot-user 
[Sec 6.8.3] modes except that it may turn off iot-user mode.

The General Transaction of Input-Output

2.1 Philosophy and Organization

[original document missing page 19 here]

user core image input-output is negligible in comparison to any 
significant processing of the data. Using system buffers has the 
following advantages:

1. The user may be interrupted, swapped out, moved in core, or 
  otherwise molested during an .IOT [Sec 2.3] as it is the 
  software transfer of data between system buffers and his core.

2. Real input-output transfers may proceed without consideration 
  of the state of the user program they are occuring for as they 
  are into or out of system controlled memory.

3. Higher memory efficiency is obtained due to the dynamic nature 
  of major file device buffers. Even for devices with fixed 
  buffers, such as the line printer, only one large buffer need 
  exist regardless of how many programs that could use the device 
  are in the system.

4. User programs need not concern themselves with the size of 
  physical blocks on devices.

Some devices do not fit this framework very well and system calls 
relating to them are not included in section 6. Miscellaneous 
calls and special features related to particular symbolic devices 
are, however, included under the device in section 3.

2.2 The .OPEN UUO

             ;error return         
             ;normal return        
             SIXBIT /FILNM1/       
             SIXBIT /FILNM2/       

Input-output on a particular channel is initialized by executing a 
.OPEN. The channel is numerically specified by the accumulator 
field of the .OPEN (CHNUM in the illustration above) and any 
previous transfer of that channel is terminated as if by a .CLOSE 
[Sec 2.7.1]. If the user is interrupted [Sec 4.2] during a .OPEN 
the channel may have been closed and not yet reopened. The 
effective address of the .OPEN should point to the first word of a 
block of three words in the user's core image which specify a 
device, mode, and file. The second two words specify the two file 
names (FILNM1 and FILNM2 in the above illustration). As a 
convention, the file names are usually thought of as up to six 
left-justified sixbit characters rather than thiry-six bit 
quantities. Some devices ignore the supplied file names. Other 
devices augment the file names by the procedure's system name as 
explained in section 2.2.3 below. These properties are indicated 
in the device descriptions in section 3. The first word has the 
three character sixbit device name in its right half (DEV in the 
above illustration) and the direction and mode in its left. 
Immediately below are the standard mode bits from this left half.

  Bit(s)     Meaning                                          
  4.9        Always ignored.                                  
  4.8-3.4    Device dependant but using zero should be safe.  
  3.3         \Rightarrow 1Image mode.                        
              \Rightarrow 0ASCII mode, alias character mode.  
  3.2         \Rightarrow 1Block mode.                        
              \Rightarrow 0Unit mode.                         
  3.1         \Rightarrow 1Output.                            
              \Rightarrow 0Input.                             

The device and file specified will be altered by entries in the 
translation table [Sec 2.2.2] made by either the procedure or any 
of its superior procedures. Because of this translation and the 
symbolic nature of .OPEN, it is one of the slower ITS system calls.

If the .OPEN is successful it will skip the immediately following 
instruction. If not successful it will not skip and will set a "
most recent channel in error" system variable associated with the 
procedure to the channel number on which the .OPEN was attempted. 
The reason for the failure may be ascertained with a .STATUS [Sec 
2.5] or via the ERR device [Sec 3.4.4]. Zero file names are not 
allowed on many devices and attempts to use them will cause the 
.OPEN to fail. Any .OPEN closes previously opened devices on that 
channel whether or not the .OPEN is successful.

2.2.1 File Directories

For devices with true file structure a file directory of the 
device may be read by trying to input the file with the name ".FILE.(DIR)"
. If character mode is used, a readable file directory terminated 
by a ^L and ^C results. If this pseudo-file is read from the DSK, 
DKn, or Pnm device, only files with the system name [Sec 2.2.3] of 
the reading procedure will be listed. Both block and unit modes 
are available [Sec 2.3]. For non-file devices character input of 
this file name will yield the string "NON-DIRECTORY DEVICE". 
Attempted binary input will fail (the .OPEN will not skip) except 
for the UTn devices [Sec 3.1.2] and the DSK family of devices [Sec 
3.1.1, 3.1.3] where an actual device dependant binary of the 
directory will be read. For the DSK family of devices a 
pseudo-file "M.F.D. (FILE)" is also recognized by the system and 
yields a list of the system names [Sec 2.2.3] for which 
directories exist on the disk. In general files may be written 
with these pseudo-file names and then renamed [Sec 2.4] so their 
contents can be read back.

In an ITS-produced readable file directory, an "*" by a file name 
indicates the file is inaccessible. This may be due to the fact 
that it is just then being written or it may have been deleted 
while open for reading and will vanish when closed.

2.2.2 The Translation Table

Entries in the translation table may be made or deleted by any 
procedure and have effect only at .OPEN time for the procedure 
making the entry and its inferiors. The entry consists of the following:

1. The UNAME and JNAME of the procedure making the entry

2. The JNAME of the procedure it is to apply to ("*" means all JNAME's)

3. Whether it is to apply to input, output, or both

4. Whether its resultant is to be considered final or be retranslated

5. The from device and pair of file names, where "*"s in from 
  positions match any device or file name

6. The to device and pair of file names, where "*"s in to positions 
  indicate no substitution

At .OPEN time all entries in the table are examined to see if the 
device and file names of the .OPEN and the UNAME and JNAME of the 
procedure executing the .OPEN match them. If so and the procedure 
which made the entry is the same or superior to the procedure 
executing the .OPEN, the substitution for device and file names 
specified by the entry is made and unless prohibited by the entry 
this process is repeated. Should eight successful and sequential 
translations be made the .OPEN will fail leaving a "too many translations"
 indication [Sec 2.5] and no further attempt will be made to translate. The .TRANS UUO

  CALL:      .TRANS FILNAM         
             ;error return         
             ;normal return        
             SIXBIT /FILNM1/       
             SIXBIT /FILNM2/       

This system call is expected to point to a three word block in the 
same manner as a .OPEN [Sec 2.2]. It normally skips and returns 
with the block replaced by its translation (the block pointed to 
by a .OPEN is never changed by the execution of the .OPEN). If too 
many levels of translation are required it will not skip and the 
block will be unchanged. The .TRANAD UUO

  CALL:      .TRANAD TBLOCK                                                      
             ;error return                                                       
             ;normal return                                                      
  TBLOCK:    UNAME             ;UNAME of procedure making & subject to entry     
             JNAME             ;JNAME for procedure subject to entry             
             ATMIO,,DEV1       ;4.9 = 0  \Rightarrow  retranslate                
                               ;4.9 = 1  \Rightarrow  atomic, don't retranslate  
                               ;3.2 = 1  \Rightarrow  applies to output .OPEN's  
                               ;3.1 = 1  \Rightarrow  applies to input .OPEN's   
                               ;DEV1 = from device                               
             FN11              ;from file names                                  
             ,,DEV2            ;to device                                        
             FN21              ;to file names                                    

This system call makes new entries in the translation table. All 
information for the entry is specified by an eight word block 
pointed to by the UUO (TBLOCK in the illustration above). Before 
trying to insert a new entry in the translation table, this system 
call simulates a .TRANDL pointing at the same block to eliminate 
redundant entries. If a .TRANAD is successful in creating an entry 
it skips. If not, because the first entry in the block is 
incorrect or the translation table is full, it returns without skipping. The .TRANDL UUO

This system call deletes entries in the translation table and 
normally points at an eight word block identical to the one which 
was used by the corresponding .TRANAD. See section 
immediately above for the contents of this normal block. If may, 
if appropriate, modify the ATMIO bits of an entry for both input 
and output to delete one or the other. It skips if successful in 
deleting an entry or removing one of the directions to which it 
applies. If it effects no change in the translation table, it 
returns without skipping. It also has a special form where the 
first work of the block is zero (not a possible UNAME). In this 
case all entries previously made by the procedure doing the 
.TRANDL relating to the JNAME in the second word of the block are 
deleted. This special form always skips and does not examine the 
remaining six words of the block.

2.2.3 System Names

In order to distinguish the files of different users of ITS on 
shared devices with common file directories a third file name is 
used. This file name is referred to as a procedure's "system name" 

In reading, writing, deleting, etc. files on the DSK and related 
devices [Sec 3.1.1] and on the core link devices [Sec 3.4.3], ITS 
obtains a third file name from the SNAME [App D] associated with 
the procedure. This variable is set, when the procedure is 
initially created, to the common UNAME [App D] of the procedure 
tree [Sec 5.1] the procedure is in. This is normally the name the 
user has logged in as [Sec 5.1] so his procedures will initially 
refer to his files. However, a procedure may examine and change 
its own SNAME by means of an .SUSET [Sec 4.5] and may examine and 
change the SNAME of any of its inferiors with a .USET [Sec 5.2.3].

The system name facility is also used to simulate certain 
pseudo-devices as explained in sections 3.1.3 and 3.4.5.

2.3 The .IOT UUO

  ;unit mode                                                                                          
  CALL:          .IOT CHNUM,DATLOC                                                                    
  DATLOC:        ;place char or word read into or written from                                        
  ;block mode                                                                                         
  CALL:          .IOT CHNUM,PNTR                                                                      
  PNTR:          --LENGTH,,DATLOC                                 ;pointer, modified during transfer  
  DATLOC:        BLOCK LENGTH                                     ;block read into or written from    

All actual data transfers to or from devices being handled via 
input-output channels are initiated by .IOT's. The accumulator 
field of a .IOT should contain the number of an input-output 
channel (CHNUM in the above illustrations) that has been set up 
for transfer in a particular mode between the procedure and a 
particular device by a successful .OPEN [Sec 2.2]. If the channel 
has not been .OPEN'ed the procedure will receive an input-output 
channel error interrupt (a class two interrupt [Sec 4.2]). Also 
the number of the channel on which the .IOT was attempted will be 
remembered as the most recent erroneous channel for use by the ERR 
device [Sec 3.4.4]. The effective address of a .IOT is used 
somewhat differently depending on whether the channel is open in 
unit or block mode.

For unit mode (the first of the two illustrations above) the 
effective address points to a word to be written from or read 
into. For character unit modes the character is right justified 
and the rest of the word is ignored on output and zeroed (except 
as mentioned in section 2.3.1 on input. Some devices, which are 
classified as input, use the contents of the effective address as 
an argument to determine what they will store back (see devices 
IMX, VID, and NVD).

Block modes always read or write to a contiguous block of words. 
The contents of the effective address of the .IOT is interpreted 
as having minus the length of the block in its left half and the 
address of the first word in its right half (see second 
illustration above). Block mode normally treats each word in the 
block identically to the corresponding unit mode except that block 
character modes pack five characters of seven bits per word left 
adjusted. The block pointer word pointed to by the .IOT is 
advanced as the transfer progresses so that if it completes the 
left half will be zero and the right half will point to one 
greater than the last word processed. If a procedure is 
interrupted out of a block mode .IOT the pointer word will reflect 
the progress of the transfer when it was interrupted.

Block character input-output from some devices which are naturally 
one character at a time is limited to blocks of length 77777 words 
or less and the top three bits of the pointer word are used during 
the transfer as a character count.

When a .IOT returns to the user without causing an input-output 
channel error, the transfer it requested will have been completed 
for unit mode input or output or block mode output. For block mode 
input, the count in the pointer word will indicate the amount 
transferred which may be less than that requested if an end of 
file is reached [Sec 2.3.1].

2.3.1 The End of File Condition

For devices on which the end of file while reading condition is 
meaningful it is signaled to the user in various ways depending on 
the transfer mode. For character devices in the character at a 
time mode a ^C will be read with the left half of the word read 
into set to minus one. In block character mode the last word will 
be filled out with ^C's. Usually the pointer word will not have 
counted out as the end of file did not occur on a block boundary. 
For word devices, the user must normally determine the logical end 
of file from the data being read although physical end of file is 
detectable in block mode by the lack of advancement of the pointer 
word. On some devices, attempts to read beyond an end of file will 
cause the input-output channel to be automatically .CLOSE'ed [Sec 
2.7.1] and further .IOT's will cause input-output channel errors 
(class two interrupts [Sec 4.2]).

When packed characters are being read from a word device the 
physical block is normally filled out with ^C's but some older 
files on DEC tape [Sec 3.1.2] are filled out with the character 
whose ASCII value is 141 ("a"). The end of file character for a 
particular file can be determined after the file has been opened 
by putting the number of the input-output channel it is open on in 
the accumulator specified by an .EOFC. This channel number will be 
replaced with the end of file character for that channel by the 
execution of the .EOFC. See following illustration:

           MOVEI AC,CHNUM                                              
  CALL:    .EOFC AC,         ;replaces CHNUM in AC with eof character  

2.3.2 The Device Full Condition

Attempted output on a full file structured device (UTn, DSK) 
results in an input-output channel error (a class two interrupt 
[Sec 4.2]) for the outputing procedure. This interrupt will occur 
for the .IOT that failed in such a way that it may be successfully 
resumed if the procedure's interrupt routine or some other 
procedure deletes material from the full device. The channel on 
which the error occured is saved by ITS for the ERR device.

2.3.3 Non-Recoverable Data Errors

ITS normally encounters non-recoverable data errors when reading 
into its buffer for the user asynchronously with any UUO's by the 
user. After a fixed number of attempts it accepts the possible 
erroneous data which it will later give to the user if her reads 
far enough. It also sets a flag related to the channel so the next 
.IOT performed on it will give an input-output channel error 
interrupt. The purpose of this flag is to avoid giving the user a 
channel error interupt with no indication of which channel it is 
on. The user's program may return to the .IOT and continue reading 
the file after handling the interrupt.

2.4 The .FDELE UUO

The system call .FDELE is used for deleting and renaming files. It 
points at a five word block which, for the three types of 
.FDELE's, contain the following:

           ;error return   
           ;normal return  

  ;file delete                                                                         
  FBLOCK:                                   ---,,DEV    ;device on which to find file  
                                            FN1         ;names of file to be deleted   
                                            0           ;zero                          
                                            ---         ;unexamined                    
  ;normal file rename                                                                  
  FBLOCK:                                   ---,,DEV    ;device on which to find file  
                                            FN11        ;old file names                
                                            FN21        ;new file names                
| ;rename of file while open for writing                                               
  FBLOCK:                                   ---         ;unexamined                    
                                            CHNUM       ;channel on which open         
                                            FN1         ;new file names                

An .FDELE on a device that is not truly file structured has no 
effect but skips as do all successful effective .FDELE's. If a 
.FDELE does not skip the reason for its failue may be determined 
with a .STATUS as though the .FDELE had been a failing .OPEN on 
channel zero [Sec 2.5].


  CALL:      .STATUS CHNUM,DATLOC                               
  DATLOC:    ;location status information is stored in by call  

The accumulator field of this system call is the number of an 
input-output channel (CHNUM in the above illustration) whose 
status word replaces the contents of the effective address (DATLOC 
in the above illustration) of the UUO. This status word is 
described in detail by the tables below; however, its general 
composition is as follows:

* The left half relates to the channel and it set by failing 
  .OPEN's, failing .FDELE's and input-output channel errors

* The right half relates to the device, if any, open on the 
  channel and the state of the transfer between it and the user.

  Bit(s)     Meaning                                          
  1.1-1.6    ITS physical device code (see table below).      
  1.7-1.9    Mode in which device was opened.                 
  2.1        1  \Rightarrow  buffering capacity empty.        
  2.2        1  \Rightarrow  buffering capacity full.         
  2.3-2.9    Device dependent.                                
  3.1-3.6    Set by failing .OPEN's and .FDELE's              
  3.7-3.9    Set by interpreted display [Sec 3.4.1]           
              input-output channel errors (see table below).  
  4.1-4.5    Set by non-display input-output channel          
             errors (see table below).                        
  4.6-4.9    Always zero.                                     

The following is a table of ITS device codes (note that the 40 bit 
indicates that the file names used are significant and the 20 bit 
indictes a software device):

  Code    Symbol    Device                                 
  1       Tnm       Teletype (KSR 35/37).                  
  2       Tnm       GE display and keyboard.               
  3       LPT       Line printer.                          
  4       VID       Old vidisector ""(TVB).                
  5       NVD       New vidisector ""(TVC).                
  6       PLT       Calcomp plotter.                       
  7       PTP       Paper tape punch.                      
  10      IMX       Input multiplextor (A-D).              
  11      OMX       Output multiplexor (D-A).              
  12      PTR       Paper tape reader.                     
  13      DIS       DEC 340 display.                       
  14      IDS       Interpreted display.                   
  15      COD       Morse code transmitter.                
  16      COD       Morse code receiver.                   
  21      NUL       Null device.                           
  41      UTn       DEC tape.                              
  43      DSK       2311 disks.                            
  60      USR       A not immediately inferior procedure.  
  61      USR       An inferior procedure.                 
  62      CLx       Core link device.                      
  63      ---       The directory service [Sec 2.2.1].     
  64      USR       PDP-10 device.                         

The following is a list of the codes left by failing .OPEN's and .FDELE's:

  Code    Reason                                       
  1       No such device.                              
  2       Wrong direction.                             
  3       Too many translations.                       
  4       File not found.                              
  5       Directory full.                              
  6       Device full.                                 
  7       Device not ready.                            
  10      Device not available.                        
  11      Illegal file name.                           
  12      Mode not available.                          
  13      File already exists (attempted rename).      
  14      Bad channel number (attempted open rename).  
  15      Link depth limit exceeded (DSK).             
  16      Pack not mounted (Pnm).                      
  17      Directory not now available.                 
  20      User doesn't exist (DSK or USR).             
  21      Local service only.                          

The following are the error codes left by the 340 interpretive 
display routines:

  Code    Meaning                                      
  1       Illegal scope mode.                          
  2       Scope hung.                                  
  3       More than 2000 words scope buffer.           
  4       Memory protection violation.                 
  5       Illegal scope operation.                     
  6       Memory protection violation on PDL pointer.  
  7       Illegal parameter set.                       

The following are the non-display input-output channel error codes:

  Code    Meaning                                                     
  3       Non-recoverable data error on read [Sec 2.3.3].             
  4       Non-existant sub-device (such as IMX channel [Sec 3.3.3]).  
  5       Over .IOPOP [Sec 2.6.1].                                    
  6       Over .IOPUSH [Sec 2.6.1].                                   
  7       Channel does not have a procedure open on it.               
  8       Channel not open.                                           
  9       Device full [Sec 2.3.2].                                    

2.6 The Input-Output Channel Push Down Facility

For greater flexibility in input-output than that available with 
the basic input-output channel system [Sec 2.1], a facility is 
provided whereby a limited number of input-output transactions may 
be stored for later resumption. Meanwhile the channel they were 
being effected on may be otherwise utilized.

2.6.1 The .IOPUSH and .IOPOP UUO's

  CALL:    .IOPUSH CHNUM,    ;push channel number CHNUM  
  CALL:    .IOPOP CHNUM,     ;pop channel number CHNUM   

These instructions treat input-output channels as the PUSH and POP 
instructions [Ref 1] do memory locations. A channel may be 
.IOPUSH'ed regardless of whether it is open or not and any 
transfer in progress on it will be inaccessable until the slot 
occupied by the information pushed is .IOPOP'ed (possible by 
.IOPDL [Sec 2.6.2]) into a channel (possible different from that 
from which it was .IOPUSH'ed). The error status and .ACCESS [Sec 
2.7.4] pointer for a channel are also correctly stored and 
restored. Executing a .IOPOP into a channel first .CLOSE's the 
channel. Each procedure's input-output channel push down list [App 
D] has space for eight entries.

2.6.2 The .IOPDL UUO

  CALL:    .IOPDL     ;reset input-output channel pdl  

This system call takes no arguments and is intended to reset a 
procedure's input-output channel push down list. Entries on a 
procedure's input-output channel push down list actually contain 
the number of the channel that was pushed to produce the entry. 
This information is used only by .IOPDL whose execution is 
equivalent to the number of .IOPOP's [Sec 2.6.1] equal to the 
number of entries in the procedure's input-output push down list 
and which .IOPOP each entry back into the channel from which it 
was .IOPUSH'ed.

2.7 Miscellaneous Input-Output Related System Calls

The following system calls relate to most or all devices handled 
via input-output channels.

2.7.1 The .CLOSE UUO

  CALL:    .CLOSE CHNUM,    ;close input-output channel  

This system call closes the input-output channel whose number 
(CHNUM in the above illustration) is in its accumulator field. It 
has no effect if the channel is not open. Executing a .IOT on the 
channel without reopening it will result in an input-output 
channel error. For devices with true file structure it is at close 
time that a file with the same name as one being written is deleted.

2.7.2 The .RESET UUO

  CALL:    .RESET CHNUM,    ;reset input-output channel  

This system call is intended to reset system buffer pointers so 
that buffered data on an input-output channel (specified by the 
accumulator field as with CHNUM in the above illustration) will be 
ignored. It is currently implemented for the following devices: 
Tnm, TTY, LPT, PLT, PTR, TVC, and USR. For the USR device it has 
special effects [Sec 3.4.2].

2.7.3 The .ITYIC UUO

           MOVEI AC, CHNUM    ;set up for channel number CHNUM  
  CALL:    .ITYIC AC,         ;get interrupt character          
           ;error return      ;none available                   
           ;normal return     ;got one                          

It is frequently desirable to examine the characters of an 
incoming stream at the interrupt [Sec 4.2] level of a procedure 
(for "quit" features, etc.). This system call provides the facility 
to read these characters from channels on which devices are open 
that will provide appropriate interrupts (TTY and Tnm). The 
accumulator referred to by an .ITYIC should have an appropriate 
channel number placed on it (see illustration above). The 
execution of an .ITYIC will then replace this number with the 
character read and skip. If no character is available the .ITYIC 
will return without skipping and if an improper channel is 
specified the procedure will receive an illegal instruction interrupt.

2.7.4 The .ACCESS UUO

  CALL:    .ACCESS CHNUM,LOC    ;set channel pointer to value LOC  

This system call is intended to be used in accessing randomly 
addressable devices. A pointer is associated with each 
input-output channel which is set to the effective address of a 
.ACCESS executed with the channel's number (CHNUM in the above 
illustration) in its accumulator field. This pointer is set to 
zero whenever the channel is closed. Currently this pointer 
influences only the USR device [Sec 3.4.2] but it is hoped that 
random access will be added to the disk [Sec 3.1.1] routines soon.

Properties of Particular Devices

Properties and system calls related to particular devices handled 
via input-output channels are discussed below. Lower case letters 
in a device name indicate that there are several devices 
distinguished by numeric digits in their place. The phrase "all 
standard modes" in descriptions below implies that all combinations 
of ASCII/image and unit/block modes are available and that ASCII 
mode implies seven bit ASCII characters and image mode thirty-six 
bit binary words.

3.1 File Structured Devices

3.1.1 The DSK, DKn, and Pnm Devices

These symbolic devices represent IBM 2311 units attached to the 
PDP-6. These disks are characterized by interchangable disk packs. 
A single logical directory is maintained by the system for the 
entire disk volume. Files are identified by two names [Sec 2.2] 
and a system name [Sec 2.2.3]. If a file is being read, which of 
the above symbolic device names is used is entirely immaterial. 
There are some special aspects to reading directories from these 
devices as explained in section 2.2.1.

If a file is being written, the DSK device will physically write 
it on a particular drive whose number is assembled into the 
system. In contrast the DKn device will write the file on the n'th 
drive. The Pnm device will try to write on a pack with a 
particular two digit number.

The actual directory for these devices consists of a master 
directory for each drive and a user directory for each system name 
that has been used to write files on the disk. The maximum number 
of user directories is one hundred. The maximum number of files 
per user is not fixed as the area in a users directory, used to 
describe the location of the blocks each file consists of is 
dynamically allocated. When as is occasionally necessary a garbage 
collection, to compact the information in a user directory, 
occurs, the system job [Sec 2.5] prints out a message on its 
teletype. This warning was added when the garbage collector was 
less reliable than it now is. The master directory for a drive is 
read in the first time the drive is referenced. A copy is written 
back out whenever the disks are idle and the master directory has 
been changed since it was last written out. User directories are 
read in when first referenced. If a currently nonexistant user 
directory is referenced to write it will be created. If 
rereferenced to read, a special open lose [Sec 2.5] will indicate 
this to the user. User directories are copied out whenever the 
disks are idle and they have been changed since last copied out. A 
user directory in memory may be erased if no files are open in it, 
a current copy has been written out, and a core request provokes 
the core allocator [Sec 4.3] to examine the status of an area of 
memory including the buffer.

The IBM 2311 interface transfers information directly to memory in 
units of 2000 words. Dynamically allocated buffers in system 
memory are used for input and output. The capacity of each pack is 
about thirty times that of a reel of DEC tape [Sec 3.1.2]. Links

  CALL:      .FDELE FBLOCK           
             ;error return           
             ;normal return          
  FBLOCK:    200000,,[SIXBIT /DSK/]  
             SIXBIT /FFNAM1/         
             SIXBIT /FFNAM2/         
             SIXBIT /TFNAM1/         
             SIXBIT /TFNAM2/         
             SIXBIT /TSNAME/         

A special feature of the disk device is that users may establish 
symbolic links. If the call illustrated above has been executed, 
then an attempt to read the file FFNAM1 FFNAM2 with the system 
name [Sec 2.2.3] that was being used by the procedure that 
established the link will actually refer to file TFNAM1 TFNAM2 
with the system name TSNAME. A link may refer to another link and 
so on for up to eight levels. Attempting to write or delete 
through a link writes on top of or deletes the link rather than 
the file it refers to.

3.1.2 The UTn Devices

The devices UT1, UT2, UT3 and UT4 represent the four DEC tape 
drives on the PDP-6. They are true file structured devices under 
ITS with all standard modes available. Data is dynamically 
buffered by ITS for both input and output. The file directory of a 
tape is read in by the system and retained when a drive is 
referenced and there is no directory being retained for it. An 
updated directory will be written out on a particular tape 
whenever the directory has been changed, no files are open on the 
tape, and no data transfers are in progress on any drive. Files on 
UTn do not have a system name [Sec 2.2.3] associated with them. 
Directories can be excised from core only by the .UDISMT UUO. The .UDISMT UUO

           MOVEI AC,TAPEN  
  CALL:    .UDISMT AC,     
           ;error return   
           ;normal return  

This system call, if successful, causes a DEC tape's file 
directory to be excised from core and the tape to be physically 
demounted. The drive number must be in the accumulator specified 
by the UUO. Manually removing tapes or switching drive numbers of 
drives for which ITS is retaining a directory may result in 
out-of-date file entries left on tapes and directories for one 
tape being written on another.

A .UDISMT skips if and only if successful. It will fail if any 
files are open on the tape. If a file is opened, deleted, or 
renamed on a tape while the tape is being dismounted by ITS the 
dismount will be aborted and the tape retained. The .ASSIGN and .DESIGN UUO's

           MOVEI AC,TAPEN  
  CALL:    .ASSIGN AC,     
           ;error return   
           ;normal return  
           MOVEI AC,TAPEN  
  CALL:    .DESIGN AC,     
           ;error return   
           ;normal return  

These system calls are to enable a user to protect against other 
users accidentally referencing his DEC tape to write or delete a 
file or rename [Sec] the tape. Both specify the drive 
numbers as the contents of their specified accumulator. The 
.ASSIGN UUO skips if successful and results in attempts to write 
on the designated drive failing unless the writing procedure has 
the same system name [Sec 2.2.3] as the UNAME of the procedure 
that executed the .ASSIGN. For a procedure in a disowned tree [Sec 
5.2.2], an .ASSIGN will be treated as an illegal instruction. An 
.ASSIGN will fail only if the drive is already assigned. The 
.DESIGN UUO skips if successful and causes the drive to be 
unassigned. It fails if the drive is already unassigned or 
assigned to a different user. A drive may also be .DESIGN'ed by a 
.UDISMT [Sec] and the .ASSIGN'ing of a drive does not 
protect against other users dismounting it. The .UBLAT UUO

           MOVEI AC,TAPEN  
  CALL:    .UBLAT AC,      
           ;error return   
           ;normal return  

This system call is intended for reading non-MAC format [Ref 4] 
(such as DEC format) DEC tapes. The contents of the specified 
accumulator must be a drive number for which ITS is not retaining 
a directory. If a directory is already being retained, the .UBLAT 
will fail and return without skipping. (The user might try first 
.UDISMT'ing the drive.)

If successful, the .UBLAT skips. Instead of attempting to read in 
the directory from the tape mounted on the specified drive, ITS 
internally marks the drive so that its contents may not be changed 
(no writes, deletes, or renames). At this point a successful .OPEN 
of the tape may be executed with any file name and all blocks of 
the tape will be read consecutively. Thus the tape may only be 
referenced to read the file containing the entire contents or to 
.UDISMT [Sec 3.1.1] it. The .UTNAM UUO

           MOVE AC,[(SIXBIT /lll/),,TAPEN  
  CALL:    .UTNAM AC,                      
           ;error return                   
           ;normal return                  

This system call changes the three character tape name of a 
particular DEC tape. The tape drive number must be specified in 
the right half of the specified accumulator. The call will fail 
and return without skipping if there is no such drive or if the 
drive is in .UBLAT mode [Sec] or .ASSIGN'ed [Sec] 
to another user. Otherwise it modifies the tape's directory 
(reading it in if necessary) so as to have a tape name 
corresponding to the left half of the accumulator specified by the 
call and skips on return. The .UINIT UUO

           MOVE AC,TAPEN   
  CALL:    .UINIT AC,      
           ;error return   
           ;normal return  

This system call initializes the directory for the DEC tape on the 
drive whose number is the contents of the accumulator it 
specifies. The tape must have been .ASSIGN'ed [Sec] to the 
user doing the .UINIT. If successful the .UINIT skips on 
returning. If the specified drive is nonexistant or the tape on it 
is not .ASSIGN'ed to the user doing the .UINIT, it returns without skipping.

3.1.3 The COM and SYS Devices

The device SYS is used for storage of systems programs and the "
message of the day" [Sec 7.1.1]. It is currently those files on 
device DSK with system name SYS. Reading or writing device SYS 
causes one to reference DSK as though one's system name were 
momentarily SYS. The device COM is used for commonly used user 
files and the mail feature [Sec 7.2.1, 7.2.2]. In a manner similar 
to device SYS it is DSK with system name COMMON.

3.2 Unit Character Oriented Devices

3.2.1 The Tnm and TTY Devices

Device T00 is the console teletype. Devices T11 through T14 (the 
two digits are treated as an octal number) are GE Datanet 760 
terminals with a character only display and keyboard. Devices T01 
through T10 are available for more teletype and teletype-like 
hardware and are read and written through the Knight Teletype 
Kludge. Device TTY for a particular procedure is the console 
controlling the procedure tree it is on. All input-output to these 
devices is in ASCII characters and the "image" mode [Sec 2.2] has 
special meanings. Further detail on which Tnm is "where" is given in 
the following table (as of July 14, 1969):

  Tnm      Location                                                  
  T0       Main console (by PDP-6).                                  
  T1       Advanced Remote Display Station.                          
  T2       Outside line (or 1479 depending on switch).               
  T3       Robot console.                                            
  T4       PDP-10 console.                                           
  T5       System console (by line printer).                         
  T6       Inside line 1425.                                         
  T7       Inside line 1474 (or outside depending on switch) 15cps.  
  T10      Spare.                                                    
  T11      GE console by plotter.                                    
  T12      GE console on 8th floor.                                  
  T13      GE console by air conditioner.                            
  T14      GE console by ham rig (in far corner).                    
  T15up    Nonexistent.                                              

A procedure may not open its console by referring to it as Tnm for 
the corresponding n and m. Only one procedure at a time may have a 
teletype open as a device rather than a console. The procedure 
with T00 opened as a console (TTY) and that actually has control 
of it [Sec] can always seize the DEC 340 display [Sec 3.4.1].

Image mode output to KSR 35/37's is very straight forward and just 
sends the character to the teletype unmodified. ASCII mode differs 
only in the following:

1. The character whose value is 33 is printed as a "$".

2. Other characters with a value less than 40 that are not format 
  effectors or bell are printed as a "~" followed by the character 
  with an ASCII value 100 greater.

3. Tab is simulated with spaces.

4. The "delete" character doesn't type out.

5. New line is simulated for a carriage return.

Output to GE terminals is the same as ASCII mode output to KSR 
35/37's except for the following: 

1. All line feeds (12) are ignored.

2. A ^L (form feed) clears the screen.

3. An automatic new line is inserted if the right margin is touched.

4. An " \ulcorner " as displayed by the GE terminal, is used instead of a "~" prefix.

5. Output beyond the bottom of the output area wraps around and 
  overwrites from the top of the output area which does not 
  include the bottom three lines unless the first input .OPEN [Sec 
  2.2] had the 3.4 mode bit on.

6. Finally, if the output is in image mode only, the character ^T 
  will allow overwriting starting from the top of the output area 
  without clearing the screen or wrapping off the bottom.

For all the above output modes, adding block mode only affects 
individual character processing by causing ^C's that are output to 
be ignored.

Input to keyboards (which are all full duplex) is buffered by ITS 
in relatively small fixed size buffers. Striking a key when this 
input buffer is full results only in a ^G (bell) (or "?" on a GE 
terminal) being output as echo. Any input when the keyboard is not 
in use, except ^Z [Sec 1.1.1], is ignored by ITS. Procedures may 
enable interrupts (class three) due to non-empty input buffers 
[Sec 4.2] and also examine the input characters at interrupt time 
with .ITYIC [Sec 2.7.3].

Image mode input is characterized by no ITS-supplied echo and no 
modofication of the character codes unless open mode [Sec 2.2] bit 
3.5 ("old mode") is also on, in which case lower case KSR 37 
characters are transformed to upper case KSR 35 characters.

ASCII mode input provides echo in approximately the same manner as 
outputing the characters in ASCII mode. Procedure output has 
higher priority than echo output. On GE terminals input is 
normally echoed in the bottom three lines unless the 3.4 open mode 
bit was on, in which case characters are echoed where output is 
appearing except that a few characters are not echoed at all. In 
ASCII mode input, the characters whose values are 175 and 176 are 
input and echoed as if they were the character whose value is 33. 
Having open mode bit 3.5 on has the same effect for ASCII mode 
input as it did for image mode input. In general, all of the 
various mode bits affecting input are obtained from the first 
input .OPEN [Sec 2.2] executed by a procedure for a particular 
teletype. For all the above input modes, adding block mode results 
in input until the block input pointer runs out or until a ^C is 
typed at which point the .IOT [Sec 2.3] being executed terminates 
as on an end of file [Sec 2.3.2].

Any input or output TTY .OPEN by a procedure that has never had 
control of a console will fail. Any input or output .IOT or .OPEN 
executed on a TTY device by a procedure that has had control of 
the device while it is actually being controlled by another 
procedure [Sec 3.5.1] will hang until the executing procedure 
regains the device.

The device dependent .STATUS [Sec 2.5] bits for the teletype 
devices are as follows:

  Bit         Meaning                                             
  2.3         Channel open in "DDT "mode (3.4 mode bit).          
  2.4         A console (TTY device) open on this channel.        
  2.5--2.9    If channel open for output:                         
              Current line number if a GE console.                
  2.5--2.9    If channel open for input:                          
  2.5         Indicates some characters have been seen at         
              interrupt and not main program level.               
  2.8         Teletype is at the 340 [Sec 3.4.1] or a 340 slave.  
  2.9         Teletype is local, not dial in.               The .ATTY and .DTTY UUO's

  CALL:    .ATTY CHNUM,    
           ;error return   
           ;normal return  
  CALL:    .DTTY CHNUM,    
           ;error return   
           ;normal return  

These system calls enable procedures in a single console 
controlled procedure tree to transfer control of their console 
between each other. The execution of either by a procedure that 
does not have control of the console, because it was taken away by 
a higher procedure's execution of a .DTTY, will hang until it 
regains control. The accumulator field of each must specify a 
channel (CHNUM in the above illustration) on which an immediate 
inferior procedure is open [Sec 3.4.2]. An .ATTY will pass control 
of the console to this open procedure unless the procedure 
executing the .ATTY has control of the teletype by taking it from 
some deeper inferior along the same procedure tree branch in which 
case it reverts to the procedure from which it came. An .ATTY will 
hang instead of doing the above if the last character typed on the 
console was a ^Z. A .DTTY retrieves control of the console from 
some inferior to the procedure executing it.

Both of these calls skip if successful. An .ATTY will fail to skip 
only if no inferior is open on the channel it specifies. A .DTTY 
will fail to skip if no inferior is open on the channel it 
specifies or if the procedure executing it never had control of 
the console or never gave control away. All other conditions 
blocking the success of either system call cause them to hang. The .LISTEN UUO

  CALL:    .LISTEN AC,     
           ;error return   
           ;normal return  

This system call is usable only on the console a procedure is 
associated with. It will hang if control of the console [Sec] has been taken away from the procedure executing it and 
if all procedure output has not been typed. It then returns with 
the number of buffered input characters in the specified 
accumulator. If the procedure has never had control of the console 
or is in a disowned tree [Sec 5.2.2] zero will be returned. The Dial Feature

A feature is available under ITS that allows procedures to dial 
calls on the two dataphone lines now available. Caution should be 
exercised in using this feature if one is using the system over 
one of these lines. The computer may "hang-up" in a more literal 
sense than usual.

            MOVEI AC,[440600+DIALN,,DLBUF]  
  CALL:     .DIAL AC,                       
            ;error return                   
            ;normal return                  
  DLBUF:    010201,,020202                  

The .DIAL call is used to initially associate a procedure with a 
dialer and to actually request dialing on the dataphone line 
associated with the dialer. The accumulator specified by the call, 
AC in the above example, should contain a byte pointer directly 
addressing a byte within the user's core image. Indirect 
addressing and indexing are ignored and in fact the index field is 
used to specify the dialer number, DIALN in the above example. 
This corresponds to a teletype as follows:

  Dialer    Teletype  
  0         T07       
  1         T06       

The .DIAL will have no effect and return without skipping if any 
of the following conditions hold:

1. A nonexistant dialer is specified.

2. The teletype associated with the dialer is in use by a 
  procedure other than the dialing procedure.

3. The associated teletype is not in use but the dialer is 
  assigned (by the execution of a .DIAL not yet followed by a 
  .HANGUP (see below)) to a procedure other than the dialing procedure.

If the .DIAL skips in returning it will have set up variables in 
the system to that dialing will proceed asynchronously with the 
procedure's execution. The byte string, which specifies what is to 
be dialed, can not be more than five words long. These words are 
transfered to the system by the .DIAL and dialing will be 
unaffected by the user's subsequent modification of his image of 
these words. However a later .DIAL without an intervening .DIALW 
or .HANGUP (see below) will simply overwrite these words and may 
cause garbled dialing.

As dialing proceeds, each byte is examined in succession. A zero 
byte indicates the end of bytes to be processed. A byte whose 
value is between one and ten causes a similar number of dial 
pulses to be sent. Interdigital pauses are automatically inserted 
after each digit. Bytes with a value larger than ten cause a pause 
in dialing of as many tenths of a second as the byte's value minus ten.

A special means is provided to send the "break" signal. If the 
accumulator specified by a .DIAL is zero except possibly for the 
index field (where the dialer number is specified), then a "break" 
will be sent after a .DIALW has been simulated to avoid garbling 
any dialing in progress.

           ;error return   
           ;normal return  

This call refers to the dialer specified by its accumulator field 
(DIALN in the above example). It has no effect and returns without 
skipping if the dialer has not been assigned to the .DIALW'ing 
procedure by a successful .DIAL (see above). Otherwise it returns 
and skips after requested dialing by the dialer is complete.

           ;error return   
           ;normal return  

This call refers to the dialer specified by its accumulator field 
(DIALN in the above example). It has no effect and returns without 
skipping if the dialer has not been assigned to the .HANGUP'ing 
procedure by a successful .DIAL (see above). Otherwise it returns 
and skips after hanging up the line for at least three seconds and 
freeing the dialer so it is no longer assigned to any procedure.

3.2.2 The LPT Device

A six hundred line per minute Data Products, Inc. line printer 
with one hundred and twenty print positions and sixty four 
printing characters is available for character output as device 
LPT. The ASCII/image mode bit [Sec 2.2] is ignored in .OPEN's on 
device LPT but either single ASCII characters or blocks of packed 
characters may be output as indicated by the block/unit mode bit. 
The following "transformations" are made to the output text:

1. Lower case characters are made upper case.

2. Characters beyond the one hundred and twentieth print position 
  are ignored.

3. Format effectors (except for vertical tab) are simulated as for 
  a model 35 teletype, thus overprinting can be accomplished by 
  using carriage return without line feed.

4. Characters with an ASCII value below 40 other than the 
  simulated format effectors and character 33, which is printed as 
  a "$", are printed as a "~" followed by the character whose ASCII 
  value is 100 greater.

Only one procedure may have the LPT device open at one time but it 
may be open on more than one channel. Procedures in disowned trees 
are blocked from opening the LPT device but it will not be taken 
away from a procedure as the procedure is disowned [Sec 5.2.2]. 
(Disowned procedures may use the TPL [Sec 3.4.5] device.) A fixed 
1000 word buffer in ITS is used for output to this device.

The device dependent .STATUS [Sec 2.5] bits for the LPT device 
have in the 2.2-2.9 field the current character position in the 
print line. This count starts at zero at the left margin.

3.2.3 The PLT Device

A CalComp model 565 plotter [Ref 9] is available via "character" 
output to device PLT. Available with the same modal restrictions 
as the LPT device [Sec 3.2.2], it is also similar to that device 
in that it may only be open by one procedure at a time but may be 
open on more than one channel. A fixed 200 word area is used in 
ITS to buffer output.

Only the right most six bits of characters output to the PLT 
device have effect. They are as follows:

  Bit    Effect if a one  
  1.1    drum down        
  1.2    drum up          
  1.3    carriage right   
  1.4    carriage left    
  1.5    pen up           
  1.6    pen down         

3.2.4 The PTP and PTR Device

The PTP and PTR devices represent, respectively, the sixty three 
and a third character per second paper tape punch and four hundred 
character per second photoelectric paper tape reader on the PLP-6 
[Ref 1]. They are similar to the LPT and PLT devices [Sec 3.2.2, 
3.2.3] in that only one procedure may have each open at one time 
but that procedure may have the device open on more than one 
channel possibly in different modes. Also output or input is 
buffered in ITS in fixed areas of 20 and 100 words, respectively. 
These devices differ from the LPT and PLT devices in that all 
standard modes [Sec 4] are available and the following special 
mode. If in a successful .OPEN for one of these devices, the 3.4 
mode bit [Sec 2.2] is on then the 3.3 mode bit is ignored, the 3.2 
mode bit must indicate unit mode, and all eight paper tape 
channels may be written or read from or into the eight rightmost 
bits of the word addresses by each .IOT [Sec 2.3] executed. The .FEED UUO

  CALL:    .FEED CHNUM,    
           ;error return   
           ;normal return  

This system call checks to see if the PTP device is open on the 
channel it specifies (CHNUM above). If not, it returns without 
skipping. If so, it causes one line of blank tape to be punched 
and skips.

3.2.5 The COD Device

This is a character output device that may be used in block or 
unit mode but not any form of image mode and not by more than one 
procedure at a time. It causes transmission of low power FM Morse 
code at a frequency just off the bottom of the FM broadcast band. 
Characters for which there is no standard Morse code (such as line 
feed) are ignored except that the speed it set by characters whose 
value is greater than 137 to approximately, seventy five divided 
by the difference between the character value and 137, words per 
minute. It tries to interrupt on the input-output channel it is 
open on when the fixed buffer in ITS it uses is almost empty.

3.3 Robotic Oriented Devices

3.3.1 The NVD, TVC, and VID Devices

The VID and NVD devices are somewhat similar to the IMX device 
[Sec 3.9] in that they may be open by any number of procedures, 
have block and unit modes, and "functional" word input where the 
quantity read is a function of the contents. They differ in that 
the ASCII/image .OPEN mode bit [Sec 2.2] is ignored and they 
represent vidissectors. The initial contents of words input into 
should be the coordinates of a point in the field of view of the 
particular vidissector at which it is desired to know the light 
intensity. This contents will be replaced by a function of said 
intensity. The exact form of these words and the use of any device 
dependent .OPEN mode bits [Sec 2.2] is listed in the table below.

  Item     VID         NVD                                                 
  X        2.3--1.1    4.5-3.2                                             
  Y        4.3--3.1    2.5-1.2                                             
  value    1.8--1.1    (reciprocal of intensity)                           
                       4.9-3.3 (normalized floating reciprocal intensity)  
                       2.1-1.1 (integar logarithm reciprocal intensity)    
  (too     400         3.1 (overflow)                                      
  dark)                3.2 (dim cut off)                                   
  dead     --1         4000000                                             
  modes    3.6--3.4    (340 intensity)                                     
                       3.5-3.4 (confidence level)                          
                       3.8-3.6 (dim cut off level)                         

The VID device is of little use as it is a lower quality subset of 
the NVD device. The deflection signals for the VID device come 
from the DEC 340 display [Sec 3.4.1] whose use will be degraded by 
using device VID.

The TVC device is the same as the NVD device except that it should 
be opened on two channels, one for output and one for input. Words 
with coordinates in them are output on one channel and stored in a 
fixed length buffer in system memory. There they are replaced by 
ITS, at its interrupt level, with the response word shown above 
(value). They may be read, in the same order as output, on the 
input channel. Unlike most devices, a block mode .IOT outputting 
to the TVC device when its buffer is full will not hang up but 
return with the block .IOT pointer word pointing at the first word 
not transferred. The .VSCAN and .VSTST UUO's

(Some of this section is taken from Reference 13.)

  PTABLE:    WBIT,,VCONO        ;+0   
             --LENGTH,,ARRAY    ;+1   
             XRES,,YRES         ;+2   
             R1                 ;+3   
             R2                 ;+4   
             C1                 ;+5   
             R3                 ;+6   
             R4                 ;+7   
             C2                 ;+10  
             P1                 ;+11  
             P2                 ;+12  
  ARRAY:     BLOCK LENGTH             

This system call allows the user to read the light intensity at an 
array of points with low overhead and, if desired, overlapped computation.

The effective address of a .VSCAN should point at an eleven word 
block of parameters defining the points to be scanned, the 
locations to read into, the mode they are to be read in, and 
whether the call should hang until the scan is through. The effect 
of the parameters, in order, is described below.

The first word has in its right half the control bits for the 
vidisector as in section 3.3.1 for NVD. The sign bit, if a one, 
causes the .VSCAN to hang until the scan is over. If a zero, 
computation by the .VSCAN'ing user may procede while the scanning 
proceeds at ITS's interrupt level.

The second word should be similar to a block mode .IOT [Sec 2.3] 
pointer word. Its right half should point to the beginning of an 
array to be read into in the response format of NVD in section 
3.3.1. Its left half should be a negative count equal to or 
larger, in magnitude, than the number of points being scanned. (If 
in the above illustration either  PTABLE+12  or  ARRAY+LENGTH-1  were beyond the users memory 
bound, the .VSCAN would be treated as an illegal instruction.)

The third word has in its left and right halves, as eighteen bit 
integers, the "X" and "Y" resolution or number of points to be scanned 
in each direction.

The remaining nine parameters, which are fixed point quantities 
with the binary point between 2.9 and 3.1, define where the XRES 
by YRES points lie in vidissector coordinates according to the 
following ALGOL program:

  FOR Y1<--0 STEP 1 UNTIL YRES--1 DO  


  FOR X1<--0 STEP 1 UNTIL XRES--1 DO  



A .VSCAN will hang up until the NVD device is free. This device is 
then seized, not to be released until the scan is over or aborted. 
A scan is only aborted if the procedure it is being executed for 
is reset [Sec 3.4.2] or its core size reduced so as to exclude the 
array being read into (ARRAY in the above illustrations) or by .VSTST.

           MOVSI AC,1    ;or 0 or 400000  
  CALL:    .VSTST AC,                     

This system call allows later control of and sensing by a 
procedure that has overlapped computation with a .VSCAN. It is 
illegal if executed when another procedure is .VSCAN'ing. If the 
contents of the specified accumulator is positive, the .VSTST 
hangs till the scan is over. If the contents of the specified 
accumulator is negative, any scan in progress is aborted. If the 
contents of the specified accumulator is zero, the user's location 
then being stored into by the scan, if any, replaces it.

3.3.2 The OMX Device

A multiplexed digital to analog converter on the PDP-6 is 
available via word output to the OMX device [Ref 5, 6]. Block and 
unit modes are available and the "ASCII/image" mode bit [Sec 2.2] 
has a special significance explained below. Each word output 
should have the desired channel number in bits 4.9-4.4 and the 
value to be converted in bits 4.3-3.1. Thus channel numbers range 
from zero to 77 and values from zero to 7777. These output 
channels decay exponentially with some large time constant so ITS 
stores the current desired value for each channel and outputs them 
every half second as long as the OMX device is open by some 
procedure. Output in "ASCII" mode immediately affects the channel as 
well as storing a value to be output periodically. Slightly less 
overhead occurs in "image" mode which only stores a value in ITS and 
may have no effect for up to half a second. Any number of users 
may have the OMX device open, possibly on more than one channel 
and possible in different modes. Current OMX channel assignments 
are as follows:

  Channel    Effect                                   
  0--31      Unused.                                  
  32         NVD iris.                                
  33         NVD focus.                               
  34         NVD mirror.                              
  35-55      Unused.                                  
  56         TVB pan.                                 
  57         TVB tilt.                                
  60         MA3 hand extend.                         
  61         MA3 hand rotate.                         
  62         MA3 hand grasp.                          
  63         Cannon lens zoom (MA3 hand finger #1).   
  64         Cannon lens focus (MA3 hand finger #2).  
  65         MA3 hand tilt.                           
  66         Alles hand grip.                         
  67         Alles hand tilt.                         
  70         Alles hand extend.                       
  71         Alles hand rotate.                       
  72         AMF arm wrist roll.                      
  73         AMF arm wrist yaw.                       
  74         TDR horizontal.                          
  75         AMF arm horizontal.                      
  76         AMF arm vertical.                        
  77         AMF arm swing.                     The .ARMOVE and .ARMOFF UUO's

(Some of this section is taken from Reference 13.)

             MOVE AC,[--LENGTH,,ARMBLK]  
  CALL:      .ARMOVE AC,                 
             ;normal return              
             ;test successful return     
  ARMBLK:    BLOCK LENGTH                

This system call allows one procedure at a time to exercise 
special control over several digital to analog multiplexor 
channels [Sec 3.3.2]. It provides acceleration and velocity 
limiting, software limit stops, and conversion from joint number 
to multiplexor channel.

To avoid certain timing problems, the transmission of commands to 
the multiplexor control routines in ITS is noninterruptable (but 
for a limited length of time as only a limited number of commands 
may be transmitted). Each command is a single word in a block 
pointed at by the contents of the accumulator specified in the 
call. The format of these words is as follows:

  Bits        Significance        
  4.9--4.4    joint number        
  4.3--3.7    command             
  3.6         unused              
  3.5         indirect            
  3.4--3.1    index               
  2.9--1.1    address or operand  

The currently available joint addresses are as follows:

  Address    Significance            
  0          AMF swing               
  1          AMF vertical            
  2          AMF horizontal          
  3          AMF yaw (inoperative)   
  4          Alles hand tilt         
  5          Alles hand grip         
  6          Alles hand rotate       
  7          Alles hand extend       
  10         AMF roll (inoperative)  

The currently available commands are as follows:

  Command    Significance                      
  0          set destination                   
  1          set velocity limit                
  2          test magnitude of position error  
  3          test magnitude of velocity        

The operand is computed by adding the contents of the specified 
index register (if any) to the right half of the command. The 
result is masked to 13 bits. If the indirect bit is a one, the 
right half of the word addressed is used as the operand. No 
further indexing or indirecting is interpreted.

The test commands are "true" if the quantity tested exceeds the 
operand. If any tests are "true" the .ARMOVE will skip.

  CALL:    .ARMOFF  

The multiplexor control routines are activated by the first 
.ARMOVE and are turned off by an .ARMOFF or killing the 
.ARMOVE'ing procedure.

An .ARMOVE is illegal if:

1. The arm is in use by another user.

2. The block extends above the user's memory bound.

3. An indirect reference is out of bounds.

4. An unused command code or joint number is specified.

5. The block is over 100 words long.

3.3.3 The IMX Device

A multiplexed analog to digital converter attached to the PDP-6 is 
available via word input from the IMX device [Ref 5, 6]. Block and 
unit modes are available but the "ASCII/image" mode bit [Sec 2.2] 
has a special significance explained below. Each word input into 
must initially contain a number from zero to 177. This number will 
be replaced with the twelve bit digitalization of the analog 
quantity associated with the multiplexor channel of the same 
number. If it is desired to read in values converted at each .IOT 
[Sec 2.4] time then device IMX should be opened in "ASCII" mode. 
Opening device IMX in "image" mode causes ITS to continuously read 
all input multiplexor channels into system core a minimum of about 
ten times a second. Executing a .IOT on a channel opened in this 
manner will result in values up to one tenth of a second old but 
without the overhead necessary to read in new values. Any number 
of procedures may have the IMX device open, possibly on different 
channels and possibly in different modes. Current IMX channel 
assignments are as follows:

  Channel     Input function                           
  0--21       Unused.                                  
  22          MA3 hand extend.                         
  23          MA3 hand rotate.                         
  24          MA3 hand grasp.                          
  25          Cannon lens zoom (MA3 hand finger #1).   
  26          Cannon lens focus (MA3 hand finger #2).  
  27          MA3 hand tilt.                           
  30--32      Unused.                                  
  33          NVD iris.                                
  34          NVD focus.                               
  35          NVD mirror.                              
  36          Rhomboidal test table pot A.             
  37          Rhomboidal test table pot B.             
  40          Rhomboidal test table pot C.             
  41          Rhomboidal test table pot D.             
  42          Pot box upper left.                      
  43          Pot box upper right.                     
  44          Pot box lower right.                     
  45          Pot box lower left.                      
  46--57      Unused.                                  
  60          TDR output.                              
  61          Alles hand tilt.                         
  62          Alles hand extend.                       
  63          Alles hand rotate.                       
  64          Alles hand grasp.                        
  65          AMF arm wrist roll.                      
  66          AMF arm wrist yaw.                       
  67--70      AMF arm horizontal high resolution.      
  71          AMF arm horizontal absolute position.    
  72--73      AMF arm swing high resolution.           
  74          AMF arm swing absolute position.         
  75--76      AMF arm vertical high resolution.        
  77          AMF arm vertical absolute position.      
  100--111    Unused.                                  
  112         Joy stick X.                             
  113         Joy stick Y.                             
  114--131    Unused.                                  
  132         TVC pot box one (manual iris control).   
  133         TVC pot box two (manual focus control).  
  134         TVC pot box three.                       
  135         TVC pot box four.                        
  136         TVC pot box five.                        
  137         TVC pot box six.                         
  140         New pot box pot one.                     
  141         New pot box pot two.                     
  142         New pot box pot three.                   
  143         New pot box pot four.                    
  144         New pot box pot five.                    
  145         New pot box pot six.                     
  146         New pot box pot seven.                   
  147         New pot box pot eight.                   
  150--155    Unused.                                  
  156         Pot box two, one.                        
  157         Pot box two, two.                        
  160         Pot box two, three.                      
  161         Pot box two, four.                       
  162         Pot box two, five.                       
  163         Pot box two, six.                        
  164         Pot box two, seven.                      
  165         Pot box two, eight.                      
  166         Joy stick console pot ten.               
  167         Joy stick console pot nine.              
  170         Joy stick console pot eight.             
  171         Joy stick console pot seven.             
  172         Joy stick console pot six.               
  173         Joy stick console pot five.              
  174         Joy stick console pot four.              
  175         Joy stick console pot three.             
  176         Joy stick console pot two.               
  177         Joy stick console pot one.         The .POTSET UUO

(some of this section is taken from Reference 13.)

  CALL:      .POTSET PTABLE      

This call gives the user a flexible means of controlling program 
parameters via the input multiplexor. A maximum of 20 simultaneous 
connections between pots and variables is permitted. Each may be 
variable fixed or floating point. If fixed point, it may be an 
arbitrary byte within a word. The user may specify a mapping from 
pot values to variable values by giving an upper and lower limit. 
These may be inverted to give a backward mapping. Two types of 
control are provided, absolute and incremental. In absolute mode, 
the true pot position sets the value. This may be useful for 
positioning displayed objects with a joystick. The incremental 
mode permits a variable or set of variables to be changed slightly 
without causing a discontinuous jump in their values. The value is 
unchanged at connect time, but rotating the pot adds its scaled 
increment to the variable. Turning it down in the bottom third, or 
up in the top third of the pot's range causes a faster change so 
as to keep the control near center. The increase in gain is 
inhibited at low speeds to prevent drift due to noise.

The address of the call points to a table of pot connection (or 
disconnect) specifications. This table consists of blocks of 4 
words, followed by a zero word. The block format is as follows:

  Location    Variable                                          
  F00+0       Multiplexor channel,,control bits (see below)     
  F00+1       Byte specification (see below),,variable address  
  F00+2       Lower limit (value at pot = 0)                    
  F00+3       Upper limit (value at pot = 100000)               

The control bits are as follows:

  Bit    Meaning                       
  2.9     \Rightarrow 1disconnect pot  
          \Rightarrow 0connect pot     
  1.2     \Rightarrow 1absolute        
          \Rightarrow 0incremental     
  1.1     \Rightarrow 1floating        
          \Rightarrow 0fixed           

The byte specification should be in machine byte pointer format 
(no index or indirect allowed) for a partial word and may be zero 
for a full word.

A .POTSET call is illegal if:

1. The user tries to connect a pot already in use by another user.

2. The table is more than twenty blocks long.

3. An attempt is made to connect a pot when twenty pots are 
  already connected.

4. The address exceeds the user's memory bound.

A pot is disconnected when:

1. The user disconnects it with a .POTSET.

2. The user reduces his memory bound below the address the pot controls.

3. The job is killed.

3.4 Miscellaneous Devices

3.4.1 The DIS and IDS Devices

The DEC 340 display [Ref 1] differs significantly from all other 
devices usable in ITS. In order to maintain an image on the 
display it is necessary to repeatedly output to it a list of 
display words. This list must be stored in main memory and the 
various means of using the display may be divided into those that 
maintain this list in system memory (discussed in this section) 
and those that allow the list to be maintained in the user's core 
image [Sec].

Only one procedure at a time may use the 340 display and in only 
one of its three modes (as symbolic device DIS, as symbolic device 
IDS, or via the .DSTART and .STRTL UUO's). If the display is free, 
any procedure may seize it by executing a proper .OPEN on device 
DIS or IDS or by executing a .DSTART or .DSTRTL UUO. If the 
display is in use, however, a procedure will succeed in any of the 
above UUO's only if it is the procedure that has the display or it 
has control of device T00 as a console [Sec 3.5]. If the second 
case applies, the channels, if any, on which the other procedure 
had the DIS or IDS open will be modified to the corresponding 
(block or unit) NUL device [Sec 3.4] output. .CLOSE'ing [Sec 
2.8.1] all input-output channels in which device DIS or IDS are 
open is the same as executing a .DCLOSE [Sec].

The DIS symbolic device allows the user to output single or packed 
blocks of ASCII characters in ASCII mode and single or blocks of 
340 display list half words [Ref 1] in image mode. This device may 
be open on more than one channel at a time in possibly different 
modes. If the user outputs characters and then halfwords, ITS will 
automatically insert intervening items to cause the display to 
escape to parameter mode. If the user outputs half words and then 
character, ITS assumes that he has inserted items to cause the 
display to escape to parameter mode. A display list produced by 
output to the DIS device will start by setting the 340 display 
intensity to 7, its x and y coordinates to zero and 7000, and its 
scale to one larger than the 3.4-3.5 field of .OPEN mode bits [Sec 
2.2] used unless that field is 3 in which case the scale is set to 
zero. Lines of character output that extend beyond the right edge 
of the screen will wrap around and continue, superimposed on their 
beginning, from the left. Lines of character output that extend 
beyond the bottom of the screen similarly continue from the top. 
The amount of display information created by DIS output may not 
exceed 2000 words. After that, further output is ignored. The 
stored information created by output to the DIS device may be 
deleted to accept new information by outputting a ^T or ^L (form 
feed) character. In the latter case, this action will be delayed 
for a few seconds.

The IDS symbolic device allows the user to use a semi-idealized 
display. This device is known as the interpreted display since the 
user writes "instructions" to be executed by a display processor 
which are then interpreted by ITS simulating the processor and 
creating a 340 display list to actually display. The IDS device 
may only be opened in unit output mode and what the user outputs 
to it is the location, in the user core image, for the display 
processor to start "executing".

         .IOT DISCHN,PC                               
  FC:    STRTLC            ;location to start         
                           ;updated during execution  

Almost all error conditions encountered during this "execution" 
cause interrupts to the user [Sec 4.2]. The simulated display 
processor has a push down list facility with its push down list 
pointer in the user's location 43. The information to be sent by 
the .IOT'ing [Sec 2.4] of each starting location to the IDS device 
is normally terminated by the display processor POPJ'ing to zero. 
Frequently this is made to happen by over popping by the display 
processor. The information stored by the IDS device is currently 
limited to 2000 words. If the 340 display is being run by the IDS 
device when a .IOT is executed on it, the display will stop and 
the stored information will be over-written. If the 340 display is 
not being run, output from simulation is appended to that already 
present. Whether the 340 display is started at the end of the 
simulation initiated by a .IOT is determined by a display 
processor parameter that may be set during simulation.

Instructions for the IDS simulated display processor are thiry-six 
bit words interpreted as five left justified ASCII characters if 
bit 1.1 is zero. If bit 1.1 is a one, bits 1.4--1.6 are 
interpreted as the following commands:

  1.4--1.6    Command        Other fields                                   
  0           Illegal.                                                      
  1           Point.         4.9--3.4 Y, 3.3--1.7 X, 1.2 intensify.         
  2           Rel vector.    4.9--3.4 Y, 3.3--1.7 X, 1.2 intensify.         
  3           Increment.     5 left justified 5 bit fields each:            
                             1.1--1.2 length                                
                             1.3 intensify                                  
                             1.4--1.6 direction (clockwise from vertical).  
  4           See below.     1.7--1.9 subcommand function.                  
  5           Abs vector.    4.9--3.4 Y, 3.3--1.7 X, 1.2 intensify.         
  6           Illegal.                                                      
  7           Illegal.                                                      

  1.7--1.9    Function      Other fields                              
  0           Illegal.                                                
  1           PUSHJ.        4.9--3.1 address.                         
  2           POPJ.         4.9--3.1 address.                         
  3           JRST.         4.9--3.1 address.                         
  4           POP.          4.9--3.1 address.                         
  5           PUSH.         4.9--3.1 address.                         
  6           See below.    2.3--2.9 parameter to set from 4.9--3.1.  
  7           Illegal.                                                

  2.3--2.9    Parameter                                     
  0           Illegal.                                      
  1           Start mode (nonzero means start after .IOT).  
  2           Character scale.                              
  3           Increment mode.                               
  4           Vector scale.                                 
  5           All scales.                                   
  6           Coordinate of left edge of displayed area.    
  7           Coordinate of bottom edge of displayed area.  
  10--77      Illegal.                                The .DSTART and .DSTRTL UUO's

  CALL:       .DSTART DPNTR         
              ;error return         
              ;normal return        
  DPNTR:      --LENGTH,,DISLIST--1  
  DISLIST:    BLOCK LENGTH          

  CALL:       .DSTRTL PHTRL      
              ;error return      
              ;normal return     
  PHTRL:      DPNT2+1,,.+1       

These UUO's enable the user to display lists that are in his core 
image. The execution of either attempts to seize the 340 display 
and skips only if successful.

A .DSTART should point at a location that will always contain 
either a BLK0 [Ref 1] type output pointer, if one block of data is 
to be displayed, or the first word of a linked list of display 
blocks. In this linked list, the right half of each entry points 
to the next entry, or, if zero, indicated the end of the list. The 
left half of each word should be positive and is a pointer to a 
BLK0 pointer or is ignored if it is zero or points to a zero word.

.DSTRTL differs from .DSTART only in that, if it is used to 
display a list of blocks, the left halves of its linked list words 
are interpreted as pointing to the word after not a BLK0 pointer 
but a regular block mode output pointer [Sec 2.4]. The .LTPEN UUO

             MOVE AC,[CONTROL]  
             MOVEM AC,LBLOCK    
  CALL:      .LTPEN LBLOCK      
  LBLOCK:    BLOCK 6            

The 340 display is equipped with a light pen that causes a 
hardware interrupt when the light intensity it sees increases 
suddenly as when a spot is displayed under it. The display also 
stops when this occurs and its current coordinates can be read in 
by the PDP-6. The user may enable software interrupts (class 
three) to his procedures when the light pen is seen and he has the 
display seized [Sec 4.2].

This system call enabled the user with the display seized to read 
information about where the light pen has been seen and the state 
of the current transfer to the display. Results are returned in 
the contents of the effective address and following five 
locations. The contents of the effective address also acts as an 
argument. If bit 4.9 is zero the rest is ignored. But if bit 4.9 
is a one then bit 3.1 will cause the .LTPEN to hang until the 
light pen has been seen at least once and bit 1.1 will be used to 
set the multiple sighting mode. If this mode is on, the light pen 
may be seen many times while a display block is displayed once. If 
this mode is off (zero) the light pen may be seen only once and 
ignored thereafter for each display of a display block.

The six words returned to the user are as follows:

1. The actual word DATAI'ed [Ref 1] from the 340 display at the 
  time of the last light pen interrupt.

2. The number of times the light pen was seen since the last .LTPEN.

3. The sum of the y coordinates at the points the light pen was 
  seen since the last .LTPEN.

4. The corresponding sum of x coordinates.

5. The current linked list pointer.

6. The current BLK0 pointer. The .DCLOSE UUO

  CALL:    .DCLOSE  

This system call releases the 340 display if executed by the user 
who has the display seized, closing any channels on which it is 
open. Otherwise it does nothing. The .DSTOP UUO

  CALL:    .DSTOP   

This system call stops the 340 display, but does not release it, 
if executed by the user who has the display seized. Otherwise it 
does nothing. It is intended for use in conjunction with the 

           MOVEI AC,69.    
  CALL:    .NDIS AC,       
           ;error return   
           ;normal return  

This system call is intended for use in taking pictures of 340 
displays. It sets a display control variable from the contents of 
the accumulator it specifies. This variable has no effect if it is 
negative but if zero it inhibits display completely and if 
positive it is decremented by one each time the current display 
block or list of blocks is displayed. This call skips unless 
executed by a procedure that does not have the display assigned to it.

3.4.2 The USR Device

The USR device actually represents procedures. A successful .OPEN 
[Sec 2.2] executed on device USR will either create a new 
procedure [Sec 5.1.1], attach a disowned procedure tree [Sec 
5.1.2], associate with the input-output channel on which it was 
executed an existant procedure or allow the user access to the 
PDP-10's memory [Sec]. The file names are the UNAME and 
JNAME of the procedure being .OPEN'ed. Only immediate inferiors 
may be .OPEN'ed to write into but any procedure may be examined. 
If an inferior procedure has been opened, it may be destroyed by a 
.UCLOSE [Sec 5.2.1] but will be entirely unaffected by a .CLOSE 
[Sec 2.7.1] executed on the channel. The same procedure may be 
open on more than one channel of its superior, possibly in 
different modes. It is as first .OPEN time that an interrupt bit 
[Sec 5.1.3] is assigned by ITS to a procedure. The number of 
inferior procedures a procedure may have is currently limited to eight.

The 3.3 mode bit [Sec 2.2] is ignored in .OPEN's on device USR but 
both block and unit modes are available. Executing .IOT's on 
channels opened on device USR results in the transfer of a 
thirty-six bit binary word or words between the procedures. The 
location in the .OPEN'ed procedure of the first word to be 
transferred is specified by the .ACCESS [Sec 2.7.5] pointer 
associated with the input-output channel on which the transfer is 
occuring. Each word transferred advances the appropriate pointer 
by one even in unit mode which ITS treats internally as blocks of 
length one. An attempt to read a word beyond the core allocated 
[Sec 4.3] will result in a class two interrupt [Sec 4.2] but in a 
similar attempt to write (possible only for an immediate inferior) 
ITS will attempt to extend the procedure's core image and and 
interrupt will result only if more core is unobtainable.

Executing a .RESET [Sec 2.7.2] on a channel with an inferior 
procedure open on it is equivalent to executing a .UCLOSE and then 
a .OPEN to recreate the procedure (with reset variables, one 2000 
word block of cleared core, etc.) but with less overhead. The PDP-10

An .OPEN on device USR with a second file name of "PDP10" may be 
made, in all the modes allowed for regular procedures, to access 
the memory of the PDP-10. .IOTs attempting to read or write the 
PDP-10's accumulators will be ineffective and read or write the 
core locations shadowed by the accumulators. Attempting to 
reference above the PDP-10's memory will result in illegal user 
address interrupts. Only the procedures of one procedure tree may 
have the PDP-10 open at a time, possibly on more than one channel 
at a time in different modes.

Attempts to set or read variables for the PDP-10 "inferior" are 
ignored except that 40000 will be read as its memory bound. A 
.RESET executed on a channel on which the PDP-10 is open will 
clear its memory.

3.4.3 The CLA, CLI, CLO and CLU Devices

These symbolic devices enable arbitrary pairs of procedures to 
talk to each other as buffered input-output devices. Each file on 
any of these "core link" devices represents a 200 word area, most of 
which is buffer, which may be simultaneously open for reading, 
writing, both or neither. The files are identified by two regular 
file names and a system name [Sec 2.2, 2.2.3]. Only one procedure 
at a time may have a core link open to write or read on one 
channel. All standard modes are available.

The CLO (Core Link Open) device may be used to open any core link 
file and (whether reading or writing) will create one if none 
exists with the name used. The CLU (Core Link Use) device is 
identical except that an .OPEN on it will fail if the referenced 
file does not already exist.

Core link "files" have some peculiar properties. When writing a core 
link, a procedure will hang if the buffer is full and will write 
an end-of-file mark outside of the data stream when it closes the 
channel it has the file open on. However, opening and writing 
again the same file name essentially pushes a new block of data 
into the pipeline to be removed by a reading procedure. A 
procedure reading a core link can not read past an end-of-file and 
must close and reopen the file if it suspects that there is more 
to follow. If a reading procedure closes a core link before 
encountering an end-of-file, remaining information until the 
end-of-file is ignored. Core link "files" cease to exist only if 
empty and open for neither reading nor writing or not empty and 
not open for from two to four minutes. In the later case they are 
expunged by the system job [Sec 6.5] to unclutter the system.

The CLI (Core Link Interrupt) device may only be opened to write. 
The two file names specified should be the UNAME and JNAME [Sec 
5.1] of a procedure in the system with the CLI interrupt [Sec 4.2] 
enabled. If ther is no existing core link with the file names and 
system name used, the .OPEN will succeed in creating a link and 
interrupting the specified procedure. In addition ITS inserts in 
the created link two words of information as the start of the 
first file. These are the UNAME and JNAME of the .OPEN'ing procedure.

The CLA (Core Link Answer) device is to be used in response to a 
CLI interrupt. It may only be opened for reading and scans through 
all existing links for one with file names the same as the UNAME 
and JNAME [Sec 5.1] of the procedure doing the CLA open. If one is 
found not already open for reading, the .OPEN succeeds.

3.4.4 The ERR Device

This device, by a mechanism similar to that used for the "directory device"
 [Sec 2.2.1], allows the user to input a character string 
explaining whatever error indication there may be in a .STATUS 
word [Sec 2.5].

The first file name specified on an .OPEN on device ERR must 
numerically be either 1, 2 or 3. If it is 1, the status of the 
last input-output channel on which there was an error will be 
analyzed. If it is a 2, the bottom four bits of the second file 
name specify which input-output channel to examine. If a 3, the 
second file name is treated as the .STATUS word to analyze.

3.4.5 The TPL Device

This device allows a user to output a file to be line printed [Sec 
3.2.2] at some later time when the line printer is free and such 
print out has not been inhibited [Sec 6.5.1]. In a manner similar 
to the COM and SYS [Sec 3.1.3], this device refers to files on the 
disk with system name ".LPTR.". However, renames are ignored on the 
TPL device and, while reads work normally, on writes the supplied 
file names are ignored. Instead, the UNAME of the procedure 
writing is used as the first file name and a counter of how many 
files have been written on the TPL device in the current system 
run is used as the second file name.

Files written on the TPL device are printed out by the system job 
[Sec 6.5] when the line printer is free. A significant length of 
time (up to two minutes) is left between non-TPL line printer use 
and TPL print out and between successive TPL output to allow local 
users to seize and use the line printer directly.

3.4.6 The NUL Device

This device has all standard modes and is a high speed infinite 
sink on output and source of zeros on input.

The Procedure

See also section 0.3.3.

4.1 Philosophy and Organization

The use of ITS is entirely procedure oriented. Almost all system 
actions are caused by trapping instructions [Sec 1.2; App A, B] 
executed by user programs that are hierarchially organized [Sec 
5.1]. A large number of variables [App D; Sec 4.5] is associated 
with each procedure by the ITS system. These variables are stored 
in the system and do not impinge on the user's core image.

These procedures are run for short fixed lengths of time or until 
they become unrunnable (whichever comes sooner) in an order 
determined by the scheduler [Sec 4.4]. The scheduler also handles 
software interrupts to the user [Sec 4.2]. When in execution, user 
programs run with the PDP-6 in user mode [Sec 1.2.2] which enabled 
protection and relocation hardware that ITS sets in accordance 
with the length [Sec 4.3] and location in absolute memory of the 
particular procedure's core image.

The following are among the advantages of this storage of user variables:

1. No effort by a user's procedure to randomize its core image can 
  effect system variables related to the procedure and thus erase 
  evidence of system malfunction or lack of malfunction.

2. A procedure's core image may be easily swapped out without 
  significant reduction in information concerning it of interest 
  to the system or the necessity to retain some portion of it.

4.2 User Interrupts

ITS provides software implemented interrupts to the user program 
similar to the hardware interrupts it receives. Only one level of 
interrupt is simulated but this makes little difference due to the 
ease with which the user can inhibit or enable various types of 
interrupt [Sec 4.2.1] and may also re-enable interrupts without 
immediately or ever returning to the location his program was 
interrupted from.

Each procedure has in system memory two interrupt enable mask 
words, two interrupt request words, and a flag indicating 
interrupt level status [App D]. Various conditions that can cause 
interrupts are assigned bits in these interrupt request words. 
These conditions are divided into three classes according to 
severity as follows:

1. Class one conditions, the most severe, can not be enabled. They 
  always cause the "interrupted" program to be stopped and its 
  superior procedure to receive an interrupt.

2. Class two conditions are of moderate severity. They may be 
  enabled to interrupt the user but if they occur while not 
  enabled or while the user's interrupt level flag indicates he is 
  currently processing an interrupt, he will be stopped and his 
  superior procedure interrupted.

3. Class three conditions are the least severe and may also be 
  enabled to interrupt the user. While not enabled they have no 
  effect. If enabled and they occur while the user's interrupt 
  level flag indicates he is free to receive interrupts he will 
  not be interrupted but if the user's flag indicates he is not 
  free they will be stored in the interrupt request words to be 
  presented to the user as soon as he allows unless reset with an 
  .SUSET [Sec 4.5].

In cases mentioned above (for class one and two) when a 
procedure's superior is interrupted, the particular bit used to 
interrupt the immediately superior procedure is in its second 
interrupt request word. A bit is assigned by ITS to that inferior 
at the time it was created [Sec 5.1.3] and can be read with a 
.USET [Sec 5.2.3].

When conditions that would cause a procedure's superior to be 
interrupted occur in a top level procedure one of two things may 
happen. If the procedure tops a console controlled tree, a new 
HACTRN will be loaded (as in section 1.1) and all inferior 
procedures will be lost. If the procedure tops a disowned tree 
[Sec 5.2.2] it will be immediately stopped and when next attached 
[Sec 5.1.2] by a job tree the attaching procedure will be 
appropriately interrupted.

ITS determines that it should actually interrupt a procedure when 
it schedules [Sec 4.4], or the procedure executes a .DISMISS [Sec 
4.2.2], or .SUSET [Sec 4.5] of the PICLR variable if there are 
corresponding bits on in one or both of the procedure's interrupt 
request and mask words and its interrupt level flag (PICLR) 
indicates interrupts are enabled. ITS examines the contents of the 
procedure's location 42 to see if its direct address (indexing and 
indirect addressing ignored) is between location 20 and the 
location 6 less than the top of the user's core image, inclusive. 
If not, the user receives a class one interrupt for a bad location 
42. If so, the user's appropriate interrupt word (first word has 
higher priority than the second), containing bits on for 
interrupts the user is being presented with, is placed in the word 
directly addressed by the user's location 42 and bit 4.9 of that 
location is turned on if second word requests are stored. The 
interrupt request word stored is then cleared to receive further 
interrupts. The user's interrupt level flag is also set to inhibit 
further interrupts. Finally a JSR [Ref 1] is simulated to a 
location one greater than that in which the interrupts were just 
stored. The normal manner to return from an interrupt is with a 
.DISMISS [Sec 4.2.2].

The following is a list of word one interrupt bits:

  Bit(s)      Class    Condition                                                                    
  1.1         3        Character typed at console [Sec 3.2.1].                                      
  1.2         1        ^Z typed [Sec 1.1.2].                                                        
  1.3         1        Bad location 42.                                                             
  1.4         3        AR overflow [Ref 1].                                                         
  1.5         2        Display list memory protection violation [Sec 3.4.1].                        
  1.6         2        Illegal instruction.                                                         
  1.7         3        System going down in 5 minutes [Sec 6.5.2].                                  
  1.8         1        .VALUE executed [Sec 5.3.1].                                                 
  1.9         2        Input-output channel error. This interrupt always occurs                     
                       at an .IOT [Sec 2.3] or .OPER [Sec 1.2.1] that refers, with                  
                       its ac field, to the channel on which the error occured. For                 
                       more exact cause of interrupt use a .STATUS [Sec 2.6] or                     
                       the ERR device [Sec 3.4.4].                                                  
  2.1         2        Memory protection violation on reference to inferior procedure [Sec 3.4.2].  
  2.2         1        .BREAK executed [Sec 5.3.2].                                                 
  2.3         1        Return from single instruction proceed [Sec 6.7].                            
  2.4         3        Slow clock (every half second).                                              
  2.5         2        Memory protection violation [Ref 1].                                         
  2.6         2        MAR interrupt [Sec 6.4].                                                     
  2.7         3        Light pen [Sec].                                                     
  2.8         3        PDL overflow [Ref 1].                                                        
  2.9         3        Not used.                                                                    
  3.1--4.8    ---      Not used                                                                     
  4.9         ---      Indicates rest of bits to be interpreted as below.                           

In the second word of interrupt requests, bits 3.1-3.8 represent 
inferior procedures [Sec 5.1.3] and bits 1.1--2.7 represents 
input-output channels [Sec 2.1] with 1.1 for channel zero. 
Interrupts occur from inferior procedures as described above for 
class one or two interrupts to the inferiors while an input-output 
channel will try to interrupt if there is buffered teletype [Sec 
3.2.1] input on the channel. These buffered characters may be 
examined at the interrupt level with .ITYIC [Sec 2.7.3].

4.2.1 The .SETM2 UUO

A procedure can examine and modify all of the five variable words 
associated with interrupts to it by means of the .SUSET UUO [Sec 
4.5]. When a procedure is first created [Sec 5.1.1] or has a 
.RESET executed on it [Sec 3.4.2] all of these five variables are 
zero except PICLR which is set to minus one. For the mask (MSKST 
and MSKST2) and request (PIRQC and IFPIR) words a one bit 
represents an enabled interrupt of pending request and a zero 
represents an inhibited interrupt or lack of request. ITS will 
ignore attempts by the user to enable a class one interrupt (first 
word mask bits 1.2, 1.3, 2.2, and 2.3). To avoid certain timing 
errors, special .SUSET means (APIRQ and IPIRQ) are provided to 
turn on or off bits in the first request word without affecting 
other bits in that word.

The procedure's interrupt level flag (PICLR) can also be read or 
set. Its zero state indicated that interrupts are inhibited and 
class two interrupts become fatal. If nonzero, interrupts are 
enabled. ITS sets this variable to minus one when it executes a 
.DISMISS from a user, but when a user attempts to set it the word 
he stores there with .SUSET will be shifted right thirty five 
places. Thus the user can set his PICLR to either zero or one 
depending on the sign bit of the word he stores. As a result he 
can enable interrupts (even in the middle of his "interrupt routine" 
in a manner distinguishable from the automatic enablement 
performed by ITS or inhibit interrupts.

The above discussion also applies to examining and modifying these 
variables in inferiors with .USET [Sec 5.2.3].

To avoid certain timing problems there is a special UUO by which a 
procedure may set both its mask words at once as follows:

           MOVE AC,[MASKW1]      ;set up first word of mask bits     
           MOVE AC+1,[MASKW2]    ;set up second word of mask bits    
  CALL:    .SETM2 AC,            ;set both mask vars from AC & AC+1  

4.2.2 The .DISMISS UUO

            LOC 42                                                  
            JSR TSINT                                               
  TSINT:    0                   ;interrupt bits stored here         
            0                   ;loc interrupted from stored here   
            ...                 ;interrupt routine                  
  CALL:     .DISMISS TSINT+1    ;returns to where interrupted from  

This system call provides the normal means to return to an 
interrupted routine. It simultaneously re-enables interrupts and 
transfers to the location addressed by the right half of the 
contents of its effective address, restoring flags from the left 
half. This is normally, but not necessarily, the pseudo-JSR word 
stored by ITS as it simulates an interrupt. If there are pending 
conditions in the user's interrupt request words he will be 
immediately re-interrupted.

4.3 The Core Allocator

The core allocator consists of a single special procedure, called 
the core job, that does most of the work and various routines that 
signal to it their interest in acquiring or releasing core.

An internal map of the status of every 2000 word block of memory 
exists in the system and is maintained by the core allocator. The 
majority of the complexity of the core allocator is not due to 
maintaining this table but to the actions it must sometimes take 
to relocate input-output buffers and other occupants of core when 
a procedure wishes to expand. The lack of paging on the PDP-6 
makes it sometimes neccessary to "shuff'le" core to make a 
sufficient contiguous block.

Each 2000 word block must, except for two transient states, be 
devoted to one of the following uses:

1. Part of a procedure's core image (ITS code and variables appear 
  as core allocated for the system job [Sec 6.5]).

2. A disk buffer or directory [Sec 3.1.1].

3. A display buffer.

4. Unused.

5. Further divided into 200 word blocks. These 200 word blocks are 
  used for core link device buffers [Sec 3.4.3] or for DEC tape 
  buffers or directories [Sec 3.1.2].

A procedure may request more or less core by means of a .CORE [Sec 
4.3.1] and determine its memory bound without making protection 
violations with a .SUSET [Sec 4.5]. Other than the .CORE UUO a 
procedure's memory bound may be affected only by its destruction, 
when all blocks in its core image are marked free, or a .USET [Sec 
5.2.3] or .IOT on device USR [Sec 3.4.2] executed by its immediate superior.

4.3.1 The .CORE UUO

           ;error return   
           ;normal return  

This system call requests for the procedure executing it as many 
2000 word blocks as the value of its effective address except that 
if this value is zero it will be treated as if it were one. If and 
only if the .CORE is successful it skips. Only a .CORE to acquire 
more core may fail. If it does and a more than one block increase 
was being requested, some smaller number than requested may have 
been obtained.

4.4 The Scheduler

The scheduler runs when a quantum time-out occurs or when the 
physically running procedure encounters a blocking condition or 
causes an interrupt by some program action (memory protection 
violation, PDL overflow, etc.). The scheduler decides which 
procedure should run next by an examination of the variables [App 
D] in the system for each procedure. It simultaneously performs 
those modifications of these variables necessary to provide the 
simulated interrupt feature [Sec 4.2].

For those procedures that have their stop word (USTP [App D]) 
zero, their runnability is determined by a variable known as the 
flush instruction (FLSINS) which is set when the procedure becomes 
blocked. If this variable is zero the procedure is runnable. if 
nonzero it is executed with the procedure's EPDL2 variable [App D] 
loaded into ITS symbolic accumulator T. If the instruction skips 
then the procedure is runnable and has just become unblocked. If 
the flush instruction does not skip the procedure is still blocked.

The next procedure to be run is picked from among the runnable 
procedures by a scan which considers two "resource" variables per 
procedure. Both of these are quantized approximations to 
exponential decays toward proportions of machine time. The JTMU 
variable is associated with a particular procedure while the 
UTMPTR variable pointer for that procedure points to a quantity 
similar to JTMU maintained for all procedures in one console 
controlled tree. During the scan to select the next procedure to 
run, a procedure will be preferred to the best so far if its 
console tree has used less time recently than that of the best so 
far or its console tree has used exactly the same amount and the 
procedure has used less time recently. Exceptions to this are that 
a procedure is always preferred to the best so far if it has used 
less than one eighth as much time recently and never preferred if 
it has used more than eight times as much. Also the procedure, if 
any, that has seized the .MASTER [Sec 6.8.5] facility is given 
double priority and disowned procedures are given one eighth 
priority unless they have the line printer (device LPT) assigned 
to them or are running in executive mode when scheduled.

All disowned [Sec 5.1] job's UTMPTR's point to a single word which 
is given less resource than that for a normal console tree. The 
systems job [Sec 5.5] and core job [Sec 4.3] have UTAPTR's to 
seperate words given the same priority as a normal tree.

The general properties of this scheduling system can be described 
as follows:

1. Machine time is normally equally divided between consoles and 
  then between all the procedures running for each console.

2. Machine time used by a procedure is integrated with decay (time 
  constant about seven seconds) so

  (a) a procedure that is frequently blocked for a short period of 
    time (compared with a quantum, currently one fifteenth of a 
    second) should receive equal service with a pure compute job and

  (b) an interactive program called on infrequently by a user is 
    essentially guaranteed good service as it starts to think of a 
    reply but can not, on average, use more time than a pure 
    compute job.

4.5 The .SUSET UUO

  DATLOC:    ;location read into or written from  

Procedures may examine and modify some of their system variables 
[App D] by means of this system call. The contents of its 
effective address (a constant in the illustration above) is viewed 
as two half words. The right half should point at the word from 
which the variable is to be set or into which the variable is to 
be read. The left half specifies by its top bit (4.9) whether the 
variable is to be read (zero) or written (one) and by the value of 
its remaining bits which system variable. The following table 
lists permissible values:

  Name      Value     Type    Variable                                                          
  UPC       0         07      Program counter word [Ref 1].                                     
  VALUE     1         17      Contents of effective address of most recent .VALUE [Sec 5.3.1].  
  TTY       2         05      Status relative to console [Sec 3.2.1].                           
  FLSIMS    3         01      Blocking condition [Sec 4.4].                                     
  UNAME     4         05      UNAME [Sec 3.4.2].                                                
  JNAME     5         07      JNAME [Sec 3.4.2].                                                
  MASK      6         17      Interrupt mask word [Sec 4.2].                                    
  USTP      7         03      Stop word (usually only bit 4.7 can be written) [Sec 4.4].        
  PIRQC     10        17      First interrupt request word [Sec 4.2].                           
  IMTS      11        01      Bit used to interrupt superior [Sec 5.1.3]].                      
  MEMT      12        07      Memory bound [Sec 4.3], first location it would be                
                              illegal to reference.                                             
  SV40      13        05      Last executed UUO trapping to system [Sec 1.2.1].                 
  IPIRQ     14        17      Interrupt request word (written by an IORM).                      
  APIRQ     15        17      Interrupt request word (written by an ARDCAM).                    
  SNAME     16        17      System name [Sec 2.2.3].                                          
  PICLR     17        17      Interrupt level status word [Sec 4.2].                            
  MARA      20        17      MAR register and control bits [Sec 6.4].                          
  MARPC     21        17      Program counter at last MAR interrupt [Sec 6.4].                  
  UUOH      22        05      Program counter word at last system UUO.                          
  UIND      23        05      User index.                                                       
  RUNT      24        05      Total run time in 4.069 microsecond units.                        
  MSK2      25        17      Interrupt mask word two [Sec 4.2].                                
  IFPIR     26        17      Interrupt request word two [Sec 4.2].                             
  APRC      27        05      Disowned and processor cono status.                               
  SV60      30        05      Saved absolute location 60.                                       
            31--77    00      Unused.                                                           
  IOC       100+N     01      Input-output channel word for channel N.                          
  IOS       120+N     01      Status word for input-output channel N.                           
  IOP       140+N     01      Nth word of input-output channel push down list                   
                              [Sec 2.6], two words per entry.                                   

In the above table the 1.3 bit on in the type column implies that 
the variable can be read with .SUSET and the 1.4 bit implies it 
can be written with .SUSET. The other type bits relate to the 
.USET UUO [Sec 5.2.3].

Pre-defined symbols are available in the MIDAS assembler 
consisting of a "." followed by an "R" for read or a "S" for set 
followed by the string in the name column of the above table for 
all its entries.

Procedure Interaction

See also section 0.3.4 and 3.4.2.

5.1 The Hierarchical Organization of Procedures

All procedures operating under ITS are members of a tree structure 
recorded in the system by associating with each a pointer to its 
immediate superior. If this pointer is minus one it indicates that 
the procedure tops a tree. These trees may be of two types, those 
under the control of a console and those that are disowned [Sec 5.2.2].

Console "controlled" trees have had their top level procedure 
automatically loaded by ITS [Sec 1.1]. Since procedures may 
control their inferiors and the most that the user can do in 
appealing for aid when confronted with recalcitrant programs is to 
cause his console to converse with higher level procedures [Sec 
1.1.2], he is actually at the mercy of this top level program. It 
is currently a DDT expanded by the addition of new commands 
related to time sharing [Sec 7]. About the only restrictions 
deliberately inserted in it relate to logging in [Sec 6.1].

Disowned procedure trees differ from console controlled trees only 
in the following ways:

1. The have no console associated with them.

2. Class one interrupts in a top level procedure are handled 
  differently [Sec 4.2].

3. They are scheduled with lower priority [Sec 4.4].

4. Certain system calls, when executed in them, are treated as 
  illegal instructions.

5. Certain input-output devices are not accessible by them.

There exist a variety of means for procedures immediately above 
and below each other to interact [Sec 5.2, 5.3]. Procedures may 
also affect any procedure beneath them in the procedure tree by 
means of input-output translation table entries [Sec 2.2.2] and an 
arbitrary pair of procedures may converse treating each other as 
input-output devices [Sec 3.4.3].

Among the advantages of the above system of procedure organization 
are the following:

1. The highest level command processor (the top level procedure of 
  a console controlled tree) may vary arbitrarily from user to 
  user. In actual operation it is normal to see a HACTRN's whose 
  inferior procedure variables and symbol tables much exceed their code.

2. New versions of the highest level command processor may be 
  introduced simply by writing a file on the dik with no 
  interruption to system continuity.

3. New versions of the highest level command processor may be 
  easily and safely debugged by loading them as inferior 
  procedures. In this position they can exercise all their normal 
  functions except logging in and out.

4. It is not necessary to make every effort to remove all bugs 
  from the highest level command processor for fear that the 
  system may be destroyed by them, a consideration often 
  inhibiting more complex and powerful command languages. A fatal 
  error simply results in the program being reloaded.

5. Users have great generality in creating command levels of their own.

6. Multi-task programs may be organized in a consistent manner.

Items 1, 2 and 4 above argue to various extents against pure 
procedures as does their inherent speed inefficiency. Having to 
maintain seperate copies of the highest level command processor 
for each user is not that significant a disadvantage if one 
considers the amount of each copy's core image unique to each user 
and that while not in actual use they could be swapped out of the system.

5.1.1 Procedure Creation

Procedures may be created only by typing ^Z on an idle teletype 
[Sec 1.1.1] or by executing a .OPEN [Sec 2.2] on device USR [Sec 
3.4.2]. In the second case, which is discussed here, there are 
strict requirements on the "file name" used in the .OPEN. The first 
file name, which will be the UNAME of the created procedure, must 
be the same as the UNAME of the procedure executing the .OPEN. The 
second file name, which will be the JNAME of the created 
procedure, must be different from the JNAME of all jobs then in 
existence that have the UNAME being used. A procedure may have a 
maximum of eight directly inferior procedures. A newly created 
procedure will have one 2000 word block of cleared memory and all 
of its system variables initialized.

5.1.2 Attaching Disowned Procedure Trees

The only case in which a successful .OPEN [Sec 2.2] on device USR 
[Sec 3.4.2] may be executed to provide an inferior procedure (as 
opposed to opening a procedure for examination only) with a first 
file name different from the UNAME of the procedure executing the 
.OPEN is that in which the top procedure of a disowned tree is 
being opened. This type of .OPEN will be treated as an illegal 
instruction if executed by a procedure in a disowned tree. If not 
and the opening procedure has less than eight inferiors the open 
will succeed and ITS will modify the UNAME of the opened procedure 
and its inferior tree to agree with the opening procedure. It will 
then take each UNAME JNAME pair in the attached tree and make it 
unique by incrementing the JNAME part if necessary.

5.1.3 The .UTRAN UUO

  CALL:      .UTRAN FBLOCK                                     
             ;error return     ;no inferior found for int bit  
             ;normal return    ;inferior found                 
  FBLOCK:    INTBIT,,          ;UNAME stored here by call      
             0                 ;JNAME stored here by call      

When a procedure is first created by a .OPEN, ITS assigns to it a 
bit for use in interrupts [Sec 4.2] to its superior procedure 
different from that for any other inferior procedure its superior 
may have. Since inferior procedures can only be directly 
controlled when open on input-output channels, the loss of the 
name of an inferior by its superior while it was not open would 
result in complete loss of communication. Although procedures that 
have inferiors normally keep close track of their names and 
interrupt bits as read by .USET's [Sec 5.2.3], this system call 
has been provided to translate from particular interrupt bit to 
name of inferior. The left half of the contents of the effective 
address must have only the appropriate interrupt bit on. If a 
corresponding inferior procedure is found, the .UTRAN skips and 
the UNAME and JNAME of the inferior are stored in the two words 
after the word containing the interrupt bit. If not corresponding 
inferior is found the .UTRAN will fail to skip and the two 
locations after the location it effectively addresses will be unmodified.

5.2 Controls over an Immediately Inferior Procedure

See also section

5.2.1 The .UCLOSE UUO


Procedures may be destroyed only by the execution of a .LOGOUT 
[Sec 6.1] or a .UCLOSE. The second of these two system calls, 
which is discussed here, destroys the inferior procedure open on 
the channel specified by its accumulator field (CHNUM in the above 
illustration) and the entire procedure subtree of which this 
inferior is the top procedure. If an inferior is not open on the 
channel, the .UCLOSE'ing procedure will receive an input-output 
channel error interrupt. .CLOSE's [Sec 2.7.1] are automatically 
effected on all channels of all destroyed procedures and any 
system resources they claim are surrendered (by possibly 
simulating a .DCLOSE, .HANGUP, and/or .MASTER). In order to kill 
certain cancerous types of procedure subtrees it has been found 
necessary to implement this system call such that it first stops 
all procedures in the subtree and then destroys them.

5.2.2 The .DISOWN UUO


This system call requires that an inferior procedure be open on 
the channel specified by its accumulator field (CHNUM in the above 
illustration) or the .DISOWN'ing procedure will receive an 
input-output channel error interrupt. It causes this open 
procedure to become the top procedure of a disowned tree [Sec 5.1] 
and in the process closes all channels on which the disowning 
procedure has it open. A procedure in a disowned tree that tries 
to execute this system call will be unsuccessful and receive an 
illegal instruction interrupt [Sec 4.2] as will a procedure trying 
to disown a subtree that controls the tree's console [Sec].

5.2.3 The .USET UUO

  DATLOC:    ;location read into or set from     

This system call was created to allow a procedure to set and read 
many of the system variables [App D] associated with its inferiors 
and to read variables associated with other procedures. When 
executed its accumulator field must contain the number of a 
channel (CHNUM in the above illustration) on which a procedure 
open or the .USET'ing procedure will receive an input-output 
channel error interrupt. Otherwise it is very similar to .SUSET 
[Sec 4.5]. Reading is allowed if the 1.1 bit is on in the type 
column of the table in section 4.5. Setting is allowed for 
immediate inferiors if the 1.2 bit is on in that table.

5.3 Communication to an Immediately Superior Procedure

5.3.1 The .VALUE UUO

  CALL:      .VALUE ARGLOC                                               
             ;return if restarted                                        
  ARGLOC:    ARG                     ;transmitted to superior procedure  

A procedure executing this system call receives a class one 
interrupt [Sec 4.2] stopping it and interrupting its superior 
procedure. The contents of the effective address is saved in a 
system variable associated with the procedure [App D] so its 
superior can easily retreive it with a .USET [Sec 5.2.3].

5.3.2 The .BREAK UUO

  CALL:    .BREAK ARG1,ARG2      
           ;return if restarted  

The accumulator field and effective address of this UUO are 
ignored by ITS. A procedure executing it receives a class one 
interrupt [Sec 4.2] stopping it and interrupting its superior procedure.

5.4 The .GUN UUO

           MOVEI AC,USRINDEX  
  CALL:    .GUN AC,           
           ;failure return    
           ;normal return     

This system call, intended for use as a last resort, allows any 
procedure in a console controlled tree to expunge another tree 
from the system. The procedure specifies the tree to by .GUN'ed 
down by the user index (see section 8.2, mode N) of its top 
procedure. This is used instead of the normally unique UNAME JNAME 
pair so that easy reference may be had to procedures not logged in 
[Sec 6.1]. The contents of the accumulator specified by a .GUN 
must be the user index (can be read with .USET) of a top level 
[Sec 5.1] procedure other than the system job [Sec 6.5] or core 
job [Sec 4.3]. If the procedure executing the .GUN is in a 
disowned tree it will receive an illegal instruction interrupt.

The .GUN skips if successful at which point the system job will 
have been informed of the tree it is desired to expunge, which 
action the system job will, in due course, perform, also typing 
out an appropriate message. If the above restrictions on the 
specified user index are not met the .GUN will return without skipping.

Miscellaneous System Calls and Features

See also section 0.3.5.

6.1 The .LOGIN and .LOGOUT UUO's

These two system calls are the only ones that are effective only 
at the top level.

  CALL:    .LOGOUT                   
           ;return if not top level  

.LOGOUT has no effect and simply returns from the system to the 
instruction following if not executed in a top level procedure. It 
causes the procedure tree in whose top procedure it is executed in 
to be expunged from the system. It works for both console 
controlled trees and disowned trees. Since the normal means to 
create [Sec 5.1.1] and destroy [Sec 5.2.1] a procedure under ITS 
are calls in a superior procedure, the special case of the top 
level procedure must be handled differently as it is by ^Z [Sec 
1.1.1] and .LOGOUT.

           MOVE AC,[SIXBIT /NAME/]  
  CALL:    .LOGIN AC,               
           ;error return            
           ;normal return           

.LOGIN is not restricted to top level procedures by ITS but rather 
by HACTRN, the top level procedure ITS automatically loads [Sec 
7]. A .LOGIN represents an attempt by a procedure to set its UNAME 
to the contents of the accumulator specified. This is allowed by 
ITS only if the procedures's current UNAME is minus one (as the 
UNAME of initial HACTRN's is set) and the desired UNAME is neither 
zero, minus one, nor the UNAME of an extant console controlled 
tree. The success of a .LOGIN is signalled by its skipping. HACTRN 
will not open inferior procedures for a user until he has 
successfully logged in at which point his inferior procedures will 
have UNAME's dooming future .LOGIN's in that tree to failure.

6.2 Nonstandard Devices

6.2.1 The .RDSW UUO

  CALL:    .RDSW AC,  

This system call reads (DATAI's [Ref 1]) the contents of the data 
switches on the PDP-6's console into the specified accumulator. 

6.2.2 The .RD760 and .WR760 UUO's

  CALL:    .RD760 AC,      
           .WR760 AC,      

These system calls respectively read the data register (DATAI) of 
the device whose PDP-6 device number is 760 into the specified 
accumulator and output (DATAC) from the specified accumulator to 
the data register of the device [Ref 1]. The bits in the data 
register of this device are usually used for temporary direct 
control or sense hookups. Currently the bottom six bits control 
lights on the hand of the AMF arm [Sec 3.3.2].

6.2.3 The .RD710 UUO

  CALL:    .RD710 AC,  

The real time clock, which ITS currently uses to time user quanta, 
has, as well as an interval timing counter, a clock counter which 
is neither set or stopped by ITS. This system call reads into the 
specified accumulator a word whose bottom twenty four bits are 
this clock counter. It is incremented once every 4.069 microseconds.

6.2.4 The .RD500 UUO

  CALL:    .RD500 AC,  

This call reads (DATAI's) into the specified accumulator from 
device 500. This device is purported to be or become yet another 
kind of clock. See Paul DeCoriolis for more information.

6.3 Various Times and the Date

6.3.1 The .RDTIME UUO

  CALL:    .RDTIME AC,  

This system call reads into the specified accumulator the internal 
system time which is a word set to zero when a system is first 
loaded and is incremented every thirtieth of a second thereafter. 
This quantity is useful in conjunction with .SLEEP [Sec 6.8.1].

6.3.2 The .RTIME UUO

  CALL:    .RTIME AC,  

After the system has determined real (24 hour system) time, it 
maintains this internally as a number in units of one half second 
since the last midnight. This system call reads into the specified 
accumulator in sixbit characters this time in pairs of digits, 
reading from the left, hours, minutes, and seconds. If the time 
has not yet been determined, minus one will be read.

6.3.3 The .RDATE UUO

  CALL:    .RDATE AC,  

After the system has determined the calendar date, it maintains it 
internally as a word with sixbit characters in it. These 
characters are all numeric. The first two are the last two digits 
of the year, the next two are the month number, and the last two 
digits are the day of the month. This system call reads this word 
into the specified accumulator. If the date has not yet been 
determined, minus one will be read. In the current implementation, 
the date being determined implies that the time [Sec 6.3.2] has 
been determined. The date is correctly incremented every midnight.

6.4 The MAR Feature

In order to simulate the address stop facility of the PDP-6 in a 
time shared mode, it was decided to introduce a new hardware 
register, the MAR register, to cause interrupts when a particular 
location was addressed by the computer. To increase the 
flexibility of this feature, three control bits were added which 
further define the interrupt condition given that a memory address 
match has occurred.

Among the system variables [App D] kept by ITS for each procedure 
are its MAR register contents and control bits. These are loaded 
into the hardware as the user is started. Since the MAR feature is 
intended primarily as a debugging aid, it causes a class two 
interrupt [Sec 4.2] and a .USET [Sec 5.2.3] is used to set it from 
DDT [Sec 7] more frequently than a procedure sets its own with an 
.SUSET [Sec 4.5].

.USET and .SUSET take the right half of the word set from as the 
new address to be put in the MAR register and the low three bits 
of the left half as control bits as follows:

  Bit    Meaning (one state)                            
  3.3    Interrupt if data read or written is negative  
  3.2    Interrupt if data read or written is positive  
  3.1    Interrupt only on a write                      

At this time, attempts to differentiate read cycles on the basis 
of sign will fail as, due to a timing error, the data always 
appears positive. If a write cycle is interrupted on, the 
protected location will have been modified when the interrupt is processed.

When an MAR interrupt occurs, further MAR interrupts are disabled 
until the MAR is again set. A .SUSET or .USET may be used to read 
the word stored by the JSR at the system's processor interrupt 
channel location when the last MAR interrupt occurred.

Although, for their own safety, some parts of executive code 
inhibit MAR interrupts, it is quite possible for the user to cause 
some system calls to interrupt to the user, on reference to his 
core image where his MAR is pointing. The program counter word 
stored by the JSR at the user's location 42 [Sec 4.2] will be the 
location in his core image of the offending system call. The word 
read by a .SUSET or .USET will be an executive program counter 
word showing the absolute location at which the system call first 
attempted to reference the user's protected location.

6.5 The System Job

There are various tasks ITS would like to perform, most of which 
include input-output or waiting indefinite periods of time, which 
would be inconvenient to implement directly due to the procedure 
originated orientation of almost all system routines. Because of 
this a procedure was synthesized, known as the system job, that is 
actually a part of the monitor and always runs in executive mode. 
To aid in debugging ITS a feature was added to the system job so 
that when it had no other tasks to perform it would compare 
constant parts of ITS against a copy it makes initially [Sec 
6.5.1]. The following are some of the other tasks the system job performs:

1. Does .CORE's [Sec 4.3.1] for ITS to make room for more blocks 
  of user variables or for the system job's copy of constant parts 
  of ITS.

2. Prints messages on the system console whenever an effective 
  .SETLOC, .GUN, .IOTLSR, .LOGIN, .LOGOUT, or .OPEN for output or 
  .FDELE on device SYS is executed.

3. Prints messages on the system console when a parity error, 
  unrequested change in teletype priority interrupt channel 
  allocation, memory excessively full condition, or garbage 
  collection of DSK user directory is detected.

4. Initially determines the 24 hour time and calendar date [Sec 
  6.3.2, 6.3.3].

5. Prints a message on all teletypes when the system is first loaded.

6. Outputs a "CONSOLE FREE" message on any teletype when it is no 
  longer open by any procedure.

7. Various tasks related to the system going down feature [Sec 
  6.5.2] and TPL device [Sec 3.4.5].

6.5.1 The .SUPSET UUO

           MOVEI AC,2   
  CALL:    .SUPSET AC,  

The system job is partially controlled by ITS through a word in 
system memory. Bits to the left of 2.8 in this system word 
represent requests for some transient action. In the right half 
the bottom two bits (1.1--1.2) are currently used. Bit 1.1 
controls the system checking feature. If this bit is on, the 
system job makes a copy of the constant parts of ITS and procedes 
to spend its spare time checking the areas it copied against the 
copy. If a discrepency occurs, a message is printed and the copy 
corrected. If this bit is off, the system job will destroy any 
copy it may have, freeing that memory and most of the fraction of 
the machine time the system job uses when in checking mode.

Bit 1.2 affects the TPL device [Sec 3.4.5]. If it is on, TPL use 
of the LPT device is inhibited. Furthermore if a TPL file is being 
printed when this bit is turned on, it will be deleted, output 
will be aborted, and the LPT device freed.

The .SUPSET system call enables the user to control the system 
checking bit by XOR'ing [Ref 1] bits 1.1--2.8 of the specified 
accumulator into the system job control word and returning the 
resulting value in the specified accumulator. It also types out a 
message on the system job console like the message for .SETLOC.

6.5.2 The System Going Down Feature

To provide an orderly means for the termination of the operation 
of ITS, a special feature has been added. It is activated by 
setting absolute location 37 negative (either with the PDP-6 
console keys [Ref 1] or a .SETLOC [Sec 3.8.4]) or using .SHUTDN 
[Sec]. After a negative location 37 is noticed, all 
procedures for which it is enabled will receive a system going 
down interrupt [Sec 4.2] and all free teletypes have an 
appropriate message typed on them. Then a five minute timer is 
started and new console trees started [Sec 1.1.1] will be given a 
system going down interrupt right after they are created.

When the timer times out or when the number of console controlled 
trees in which successful .LOGIN's [Sec 6.1] have been executed 
goes to zero, all trees are forcably logged out and a message 
typed on all teletypes. All DEC tapes [Sec 3.1.2] for which the 
system is retaining a directory are flapped. The .SHUTDN UUO

           MOVE AC, [TIME]  
  CALL:    .SHUTDN AC,      
           ;error return    
           ;normal return   

This system call, which is illegal for procedures in a disowned 
tree, is a request for the system to go down [Sec 6.5.2] in as 
many thirtieths of a second as the contents of the specified 
accumulator. If an amount less than five minutes is specified, it 
will be treated as though it had been five minutes. If the system 
is already going down in less time than specified, this call will 
be ignored and return without skipping.

If the system is going down in a longer time than specified or not 
going down at all the call will succeed and skip. It will cause a 
system going down interrupt to all enabled procedures and start a 
timer for the specified length of time. New console trees created 
thereafter [Sec 1.1.1] will also receive a system going down 
interrupt when created. If the time till system death passes 
through five minutes, all enabled procedures will be interrupted again.

The conditions for and actions on actual death are as in section 6.5.2. The .DIETIM UUO

  CALL:    .DIETIM AC,  

This system call sets its specified accumulator to minus one if 
the then running ITS is not going down [Sec 6.5.2]. If it is, the 
accumulator is set to the maximum time till system death in 
thirtieths of a second.

6.6 Examining ITS

6.6.1 The .GETSYS UUO

             MOVE AC,[--LENGTH,,DATLOC]                     
             MOVE AC+1,[SIXBIT /AREA/]                      
  CALL:      .GETSYS AC,                                    
             ;error return                                  
             ;normal return                                 
  DATLOC:    BLOCK LENGTH                  ;area read into  

This system call enables a procedure to receive copies of various 
internal monitor areas in such a way that the data in those areas 
must be consistent. The specified accumulator contains a pointer 
word as for a block mode .IOT [Sec 2.3]. If the left half of the 
accumulator is zero, the block is treated as running to the end of 
the user's core image. The location following the specified 
accumulator contains, in left justified sixbit, the area requested 
as follows:

  Sixbit    Area                                                         
  TRANS     Translation table [Sec 2.2.2].                               
  GETS      List of things which can be requested with .GETSYS.          
  DEVS      List of available symbolic input-output devices [App C].     
  MEMORY    Memory allocation tables [Sec 4.3].                          
  UTAPE     DEC tape routine variables [Sec 3.1.2].                      
  CLINK     Core link variables [Sec 3.4.3].                             
  CALLS     List of symbols in squoze [Ref 3] for system calls [App A]   
            and .SUSET [Sec 4.5] left halves and their values.           
  DSYMS     Symbol table for ITS.                                        
  IMPX      Area input multiplextor cycled into [Sec 3.3.3].             
  OMPX      Area output multiplexor cycled from [Sec 3.3.2].             
  USERS     User variables for all procedures [App D].                   
  USER      User variables for particular user specified by UNAME and    
            JNAME in locations two and three greater than the specified  
            accumulator [App D]. If user not found location containing   
            UNAME will be zeroed.                                        

Interrupts are inhibited to a sufficient extent that the data 
obtained can not be inconsistent due to the area's modification 
while being transferred to the user. A successful .GETSYS will 
skip. One that fails, due to non-recognition of its sixbit word or 
insufficient memory specified by its pointer word, will not skip 
and in the former case the sixbit word will be zeroed.

6.6.2 The .GETLOC UUO

             MOVE AC,[ABSLOC,,DATLOC]                                     
  CALL:      .GETLOC AC,                                                  
  DATLOC:    0                           ;contents of ABSLOC stored here  

This system call simply transfers the contents of the absolute 
location pointed to by the left half of the specified accumulator 
to the user's relative location pointed to by the right half. If 
the right half points beyond the user's memory bound he will 
receive an illegal instruction interrupt [Sec 4.2].

6.6.3 The .RSYSI UUO

  CALL:    .RSYSI AC,  

This system call reads into the specified accumulator the sixbit 
representations of the second file name of the symbolic file that 
was assembled to produce the running version of ITS.

6.6.4 The .EVAL UUO

           MOVE AC,[SQUOZE sym]  
  CALL:    .EVAL AC,             
           ;error return         
           ;normal return        

The .EVAL system call allows a user to easily look up symbols in 
high core DDT's table of system symbols. The "squoze" code [Ref 3] 
for the symbol should be put in the accumulator specified. If the 
symbol is not found, the call will return without skipping. If it 
is found its value will be placed in the specified accumulator and 
the call will skip on returning.

6.7 The One Proceed Feature

The Project MAC AI Group PDP-6 has been modified so that there 
exists a mode in which it executes one instruction and then traps. 
This mode is properly stored when an interrupt occurs and is 
restored by JRST 2, [Ref 1]. For users it causes a class one 
interrupt and is expected to be used by superior (such as DDT [Sec 
7] procedures by .USET'ing [Sec 5.2.3] the 3.9 bit of their 
inferior's program counter word. There is coding in ITS such that 
all system calls will appear to be single instructions using this 
mode. While in this mode a user interrupt may be serviced and the 
user's status, including this mode, will be restored by a normal 
.DISMISS [Sec 4.2.2].

6.8 Miscellaneous

6.8.1 The .SLEEP UUO

           MOVE AC,[TIME]      
  CALL:    .SLEEP AC,          
           ;return eventually  

This system call allows a procedure to stop running, while 
remaining interruptable, by either specifying a length of time to 
remain quiescent or a particular time to wake up. If the specified 
accumulator contains a positive number it is considered the length 
of time, in thirtieths of a second, that the procedure wishes to 
sleep. If the specified accumulator contains a negative number 
then the procedure will sleep until the magnitude of system time 
(as read by .RDTIME [Sec 6.3.1]) is greater than the magnitude of 
this negative number. When a .SLEEP returns, the accumulator 
specified will be zero, but if a program is interrupted out of 
either type of .SLEEP the accumulator will be seen to contain the 
appropriate negative number.

6.8.2 The .GENSYM UUO

  CALL:    .GENSYM AC,  

This system call returns in the specified accumulator a valid 
sixbit file-name-like symbol that will be unique among those 
returned by .GENSYM's for a particular system run.

6.8.3 The .IOTLSR UUO

           MOVSI AC,400000    ;or 0 to release  
  CALL:    .IOTLSR AC,                          

Procedures run by ITS in IOT-user mode may execute hardware 
input-output instructions which would otherwise be ineffective and 
trap to the monitor. This system call sets the IOT-user status of 
the procedure executing it from the sign bit of the specified 
accumulator. If this bit is a one the procedure will attempt to 
enter IOT-user mode. If it is not currently in IOT-user mode it 
will enter it and a message will be output by the system job [Sec 
6.5] unless the procedure is in a disowned tree in which case it 
will receive an illegal instruction interrupt [Sec 4.2]. If this 
bit is a zero, the procedure will not be in IOT-user mode after 
the .IOTLSR.

6.8.4 The .SETLOC and .IFSET UUO's

             MOVE AC,[DATLOC,,ABSLOC]                                       
  CALL:      .SETLOC AC,                                                    
  DATLOC:    ...                         ;data from here written in ABSLOC  

The .SETLOC system call treats the specified accumulator as two 
half word pointers. It takes the contents of the relative user 
location pointed to by the left half and places it in the absolute 
location pointed to by the right half and causes the system job to 
output an appropriate message [Sec 6.5] unless the procedure 
executing it is in a disowned tree in which case the procedure 
will receive an illegal instruction interrupt [Sec 4.2].

             MOVE AC,[DATBLK,,ABSLOC]                                       
  CALL:      .IFSET AC,                                                     
             ;error return                                                  
             ;normal return                                                 
  DATBLK:    TESTWD                      ;tested against c(ABSLOC)          
             SETWRD                      ;set into ABSLOC if test succeeds  

The .IFSET system call is very similar to .SETLOC. The left half 
of its accumulator, however, points to a two word block. It first 
compares the first of these two words against the specified 
absolute location. If they are not equal, it returns immediately 
without skipping. If they are equal, it proceeds as for .SETLOC 
but sets from the second word of the block and skips on returning.

Going to the extra effort to use .IFSET is much safer of you think 
there is some chance that the absolute location you are setting 
may be moved by the core allocator.

6.8.5 The .MASTER UUO

           MOVSI AC,400000    ;or 0 to release  
  CALL:    .MASTER AC,                          
           ;error return                        
           ;normal return                       

ITS has a specified feature whereby one procedure can receive 
peferential treatment. It will be scheduled [Sec 4.4] with twice 
the priority of a normal procedure (running in competition with a 
second running job, it would reach an equilibrium where it was 
using twice as much machine time) and is given preference in the 
use of the DEC 340 display [Sec 3.4.1].

To request this status a procedure should execute a .MASTER with 
the 4.9 bit of the specified accumulator a one. It will succeed, 
and the .MASTER will skip, if no procedure has the facility seized 
or if the procedure executing the .MASTER has control [Sec] of teletype T00 (the "main console" in front of the 340 
display). If the later case, the facility may be removed from 
another procedure having it. A failing .MASTER returns without skipping.

The facility may be released by executing a .MASTER with the 
specified accumulator having bit 4.9 zero. This always skips even 
if the procedure does not have the facility to release.

6.8.6 The .REDEF UUO

             MOVEI AC,SYMBLK  
  CALL:      .REDEF AC,       
             ;error return    
             ;normal return   

This system call allows the user to define, redefine, and delete 
system symbols from high core DDT's symbol table. It is illegal 
for a procedure in a disowned procedure tree. The accumulator 
specified by it should contain a pointer to a two word block. The 
first word in this block should be the "squoze" code [Ref 3] for the 
symbol to be affected. The second word is the new value for a 
define (the symbol is not currently in the table) or redefine (the 
symbol currently is in the table). A delete request is indicated 
by having all four squoze flag bits (BITS in the above 
illustration) on. The call skips if successful. It can fail only 
on an attempt to define a new symbol when there is no more room 
above the time sharing system.


See also section 0.4.1.

7.1 Introduction

DDT is a general purpose machine language debugging program that 
has been extensively modified to act as a supervisory procedure in 
ITS. It is automatically loaded by ITS [Sec 1.1.1] when a user 
informs ITS of his presence at an idle teletype. All further 
requests of the system by the user, until he logs out, are by 
means of trapping instructions [Sec 1.2] executed for the user, 
possibly as a result of characters he types in, by DDT or 
procedures inferior [Sec 5.1] to and under the control of DDT. The 
current binary of DDT exists as the file "@ HACTRN" on device SYS 
[Sec 3.1.3]. For historic reasons, a top level DDT is known as a 
HACTRN (pronounced hack-tran).

The initial command structure of DDT provided single character 
debugging commands of limited mnemonicity. This structure was 
badly strained by the introduction of time-shared related 
commands. Then a new set of multi-letter commands was introduced. 
This set was expanded with the thought of providing all the most 
frequently used commands that did not relate to machine language 
debugging. Since a beginning or transient user might wish to use 
only these mnemonic commands, a mode switch was added to DDT. 
There is a "monitor mode" in which only the multi-letter commands 
are available besides a few interrupt level commands that are 
unaffected by mode. In "DDT mode" all of the single character 
debugging commands are also available.

Section 7.2 below gives more information on monitor mode and 
describes almost all monitor mode commands. Section 7.3 describes 
the few interrupt mode commands in HACTRN and section 7.4 explains 
how DDT tells the user about error conditions. The information in 
these three sections should be more than enough to enable 
extensive use of ITS, particularly the conversational and 
interpretive programs avaiable under it (such as TECO, LISP and STRING).

The remaining section (7.5) gives information on finding out about 
DDT mode commands. These would be important to someone developing 
a machine language program.

7.1.1 When DDT Starts

When a new copy of DDT is started, it types out certain useful 
information. If output is to a GE Datanet 760 console, it first 
clears the screen. Then it types out "" where xxx is the 
version number of the DDT so that bugs can be correctly matched to 
version. Then, if ITS is in the system going down mode [Sec 
6.5.2], a message indicating its remaining life span is output. 
Finally, if a file named "SYSTEM MAIL" is found on device SYS [Sec 
3.1.3], it is typed out.

7.2 Monitor Mode Commands

When in monitor mode [Sec 7.1], DDT indicates its readiness to 
accept a command by typing out a ":". At this point the user can 
type a series of letters followed by a break character (normally 
space or carriage return). DDT looks up this symbol (or its first 
six letters if longer) in a table of monitor mode commands. A user 
may also type a comment that will be ignored by DDT in or before 
this string by beginning and ending it with an "^$" (alt.-mode). No "^$"
s may be embedded in the comment. If the symbol is found, control 
is transferred to a routine associated with it which may perform 
immediate actions or wait for more information to be typed by the 
user. At any time during the typing of a command, the user can 
abort and start over by typing a rubout.

If the string (say "llll") after the ":" is not found in DDT's command 
table, it looks for a file called "TS llll" on device SYS [Sec 
3.1.3]. If not found an error comment [Sec 7.4] to that effect is 
output. If found, an inferior procedure is created, this file 
loaded into the inferior core image, and it is then started. The 
effect is as though the following [Sec 7.2] were typed:

  :JOB llll           
  :LOAD SYS: TS llll  

except that symbols for the program are not loaded into DDT from 
the file and the normal effects of :LOAD on the current file and 
device names in DDT is absent.

7.2.1 Logging In and Out

:LOGIN uname

This command takes as its argument the "uname" that the user wishes 
to log in with [Sec 6.2]. A "?" will be typed out and the command 
will be ineffective if someone is already logged in with that 
name. For ease in accessing his disk files, a user should use a 
consistent UNAME.

At the time the user logs in, DDT looks for a file names "uname MAIL"
 on device COM [Sec 3.1.3]. If not found, no action is taken by 
DDT. If found, DDT types it out, deletes the file "uname OMAIL", if 
any, on device COM, and renames the "uname MAIL" file as "uname OMAIL".


This command expunges all of the user's procedures from the system 
including the user's HACTRN [Sec 6.1]. The teletype the user was 
typing on will become free and a message to that effect will be 
typed out on it by the system job [Sec 6.5]. DDT also deletes the 
file "uname OMAIL" on device COM at this time (where "uname) is the 
name the user logged in as).

7.2.2 Inter User Communication

:MAIL uname string...^C

This command takes as its first argument the user name of someone 
who uses ITS and as its second argument a string terminated by a "^C"
. The command prefixes the string to the file "uname MAIL" on device 
COM [Sec 3.1.3] if such a file exists. If no such file exists, one 
is created with the string as its contents. This file is presented 
to the specified user when he logs in [Sec 7.2.1]. The user can 
rubout individual characters while typing the string or cancel the 
command by typing enough rubouts.

:BUG string...^C

This command is intended for use in reporting bugs in systems 
software. It is identical to ":MAIL SYS string...^C".

:SEND uname string...^C

This command takes arguments like :MAIL above but attempts to send 
the message string supplied to the user specified in a direct 
manner so that, if he is logged in, his HACTRN will type the 
string out on his console. If he is not logged in, DDT will type 
out "(MAIL)" and perform the actions specified under :MAIL above.

:GAG number

This command enables a user to gag messages that other users may 
attempt to send the him with :SEND (above). It takes a numeric 
argument that is bit decoded as per the table below.

  Bit    Source                   
  1.1    Other user's inferiors.  
  1.2    Other user's HACTRN's.   
  1.3    Your inferiors.          
  1.4    Your HACTRN (yourself).  

If a bit is on it inhibits messages from the source listed. If 
off, messages are not inhibited. The initial state is :GAG 1.

The current implementation gives no way to tell if a message sent 
was gagged by the intended receiver.

7.2.3 Inferior Procedures

:JOB {jname}

This command may be followed by an optional job name [Sec 5.1]. If 
there is an inferior procedure with this JNAME it will be selected 
by HACTRN as its "current job" (possibly attaching a disowned tree 
[Sec 5.1.2]). Many commands in DDT affect the current job only as 
this changes infrequently and one would not want to respecify it 
with each command. If there is no inferior with the specified 
name, one will be created [Sec 5.1.1] and selected as the current job.

The job names SYS and PDP10 are special. The first allows the user 
limited access to absolute core. The second allows full access to 
the core image of the PDP-10 [Sec] to one user.

If no argument is supplied to :JOB it attempts to select some job 
different from the current one and types out "jname$J" to inform the 
user it has selected job "jname". If there is no current or other 
job, nothing it typed out. If the current job is the only inferior 
of HACTRN it will be reselected. If other inferiors exist one is 
selected in such a way that all inferiors are cycled through by 
successive :JOB's with no argument.


This command obliterates [Sec 5.2.1] the current job and all its 
inferiors if it is an immediate inferior. If not an immediate 
inferior the variable space for it in HACTRN is reclaimed and 
logical pointers to it obliterated. In either case a :JOB with no 
argument is then simulated to minimize the time during which there 
is no current job.


This command lists all of the inferiors of which HACTRN is aware. 
An "*" is printed before the current job, if any. After each job 
will be a character indicating its state as follows:

  Character    Status                                   
  --           Just created or loaded.                  
  R            Running.                                 
  P            Procedable from random interrupt.        
  Bn           Procedable from breakpoint n [Sec 7.5].  
  W            Interrupt/message to HACTRN pending.     

After this letter is the user index of the procedure (see section 
8.2, mode N). An example of :LISTJ output appears in Appendix G.


This command disowns [Sec 5.2.2] the current job, deselecting it, 
expunging all information about it in HACTRN, and simulating a 
:JOB with no argument.

:LOAD {file specification}

This command attempts to load a file into the current job. HACTRN 
has a current device, system name [Sec 2.2.3], and pair of file 
names which it will use if nothing is specified after a command 
taking a file argument. This current file is initially device DSK, 
file name "@ BIN", and the system name the user logged in as [Sec 
7.2.1]. Various fields can appear in the file specification 
distinguished by their terminating character. A "dev:" field sets 
the device to "dev". An "sname;" sets the system name to "sname". A 
field terminated by a space or carriage return (the later 
indicating the end of the file specification) is treated 
differently depending on how many of this type of field have been 
seen. The first, if any, such becomes the first file name. The 
second, if any, becomes the second file name. A third, if 
supplied, becomes the device name (as if followed by a ":") and 
indicates the end of the file specification.

:DUMP {file specification}

This command dumps the current job as a file optionally specified 
as in :LOAD above.

:START {number}

This command starts the current job, giving it control of the 
user's console [Sec]. If no argument is supplied it is 
started at the last place it was started with a :START. if not 
:START'ed before then at the assembled-in starting address that 
was read in as the program was loaded. If no starting address was 
supplied a "?" is typed out.

If a numeric argument is supplied, the job is started at the 
specified address which is stored away for future :START's without argument.


This restarts the current job if it is stopped and gives it 
control of the user's console. It can be used to continue after 
returning to HACTRN with a "^Z" [Sec 1.1.2].


This command restarts the current job if it is stopped but leaves 
HACTRN in control of the user's console. Using this command the 
user can easily get several inferiors running at the same time.

7.2.4 Files and Input-Output

:PRINT {file specification}

This command treats a file as ASCII characters and prints it out. 
It accepts an optional file specification as described under :LOAD 
[Sec 7.2.3] above.

:DELETE {file specification}

This command deletes [Sec 2.4] a file. It takes an optional file 
specification as described under :LOAD [Sec 7.2.3] above.

:LISTF {device name}

This command lists the files on HACTRN's current device or the 
device specified as an argument [Sec 2.2.1].

:FLAP number

This command must be followed by the number of a DEC tape drive. 
It causes the tape on the specified drive to by physically 
demounted and its directory to be excised from ITS [Sec].

:LINK {file name pair} sname; fnam1 fnam2

This command creates a link [Sec] under HACTRN's current 
system name to the file "fname1 fname2" under system name "sname". The 
link's file name is also "fnam1 fnam2" unless the optional file 
names shown above are supplied.

7.2.5 The "Control-P" Feature

DDT has a feature which is designed to reduce the need to 
repeatedly type the same or very similar file names at different 
systems programs. For historic reasons this is called a "Control-P" 
feature. This feature is implemented using a block of four 
locations in DDT. These are deposited in the core image of a newly 
loaded inferior by the execution of certain DDT mode [Sec 7.5] 
commands and certain of the commands explained below. The 
locations set in an inferior and their significance are as follows:

  Location    Significance               
  50          First file name.           
  51          New second file name.      
  52          Current second file name.  
  53          Old second file name.      


This command reads in a file name as for :LOAD [Sec 7.2.3]. It 
puts the first file name read in the DDT word to be deposited in 
location 50. It puts the second file name in the DDT word to be 
deposited in location 52 and the second file name incremented in 
the word to be deposited in location 51. It clears the word to be 
deposited in 53 and finally loads, deposits in 50 through 53, and 
starts a copy of TECO, the normal ITS editing program, as for a 
:TECO [Sec 7.2] except for the depositing in 50 through 53.


This command increments the file name in the location to be put in 
51 and then puts the incremented file name back after moving what 
was there into the location to be put in 52 and similarly moving 
that word into the location to be put into 53. it then loads, 
deposits in, and starts a copy of TECO, the normal ITS editor, as 
for a :TECO [Sec 7.2] except for the depositing in 50 through 53.


This command simply reads a file name and does the same thing with 
it as :CR (described above) except it does not load or start a TECO.

7.2.6 Miscellaneous


This command lists all important monitor mode commands with a 
short explanation of each. An example is shown in Appendix G.


This command switches HACTRN to DDT mode [Sec 7.1].


This command switches HACTRN to monitor mode [Sec 7.1].

:XFILE {file specification}

This command reads the file, optionally specified as for :LOAD 
[Sec 7.2.3] above, and, treating it as ASCII, executes it as 
HACTRN commands.


Mostly useful in conjunction with DDT mode [Sec 7.5] commands, 
this command loads symbols only for the current job. It takes an 
optional file specification as for :LOAD [Sec 7.2.3] above.


Mostly useful in conjunction with DDT mode [Sec 7.5] commands, 
this command interprets the last quantity typed out by HACTRN as a 
.STATUS [Sec 2.5] word using the ERR device [Sec 3.4.4].

7.3 Interrupt Level and Context Tree Commands

There are six single character commands to HACTRN that are 
interpreted at its interrupt level or at its top level in a manner 
independent of and not affecting the context in which they occur. 
They are presented in alphabetic order below. Two provide the user 
with the ability to "silence" any particular output of his HACTRN 
and abort it from a hung state. The remaining four control where 
HACTRN's output goes.

  Character    Effect                                                                                     
  ^B           Attempts to seize the line printer [Sec 3.2.2]. If successful, causes HACTRN output        
               to be printed.                                                                             
  ^E           Releases the line printer [Sec 3.2.2] and stops HACTRN output from being printed.          
  ^G           Interpreted at the interrupt level, this command causes HACTRN to abort from               
               whatever it is doing, type out ""QUIT?, and wait for new commands. This command            
               should only be used when necessary (ie HACTRN seems to be permanently hung                 
               up) as there is almost no protection from interrupting out of embarrasing places where     
                variables are out of phase, etc. All buffered type in and out is also reset [Sec 2.7.2].  
  ^S           This character is interpreted at both interrupt and top level. It inhibits HACTRN output,  
               also doing a type out reset [Sec 2.7.2], between these two interpretations. Thus ""^S      
               is a much less drastic step than ""^G (above) to be used when the only trouble is that     
               HACTRN is being somewhat long winded. It re-enables output when HACTRN gets                
               around to it at the top level.                                                             
  ^V           This command causes HACTRN output to be typed. It is the initial state.                    
  ^W           This command stops HACTRN output from being typed.                                         

7.4 Error Comments

DDT used to have two error comments, "U" and "?". The first of these 
is typed out when an undefined symbol is evaluated, usually when 
it is terminated by a non-symbol-constituent. The second was typed 
out for all other errors. it has been significantly augmented.

Errors in attempting to open, rename, or delete a file are 
indicated by the comment produced by the ERR device [Sec 3.4.4] 
followed by the symbolic name of the device and a question mark. 
In the case of an input-output error interrupt from an .IOT or 
.OPER, a special check is made to see if the error is device full 
on the input-output channel on which dumps are written. If so, the 
partial dump is deleted and an appropriate message output. 
Otherwise, the following error comment is output.

n, m, p, IOC?

where n is the error number, m the input-output channel on which 
it occurred, and p the location of the offending .IOT or .OPER. 
For other errors indicated by interrupts the following is output:

n, p, INT?

where n is a number with the interrupt bits on and p is the 
location interrupted from.

Other error comment listed in the following table:

  Output    Meaning                                
  NML?      Interrupt from unknown inferior.       
  TMJ?      Attempt to have too many inferiors.    
  CKS?      Checksum error on load.                
  EOF?      Unexpected end-of-file on read.        
  CFT?      Unable to assign console to inferior.  
  COR?      Can't get more core.                   
  JOB?      No current job.                        
  UNF?      DEC tape unflappable.                  
  DSK?      Disown failed.                         
  TMS?      Too many undefined symbols.            
  ILUUC?    Illegal UUO executed in DDT.           
  LOGIN?    You are not logged in.                 

7.5 DDT Mode Commands

Monitor mode commands may also be used in DDT mode. It is simply 
necessary for the user to type the initial ":". For further 
information on DDT mode commands, references 2, 7 and 8 of this 
memo are recommended. Also one might try next year's edition of 
this memo.


8.1 Introduction

PEEK is a utility program operating under ITS. It enables a user 
to monitor a variety of aspects of the time sharing system by 
providing periodically updated display output or periodic 
character string output to teletype or line printer. Commands to 
PEEK are single letters sometimes preceded by numeric arguments. 
When initially started, PEEK is in N, or normal, mode [Sec 8.2]. 
If the uder is on a GE console [Sec 3.2.1] PEEK will initially 
start outputing by typing (which, on a GE console, is effectively 
displaying). If the user is on a teletype, PEEK will try to seize 
the 340 display [Sec 3.4.1] and either display on the 340 or type 
its output depending on whether it succeeds or fails, 
respectively. This may be disconcerting if you are at a teletype 
not in view of the 340 because it will appear that the PEEK is 
just sitting there. This can be rectified with the ^N command [Sec 8.3].

The first line of all pages output by PEEK is as follows:

ITS xxx PEEK yyy mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss

where xxx is the version number of the system in use [Sec 6.5.3], 
yyy is the version number of the PEEK in use (so bugs can be 
matched to exact version), and mm/dd/yy is the date and hh:mm:ss 
the time according to ITS [Sec 6.3.2, 6.3.3]. If any core or disk 
parity errors have occured during the current system run, a second 
line is displayeed listing the number of each. The last line of 
all pages displayed on the 340 by PEEK is a list of mode commands 
which can be given by light-penning [Sec] them with 
effects identical to typing them.

All characters typed at PEEK are interpreted at its interrupt 
level and have effect, if any, immediately. Characters that are 
not commands, digits, or ^Z are completely ignored. Digits are 
accumulated as an octal number until a non-digit is typed at which 
time the accumulated number is made available (if the non-digit is 
a command taking a numeric argument) and reset.

The amount of memory occupied by PEEK varies with mode but the 
present minimum is three memory blocks (a total of 5000 words).

8.2 Modes Available

The particular subset of the time sharing system's status being 
output by PEEK is controlled by its mode. Initially PEEK is in N 
mode but it may be changed to any of those listed below by typing 
the letter indicated or light penning [Sec] it if PEEK is 
displaying on the 340. Unless otherwise specified the output 
repetition rate for those modes is the standard rate initially set 
to 5 seconds delay after end of page output before starting on the 
next update. This is variable by the user with the Z command [Sec 8.4].

  D    This mode outputs system supplied directories [Sec 2.2.1] for the disk          
       device [Sec 3.1.1]. The directory output will list only those files for the     
       system name [Sec 2.2.3] of the PEEK. If the PEEK is running as an               
       inferior of DDT [Sec 7], this system name may be easily changed by a            
       DDT command. If output is to the 340 display, the user directory is             
       preceded by a list of the extant user directories which may be                  
       individually light penned to change PEEK's system names and select a            
       different directory to display.                                                 
  G    This mode lists the sixbit symbols recognized by .GETSYS [Sec 6.6.1]            
       in the system in use. Output is updated after a ten second delay.               
  H    Only available with the 340 display, this mode outputs a graph of               
       memory with different memory users [Sec 4.3] on different vertical              
       levels and location represented by horizontal coordinate.                       
  I    The symbolic devices implemented in the system in use [App A, B] are            
       listed by this mode. Output is updated after a ten second delay.                
  M    This mode is somewhat reminiscent of H mode. It lists all memory users          
       and the amount of memory they are using in decreasing order. An ""* is          
       also output by stopped jobs as are the characters for special resources         
       being used by any job (see table below).                                        
  V    This is the most frequently used mode of PEEK. It tries to give a snapshot      
       of the status of all user jobs in the system. Different amounts of information  
       are displayed depending on the particular output device in use, but in all      
       cases the following additional information is output:                           

1. Above the list of user jobs, the number of free blocks (each 
  2000 words) of memory (MEMFR), the number of areas that are 
  allocated for user variable [App D] (USRRI), and the number of 
  user programs that were runnable last schedule time (RNABLU);

2. Below the list of user jobs, the number of blocks of memory 
  occupied by user programs (USR MEM) (the sum of this figure and 
  MEMFR is not constant due to dynamic IO buffers), the total 
  percentage of machine time being used by the listed programs 
  (USR TIM) (less than one hundred due to scheduling and other 
  overhead), the amount of time that the running system has been 
  up (STIME), and the total amount of machine time used by users 
  that have logged out (LOUTIN).

Between the two sets of information described above, there is one 
line of information for each procedure in the system topped by a 
title line which provides a heading for each column of 
information. The first item on the line for any particular 
procedure will be the user index of the procedure, a number that 
uniquely refers to it (see mode V). The second item will be either 
the UNAME for top level procedures and the JNAME for inferiors or 
the UNAME, JNAME, and SNAME for each procedure depending on the 
line width of the output device. This second item also portrays 
the existant procedure tree structure in that each procedure not 
at the top level is an inferior of the nearest procedure above it 
whose name is not indented as far.

Other items include an exponential approximation to the percentage 
of machine time the procedure has been receiving, the number of 
core blocks it is occupying, a column labeled "TTY" that has a "T" 
concatenated with the console number opposite procedures 
controlling a console, various letters immediately after the "TTY" 
column for system resources controlled by the procedure (see the 
table below), and a column labelled "STATUS". The character string 
opposite a procedure in the STATUS column should be interpreted as follows:

1. A leading "*" indicates that the procedure is processing a 
  software interrupt [Sec 4.2].

2. RUN indicates that the program is running in user mode.

3. A pair of numbers separated by an "!" indicates that the 
  procedure is stopped.

4. Most other strings represent a system call (with S used for the 
  very common .SLEEP call) or input-output device and type of transfer.

  (a) If preceded by a "+" the procedure is running in executive 
    move performing the call or input-output.

  (b) If not it is hung on the call or input-output.

  T    The contents of the system translation table [Sec 2.2.2] is output.    
  U    This mode displays the status of the DEC tape drives [Sec 3.1.2]       
       and of the open DEC tape files. For the normal user, the most          
       useful information per tape is the drive number in the leftmost        
       column and the DIR variable in the next to rightmost (UTASS)           
       column. If the DIR variable is minus one, ITS is not retaining a       
       directory for that drive and a tape mounted on it could be removed     
       manually. Otherwise it is the absolute location of the directory.      
       The per open file information includes the names of the procedure      
       using the file, its direction, and the number of buffers (200 words    
       each) currently being used for the file by the system.                 
  V    This mode command should be proceeded by the user index (see           
       mode K above) of some user. It displays many of his user variables     
       [App D] and the channel word and status word for each of his           
       input-ouput channels [Sec 2.1, 2.5]. If output is to the 340 or line   
       printer, the contents of the selected user's accumulators are also     
  X    This mode outputs the digitalization of all the multiplexed analog to  
       digital input channels [Sec 3.3.3] and the value being output on each  
       of the multiplexed digital to analog channels [Sec 3.3.2].             
  Y    This mode outputs system supplied [Sec 2.2.1] directories for DEC      
       tapes. It shoud be proceeded by a drive number.                        
  ?    This mode outputs a list and brief explanation of PEEK's commands.     
       An example of its use is included in Appendix G. Output is updated     
       after a ten second delay.                                              

The following are the system resource letters used in modes N and 
M above:

  C     Indicates that the procedure is now or was the last                 
        to use the core allocator.                                          
  D     Indicates that the procedure has seized control of the DEC          
        340 display.                                                        
  F     Indicates that the procedure has control of the COD device.         
  I     This letter can be present for more than one procedure. It          
        indicates that the procedure it appears with is in ""IOT-user       
        mode [Sec 6.8.3].                                                   
  L     Indicates that the procedure has control of the line printer.       
  M     Indicates that the procedure has seized the .MASTER                 
        [Sec 6.8.5] facility.                                               
  P     Indicates that the procedure has seized control of the plotter.     
  R     Indicates that the procedure has control of the paper tape reader.  
  T     Indicates that the procedure has control of the paper tape punch.   
  10    Indicates that the user has the PDP-10 core image open on           
        device USR [Sec].                                           

8.3 IO Control

PEEK will output to only one device at a time. The initial device 
is chosen as explained in section 8.1. All of the following four 
commands for changing PEEK's output device also cause PEEK to 
immediately restart output for its current mode [Sec 8.2]:

  ^B    This switches output to the line printer if it is available.  
        If not available the output device will be unchanged.         
  ^E    This command will terminate PEEK output to the line           
        printer and cause it to either type or display its output.    
  ^N    This command terminates 340 display output, starts            
        typed output, and sets a flag in PEEK that is cleared         
        only by the ^Y command. This flag inhibits PEEK's             
        attempts to seize the 340 as described in section 8.1         
  ^Y    PEEK will attempt to seize the 340 display for output         
        on receipt of this command. If it is unsuccessful, output     
        will revert to typing. In any case the flag mentioned         
        under ^N above is cleared.                                    

8.4 Miscellaneous

The following are miscellaneous PEEK commands:

  P    If the PEEK is running under DDT [Sec 7], this command           
       will return control of the user's console to DDT but leave       
       PEEK running and, if the 340 display or line printer is          
       selected, producing output. It uses .VALUE to return the         
       string ""^P as a command to DDT.                                 
  Q    If the PEEK is running under DDT [Sec 7], this command           
       will destroy the PEEK it is typed at and return control of       
       the user's console to DDT. It uses .VALUE to return the          
       string ""$^X. as a command to DDT.                               
  Z    This command should be preceded by a small number. It            
       sets the standard update delay to as many seconds [Sec 8.2].     
  !    This command will probably go away when swapping is              
       added to the system. Under normal circumstances it will          
       cause the procedure tree in which is found the pEEK it is        
       typed at to be replaced by a single newly loaded PEEK at the     
       top level. This saves memory if several people want to leave a   
       PEEK at a single console running for their joint enlightenment.  
       A top level PEEK will commit suicide if a ^Z is typed at it.     


9.1 Introduction

LOCK is a utility program operating under ITS performing a 
multitude of infrequently required tasks. Its name derives from 
the fact that the function it was originally written for was to "lock"
 and "unlock" teletypes (see the + and -- commands [Sec 9.2]). Most 
of LOCK's commands are single characters.

In contrast to PEEK [Sec 8], which interprets commands at the 
interrupt level, commands to LOCK are read at the main program 
level. Thus commands will in general have no effect before 
previous commands have been completed. In fact, some commands 
cause a change in the state of LOCK such that following letters 
are interpreted as arguments.

LOCK occupies only one block (2000 words) of memory except after 
the "T" command.

9.2 Commands

The following are the current LOCK commands:

  +     This command should be preceeded by a teletype number                          
        [Sec 3.2.1]. The LOCK will try to open the specified                           
        teletype as an input-output device. it will be successful only                 
        if the teletype is not in use. If it successful, the teletype will             
        become impervious to ^Z's so no user can log in on it. LOCK                    
        will type out an appropriate message on the now locked                         
        teletype, and LOCK will type a ""W to the LOCK user. If the                    
        LOCK fails in opening the teletype it will type an ""L at the                  
        LOCK user.                                                                     
  --    This command should be preceeded by a teletype number. If                      
        LOCK has the specified teletype locked (see ""+ above) it will                 
        unlock it and type out an ""*. Otherwise it will type a ""?.                   
  _     This command should be preceded by the octal code for a                        
        character. LOCK will type out the character represented in image               
        mode [Sec 3.2.1]. This is useful for determining the reaction of a             
        console to various codes.                                                      
  G     This command should be preceded by the user index [Sec 8.2, see                
        mode N] of the top procedure in a tree that the user wishes to                 
        obliterate. It must be followed by the characters ""UN. If the user            
        deviates from this sequence, a ""? will be typed and LOCK will                 
        listen for a new command. If the user does not deviate the system              
        job [Sec 6.5] forceably logs out [Sec 5.4] the tree and types out a            
        message on the system job teletype.                                            
  I     A series of magic characters must be typed at a model 37 teletype              
        to allow its use in full duplex, the mode assumed by most programs             
        operating under ITS. This command causes LOCK to type the                      
        requisite characters in image mode [Sec 3.2.1].                                
  K     This command must be immediately followed by the characters ""ILL              
        (see G above) and should be preceded by a number. It will activate the         
        system going down feature [Sec 6.5.2] with a time limit of five or the         
        number preceding the command minutes, whichever is larger.                     
  O     When it receives this command, LOCK will permanently go into a mode            
        where characters typed at it are echoed as their ASCII values in octal. To     
        ultimately escape from LOCK in this mode, the user should use ^Z [Sec          
  P     If LOCK is running under a DDT [Sec 7], this command causes control            
        of a user's console to revert to it. The command uses .VALUE to return         
        a null string.                                                                 
  Q     If LOCK is running under a DDT [Sec 7], this command causes control            
        of a user's console to revert to his DDT and his LOCK to be destroyed.         
        Note that this will unlock all teletypes previously locked (see ""+ above)     
        by the destroyed LOCK as destroying a procedure closes all its channels.       
        It uses .VALUE to return the string "":KILL.                                   
  S     This command complements the run status of the system checking feature         
        of the system job [Sec 6.5.1]. It will type out the resultant state as either  
        ""START or ""STOP.                                                             
  T     This command causes complex and nonterminating gyrations on the part           
        of the LOCK it is typed at and the procedures the LOCK will create as a        
        result of this command. Its purpose is to test the core allocator [Sec 4.3]    
        and other components of the ITS system. Its casual use is not                  
  ?     This command causes LOCK to type out an up-to-date list of its commands        
        with a brief explanation of each. An example appears in Appendix G.            


1. Digital Equipment Corporation
  Programmed-Data-Processor-6 Handbook (P-65)
  August 1964, DEC, Maynard, Massachusetts.

2. Digital Equipment Corporation
  DDT (DEC-6-0-UP-DDT-U4-FP-ACT00),
  April 1965, DEC, Maynard, Massachusetts.

3. Peter R. Samson
  MIDAS (MAC-M-279, AI-90)
  October 1965, Project MAC memo.

4. Peter R. Samson
  MAC PDP-6 DEC-tape File Structure (MAC-M-249, AI-82)
  Project MAC memo.

5. Michael D. Beeler
  [untitled] (AI-128)
  March 1967, MAC AI group memo.

6. Michael D. Beeler
  IO Test (AI-144)
  October 1967, MAC AI group memo.

7. Digital Equipment Corporation
  DDT-10 (DEC-10-CDDB-D)
  June 1958, DEC, Maynard, Massachusetts.

8. Thomas F. Knight
  A Multiple Procedure DDT (AI-147)
  January 1958, MAC AI group memo.

9. John T. Holloway
  Output to the PDP-6 Calcomp Plotter (AI-104)
  August 1966, MAC AI group memo.

10. Donald E. Eastlake III
  PDP-6 Software Update (Revised AI-118)
  June 1967, MAC AI group memo.

11. Donald E. Eastlake III
  ITS 1.4 Reference Manual (MAC-C-377, AI-161)
  June 1968, MAC memo.

12. Donald E. Eastlake III
  PEEK and LOCK (MAC-M-367, AI-169)
  November 1968, MAC memo.

13. Stewart Nelson, Michael Levitt
  Robot Utility Functions (AI-172)
  February 1969, MAC AI Group memo.

System Calls in Numeric Order

(correct as of ITS version 528)

  Name      Number       Section  
  .IOT      UUO 040      2.3      
  .OPEN     UUO 041      2.2      
  .OPER     UUO 042      1.2.1    
  .ITYI     .OPER 1      App E    
  .LISTE    .OPER 2  
  .SLEEP    .OPER 3      6.8.1    
  .SETMS    .OPER 4      App E    
  .SETM2    .OPER 5      4.2.1    
  .LOGIN    .OPER 6      6.1      
  .CLOSE    .OPER 7      2.7.1    
  .UCLOS    .OPER 10     5.2.1    
  .ATTY     .OPER 11  
  .DTTY     .OPER 12  
  .IOPUS    .OPER 13     2.6.1    
  .IOPOP    .OPER 14     2.6.1    
  .DCLOS    .OPER 15  
  .DSTOP    .OPER 16  
  .RDTIM    .OPER 17     6.3.1    
  .RDSW     .OPER 20     6.2.1    
  .GUN      .OPER 21     5.4      
  .UDISM    .OPER 22  
  .GETSY    .OPER 23     6.6.1    
  .RD500    .OPER 24     6.2.4    
  .GETLO    .OPER 25     6.6.2    
  .SETLO    .OPER 26     6.8.4    
  .DISOW    .OPER 27     5.2.2    
  .RD760    .OPER 30     6.2.2    
  .WR760    .OPER 31     6.2.2    
  .GEHSY    .OPER 32     6.8.2    
  .LOGOU    .OPER 33     6.1      
  .GSNAM    .OPER 34     App E    
  .WSNAM    .OPER 35     App E    
  .UPISE    .OPER 36     App E    
  .RESET    .OPER 37     2.7.3    
  .ARMOV    .OPER 40  
  .WMAR     .OPER 41     App E    
  .RRTIM    .OPER 42     App E    
  .ASSIG    .OPER 43  
  .DESIG    .OPER 44  
  .RTIME    .OPER 45     6.3.2    
  .RDATE    .OPER 46     6.3.3    
  .RD710    .OPER 47     6.2.3    
  .EOFC     .OPER 50     2.3.1    
  .IOTLS    .OPER 51     6.8.3    
  .RSYSI    .OPER 52     6.6.3    
  .SUPSE    .OPER 53     6.5.1    
  .UBLAT    .OPER 56  
  .IOPDL    .OPER 57     2.6.2    
  .ITYIC    .OPER 60     2.7.3    
  .MASTE    .OPER 61     6.8.5    
  .VSTST    .OPER 62  
  .DIAL     .OPER 63  
  .DIALW    .OPER 64  
  .HANGU    .OPER 65  
  .DIETI    .OPER 66  
  .SHUTD    .OPER 67  
  .ARMOP    .OPER 70  
  .NDIS     .OPER 71  
  .FEED     .OPER 72  
  .EVAL     .OPER 73     6.6.4    
  .REDEF    .OPER 74     6.8.6    
  .ITSET    .OPER 75     6.8.4    
  .UTNAM    .OPER 76  
  .UINIT    .OPER 77  
  .CALL     UUO 043      1.2.1    
  .DISMI    .CALL 1,     4.2.2    
  .TRANS    .CALL 2,  
  .TRANA    .CALL 3,  
  .VALUE    .CALL 4,     5.3.1    
  .UTRAN    .CALL 5,     5.1.3    
  .CORE     .CALL 6,     4.3.1    
  .TRAND    .CALL 7,  
  .DSTAR    .CALL 10,  
  .FDELE    .CALL 11,    2.4      
  .DSTRT    .CALL 12,  
  .SUSET    .CALL 13,    4.5      
  .LTPEN    .CALL 14,  
  .VSCAN    .CALL 15,  
  .POTSE    .CALL 16,  
  .USET     UUO 044      5.2.3    
  .BREAK    UUO 045      5.3.2    
  .STATU    UUO 046      2.5      
  .ACCES    UUO 047      2.7.4    

System Calls in Alphabetic Order

(correct as of ITS version 528)

  Name      Number       Section  
  .ACCES    UUO 047      2.7.4    
  .ARMOF    .OPER 70  
  .ARMOV    .OPER 40  
  .ASSIG    .OPER 43  
  .ATTY     .OPER 11  
  .BREAK    UUO 045      5.3.2    
  .CALL     UUO 043      1.2.1    
  .CLOSE    .OPER 7      2.7.1    
  .CORE     .CALL 6,     4.3.1    
  .DCLOS    .OPER 15  
  .DESIG    .OPER 44  
  .DIAL     .OPER 53  
  .DIALW    .OPER 64  
  .DIETI    .OPER 66  
  .DISMI    .CALL 1,     4.2.2    
  .DISOW    .OPER 27     5.2.2    
  .DSTAR    .CALL 10,  
  .DSTOP    .OPER 16  
  .DSTRT    .CALL 12,  
  .DTTY     .OPER 12  
  .EOFC     .OPER 50     2.3.1    
  .EVAL     .OPER 73     6.6.4    
  .FDELE    .CALL 11,    2.4      
  .FEED     .OPER 72  
  .GENSY    .OPER 32     6.8.2    
  .GETLO    .OPER 25     6.6.2    
  .GETSY    .OPER 23     6.6.1    
  .GSNAM    .OPER 34     App E    
  .GUN      .OPER 21     5.4      
  .HANGU    .OPER 65  
  .IFSET    .OPER 75     6.8.4    
  .IOPDL    .OPER 57     2.6.2    
  .IOPOP    .OPER 14     2.6.1    
  .IOPUS    .OPER 13     2.6.1    
  .IOT      UUO 040      2.3      
  .IOTLS    .OPER 51     6.8.3    
  .ITYI     .OPER 1      App E    
  .ITYIC    .OPER 60     2.7.3    
  .LISTE    .OPER 2  
  .LOGIN    .OPER 5      6.1      
  .LOGOU    .OPER 33     6.1      
  .LTPEN    .CALL 14,  
  .MASTE    .OPER 61     6.8.5    
  .NDIS     .OPER 71  
  .OPEN     UUO 041      2.2      
  .OPER     UUO 042      1.2.1    
  .POTSE    .CALL 16,  
  .RD500    .OPER 24     6.2.4    
  .RD710    .OPER 47     6.2.3    
  .RD760    .OPER 30     6.2.2    
  .RDATE    .OPER 46     6.3.3    
  .RDSW     .OPER 20     6.2.1    
  .RDTIM    .OPER 17     6.3.1    
  .REDEF    .OPER 74     6.8.6    
  .RESET    .OPER 37     2.7.3    
  .RRTIM    .OPER 42     App E    
  .RSYSI    .OPER 52     6.6.3    
  .RTIME    .OPER 45     6.3.2    
  .SETLO    .OPER 26     6.8.4    
  .SETM2    .OPER 5      4.2.1    
  .SETMS    .OPER 4      App E    
  .SHUTD    .OPER 67  
  .SLEEP    .OPER 3      6.8.1    
  .STATU    UUO 046      2.5      
  .SUPSE    .OPER 53     6.5.1    
  .SUSET    .CALL 13,    4.5      
  .TRANA    .CALL 3,  
  .TRAND    .CALL 7,  
  .TRANS    .CALL 2,  
  .UBLAT    .OPER 56  
  .UCLOS    .OPER 10     5.2.1    
  .UDISM    .OPER 22  
  .UINIT    .OPER 77  
  .UPISE    .OPER 36     App E    
  .USET     UUO 044      5.2.3    
  .UTNAM    .OPER 76  
  .UTRAN    .CALL 5,     5.1.3    
  .VALUE    .CALL 4,     5.3.1    
  .VSCAN    .CALL 15,  
  .VSTST    .OPER 62  
  .WMAR     .OPER 41     App E    
  .WR760    .OPER 31     6.2.2    
  .WSNAM    .OPER 35     App E    

Available Symbolic Devices in Alphabetic Order

(correct as of ITS version 528)

  Device    Type    Section  
  CLA       5       3.4.3    
  CLI       3       3.4.3    
  CLO       7       3.4.3    
  CLU       7       3.4.3    
  COD       6       3.2.5    
  COM       7       3.1.3    
  DIS       2       3.4.1    
  DKn       7       3.1.1    
  DSK       7       3.1.1    
  ERR       4       3.4.4    
  IDS       2       3.4.1    
  IMX       4       3.3.3    
  LPT       2       3.2.2    
  NUL       6       3.4.6    
  NVD       6       3.3.1    
  OMX       2       3.3.2    
  PLT       2       3.2.3    
  Pnm       7       3.1.1    
  PTP       2       3.2.4    
  PTR       4       3.2.4    
  SYS       7       3.1.3    
  Tnm       6       3.2.1    
  TPL       7       3.4.5    
  TTY       6       3.2.1    
  TVC       6       3.3.1    
  USR       6       3.4.2    
  UTn       7       3.1.2    
  VID       6       3.3.1    

System Variables per User

(correct as of ITS version 528)

  ICCHNM:    REPEAT 20,0         ;input-output channel assignment words                      
                                 ;right half, index into IOTTB, CLSTB                        
                                 ;left half, device dependent                                
  SIOCHN:    BLOCK LUIOP         ;input-output channel push down list                        
  SIOCP:     SIOCHN--1           ;pointer into input-output push down list                   
  IOCHST:    BLOCK 20            ;input-output channel status for channels at IOCHNM         
                                 ;3.1--4.9 input-output status                               
                                 ;1.1--2.9 .ACCESS pointer                                   
  UPC:       0                   ;stores program counter when not running                    
  UPR:       0                   ;user protection and relocation registers                   
  MEMTOP:    0                   ;six less than first illegal location                       
  RMEMT:     0                   ;first illegal location                                     
  CORRQ:     --1                 ;request to core job                                        
                                 ;1.1--1.8 number of blocks, 3.1--4.8 user requested for     
                                 ;4.9=0 means request present, 4.9=0 means no request        
  ACOS:      BLOCK 15            ;swap out accumulators                                      
  AC15S:     0                   ;commonly referenced swap out accumulator                   
  AC16S:     0                   ;commonly referenced swap out accumulator                   
  AC17S:     0                   ;commonly referenced swap out accumulator                   
  UUO:                           ;the following three locations swapped in & out of          
                                 ;UEXIT, UUOH, etc with user                                 
  SUEXIT:    JRST 2,@UUOH        ;user UUO exit instruction                                  
  SUUOH:     0                   ;contents of @41 (absolute)                                 
  SAC17P:    MOVEM U,            ;accumulator 17 in user's shadow memory                     
  SV40:      0                   ;last interrupting UUO                                      
                                 ;(contents of 40 when user out)                             
  SV60:      0                   ;contents of 60 when user out                               
  AC14P:     0                   ;points to accumulator 14 in shadow memory                  
  AC15P:     0                   ;points to accumulator 15 in shadow memory                  
  AC16P:     0                   ;points to accumulator 16 in shadow memory                  
  40P:       0                   ;points to user's relative location 40                      
  41P:       0                   ;points to user's relative location 41                      
  APRC:      APRCHN              ;right half is cono to processor                            
                                 ;4.9 implies user is in a disowned tree                     
                                 ;4.8 implies user being .UCLOS'ed                           
                                 ;4.7 user has been cored zero                               
                                 ;4.6 core request pending on this user                      
                                 ;4.1--4.4 number of last channel on which an                
                                 ;error occurred                                             
  USTP:      0                   ;stop word                                                  
                                 ;zero implies runnable                                      
                                 ;4.9 stopped to be moved by core allocator                  
                                 ;4.8 general core allocator stop bit                        
                                 ;4.7 controlled by superior procedure                       
                                 ;4.6 special bit, see URMEMT & UMEMEX                       
                                 ;1.1--2.9 count of transient reasons to be stopped          
  PIRQC:     0                   ;pending first word interrupts                              
  MSKST:     0                   ;interrupt enable mask for PIRQC                            
  IFPIR:     0                   ;second wod of interrupt requests                           
                                 ;3.8--3.1 inferior procedure interrupts                     
                                 ;2.7--1.1 input-output channel interrupts                   
                                 ;1.1 for channel 1, etc.                                    
  MSKST2:    0                   ;second word interrupt enable mask                          
  PICLR:     0                   ;interrupt level status flag                                
  SUPPRO:    0                   ;pointer and interrupt bit to superior procedure            
                                 ;--1 for top level procedure                                
  FLSINS:    0                   ;blocking condition instruction                             
                                 ;zero implies runnable                                      
  UFINAL:    0                   ;nonzero implies finalization required to interrupt         
  RPCL:      0                   ;0 implies no RPCLosering in progress                       
                                 ;0,,n RPLSR'ing user n                                      
                                 ;--1,,n being RPCLSR'ed by user n                           
  UNAME:     0                   ;user name                                                  
                                 ;This word for each procedure is copied from the            
                                 ;UNAME of the procedure that creates it (see USR            
                                 ;device). For an initial top level procedure it is --1 but  
                                 ;is modified by .LOGIN. It is the same for all procedures   
                                 ;in a tree.                                                 
  JNAME:     0                   ;job name                                                   
                                 ;Each logged in procedure has a unique UNAME,               
                                 ;JNAME pair. The JNAME of an initial top level              
                                 ;job is ""HACTRN. For other jobs it is the second           
                                 ;file name specified in the .OPEN on the USR device         
                                 ;that creates them.                                         
  USYSNM:    0                   ;current system name                                        
                                 ;This variable is initially set equal to the procedure's    
                                 ;UNAME. It can be read or set by the procedure or its       
                                 ;superior (.SUSET, .USET). It is used as the third file     
                                 ;name on certain shared devices.                            
  USYSN1:    0                   ;system name used inside disk routines                      
                                 ;This variable is normally equal to USYSNM but see          
                                 ;devices COM, SYS and TPL.                                  
  TTYTEL:    0                   ;console assignment for this procedure                      
  UQUAN:     0                   ;quantum time                                               
  UTRNTM:    0                   ;total run time                                             
  UTMPTR:    0                   ;pointer to procedure tree resource word                    
  JTMU:      0                   ;procedure resource word                                    
  IOTLSR:    0                   ;4.9 a one implies iot-user mode                            
                                 ;4,5--4.3 MAR conditions                                    
                                 ;2.9--1.1 contents of MAR register                          
  UMARPC:    0                   ;program counter at last MAR interrupt                      
  VALUE:     0                   ;contents of effective address of last .VALUE               
  UOUT:      0                   ;4.9=1  \Rightarrow  user not completely in core            
                                 ;4.8 in transit in                                          
                                 ;4.7 in transit out                                         
                                 ;4.6 ref to disk in progress                                
                                 ;4.5 back in core but needs to be blessed before starting   
                                 ;1.1--1.9 core blocks needed for swap in                    
  USRPDL:    --LUPDL,,UPDL--1    ;push down list pointer for system calls                    
  UPDL:      BLOCK LUPDL--2      ;push down list area for system calls                       
  EPDL1:     0                   ;link depth for 2311 routines                               
  EPDL:      0                   ;temporarily saves accumulator B for ACORE                  
  EPDL2:     0                   ;temporarily saves accumulator T for FLSINS                 

Relics of ITS's Past

The following system calls, while still effective as of ITS 
version 523, can be expected to ultimately disappear. They are 
redundant, more specialized, older versions of their replacements.

  Name      Number      Replacement    Function                                                       
  .ITYI     .OPER 1     .ITYIC         Read interrupt level characters from open TTY device, if any.  
  .SETMS    .OPER 4     .SUSET         Set own user variable MSKST.                                   
  .GSNAM    .OPER 34    .SUSET         Read own user variable USYSNM.                                 
  .WSNAM    .OPER 35    .SUSET         Set own user variable USYSNM.                                  
  .UPISE    .OPER 36    .SUSET         Set own user variable PICLR.                                   
  .WMAR     .OPER 41    .SUSET         Set own user variable IOTLSR.                                  
  .RRTIM    .OPER 42    .SUSET         Read own user variable UTRNTM.                                 

Further Sources of Information on ITS

Information further than or more recent than that contained in 
this manual may usually be obtained by consulting the symbolic 
listings of ITS, DDT, PEEK, or LOCK. The following persons may 
also be helpful:

  Donald E. Eastlake III    
  Jerry S. Freiberg         
  Richard D. Greenblatt     
  Thomas F. Knight          
  John T. Holloway          
  Stewart B. Nelson         
  Frederick H.G. Wright II  

Illustrative Console Output

The following pages are a sample console session with ITS 
illustrating several features documented in this memo.

 \uparrow Z





 \uparrow N

    ITS 530   PEEK 142   07/14/69   00:22:15

PARITY ERRORS:  DISK =   11   CORE =   0

MEMFR=267 USRMI=11             RNABLU=2


 0 SYS      TYO    T5     25  0%

 1 CORE     UUO    ?      0   1%

 3  PEEK    +GETSY T4  C  5   3%

10 MS     EOAMIC  RUN DISOWN  20 91%

USR MEM= 60  USR TIM= 97%

STIME = 7:03:22  LOUTIM = 0


    ITS 530   PEEK 142   07/14/69   00:22:58















   \uparrow B USE LINE PRINTER


   \uparrow Y USE 340

   \uparrow N STOP USING 340







$ \uparrow X.



 \leftarrow ?









Q  VALRET AN $ \uparrow X.




 \leftarrow Q

$ \uparrow X.
































ITS 530 CONSOLE 4 FREE. 00:25:57