                                 |Nick Majarin           |
,-----------------------------.  |-----------------------|
|Billy Summers by Stephen King|  |heavyset               |
|-----------------------------|  |wears an expensive suit|
|-----------------------------|  |lives large            |
`-----------------------------'  |no hotels              |
               |                 |-----------------------|
               |                 `-----------------------'
               |                              |
               |                              |
               |                 ,------------------------.  
               |                 |Frank Macintosh         |  
         ,-----------.           |------------------------|  
         |Chapter One|           |Tall with black hair    |  
         |-----------|           |AKA Frankie Elvis       |  
         |-----------|           |AKA Solar Elvis ~balding|  
         `-----------'           |Clothes: Suit           |  
               |                 |------------------------|  
               |                 `------------------------'  
               |                              |
  ,------------------------.          ,-------------.
  |Setting                 |          |Paulie Logan |
  |------------------------|          |-------------|
  |Midwood                 |          |short        |
  |East of the Mississippi |          |bespectacled |
  |South of the Mason Dixon|          |Clothes: Suit|
  |------------------------|          |-------------|
  `------------------------'          `-------------'

                       ,-------------.   |Midwood House                           |
                       |Billy Summers|   |----------------------------------------|
                       |-------------|   |2 miles NE from downtown                |
                       |-------------|---|2 story subdued yellow with a patch lawn|
                       `-------------'   |neighborhood of ranch houses            |
                              |          |----------------------------------------|
                              |          `----------------------------------------'
 |Joe The Target                                           |                       
 |Pro Shooter                                              |                       
 |assaulted a feminist                                     |                       
 |lost poker game killed winner caught on security footage |                       
 |threatening to divulge intel if death penalty not dropped|                       