Hi folks! This is my first phlog on the Gopherspace! Let me talk about some things i've been messing with. First of all, i was trying out OpenBSD but unfortunately i couldn't get my network to work with it :(. So i had to go back to linux; but what distro would i pick now? I decided to try out Void Linux and i was pleasantly suprised by its fast boot times with runit. It's pretty cool! Secondly, i made a cool game in Lisp! My dad had been telling me about lisp for a bit now, and i decided "Well, this looks cool. I think it's about time to try it!" I made a little flappy bird game but i'm pretty proud of it because it's my first time really coding in lisp. It could have been better looking back on it, but i will improve and make cooler games! Here it is by the way: https://github.com/bplx/flappy-lisp And yeah, that's all for now! I dont really know if i'll make that many phlogs but i sure did post this one!