From: Date: 2018-03-25 Subject: Simple Templates with Awk At the end of each sprint, I send a status report to about fifty people in my organization. The report is distributed as a Word document. I could, of course, just use Word to create and manage these status reports, but I would prefer to do all my editing in vim and automate the formatting. My first iteration of this process was to create my status report content in markdown and then pipe it through pandoc [4] to create a docx file. pandoc -f markdown -t docx statusreport.mdown -o statusreport.docx This worked great, but I was still making a copy of the previous status report and editing certain parts of it to create each suc- cessive status report. I wanted to separate the static information from the dynamic information. This would make the job of gathering sprint-specific data more straightforward, and the resulting re- ports should be more consistent. I would need some way to merge the sprint data into the template. A template engine should do the trick. I'm working in a very constrained environment, MinGW* [1], so I needed a lightweight template engine composed of GNU coreutils. I have to admit that I cheated. I figured this was a problem that Awk could handle, but I wasn't sure where to start. After a little searching, I found a blog post [2] at AwkCoder [3] that demonstrat- ed how to build a simple template engine with Awk. The trick is to use NR==FNR to determine whether the first file is being processed. This little template engine processes the data file first and builds a hash containing my keys and their associated values. Next, it processes the template and substitutes my placeholders with actual data. Now, after I gather my sprint-specific information into a file, I can run one command to generate my docx file: awk -f tengine.awk sprintNN.dat statusReportTemplate.mdown | pandoc -f markdown -t docx - -o StatusNN.docx I set this up in a bash script so that I can pass the sprint number in as an argument. #!/bin/bash awk -f tengine.awk sprint${1}.dat statusReportTemplate.mdown | pandoc -f markdown -t docx - -o Status${1}.docx Right now I'm gathering a lot of information manually. I'd like to automate some of this, but I would need to get authentication fig- ured out using curl, and then I would need parse the information out of JSON or OData or, gasp, HTML. I think I might leave well enough alone. Maybe. References: 1. 2. 3. 4. * I get my MinGW environment by installing git-bash.