From: Date: 2019-06-30 Subject: Setting Up a Pi-based Webcam I set up a camera so that we can check in on our cat during the day. I had a Logitech C270 webcam sitting around (Amazon says I bought it June 23 2016). I connected the camera to a Raspberry Pi 3 that was gathering dust and, 24 hours later, I had a working web- cam. The Pi already had Debian installed from a previous project. First, I updated everything with apt. I spent some time updating the configuration of wpa_supplicant to match my current Wi-Fi set- tings. I then installed webcam, software that grabs an image from an attached camera and uploads it anywhere you like. I copied the default configuration from webcam's man page to .webcamrc, updated a few settings, added myself to the video group (/dev/video0 is 660, owned by root:video), and started capturing images. I ran into an issue with the file transfer to my web server. When connecting to my VPS, I use a public key. The location of the key is specified in the -i option to scp. I didn't see a way to speci- fy that in webcam's configuration. So, I wrote a wrapper in bash that captured the image locally using webcam and then uploaded the image in a separate step using scp. I had another issue when capturing images. Webcam would often fail to grab an image from the camera in the first few attempts. It would die because /dev/video0 was missing, busy, or because I didn't have permission. Oddly, this issue would usually resolve itself after a few attempts. I extended my bash script to run web- cam until it successfully captured an image or failed five times, whichever came first. This setup has been reliable so far. Here's the script: #!/bin/bash tries="5" while [[ "$tries" != "0" ]]; do tries=$(($tries - 1)) webcam && scp -i keyfile /home/dave/webcam.jpeg && tries="0" sleep 2 done With the capture and upload working, I wanted to make it run auto- matically. Technically, webcam can do that on its own but, due to my workarounds, I decided to create a cron task for it. I added the following line to my crontab: */10 8-17 * * * bash /home/dave/capture.bash >/dev/null 2>&1 Cron will run my capture script every ten minutes between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. I throw away all the output, otherwise cron will send it to me in an email and I don't want those stacking up. The Pi and webcam are now set up in an out-of-the-way corner. The camera is pointed at one of our cat's favorite lounging spots. When we're out and about, we can pull up the most recent webcam im- age on our phone and possibly catch our cat napping by the window.