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My name is Davide Mitoli and I'm a MSc student in theoretical chemistry based 
in Turin, Italy.

I recently (february 2021) discovered the underground world of SDF and gopher
and so I decided to give life to my small personal space. My english is not
very good, so I apoligize for it, but I give you my word: it will improve.

My scientific interests lie in the field of theoretical and computational
chemistry (mostly ab initio simulations of condensed matter). I'm also a
wannabe developer (Python and the good old Fortran).

At the moment I'm working on the application of group theory in the evaluation
of the anharmonic terms of the potential energy surfaces of molecules and
crystals. Don't worry, I don't understand much either. Just know that I write
many lines of code to try to simulate condensed matter.

During my teens I played guitar in a band (Box26, check it on SoundCloud) - we
were quite popular at school.

Feel free to contact me by email: davidemitoli[AT]sdf[DOT]org
Here is my Mastodon profile: @Mit@Mastodon.sdf.org