Title: Tiredness and lack of time 
Date: 06-05-2022

I must admit: I'm tired.

During this days I started writing a two page project which I must submit for 
the admission to the PhD. Here in Italy scholarships are very limited and 
typically only one student per research group is admitted each year. In this 
regard I'm in direct competition with another guy - in case you were reading 
me, good luck!. I've never been good at competitions, I've always avoided them.
But not this time, I'd give almost everything to get this position.

I must say that, despite this framework, things are just fine within the group.
This week another guy from Brazil joined us. He's a MSc student in engineering
willing to cross the ocean just to work on his thesis. He's an experimentalist 
who is now working for the first time in his life with ab initio simulations. I
have a lot of respect for him.

I'm not writing a lot - both here and on Mastodon - not because I don't want 
to, but because of lack of time. If only days lasted longer...