Title: Red zone
Date: 16-03-2021

Today I started a new course whose official name is "Complements of 
Computational Materials Science", a realy obscure title under which two topics
are treated:
- an introduction to Statistical Thermodynamics (ST);
- Density Functional Theory (DFT).
The organization is not so good and today's lesson was very confusing - I can 
only hope that the next ones will be better.

Most of Italy has entered the "red zone" since yesterday. This is pretty
concerning. At the moment is not possible to move freely without a justified
reason (work, study, health). Data coming from Israel are encouranging but here
in EU we are very far from the end. As for me, my daily life has certainly 
taken a hit - but the many hours of lessons fill the days.

Before dinner I'll finish setting up my pi-hole - let's hope for the best.