70 columns Is anyone writing their Gopher files in vi (or similar text editor) and then using some other command-line utility to pipe the file through in order to keep everything at 70 columns (N columns) or below? If so, could you please drop me a line and let me know how you are doing this? d1337 [at] sdf.org EDIT 1: sdf user screwtape quickly responded to tell me about the "justify" tool, which can be downloaded here: https://tildegit.org/jns/justify I downloaded it to my sdf shell and easily compiled it using gmake. Justifying the output of a Gopher file to 70 columns is as easy as: cat gopher_file.txt | ./justify -w 70 NOTE: "justify" will leave off a non-blank line at the end of your file if it does not itself end with a CR/LF. ALSO NOTE: "justify" makes a distinction between "columns" (-c) and "characters" (-w). In my case it was 70 "characters" that I was after. EDIT 2: For all you EMACS hackers out there, sdf user kimek responded to tell me about how he accomplishes this in his editor of choice: "I use EMACS to set my widths. Alt+x f opens a column prompt which I personally set to 69. It is then a matter of highlighting the document and hitting Alt+q. Alt+q on a single line or paragraph also works with no highlighting necessary." [This Gopher article written in vi and justified to 70 columns using the "justify" utility] CREATED 2023-04-04