For those of you paying attention to my gopher hole,
I was born on Friday the 13th, at 4:44 PM CST
In November, which means my birthday is coming up.

Has it really been 36 years already? Has it really
been so long since I was watching original
power rangers on CBS Kids channel 4, climbing
on top of the roof of the house to move the
antenna bracketed to the side of the house?

Has it really been such a long time since I took
apart my VHS VCR from RCA so it would stop eating
my tapes?

Has it been so long since I would play Bolo on
AppleTalk on my Macintosh System 7 network as a

Man, it feels like yesterday when Windows 95
came out to much fanfare.

To think I was born in the same year as
Super Dimensional Fortress, 1987.