I spent most of my life being very unproductive. I was very lazy and would
spend a lot of time on the computer as a way of escaping. The computer was
a safety blanket and it kept me from facing reality and the problems I had
with it.

I did not grow up with a strong grasp on reality, or perhaps I should say
I did not have a firm grasp on what it meant to have a healthy mentality.
I was enabled to be lazy, to rely on the pity of others.

It is only now that I feel like I am able to stand after so many years

Everyone wants to change something about the world. Do do something with
themselves, to show that they have made a change in the world. It is when
we develop self discipline that we can then build up the strength to take
on what we want to do.

This is a long drawn out way to say that I feel like I am in control of my
life and it's the first time ever.

I hope one day you can feel the same, reader.

In other thoughts, I have begun reading about lisp and elisp in an attempt
to understand how Emacs works on the inside. I am a big fan of functional
programming and functional programming concepts and having had worked for
a long time with python, trying to get it to behave in a functional way is
very frustring.

Lisp seems to be as extensible as Emacs itself and that was quite a neat

Last thought for the evening, I don't know if you all have seen this before,
but if you want to learn about programming theory there is a great book
called the SICP. Here's a link:


A friend of mine introduced me to it and I was really surprised I hadn't
heard of it before! I guess I'm one of those lucky 10,000.

Also, isn't it strange that this file is ~1KB and the other file is the same
size but with much less characters? Might have to investigate with `xxd`

If you want to chat don't be afraid to drop me a line!