I love ideas. One of the things I really like about interacting 
with people on SDF is that I get exposed to a lot of neat ideas 
that I would never have otherwise encountered.

On the other hand, appreciating a cornucopia of ideas can sometimes 
cause problems for me when I dither on adopting some of these ideas 
as hobbies or active interests. In fact, this has consistently been 
a big problem for me; adding so many informal pursuits to my to-do 
list that I lose track of the things that should be top priority.

To address this problem, I am going to start maintaining a 
not-do-do list.  I'll be using this to force conscious decisions 
about the things I would love to do "if I only had more time", but 
that I *will not* be doing now. The not-to-do-list isn't a list of 
every single thing I am not going to do.  Instead, it is the things 
I really, really want to do -- but simply can't fit into a more 
focused list.

When I've completed my to-do list, I will come back to this 
not-to-do list and re-consider the items.

Some items from my initial not-to-do-list:

* toki pona
* french
* watch building/repair (horology)
* long-distance running
* anything arduino
* ANSI art
* dwarf fortress