How To Add "Open In New Window" Functionality To Forg 0.5.1:

1.  Become root
2.  Open /usr/share/forg/ in a text editor
3.  Find the line that says: from Tkinter import *
3b. Below that line add: from os import system
4.  Find this line: self.popup.add_command(label='Info', command=self.infoPopup)
4b. Above it, put 8 spaces and: 
    self.popup.add_command(label='In New Window', command=self.newForg)
5.  Find this line: def infoPopup(self, resource=None):
5b. On the lines above it, put the following with spacing intact:
    def newForg(self, resource=None):
        if resource is None:
            resource = self.cursel
        url = "\"" + resource.toURL() + "\""
        print url
        nul = system("forg " + url + " &")        
        return None
6.  The two "def" blocks should be aligned; save the file
7.  Now you should be able to right-click sels in Forg and open "In New Window"  

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