This is the first of hopefully many podcasts in which I discuss some of my favorite Games, specifically Role-playing games. I'll be talking about rules, rule systems, products, and world building. In a lot of ways this is a continuation of The OSR Podcast[1]. I'll still be talking about the Dungeons and Dragons Old School Renaissance on this podcast, but I wanted a platform (and title) that was a bit broader. This first podcast will cover lighting in the ancient and medieval world. Its a very broad topic which tends to get overlooked when world building, and I feel like our fantasy worlds are the poorer for it. Most people just slept when it was dark and worked when it was light, but for those who need to shed a little light (like our adventurers) lighting ones way is an interesting web of guilds, competing products, hirelings, and even some possible intrigue. I wrote a short blog a while ago (imported to this site, though without its original date) that linked to some interesting resources Lindybeige[2]) which you can find below[3]. Urbana-Metronica (wooh-yeah mix) by spinningmerkaba (c) copyright 2011 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: Morusque, Jeris, CSoul, Alex Beroza Cowboy Glitch (borja vs. go1dfish) by spinningmerkaba (c) copyright 2011 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: borja, go1dfish Links [1] [2] [3]