first of all, i've realized the reason my text width seems wrong is because it is. here i was assuming 80 was generous. i believe i read 67 is safe so that's what i just set it to. i've been getting really into my night-time routines lately. not super rigidly, but i've been making tea every night and doing some kind of not-work to wind down. right now i'm drinking (well, not yet, i just poured the water) peppermint tea with lots of sugar. sue me! i'll probably read something later on. last night i tried to start reading the talmud because i had a horrible dream two nights ago that involved it. i can't remember much about the dream other than that it was horrible and involved the talmud, which i've already said. i believe i was some trusted person to someone trying to leave the faith. he wanted me to get rid of his copy, but i held on to it with the premonition that he would return to his faith. i don't believe in the dream i was jewish (nor am i in the waking world), but i felt some kind of obligation to it in the dream. i think in a later part of the dream there were lots of people trying to visit a church i was somehow involved in maintaining. this was a feverish kind of dream where i was half-awake, so the church architecture in question was the arrangement of my pillows and blankets. i had to keep tossing and turning to make it just right. i would wake up fully, realizing i'm half asleep, and sit up and tell myself that these half-dream things aren't real, but then i'd go right back to it. it was really frustrating. i also had a headache at the very top of my head, which i'd never had before. also, on account of my tossing and turning and bodily contortions for the churchgoers' sakes, i spent most of the night in horrible positions for my neck. anyway, after that dream i wanted to read the talmud so i had a better idea of what that guy in my dream was leaving me with. my internet's been really bad lately, so i spent about 30 minutes waiting for a pdf to download. after the 30 minutes slowly passed, i opened the pdf up only to realize it was in czech. so i gave up with that. maybe i'll try again some other time, but probably not tonight. i had my last session for the class i'm TA-ing today. it was the last of the student presentations. now i have so much grading i need to do. i'd rather do normal work than grade any day though, so any day becomes every day and i never grade. and so it goes until grades are due and i'm wringing my hands and rubbing my neck. as much as i know this, i'm not gonna start tomorrow, nor the next day probably. i'm working on a fun project involving trying to predict enzyme activity on a molecule given the molecular structure and a bunch of expression data. i'm in the phase of working on it right now where everything is so confusing so i just have to keep making mistakes until it makes sense. anyway, i forgot about my tea as usual and it's crazy strong but not bad.