This is my first site within the Gophersphere, which technically means I have done this whole internet thing backwards because I have had plenty of Website in my time. I have decided to spew my creative juices over the Gophersphere because; a) I'm a geek b) I like the attention So please have a look at my portfolio and feel free to send me feedback ( ) Personal Background =================== Name : Iain Baker Born : 1980 From : Nottingham, England. I have started writing stories (do not ask why, I scraped through my GCSE's) and am actually quite enjoying it. I have a few Short Stories under my belt and 2011 saw my first NaNoWriMo, where people take the challenge to write a 50k word novel in one month (November in fact). I also meddle with programming, although at the moment there is nothing particularly useful to share. When there is I promise to let you know. As I have mentioned, I have made several sites, and as soon as I figure out how to do links I will share those too. That is all I can think of for now... Sorry