                         Hypertext In Gopher
                             2 June 2018


    The concept of hypertext is something that I find deeply intrigu-
    ing.  It always brings me romantizied fantasies of sci-fi or alien
    technology.  I want to explore possibilities of writing hypertext
    on Gopher.  Here I will not be advocating such things as deliver-
    ing HTML files via Gopher rather than HTTP; Instead I will talk
    about the general ideas behind hypertext, and if they can at all
    be applied to Gopher.


    The classical definition of hypertext is text that is non-linear.
    In normal texts we read things sequentially, from the beginning to
    the end.  Hypertext was invented to go beyond the limitations of a
    fixed sequence (hence the prefix "hyper"), allowing the reader to
    choose his own pathways through the text.[1]

    Typically this is achieved by dividing content into nodes.  Each
    node contains just a single idea or concept, and the nodes are
    linked to other nodes.  The collection of these nodes forms the
    whole text, and the nodes are not considered seperate documents.
    As an example, let us say we wanted to write about the history of
    computers.  Instead of writing a gigantic list of things, we in-
    stead could put each key person, each computer, and each new tech-
    nological innovation into it's own node.

    The interesting thing is that hypertext isn't constrained to so-
    phisticated programs or even computers.  Books like "Choose your
    own adventure" are a good example of this.  Hypertext can be writ-
    ten in any medium, as long as the writing is non-linear.  The im-
    plications of this is that hypertext in Gopher is feasible.


    Hypertext poses many new problems that do not come about when
    writing in a linear fashion.  If done incorrectly, the hypertext
    will become a tangled mess of spaghetti.  I recommend reading
    Davida Charney's essay[5] for a more detailed explanation of prob-
    lems that can arise.  Issues to keep in mind when writing hyper-
    text are:

    * Getting Lost

        When there is no sense of location or order in the text, read-
        ers end up feeling as if they are "lost in hyperspace".  Nor-
        mal writings have page numbers and chapters, and web pages
        have a scroll bar to tell you where you are.  In an unstruc-
        tured network of nodes there is no way to tell where you are,
        and this can make it difficult to find information you are
        looking for.

    * Closure

        In a non-linear writing, there may not be an endpoint.  Hyper-
        text makes it hard to give one the sense that they are done
        reading, that they have reached the end.  It is also difficult
        for a reader to tell how much left they have to read.

    * Readers Might Not Know Where To Go Next

        In order to choose an effective path through a hypertext, one
        needs to know how the ideas are connected and what can be left
        out.  But if the reader is unfamiliar with the subject being
        disscussed, how can they possibly know these things?  It is
        traditionally the role of the writer to organize ideas and to
        decide what is irrelevant, but in hypertext this becomes the
        reader's job.


    My solution to these problems is a technique I call "presequenc-
    ing".  It is a sort of compromise between linear and non-linear

    Content is still divided into nodes, each holding a single idea.
    But instead of each node containing multiple reading paths (i.e.
    internalized organization), nodes are organized externally.  The
    author divides up his content and presents the reader with a mul-
    titude of carefully chosen paths through the writing, effectively
    reshuffling what he has written to suit different readers.

                            | Node A |------.
                            ----------       \
                            /        \        \
                           /          \        |
                      ----------  ----------   |
                      | Node B |  | Node C |   |
                      ----------  ----------   |
                           \          /        |
                            \        /        /
                            ----------       /
                            | Node D |------'

                   Fig 1. Normal Hypertext Organization

                 Sequence 1   Sequence 2   Sequence 3

                 ----------   ----------   ----------
                 | Node A |   | Node B |   | Node A |
                 ----------   ----------   ----------
                     |            |            |
                 ----------   ----------   ----------
                 | Node B |   | Node D |   | Node C |
                 ----------   ----------   ----------
                     |            |            |
                 ----------   ----------   ----------
                 | Node C |   | Node A |   | Node E |
                 ----------   ----------   ----------
                     |                         |
                 ----------                ----------
                 | Node D |                | Node G |
                 ----------                ----------
                                           | Node J |

                   Fig 2. Presequencing

    This technique can solve all of the issues listed above.  Readers
    won't get lost as they are in a specific place in a sequence of
    nodes.  They can have a sense of closure if multiple conclusions
    are written for each sequence.  And best of all the reader doesn't
    have to sort out everything himself, all the organization is done
    be the writer.

    The main advantage of presequencing is that nodes can be reused.
    An author can draw upon any nodes he has created and can use nodes
    that other writers have created to make new sequences of text.


    So how can we use presequencing in Gopher?

    First of you would create a Gopher menu that has the title of the
    work, a short description or summary of the subject, and a "table
    of paths" (instead of a table of contents).

    The table of paths would have links to path menus and a descrip-
    tion of what kind of reader each path is for.  Path menus would
    just be a list of links to nodes.  You could achieve this be mak-
    ing a new gophermap file or even just be adding a bunch of sym-
    links into a folder.

    Nodes themseleves could either be plain text files or Gopher menus
    (if you want automatic references).


    Now I share a loathing of the modern Web with the rest of Go-
    pherspace, and it indeed deserves every ounce of criticism and
    contempt.  But the web doesn't suck because it is hypertext, it
    sucks because of the privacy issues, the advertisements, and the
    bloat.  Ever since it's creation in the early 90s, the web has
    drifted further and further away from the original vision of hy-

    I want to see more informational reasources being put up on Go-
    pher, I want to see Gopher become a viable alternative to the Web.
    Perhaphs adding some hypertexual features like presequencing could
    help acheive that goal.



[1] The Electronic Labyrinth: Hypertext
    By: Christopher Keep, Tim McLaughlin, & Robin Parmar

[2] Gopherpedia: Transclution

[3] Musings on the problems of Transclusion

[4] Hypertext in the Web - a History
    By: Robert Cailliau & Helen Ashman

[5] The Impact of Hypertext on Processes of Reading and Writing
    By: Davida Charney