!Morning has broken --- agk's diary 29 June 2022 @ 12:40 UTC --- written on GPD Win 1 via puTTY in the backyard --- I love the hymn morning has broken. A little girl on the east-facing hill behind the church, I sang it at dawn Easter, one of a small congregation in bluejeans pastored by my dad. He, in white vest- ments, flung water on us from an aluminum bowl with an evergreen branch. The sun rose behind rugged cross and cowfield. We went home til the dress-up service. Last couple mornings with my little girl been sweet. It cooled some. I washed dishes from house- mate's late-night omelet; made porridge with her on my hip watching intently. WSKV's bluegrass and gospel show played softly from the Baofeng UV-5R on the windowsill. This morning's porridge ----------------------- Boil water in Meme's little green enamelware pot Toss in chia seeds Grind steel-cut oats and a little flaxseed to flour with the coffee grinder (~5 sec) Whisk flour and a packet of gelatin into the pot Simmer, whisking, til thick but watery (5-10 min) Serve over pad of fancy butter and frozen berries Wash baby soon as she done so it don't turn to glue * * * After breakfast dishes I ground coffee to pourover brew for Evy when she wakes; steeped golden monkey imperial black tea for me. In the backyard, now my little girl splashes in her tiny pool, now digs dirt with the trowel. Focused and serious she bellows, mouth closed, at dirt she's moving. Morning birds sing in woods up the hill to my right. When she indicates she wants some I give her sips of delicious tea from the good china Cassie gave me. Soon Evy'll be up to her coffee, sun will find this corner of the backyard, and the tractor will dig a new grave in the cemetery next door. Morning birds will fall silent, crows will caw, dogs bark, Evy'll hang our scrubs on the line to dry, and I'll be in school with only short breaks through 9pm. Til then I'll pull nutsedge and Virginia creeper weeds from the garden, sip tea, and hum with the radio.