
#	- make the script runable from any directory (GOPHERBLOG variable?)
#	- if no text file, fetch it from stdin
#	- check for 1st, 2nd and 3rd of the month and adjust the date prefix
#	- add a full interactive mode?

if [[ -z $1 ]] || [[ -z $2 ]]; then
	echo "USAGE: mkgopherentry title textfile"
	exit 1

intro=`cat $2 | awk 'BEGIN { N = 0} /^$/ {N = 1} {if (N == 0) print;}'`

# cat the header 
cat gophermap_header > gophermap.tmp

# Create an entry.
cat >>gophermap.tmp<<EOF
    `date "+%A, %B %dth, %Y"`
0Continued...	$2


LN=`wc gophermap | awk '{print $1}'`
let LN=$((LN))-11;
cat gophermap | tail -$LN > gophermap_footer
# Add the old ones to its tail.
if [[ -f gophermap ]]; then
	cat gophermap_footer >> gophermap.tmp
mv gophermap.tmp gophermap
chmod 640 gophermap $2