From: Ted Uhlemann (iczer@attctc.Dallas.TX.US)
Subject: VT-100 emulation. 
View: Complete Thread (3 articles)  
Original Format 
Date: 1990-01-06 13:18:00 PST 

Sorry if this isn't the appropriate newsgroup to post this to, but ...

  I'm in the process of designing an on-line game which needs a dialogue
"window" at the bottom half of the screen.  I'd like for the text in this
window to scroll normally, rather than having to jump the cursor to the top
of the window and write over the previous text.  I think "vi" does what I'm
wanting when the dd command is used in the middle of the screen- the text
below the cursor apparently moves-up the number of lines you specified to be
deleted.  What I need to know is the escape sequence(s) required to do this.

  If you know, or, better yet, have a complete file of all the VT-100 escape
sequences, please mail it to me.  thanks.

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