[07] DOES SDF SUPPORT SSH AUTHORIZED_KEYS FOR AUTHENTICATION? Yes, to set this up on a Unix system, please follow the steps below. Windows users might want to read about PuTTY Key Generator instead. 1. Run 'ssh-keygen -t rsa' on your host (the machine you plan to login from). This will create a public key "id_rsa.pub" and private key "id_rsa" under $HOME/.ssh . You have the option of protecting your private key with a password, in the event that the $HOME directory on your host is ever breached. (Note: other types of keys, like DSA and ED25519, are not known to work at present.) 2. Log in to SDF, and put the contents of your newly-created *.pub key in the file $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys (create it if it does not already exist). 3. Set the appropriate permissions on $HOME/.ssh (Run 'chmod -R 700 $HOME/.ssh' so that group and world on SDF cannot read the directory). 4. Return to the machine you plan to login from, and create the file $HOME/.ssh/config containing the following stanza. Replace ${LOGNAME} with your SDF username. Host tty.sdf.org Hostname tty.sdf.org PreferredAuthentications publickey,keyboard-interactive,password IdentitiesOnly yes IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa User ${LOGNAME} You should now be able to login via ssh without being prompted for a password (unless you password-protected your private key, in which case you will be prompted for the password by your ssh client).