
                      Copyright (C) 1984 by Larry Campbell

               73 Concord Street, Maynard, Massachusetts 01754 USA

                  This document reflects LC-Term version 3.30.

                                October 11, 1984

          1 LC-Term

            LC-Term is a program  that provides sophisticated terminal
          emulation and file transfer functions on a DEC  Rainbow  100
          or 100+ running MS-DOS.  It requires 128K  memory  (192K  or
          more for the PUSH function),  and  requires  MS-DOS  version
          2.05 or later.

            LC-Term is unique  among  personal  computer file transfer
          programs  in  that  it  supports   both   of   the   popular
          public-domain file transfer protocols:  KERMIT  and  XMODEM.
          While XMODEM  is more popular among microcomputer users, and
          supported by most  public  bulletin board systems, KERMIT is
          more   frequently   found  on  mainframes,  and   used   for
          micro-to-mainframe  communications.   LC-Term supports  both
          protocols, in one package.

            LC-Term is NOT in the  public  domain.  See the section at
          the end of this document for copyright information.

          2 Incompatible change in version 3.28

            Starting with LC-Term version 3.28,  in  order  to  invoke
          LC-Term functions from terminal emulation, you must hold the
          CTRL  key   down  while  pressing  the  function  key.   For
          instance, to  get  the main menu, you hold the CTRL key down
          and press MAIN SCREEN.  This change was necessary  in  order
          to provide VT2xx-family function  key  emulation.   Pressing
          MAIN SCREEN (for example) without holding the CTRL key sends
          an escape sequence to the  host  that will be interpreted by

                                      - 1 -

          the host.

          3 Running LC-Term

            Just type LCTERM to the MS-DOS command prompt.  There  are
          a few  command  switches  that can be appended to the LCTERM
          command line:

          /8             In terminal emulation, pass all eight bits of
                         terminal output to the display screen.   This
                         is  required   for  displaying  multinational
                         characters.   If the remote system  generates
                         parity,  though,  setting  this  switch  will
                         result in garbage on the screen.

          /t             Bypass the top-level menu  and go straight to
                         terminal emulation.

          /s<filespec>   Open the file  specified  as  a script, enter
                         terminal emulation (bypassing  the  top-level
                         menu), and process the script.

                                      - 2 -


               LC-Term  asks MS-DOS what the switch character  is
               (using DOS call 37 hex).  The default is  a  slash
               "/", but this can  be  changed  with the SWITCHAR=
               command   in   CONFIG.SYS.     The   most   common
               alternative is hyphen "-", which makes MS-DOS look
               more like Unix.

               Note that this is an incompatible change beginning
               with version 3.02 of  LC-Term.   Earlier  versions
               always used hyphen "-" as the switch character.

          4 VMS KERMIT compatibility

            There is a bug in VMS  KERMIT  version  3.0.051  which  is
          provoked by LC-Term (and  also  Unix  KERMIT).  The symptoms
          can vary, but all involve sending files  from the VAX to the
          Rainbow.  The sends fail in mysterious ways.  The problem is
          related to the fact that  LC-Term  requests  a  94-character
          packet size, while most other KERMIT implementations request
          a smaller one.

            To avoid this problem, if you're using version 3.0.051  of
          VMS KERMIT, then before using  LC-Term  to fetch a file from
          the VAX, give VMS KERMIT the command  SET  SEND  PACKET_SIZE

          5 Menus

            LC-Term is menu-driven.  This makes it easy to use most of
          LC-Term's features without reference to  the  documentation.
          Because the menus  are  intended to be self-explanatory (let
          me  know  if they're not), I won't describe them  in  detail
          here.   I'll  just  briefly  run  over  keyboard  usage  and


               At  all  times,  the HELP  key  (CTRL-HELP  during
               terminal  emulation)  will  remind  you  what  the
               currently available function keys are.  If  you're
               ever unsure what options are available, press HELP
               (or CTRL-HELP).

                                      - 3 -

          Whenever a menu is displayed  on  the screen, you may select
          items from the menu by one of three  methods.   You  may use
          the up- and down-arrow keys to step  forwards  or  backwards
          through the menus; you may  enter  the menu item number from
          the number keys on the main part of the keyboard; or you may
          enter menu item numbers from the  numeric  keypad.   In  all
          cases you must press the DO or RETURN  key  to  activate the
          selected menu item.

          6 Terminal emulation

            In  terminal  emulation  LC-Term   emulates  a  DEC  VT102
          terminal, and will identify itself as such  in  response  to
          the terminal type inquiry  escape sequence.  (Actually, much
          of this emulation is handled by the Rainbow  firmware.)   In
          addition, function keys (the top row on  the  keyboard,  and
          the editing keys above the  arrow  keys) are supported as if
          the Rainbow  were a VT2xx-family terminal operating in 7-bit

            During terminal emulation, the following function keys are
          available (you must hold down the  CTRL  key  when  pressing
          these keys):

          PRINT SCREEN   Pressing  this  key  allows you to  copy  the
                         current screen to the  printer  or  to a disk
                         file.  LC-Term prompts you for a filespec; if
                         you  just press RETURN, the screen is  copied
                         to  the printer.  When copying to a  printer,
                         LC-Term assumes it's  talking  to  an LA50 or
                         compatible   printer;   on   other   printers
                         graphics characters on the  screen may not be
                         reproduced faithfully.

          INTERRUPT      Pressing  this  key  causes  an  "auto-push".
                         LC-Term  clears  the   screen,  displays  the
                         message "Type EXIT to return to  LC-term...",
                         and loads and starts a  copy  of  the  MS-DOS
                         command processor.   You  may  now  type  any
                         MS-DOS commands.  LC-Term  is still resident,
                         and  suspended.   When  you  give  the   EXIT
                         command,  which stops the command  processor,
                         control is returned to LC-Term.   The  screen
                         and cursor  are  restored,  and  you  reenter
                         terminal emulation.  (Note: this feature, and
                         the   PUSH   item  available   in   LC-Term's
                         top-level menu,  require  at  least  192K  of

                                      - 4 -

          EXIT           Pressing  this key causes LC-Term to exit  to

          MAIN SCREEN    Pressing  this  key causes LC-Term to display
                         its  main menu.  You may select options  from
                         this  menu,  and  may  return   to   terminal
                         emulation by selecting item 1.

            In addition, you may define text strings to be  associated
          with any of the  function  keys  to  the  right  of the main
          alphanumeric  part  of  the keyboard,  and  certain  top-row
          keys.  This includes INTERRUPT through EXIT, ADDTNL OPTIONS,
          the DO key, the editing keys (FIND, SELECT, etc.), the arrow
          keys, the numeric keypad,  PF1-PF4,  and  the rightmost four
          function  keys  (F17-F20).   When  invoking  a  user-defined
          function key string, do NOT press the CTRL key.

            To define a text string to be associated with a key, go to
          the "LC-Term Miscellaneous Menu" from  the  main  menu,  and
          select "Define a function key".  You may only enter one line
          of text  for  each function key; the text is terminated by a
          carriage-return.  You may put special characters in the text
          by using the following character sequences:

                  Sequence        Character       ASCII value (decimal)
                  --------        ---------       ---------------------
                  \t              Tab              9
                  \n              Linefeed        10
                  \r              Return          13
                  \e              Escape          27
                  \\              Backslash (\)   92

            You may save function key definitions in a  file, and load
          them from a file, with items in the  "LC-Term  Miscellaneous
          Menu".  You may also save and load  these  definitions  with
          script commands (see below).

          7 File transfers

            LC-Term supports  three  flavors  of  file  transfer: raw,
          KERMIT, and XMODEM.  Raw  file  transfers  consist of simply
          logging terminal output to a file,  or  of  taking  terminal
          input from a file.  No error checking is performed.  This is
          typically used to  get  a  log  of a terminal session, or to
          transfer the source program for a file transfer protocol  as
          part of "bootstrapping" the protocol  onto  a  machine  that
          doesn't yet have it.

                                      - 5 -

          7.1 KERMIT

            KERMIT is a  file  transfer protocol developed at Columbia
          University.  Implementations exist for almost every computer
          I've ever heard of (all available at a nominal cost directly
          from the Columbia computing center).

            LC-Term   currently  supports  a  subset  of  the   KERMIT
          protocol.  It  supports  one-character  checksums  only  (no
          CRCs),  and  server  mode  is not supplied.   Wildcard  file
          transmission and reception is supported.

            LC-Term does support  repeat-count  prefixing.   This  can
          considerably shorten the time it  takes  to  transfer  files
          with lots of repeated data bytes (executable files with lots
          of zeroes, or tabular text with lots of spaces).

            LC-Term  supports  8th-bit quoting.  This is  disabled  by
          default (since it  reduces  efficiency).  You should turn it
          on if  the  path  between your Rainbow and the KERMIT you're
          trying to  talk  to  molests  the  8th  bit  of  characters.
          (You'll know  this  is  the problem if you can transfer text
          files just fine but binary files never succeed.)

            The  KERMIT  menu  should be  self-explanatory;  the  only
          nonobvious part is that to abort a transfer  in progress you
          press the ADDTNL OPTIONS  key  (which  asks for confirmation
          before aborting the  transfer).   LC-Term is not yet capable
          of aborting a single file in a wildcard transfer; the entire
          request is aborted.

          7.2 XMODEM

            XMODEM  is  the  simplest   form   of   the  famous  "Ward
          Christensen" protocol, named after its inventor.  The XMODEM
          protocol   supports   single   file   transfers   only   (no
          wildcarding) and  LC-Term's  XMODEM  implementation supports
          only single-character checksums: no CRCs.

          8 Scripts

            Scripts are a powerful way of directing LC-Term to do some
          pretty complicated  things.  Scripts are very similar to raw
          file transmission.  With one small (and powerful) exception,
          when you open a script file, its contents are just sent down
          the communications line as  if  you  had  typed  them.   The

                                      - 6 -

          powerful part is that you can embed script  commands in this
          text which cause LC-Term to do various useful things.

          8.1 Autoscripts

            You  can  invoke  a  script  file from a menu, or  on  the
          LC-Term command line with the /s switch.  You can also cause
          LC-Term to automatically process  a  script  every time it's
          started; this is called an autoscript.

            If the environment variable LCTERM_AUTOSCRIPT exists  (you
          define it with the MS-DOS SET command), its value is assumed
          to be the filespec for a script file  which is automatically
          run every time LC-Term is started.



                  ... LC-Term now processes the script file automatically

          8.2 Script command format

            Script commands begin with a sharp (#) sign.   If you want
          a sharp sign to be sent, enter two  sharp  signs  (##).  All
          other characters in  the  file  are  sent  as  is.  A script
          command starts with a sharp  sign  and is always followed by
          at least one character; depending on the command some of the
          following  characters  may  be  interpreted as part  of  the
          command.  The command  itself  is interpreted by LC-Term and
          is not sent to the  remote  host.  Case is significant: "#a"
          and "#A" would be two different commands.

                                 Script commands

          ##             Send the # character to the remote system.

          #!             Introduces  a  comment.  All text up  to  and
                         including the next newline is ignored.

          #<newline>     A  pound  sign  followed   by  a  newline  is
                         ignored.  This  allows  you  to  insert  line
                         breaks in a script  for  readability  without
                         LC-Term's transmitting the line break to  the
                         remote system.

          #:'label'      Is  a  label.    Labels   are   used  as  the
                         destinations of goto commands (#g)  and  case
                         statements ( #() ).  Labels are not  sent  to

                                      - 7 -

                         the remote system.

          #('response1', 'label1', 'response2', 'label2', 'nnnn')
                         This is  a  case  statement.   It  contains a
                         comma-separated list  of  action  pairs; each
                         pair consists of a quoted response string and
                         a  quoted  label name.  If there  is  an  odd
                         number of entries in the list, the last entry
                         is  not  a response pair, but  is  instead  a
                         quoted timeout value in seconds.

                         The case statement causes LC-Term to pause in
                         the script, examining  all  output  from  the
                         remote system.  Output from the remote system
                         is still sent to the screen.  If at any point
                         a  continuous string is seen which matches  a
                         response  string,  control   is   transferred
                         immediately to the corresponding label in the
                         script.  If  no  matching  response  is  seen
                         within  the  timeout  period,  control  drops
                         through  the case statement as though it  did
                         not exist.  If no timeout value is specified,
                         control will  never  drop  through  the  case
                         statement; the only way out  is  to  match  a

          #?'label'      Specifies  an error handler.  If a KERMIT  or
                         XMODEM file transfer fails, control is passed
                         to  the  label  specified.   Only  KERMIT  or
                         XMODEM  errors  are  trapped.   If  no  error
                         handler is specified and an error occurs, all
                         scripts are closed and a message is displayed
                         on the screen.

          #b'nn'         Send  BREAK  for  nn  seconds  (nn  can be  a
                         floating   point   fraction;   for   example,

          #c'command'    Execute  the MS-DOS command 'command'.   This
                         feature requires at least 192K.

          #d+            Raise DTR (Data Terminal Ready).

          #d-            Lower DTR.

          #e'n'          Exit  from  LC-Term.   If  a  quoted   string
                         argument  is  present,  it is  parsed  as  an
                         integer, which will be  returned as the child
                         process status code to DOS.  This status code
                         can be tested  with  the DOS batch command IF
                         ERRORLEVEL.  If LC-Term exits at  the  user's
                         request (EXIT key, or EXIT menu item), and no
                         script is in progress, it returns a status of

                                      - 8 -

                         zero.  If LC-Term exits  because of an error,
                         it returns a nonzero status  code  (currently
                         it  returns  1  in  this case, but  this  may
                         change  in the future).  If the user  presses
                         the EXIT key while a script is in progress, a
                         nonzero status  is  returned,  the assumption
                         being that aborting a script  indicates  some
                         sort of problem.

          #g'label'      Go to the named label in the script.

          #i+            Make  output  from  remote  system  invisible
                         (don't put it on the screen).

          #i-            Make   output  from  remote  system   visible

          #h             Hang  up  the  phone  (drops  DTR  for  three

          #kb+           Place KERMIT in BINARY mode (for transmitting
                         binary  files,  such  as  executable  files.)
                         BINARY mode is LC-Term's default.

          #kb-           Place KERMIT in TEXT mode  (for  transmitting
                         textual data).

          #kc'nn'        Set KERMIT retry count to nn.

                         Use KERMIT to get a file.

                         Use KERMIT to send a file.

          #kt'nn'        Set KERMIT timeout to nn seconds.

          #kx            Ask the remote KERMIT server to stop itself.

          #k8+           Enable 8th-bit quoting

          #k8-           Disable 8th-bit quoting

                         Open a log file.

          #lc            Close currently open log file.

                         Use XMODEM to receive a file.

                         Use XMODEM to send a file.

                                      - 9 -

          #p'prompt'     Wait until the string  'prompt' has been sent
                         by  the remote host before proceeding in  the
                         script file.

          #r             Reset the communications port.  It's  set  to
                         the  parameters  specified in  the  Rainbow's
                         non-volatile  memory  (NVM);  these  are  the
                         parameters selected  in  the  Rainbow's SETUP
                         mode and saved with SHIFT-S.

          #s'filespec'   Recursively open another script file, process
                         it,  then  continue  processing  this  script
                         file.  This allows you to create "subroutine"
                         scripts.   Scripts  may  be nested  up  to  8

          #t'string'     Send  the  string  to the  screen.   This  is
                         useful for displaying messages to  the  user,
                         or for beeping  the  terminal bell to get the
                         user's  attention.   The string  may  contain
                         ANSI escape sequences.

          #v'name'       Look up the value of the environment variable
                         called  'name'  and  send its  value  to  the
                         remote  system.   You   can  set  environment
                         variables with the MS-DOS SET command.

          #w'nn'         Wait nn seconds before proceeding.

          #x7            Ignore high-order bit of characters sent from
                         remote system.

          #x8            Pass  all eight bits of characters sent  from
                         remote to display.

          #xbr'nnn'      Set  receive  baud rate to nnn  (must  be  an
                         integer, enter 134 for 134.5).

          #xbx'nnn'      Set transmit baud rate to  nnn  (must  be  an
                         integer, enter 134 for 134.5).

                         Load function key definitions from a file.

                         Save key definitions in a file.

          #xp            Push to a new shell.

          #z             Closes   this  script,  and  quits   terminal
                         emulation,  returning  to  the  LC-Term  main

                                     - 10 -

            In  commands  that   take   string   arguments  (#ks,  for
          instance),  the  first character after the  command  is  the
          delimiter character; LC-Term scans  until  it  sees a second
          occurrence  of  the  delimiter and  the  characters  scanned
          become  the  argument  to  the command.  For  instance,  the
          following  commands  are  all  equivalent:  #p'$ ',  #p|$ |,
          #p\$ \.

            In  commands   that  compare  strings  (#p  and  #(),  for
          instance), case is significant.

            In commands that take durations (#b and #w, for instance),
          the numeric  argument  is  expressed  in  seconds.  Floating
          point  representation  may be used to  denote  fractions  of
          seconds; #w'0.375' would cause a 375-millisecond delay.  The
          precision  of  LC-Term's timers is limited  by  the  Rainbow
          hardware clock to  16.7  milliseconds  (20.0 milliseconds in
          countries with 50 Hz line current frequency).

          8.3 Script usage

            Scripts can be quite powerful.  I have a script that:

            -  Dials a local phone number

            -  Logs in

            -  Connects over a DECNET network to an ARPANET host

            -  Logs in to the ARPANET host

            -  Runs the mail system

            -  Copies all my new mail to a file

            -  Leaves the mail system

            -  Starts a KERMIT server

            -  Uses a #kr command to transmit my mail to my Rainbow

            -  Stops the remote KERMIT server

            -  Logs out of both machines

            -  Hangs up the phone

            I can let this script run unattended (it frequently  takes
          30 to 40 minutes when the network is slow) and later read my
          mail at my leisure, at Rainbow screen speeds.

                                     - 11 -

            The use of case statements ( #() ) can make scripts  quite
          robust.  The most  common  use  of  case  statements  is  in
          retrying an operation until  it  succeeds,  dialling a modem
          being the most typical example.

            Suggestion: use the #p command heavily.  You need  to  use
          it when talking  to  systems without typeahead (like Gandalf
          or MICOM switches), but it's a good idea to use it even when
          not  strictly  necessary.   If  you  use  #p liberally,  and
          something goes wrong in your script, you will  probably  get
          to a point  where  the  script  is waiting for a prompt that
          will never  come.   If  you hadn't used the #p commands, the
          script file would blindly continue on and  perhaps  do  some

            #p is very patient.  If something goes wrong,  it'll  wait
          for the prompt forever.  You can type commands to the remote
          host, and perhaps fix  the  problem  that  hung  the  script
          file.  Note that if you don't close the script file, it will
          proceed as soon as it sees the prompt  it  was  waiting for.
          If  you  want to  prevent  this,  use  the  "Raw  text  file
          transfer" menu to close the script file.

          9 Poly-REGIS

            Poly-REGIS  ordinarily  does  not   work   with   LC-Term.
          Poly-REGIS patches itself  into  MS-DOS's  terminal  handler
          code; since LC-Term  displays  output from the remote system
          by calling  the video firmware directly, the Poly-REGIS hook
          never gets called.

            In  order  to support Poly-REGIS, LC-Term  is  capable  of
          passing its  display output through MS-DOS.  To enable this,
          you   must   define   the   MS-DOS   environment    variable
          LCTERM_DOS_CALLS.  Use the MS-DOS SET command to do this:

                  A>SET LCTERM_DOS_CALLS=1

            (The value of  LCTERM_DOS_CALLS  is  not significant; only
          its existence is.)  Note that this will slow terminal output
          down slightly, which is  the  reason  LC-Term  does  not  do
          terminal output through MS-DOS by default.

            LC-Term draws  its menus and file transfer display screens
          by  writing  into  the  Rainbow's   character-mapped   video
          memory.  When Poly-ReGIS  is  active,  the  character-mapped
          video is disabled, and the graphics  board  takes  over  the
          screen.  This means  that  LC-Term's menus and file transfer

                                     - 12 -

          display screens will be invisible.  (They still work, so  if
          you have them memorized, you can still use them!)

            This problem is hard to fix and I don't intend to  fix  it
          soon.  Setting LCTERM_DOS_CALLS will fix terminal emulation,
          but won't cause the menus to work.  Sorry.

          10 Ownership, copyright, author, updates, etc.

          10.1 Copyright

            LC-Term is  copyrighted by its author, Larry Campbell.  It
          may be copied for noncommercial purposes only.  When copying
          LC-Term, it must not be modified, all copyright notices must
          remain   intact,  and  this  document  must  accompany   the
          program.  Commercial use  of  LC-Term is permitted only with
          my prior written permission.

            It  is  my intent that LC-Term not be used  to  help  kill
          people.  For this reason, I prefer that LC-Term  not be made
          available to: any armed  services,  NATO,  the Department of
          Defense,  defense contractors, or the Republican Party.   Of
          course I  have  no  way of enforcing this restriction; I can
          only appeal to  your  conscience.  Please don't encourage or
          assist the military.  They're dangerous.

          10.2 Source code

            For many reasons I'm not going to elaborate  here,  source
          code for LC-Term is not available.

          10.3 Updates

            The latest version of LC-Term is usually  available  on  a
          public  bulletin-board  system  called  WayStar  Fido.   Its
          telephone  number  is  (01)  617-481-7147. If your  copy  of
          LC-Term is more than a  couple  of months old, it's probably
          worth  checking  here  to  see if a  new  version  has  been

          10.4 Reaching the author

            You may reach me at the address  listed on the title page.
          Those  with  access to the ARPANET may reach me  by  ARPANET
          mail   as  LCampbell@DEC-MARLBORO.   Employees  of   Digital
          Equipment Corporation with access to the Engineering Network

                                     - 13 -

          may reach me at ERLANG::CAMPBELL.

            [End of LCTERM.MEM]

                                     - 14 -

                           Table of Contents

             1 LC-Term                                           1
             2 Incompatible change in version 3.28               1
             3 Running LC-Term                                   2
             4 VMS KERMIT compatibility                          3
             5 Menus                                             3
             6 Terminal emulation                                4
             7 File transfers                                    5

                7.1 KERMIT                                       6
                7.2 XMODEM                                       6

             8 Scripts                                           6

                8.1 Autoscripts                                  7
                8.2 Script command format                        7
                8.3 Script usage                                 11

             9 Poly-REGIS                                        12
             10 Ownership, copyright, author, updates, etc.      13

                10.1 Copyright                                   13
                10.2 Source code                                 13
                10.3 Updates                                     13
                10.4 Reaching the author                         13