[HLP:TOPS.HLP (1 page)] This is the HELP file for the TOPS10 lessons--a set of computer tutored lessons for learning some of the features of the DECsystem-10 operating under TOPS-10. To access these lessons, login and then type: RUN TED:TOPSXX where "XX" is replaced by the lesson number you wish to access. For example, to run the first lesson, type: RUN TED:TOPS01 The TOPS manual is very useful in conjunction with these lessons. To print a copy of the 34-page manual, login and then type: PRINT DOC:TOPS.DOC/FORMS:NARROW It contains the text for all 12 TOPS lessons. The lessons on TECO are contained in TOPS05, TOPS06, TOPS07, TOPS08, TOPS09. [end of TOPS.HLP] .KJOB