[Help for TO10]

      TO10 is a cheap program which will accept characters from a smart       
terminal, and store them in an ASCII disk file on the DEC-10.  This
program sets your terminal line to no-echo status, and will pass all
characters, including control characters, to the file.  TO10 should work
at any BAUD rate, provided your terminal is smart enough to stop sending
when it receives a ^S from the DEC-10 and start sending again when it
receives a ^Q.  These characters correspond to "tape-off" and "tape-on"
on a teletype.  To use the program, type:

       .R TO10

then type the name of the file you wish to create on the DEC-10:       

       File to Create ?  FOOBAZ.TXT

TO10 will now ask if you wish a Linefeed to be added after any occurance
of a Carriage Return: 

        Auto <LF> on <CR> ? [N]:  Y

Next, you will be asked if your smart terminal is operating in what is
know as a "Reply-to-Send" mode: Where the information is sent to the  
DEC-10 a Line at a time, followed by a "STOP" Character. The terminal   
will then send nothing more until the DEC-10 sends it a "START" Character,
after which the terminal sends the second record followed again by a "STOP"
character, and so on.  These "START" and "STOP" characters are user defined,
and prompted for if you request Reply-to-send mode. In the example below a
Carriage Return (ASCII Code 15) is the STOP character, and a Line Feed
(ASCII code 12) is the START character:

        Reply-to-Send Mode ? [N]:  Y

        Octal ASCII code for  STOP character: 15

        Octal ASCII code for START character: 12

After answering all of the above questions, TO10 will wait forever for your
first input.  Do whatever you have to do to get your terminal to send what
you want.  When your terminal is finished sending, just wait about ten
seconds and the TO10 program should type EXIT and finish.

     While TO10 is waiting for your first input after the file name, if
you decide to get out of the program, you must type at least one
character to wake up the program because it will wait forever for your
first character.  After you have typed a character, just wait the ten
seconds, and TO10 will exit.

Questions to George, 3-9275.