[Help file for TIME - 1 page]

        If you would like to know the time of day, type:

                DAYTIME     (set by looking at a digital watch)

        If you would like statistics on how much runtime and how
many kilocore seconds your job has used since login, type:


        You may also set a limit of runtime for your job:

                SET TIME 15

will set a limit of 15 seconds of runtime on your current job,
beginning now.  When 15 more seconds have been consumed, your job
will be forced to (CTRL-C) state. At that time you can do another
SET TIME n, if you wish, and CONTINUE the program which was running.
An automatic SET TIME may be done each time you login by using
LOGIN/TIME, (eg. LOGIN/TIME:15) in your SWITCH.INI file.

(None of these comands destroys your core image.)

If you would like information on Date-Time arguments (for use with
/AFTER and /BEFORE, etc.), type HELP DATESW.  Also, the /TIME switch
for SUBMIT is described in HELP SUBMIT.

[End of help TIME]