[HELP SAVE 1 page] The SAVE and SSAVE commands create executable files from programs that are loaded in memory (as in immediately after a LOAD command). DO NOT USE FILENAME EXTENSIONS WHEN GIVING SAVE COMMANDS !! (Some have used, eg, .FOR and overwritten their FORTRAN program) DO: SAVE MYPROG DO NOT: SAVE MYPROG.FOR SAVE creates files with the extension .SAV SSAVE creates shareable files with the extension .SHR and .LOW NSAVE creates files with the extension .EXE NSSAVE creates shareable files with the extension .EXE Shareable has to do with whether more than one user will be running the program at the same time, and can allow cost savings while running. (Unless you use a non-standard LOAD command, SSAVE does nothing for a typical FORTRAN program. For more info on SSAVE, refer to the LINK manual.) After issuing a SAVE command, you can run the program with the RUN command. [End HELP SAVE] .KJOB