HELP for HLPSQZ HLPSQZ is a program to maintain a collection of small HELP messages. These messages are ADDed into a file called HLP:HELP.SQZ and an index entry for each message is recorded in HLP:HELP.INX. This allows many small HELP messages to occupy a small space on the disk. To add a help message to HELP.SQZ ,first create a file containing the message. The file name should correspond to the help topic name. Then, run HLPSQZ to add this file to HELP.SQZ as explained for the /ADD command. If you want your little file deleted after it is copied to HELP.SQZ, you should use the /PURGE switch after the file name. In the following list, "filename" stands for a full file specification, which can usually contain standard DEC wildcards. "topicname" stands for a single name which can also usually contain wildcards. A list of commands and switches for HLPSQZ follows. /ADD filename Adds index entry for a topic to HELP.INX. Also sets a flag to copy the file called "filename" into HELP.SQZ when you exit by typing /QUIT /ALIAS:topicname Use is "ADD topic1/ALIAS:topic2". This will add "topic1" to the index, but will give user help for "topic2" when he asks for "topic1". e.g. "ADD ME/ALIAS:HELP" will add "ME" to the index. When a user types "HELP ME", he will get help for HELP instead. /DDT If DDT is loaded, this command runs it. /DECIDE Switch which says you want to decide about each file in a wild card operation. This switch may appear after a file spec, in which case it has a local effect, or it may appear alone on a command line, in which case it remains in effect until turned off by /NODECIDE /DELETE topicname Deletes topic from index and makes free space available in HELP.SQZ /DIRECT topicname Types a list of topics in the index which match "topicname". /EXTRACT filename= Copies a message called "topicname" topicname out of HELP.SQZ into file called "filename". /FAST Indicates that directory listing should only contain topic names. /FREE Types a list of free blocks in HELP.SQZ /PURGE Flag to delete the little help file after it is copied to HELP.SQZ. This switch will apply to all files if it is typed alone on a command line Turned off by /NOPURGE /QUIT Terminates session and does all real copying of files into HELP.SQZ. If you want to abort without making any changes, use ^C. /ROUTINE Flag that says to add topic name to index without copying anything into HELP.SQZ. Used to give name of an internal subroutine for HELP to run. (e.g. HELP COMMAND) /SQUEEZE Rewrite entire HELP.SQZ eliminating any free space. Used to compress HELP.SQZ if there are a lot of scattered free blocks. /SUPERSEDE:ASK Ask about superseding any existing topic. :ALWAYS Always supersede existing topic. :OLDER Supersede older topic with newer one. :NEVER Never supersede existing topic. /TYPE topicname If message is part of HELP.SQZ, type it out. /WHAT Types out current status of HLPSQZ /WIDTH:n Causes directory listing to be typed with given page width. If n is omitted, the default width for your terminal is used. /WRITE Causes an immediate copying of all topics that have been ADDed into HELP.SQZ .KJOB