>>>HELP Command<<<

The HELP command types out helpful documentation on various system features.

The command:

    HELP                Will type this message.

    HELP *              Types the names of all currently available

    HELP <name>         (dont type the <>, just the name itself)
                        Will look for and type out the information about
                        the system feature named in <name>.
                        For example:  HELP DIRECT   will type out
                        information on the DIRECTORY command.

    HELP/PRINT <name>   will produce a lineprinter copy of the given help
                        file on NARROW forms.  e.g. HELP/PRINT DIRECT

    HELP/COPY <name>    will make a disk copy in your area of the given
                        help file.  e.g. HELP/COPY DIRECT

There is also !HUMAN! help available from 8 to 5 weekdays from the
consultants and over longer hours from the operators: see HELP HUMAN