FROM10 is a cheap program available to type files on your terminal. It
will  send  all characters in the file, including nulls, rubouts and all
control characters.  It will not respond immediately to ^C while  it is
typing  out  to you.  and will not convert tabs to spaces or provide
filling at the start of each new line.  To run it, type

        .R FROM10

       You will then be asked if you wish to ignore Carriage Returns
on type-out. The Default answer is NO, which passes Carriage Returns 
through from your file:

        Ignore <CR> ? [N]:  Y

You will then be asked for the number of seconds you want it to wait before
typing out the file. This value can be anywhere between 1 and 999 seconds,
and a default of 20 seconds is set if you hit RETURN:

        Delay in seconds [20]: 45

Now you have the option of programming a header and a trailer character.   
The header character will immediately precede the file, the trailer 
character follows the file. Hitting RETURN sends no header or trailer
characters. In the example below, the file is preceeded by an 'S' (ASCII
code 123) and is followed by a 'T' (ASCII code 124):

        Octal ASCII code for  HEADER character [none]: 123

        Octal ASCII code for TRAILER character [none]: 124

        File to type ?  FOOBAZ.EXT

It will then ask you for the name of a file to type.  Give it the name of 
the file(s).  A wildcard specification for multiple files (ie: *.MAC, *.*,
ABC???.TXT, etc..) is also acceptable. After each file, FROM10 will pause   
until the Delay-in-Seconds period is waited out, after which the next file 
is typed to the terminal. And so on. 

To exit the Program, type a CONTROL-C to the 'File to Type' prompt, OR 
while the terminal is pausing between files for multiple file requests.

Also note that the tty LNKfacility does not correctly handle
output from FROM10 which uses packed image mode.

Questions to George, 3-9275.