[COBOL help  (2 pages)]

The current version of Cobol is 12.  Version 11 is on OLD:.
Version 12 supports SORT as well as CSORT.

You can use the COMP and LOAD commands if you files have the .CBL extension;
or you can run COBOL directly:

COBOL Command Strings


1. Each file descriptor has the form:

2. Relfil receives the machine code generated by the compiler.
   If no code is desired, replace "relfil" by "-".

3. Lstfil receives the program listing produced by the compiler.
   If no listing is desired, replace "lstfil" by "-".

4. Src1, src2, ... are the COBOL source files required
   to produce one input program.

5. If "device:" is omitted for relfil or lstfil, "DSK:" is
   assumed. If "device:" is omitted for any source file, either
   the preceding device name is used, or "DSK:" is used
   if there was no preceding device name.

6. If the filename for relfil or lstfil is omitted, the filename
   of the first source file is used.

7. If ".ext" is omitted from the relfil descriptor,
   ".REL is used. If ".ext" is omitted from the lstfil
   descriptor, ".LST" is used. If ".ext" is omitted
   from any source file descriptor, ".CBL" is assumed.

8. If "[project,programmer]" is omitted for any file, "[user ppn]" is

9. Switches:

   A            List the machine code generated in the lstfil.

   C            Produce a cross-reference table of all user-
                defined symbols.

   D:nnnnnn     Increment, in octal words, to be added to the
                object time push down list size.

   E            Check program for errors, but do not generate code.

   H            Type description of COBOL command strings and switches.

   I            Suppress output of start address.
                (Program is to be used only by CALL's.)

   J            Force output of start address in spite of
                the presence of subprogram syntax.

   L            Use the preceding source file as a library file
                whenever a COPY verb is encountered.
                (If the first source file is not a /L file,
                LIBARY.LIB is used as the library file until
                the first /L file is encountered.
                (The default extension for library files is ".LIB".)

   M            Include a map of the user defined items in the lstfil.

   N            Do not type compilation errors on the user's TTY.

   O            Attempt to optimize the object code.

   P            Production mode. Omit debugging features from relfil.

   R            Produce a two-segment object program. The high
                segment will contain the Procedure Division; the low
                segment all else. When the object program is loaded
                with the linking loader, LIBOL.REL will be added
                to the high segment.

   S            The source file is in "conventional" format (with
                sequence numbers in cols. 1-6 and comments
                starting in col. 73).

   W            Rewind the device before reading or writing.
                (Magtape only.)

   X            Give a usage of DISPLAY-9 to items whose usage is
                either omitted or declared as DISPLAY.

   Z            Zero the directory of the device before writing.
                (DECtape only.)

[end of COBOL help]