[HLP:CALCOM.HLP 1 page] There is a CALCOMP-565 11 inch drum plotter available for use in T271. .PLT files can be plotted on it using the PLOT command (see HELP PLOT). .PLT files can be made either with CALCOMP subroutines or by converting a graphics file from some other device (like .TEK--Tektronix). We have more and better software for Tektronix graphics applications so most people first use the Tektronics software and make a .TEK file then convert the .TEK file to a .PLT file. See HELP TEK and TEKPLT The collection of FORTRAN CALCOMP subroutines is on SYS:. There is CDC documentation for these routines available from the Academic Computer Center consulting staff. Ask for W00007. To use the CALCOMP routines: 1) Load your program with plotting subroutines: .LOAD PROGRM,SYS:PLTLIB/LIB 2) Execute the program. You will get a message at the end of the plot which tells you the approximate plotting time and size of the largest dimension of your plot ,e.g. END CALCOMP PLOT 2 MINUTES .7 FEET 3) The plot routines create a file called Q??S0.PLT where the characters "??" are substituted by the QUEUE manager. [end CALCOM.HLP] .KJOB