# MS-DOS Kermit # Every file in this directory is plain text and is to be shown on # the screen rather than downloaded or fed to some application. # # The extensions are the ones used in the 1980s and some of them # such as .doc and .hlp clash with contemporary usage. # # SOURCE CODE IN DIFFERENT LANGUAGES # .c = C language # .h = C program header file # .asm = Microsoft MASM Assembly language for DOS # .a86 = Assembly language for Intel iRMX/86 # .bas = BASIC # .pas = Pascal # .for = Fortran # .f = Fortran # .dtr = Heath/Zenith 100 assembly language program # AddType text/plain .c .h .asm .a86 .bas .pas .for .f .dtr # PROGRAM BUILD AND UPDATING PROCEDURES # .mak = Makefile (compilation instructions) # .lnk = Linker instructions # .com = A VAX/VMS command procedure # .pch = Patch (corrections or updates to be applied to an existing program) # .p86 = Kermit build procedure for Intel iRMX/86 # .csd = Submit Command File procedure for Intel iRMX/86 # AddType text/plain .mak .lnk .com .pch .p86 .csd # PLAIN-TEXT DOCUMENTATION THAT FITS ON AN 80-COLUMN SCREEN # .txt = text (any length at all) # .hlp = help text (usually brief) # .doc = text documentation (usually rather long) # .bwr = "beware file" (things to be aware of and watch out for) # .upd = "update file" (description of features in a new release) # .ann = Announcement (of a new program or new release) # .dsk = Disk (a listing of what is on a diskette or set of diskettes) # .msg = Message (an email message or the contents of one) # Addtype text/plain .txt .hlp .doc .bwr .upd .ann .dsk .msg # MARKED-UP TEXT # .mss = Scribe document preparation system source document # .nr = Nroff (Unix "man page") source document # Addtype text/plain .mss .nr # COMMAND FILES, INITIALIZATION FILES, BATCH FILES, SCRIPTS # .ini = initialization file for when a program starts # .in2 = another initialization file (e.g. key map) # .bat = DOS Batch command file # .scr = an MS-DOS Kermit Script # AddType text/plain .ini .in2 .bat .scr # Printable encodings of binary files # .hex = Hexadecimal encoding # .boo = Columbia "Boo" (Bootstrap) file (more compact that hex) # AddType text/plain .hex .boo # HOST-BASED ITEMS FOR USE WITH KERMIT CLIENT # .sh = Unix (Linux) shell script # .tc = Termcap/Terminfo entry for Unix host # AddType text/plain .sh .tc