Free means free, seriously ================================ I have read through a couple of recent phlog posts about free software, copyright and free software licences [1][2] and I thought I could share my opinion on that. The whole idea behind the Free Software movement is that knowledge belongs to nobody and to everybody at the same time. In particular, software does not really belong to their original creator, but is instead a fluid "common" forged by its users. This is something most of us have forgotten, for a lot of reasons, but "using" a software is, first and foremost, adapting it to your own taste and preferences. In the hacker culture, sharing knowledge is as natural as breathing. Software, as a piece of knowledge and ingenuity, cannot conceivably belong to anyone in particular, in the same way as the Pythagora's theorem or General Relativity don't belong to anyone but to humanity at large. For a hacker, software is not about "using computers", rather about getting as close as possible to the machine, understanding how it works, working around its limitations, fulfilling its potential, breaking it and mending it, and becoming better at all those activities in the meantime. That's the same mindset of a physicist or a mathematician: you don't do physics or maths because you want to use your results to get a specific job done. You do it for the fun of discoverying how far you can go, how much you can understand, how deeper you can penetrate the mistery. The findings of a physicist working on condensed matter can be used to reduce pollution or to improve oil extraction. The equations of a mathematician can help understanding cancer or building a bomb. Yet, the physicist and the mathematician keep working on their stuff because of their need to know more, better, deeper. Why should it be different for software development? About copyright: it's just a necessity, the only way to ensure that liberated software does not get chained again. In a perfect world, we would not need any toool limiting or constraining the creation and dissemination of knowledge. Unfortunately, the only legal way we currently have to ensure that a software will remain free is by claiming copyright on it and establishing that it must remain free. And free really means "free", not just "Free for this purpose" or "Free for this entity". Freedom has no exceptions. About copyleft (which must not be confused with Free Software): it is just a "guerrilla" weapon, a necessary tool needed to destroy the same tool forever, and make it useless. Adopting it or not is mostly a matter of preference, not substance. -+-+-+- [1] gopher:// [2] gopher://