Return of the Tuckaway 25 speedway.

Over  the  last  couple   of  years  I  have  been
gradually  re-building  my  old HO  speedway.   It
currently  resides in  my  parents' basement,  for
occasional use by nephews.  And sometimes even me!
(My own children are uninterested.)

- Track is painted grey.
- Colored tape markers for each lane.
- Posterboard and clear acyrlic outer boards.
- Guardrail  fences instead  of  curbs.  That's  a
  downgrade, really,  but I never ran  the outside
  groove that much anyways.
- New  digital lap  timing system.   Infrared LEDs
  wired to an orange pi  running a rust program my
  father made.  He sure loves tinkering with those
  tiny computers.

I have  some older x-traction cars[1]  and few new
TR-3s[2] to replace the  Tomy Super-G+s which were
worn out.

I still have dreams  of one day, somehow, starting
another serious HO racing club.

