It  had the  34pict3 carb  with two   
screws for  the adjust.   Wasn't in    She was one of those
the  75 supers  so  I thought.  And    absolutely wonderful
neither that  oil-bath air cleaner.    people,   with  love
But there it was.                      for  everyone.   And
                                       you  could feel  her
                                       presence   when  she
   A  close analysis  of the           was in the room, and
   still-remaining    traces           feel       something
   and  spores  revealed  an           change when she left
   organism   of  completely           it.    People   just
   baffling  physiology  and           connected  and loved
   cell   structure.   Usual           her so  much, that's
   carbon-based    molecules           how     she'll    be
   composed   most  of   the           remembered.          
   cells,  but between  them
   was  a  sort  of  bizarre
   mucous     composed    of    
   various heavy metals, and    And   I  saw   them,  all
   unstable      radioactive    slipping and  skating the
   elements           rarely    frozen   river.   Playing
   encountered   outside  of    and      whooping     and
   radiology labs or nuclear    laughing.      But    yet
   colliders.   As   far  as    there's starving in every
   their  origin, there  was    other  house  of  theirs.
   no hypothesis.               You  know   they  got  my
                                sister  in the  trap just
                                this  morning, for  to be
                                ate.  God  damn them all.
                                Same as me in the end.   

              And  he'd have  maybe 6 seconds for
              me.   Then it's  next, and  on goes
              the  lid.  I  learned  to pack  it,
              from that. Still got it.           

                    Everyone    carries   a
                    shadow, and the less it
                    is   embodied  in   the
                    individual's  conscious
                    life,  the blacker  and
                    denser it is.          

                              Can't   stop  what's
                              coming.    Ain't  no
                              waiting    on   you.
                              That's vanity.