TITLE: Comparing coordinates of tree stems collected with GPS or 
tape measures
DATE: 2022-08-27
AUTHOR: John L. Godlee

In 2018 and 2019 I set up some 100x100 m (1 ha) permanent 
vegetation monitoring plots in Bicuar National Park, southwest 
Angola. We measured the stem diameter of each tree stem >5 cm 
diameter and attached a numbered metal tag to each of these stems 
so we could track the growth and mortality of each stem over time. 
At the same time as measuring the stem diameters and attaching the 
tags, I also took a quick GPS point with a Garmin GPSMAP 65s 
Handheld GPS unit.

There are two main reasons to record the location of each stem in 
the plot. The first is to make it easier to relocate stems in the 
future. Sometimes tags fall off or stems are completely vaporised 
by fire. If we know the location of the stem, we can visit that 
location and confirm what has happened to the stem since the last 
survey. The second reason is that if we understand the spatial 
distribution of stems, we can better understand competitive (or 
facilitative) interactions among individuals, and look at how these 
interactions affect biomass dynamics.

When I revisited the plots in 2022, my goal was to collect lots of 
auxiliary data, to enrich our picture of the ecosystem. Alongside 
collecting data on woody debris, herbaceous biomass, and tree leaf 
traits, I also recorded the position of stems that had recruited 
since the initial survey back in 2018/2019. Instead of using a GPS, 
this time I used tape measures to record the position of each stem, 
using an XY coordinate system.

  ![Diagram showing the XY grid coordinate system in a 1 ha 

While we had the tape measures set up, I also re-recorded the 
positions of existing stems so I could compare the two methods of 
measuring the stem location. Others have encouraged me to use tape 
measures, suggesting that the GPS isn't accurate enough, but tape 
measures takes a long time in the field compared to a GPS. If the 
accuracy of the GPS points is good enough, there's no need to waste 
time with the tape measures.

To make the latitude-longitude coordinates comparable with the XY 
coordinates, I converted the lat-long coordinates to XY coordinates 
using a function I wrote in R. Hopefully the comments on the code 
suffice to describe what's going on, but the basic idea is that the 
function takes a dataframe of stem measurements in multiple plots 
and an {sf} polygons object with multiple plot polygons, linked by 
the plot_id column. For each plot, the function follows this 

1.  Find the southwest and southeast corners of the polygon
2.  Rotate both the polygon and the stem locations so that the 
SW-SE axis of the polygon runs exactly E-W.
3.  Calculate the E-W and N-S distance from the southwest corner of 
the plot to each stem location, in metres.

    #' Convert lat-long stem coordinates to XY grid coordinates 
    #' In rectangular plots to convert latitude and longitude 
coordinates to XY 
    #' grid coordinates, using the southwest corner of the plot as 
the origin point 
    #' (0,0), with the X axis increasing west -> east.
    #' @param x dataframe of stem data
    #' @param polys sf object containing plot polygons, assumes all 
are rectangular
    #' @param stem_plot_id column name string of plot IDs in x
    #' @param polys_plot_id column name string of plot IDs in polys
    #' @param longitude column name string of stem longitude in x
    #' @param latitude column name string of stem latitude in x
    #' @param x_crs coordinate reference system (CRS) or EPSG code 
of stem 
    #'     coordinates. 
    #' @return dataframe of measurement IDs with x_grid and y_grid 
    #'     with estimated XY grid coordinates. NA values returned 
    #'     longitude and latitude were missing. 
    #' @examples
    #' @export
    gridCoordGen <- function(x, polys, stem_plot_id = "plot_id", 
      polys_plot_id = stem_plot_id, measurement_id = 
      longitude = "longitude", latitude = "latitude",
      x_crs = 4326) {

      # Split stems by plot_id
      x_split <- split(x, x[[stem_plot_id]])

      # For each plot
      grid_all <- do.call(rbind, lapply(seq_along(x_split), 
function(y) {
        # Get plot ID
        plot_id <- unique(x_split[[y]][[stem_plot_id]])

        # Subset polys to plot ID
        poly_fil <- polys[polys[[polys_plot_id]] == plot_id,]

        # Convert corners to points
        poly_points <- 

        # Get UTM zone of corners
        utm_string <- UTMProj4(latLong2UTM(mean(poly_points[,1]), 

        # Convert polygons to UTM
        poly_utm <- sf::st_transform(poly_fil, utm_string)

        # Convert UTM polygons to points
        points_utm <- sf::st_cast(poly_utm, "POINT", warn = 

        # Extract coordinates as dataframe
        coords_utm <- 

        # Define points to match corners to
        match_point <- sf::st_sfc(sf::st_point(
            x = c(mean(coords_utm$X) - 1000, mean(coords_utm$Y) - 
        other_point <- sf::st_sfc(sf::st_point(
            x = c(mean(coords_utm$X) + 1000, mean(coords_utm$Y) - 

        # Set CRS
        sf::st_crs(other_point) <- utm_string
        sf::st_crs(match_point) <- utm_string

        # Get sw and se corner
        sw_corner <- points_utm[sf::st_nearest_feature(match_point, 
        se_corner <- points_utm[sf::st_nearest_feature(other_point, 

        # Convert to WGS for geosphere compatibility
        sw_wgs <- sf::st_coordinates(sf::st_transform(sw_corner, 
        se_wgs <- sf::st_coordinates(sf::st_transform(se_corner, 

        # Find rotation along SW,SE edge
        xy_bearing <- geosphere::bearing(sw_wgs, se_wgs)

        # Get centroid of polygon
        cent <- sf::st_centroid(sf::st_geometry(poly_utm))

        # Get location of sw corner
        sw_cent <- sf::st_geometry(sw_corner)

        # Convert angle to radians for rotation
        angle <- NISTunits::NISTdegTOradian(90 - xy_bearing)

        # Convert stem coords to sf object
        x_sf <- st_as_sf(
          x_split[[y]][,c(measurement_id, longitude, latitude)], 
          coords = c(longitude, latitude), na.fail = FALSE)
        st_crs(x_sf) <- x_crs

        # Transform stems sf to UTM
        x_utm <- st_transform(x_sf, utm_string)

        # Rotate the stems same as polygon
        x_rot <- (sf::st_geometry(x_utm) - cent) * rot(angle) * 1 + 
        sw_cent_rot <- (sw_cent - cent) * rot(angle) * 1 + cent
        st_crs(sw_cent_rot) <- st_crs(points_utm)
        st_crs(x_rot) <- st_crs(points_utm)

        x_cent <- x_rot - sw_cent_rot
        x_cent_df <- as.data.frame(st_coordinates(x_cent))
        names(x_cent_df) <- c("x_grid", "y_grid")

        # Add cordinates to dataframe
        x_out <- cbind(st_drop_geometry(x_sf), x_cent_df)

        # Sub in empty stems
        if (any(!x_split[[y]][[measurement_id]] %in% 
x_out[[measurement_id]])) {
          missed_stems <- x_split[[y]][
            !x_split[[y]][[measurement_id]] %in% 

          x_out <- rbind(x_out, missed_stems)

          # NaN to NA
          x_out$x_grid <- fillNA(x_out$x_grid)
          x_out$y_grid <- fillNA(x_out$y_grid)

        # Return

      # Return

I then matched the measurements using the tag ID of each stem, 
calculated the distance between them, and the angle between the 
tape measure and the GPS using this function:

    # Define function to calculate angle of line, in radians
    calcAngle <- function(x, y) {
      dst_diff <- as.numeric(x - y)
      return(atan2(dst_diff[1], dst_diff[2]) + pi)

First, here is a map where I laid all the location errors from each 
of the 11 plots on top of each other.

  ![Map of all location 

One really interesting thing about the plot above is that it looks 
like the errors get larger in the top part of the plot, and also 
that the errors on the X axis are larger than the errors on the Y 

In the field we always started collecting the XY coordinates from 
the SW (bottom-left) corner of the plot, doing 20 m lines of trees 
running E-W up to the NE corner. I wonder if the errors are larger 
at the top of the plot because we were getting tired towards the 
end of the day. Or maybe they were due to tape measure stretch? 
Also from this plot I get the impression that the errors are 
generally larger on the E-W axis than on the N-S axis. I'd expect 
the GPS to produce random errors, while the tape measures would 
produce systematic errors, so this plot suggests actually that 
there might be greater error in the tape measure coordinates than 
in the GPS.

Now here is a simple rose plot where I plotted all the lines with 
the tape measure position normalised to 0,0:

  ![Simple rose plot of all lines with tape measure at 

Again, this potentially shows that there's greater error on the E-W 
axis. It also highlights some particularly large errors of >40 m, 
which I assume are reporting errors in the field.

And a histogram showing the distribution of error lengths:

  ![Histogram of error 

The mean error length was 5.2 m +/- 4.245 m SD, median = 3.9 m, 
with a range of 0.067 m to 51 m.

Next, I binned the error vectors by angle, into 20 degree bins, and 
calculated the sum of error lengths within each bin:

    dat_length_bin <- dat_angle %>% 
      mutate(angle_bin = cut_width(angle_deg, 20, boundary = 0, 
          closed = "right")) %>% 
      group_by(angle_bin) %>% 
        line_length_sum = sum(line_length)) %>% 
      mutate(angle_bin = as.numeric(gsub("\\[([0-9]+),.*", "\\1", 

Then plotted a rose diagram of these summary data:

    ggplot() + 
      geom_bar(data = dat_length_bin, 
        aes(x = angle_bin, y = line_length_sum),
        stat = "identity", colour = "black", fill = "darkgrey", 
width = 20,
        position = position_nudge(x = 10)) + 
      coord_polar() + 
      scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0.1, 0)) + 
      scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0, 360), breaks = c(0, 90, 270, 
360)) + 
      theme_bw() + 
        axis.text.y = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks.y = element_blank())
      labs(x = expression("Angle"~(degree)), y = "Total length (m)")

  ![Rose diagram showing total error length per 20 degree angle 

It looks like the biggest and most frequent errors are where the 
grid coordinate is west of the GPS coordinate. This systematic 
error probably has something to do with how we set up the tapes in 
the plots, and represents error in the grid coordinates rather than 
the GPS coordinates, as I'd expect the GPS coordinate error to be 
random noise. It suggests that the person measuring the X axis 
coordinate consistently over-estimated the position on the tape 
measure, likely because they weren't holding the tapes perfectly 

The main problem with this comparison between GPS and tape measure 
is that neither of these methods are guaranteed to provide the 
truth. There is random error in the GPS points, handheld GPS units 
are only accurate to about 2-3 m. However, there are also errors in 
the tape measure method:

Firstly, the edges of the plot might not be totally square. The XY 
coordinate system relies on the corners of the plot having a 
perfect 90 degree angle, and each edge being a perfectly straight 
line, but in the field this is difficult to achieve. Sometimes the 
plots come out slightly rhombic, despite our best efforts.

It's also common for the tape measures to bow slightly in or out of 
the plot. If the edge bows in, the distance from the plot edge to a 
stem will be less in the middle of the plot than at the edges of 
the plot. This is a particularly problem in a grassy plot on a 
windy day, as the grass moves the tape measure. The only way to 
stop this is to place the tape measure very close to the ground and 
to anchor the tape measure at regular intervals.

The tape measures may stretch slightly leading to an under-estimate 
of the measurement.

The tape measures may not be laid out perfectly parallel to the 
plot edges. A tape measure laid out at an angle will increase the 
measured length. Using smaller strips along the X axis in the 
field, 10 m rather than 20 m, can reduce this error, as angle 
errors result in larger location erors with increased distance.

Finally, there may be reporting errors in the field, and there may 
be transcription errors when typing the data up onto the computer. 
Commonly decimal points are put in the wrong place, or 65.6 m gets 
called out as 45.6 m, when we move to a new row.

Where the goal is just to aid relocation of stems in future 
censuses, I would definitely advocate for using a GPS unit. It 
saves a lot of time, and the location accuracy is good enough. 
Where it's necessary to quantify neighbourhood effects, I think 
tape measures can probably give better accuracy and higher 
precision, but only if the measuring is done by a trained team 
working meticuluously, and the plot is set up properly to begin 

Another option for measuring tree location that I've been toying 
with for a long time is using a laser total station or a laser 
level in conjunction with differential GPS. Something like the 
Leica NA520 which can measure angle and distance to a reflective 
target. First you would pick a spot where many stems are visible 
and set up a survey tripod. Then using a differential GPS system 
you would record the precise location of the tripod. This could 
take a few minutes, but only has to be done once for each batch of 
measurements. Then the GPS antenna would be swapped out for a laser 
level. The distance and angle of each stem in view with respect to 
the level would be recorded. The survey tripod would be moved to 
the next surveying location and the process would be repeated. Then 
the location of each stem can be calculated using the real-space 
location of the survey tripod, the angle and distance of the stem 
with respect to the tripod. You could even record the same stem 
multiple times from different positions to further improve the 
accuracy of the location, but I think even for measuring 
neighbourhood effects it's only really necessary to have an 
accuracy of about 50-100 cm.

  [Leica NA520]: 

  ![Diagram of field setup for laser level GNSS 