TITLE: Using nnn.vim as a filepicker for neomutt attachments
DATE: 2021-05-15
AUTHOR: John L. Godlee

In a previous post I talked about using vifm as a filepicker within 
vim to choose files to attach to an email sent by the neomutt email 

  [vifm]: https://vifm.info/
  [neomutt]: https://neomutt.org/

I got an email from someone who had read that post, asking a few 
questions to get the system running properly. I hadn't actually 
used that workflow for some time, and when I tried to get it to run 
I found that it didn't work anymore. After some light debugging I 
realised that the problem was that I had switched to neovim, a fork 
of vim which aims to improve on vim in some areas where it has 
stagnated. One major difference between neovim and vim is that 
neovim can't do interactive 'bang' commands. Instead everything has 
to be done through the :terminal buffer.

  [neovim]: https://neovim.io/
  [neovim can't do interactive 'bang' commands]: 

This problem led me down a rabbit hole to construct a better 
attachment picker for neovim.

I don't actually use vifm anymore. I find that I rarely need its 
split-panel capabilities. I generally use basic ls, mv, etc, and on 
the occasion I need to move multiple files with regex or whatever, 
I use vimv, a very simple bash script.

  [vimv]: https://github.com/thameera/vimv

I do keep a version of the nnn file manager on my system however, 
just in case. nnn is fast and minimal enough in its un-patched out 
of the box state that I never have to think about it. I found out 
that there is a nnn.vim 
plugin](https://github.com/mcchrish/nnn.vim) that works very 
similar to the fzf.vim plugin that I already use for quickly 
navigating files in vim. With some help from the maintainer of 
nnn.vim ([ see this issue

  [nnn file manager]: https://github.com/jarun/nnn
  [fzf.vim plugin]: https://github.com/junegunn/fzf.vim

First the nnn.vim plugin must be installed, for example with 
vim-plug: Plug 'mcchrish/nnn.vim'.

Then write a function to format the output of nnn.vim:

    function! s:mutt_attach(lines)
      let prettylines = ''
      for i in a:lines
        let prettylines .= 'Attach: ' . fnameescape(i) . "\n"
      6put =prettylines

This function will get the filenames returned by nnn.vim, escape 
any special characters in those filenames with fnameescape(i), wrap 
the filenames with Attach: before the name and a newline after the 
name, then paste all the lines at the 6th line of the vim buffer, 
which is where the mutt headers are located by default.

Then, to call this function, it's necessary to write a custom 
nnn#pick function that itself can handle an external function as 
the edit command:

    function! s:nnncall(...)
      let l:dir = get(a:, 1, '')
      let l:opts = get(a:, 2, { 'edit': 'edit' })
      let l:keypress = get(a:, 3, '')
      call nnn#pick(l:dir, l:opts)
      if strlen(l:keypress) > 0
        call feedkeys(l:keypress)

This is the bit I got from @mcchrish.

And finally write a file type specific mapping that only works in 
mail filetypes:

    autocmd Filetype mail nnoremap <silent> <Leader>A :call 
<SID>nnncall('/Users/johngodlee', { 'edit': 
function('<SID>mutt_attach') })<CR>

  ![nnn.vim in 

  ![Results pasted into vim 